Chapter 478

Yuan Zihan stood up, staring quietly at Ayako Horiguchi with her eyes.

Ayako Horiguchi was stunned, she didn't expect Yuan Zihan to plead for her.

For a moment, she felt a little confused. After all, she planned to hold Yuan Zihan hostage to deal with Qin Feng, but now Yuan Zihan retaliated with virtue. Why is there still such a person as Yuan Zihan in this world?
"Sister Zihan, are you being too generous? Can you let Ziyuan clean her up?"

Zhou Qinya snorted softly, if it was her, she would definitely not let Ayako Horiguchi go.

What's more, Hideaki Jincheng has already been cleaned up, and it's just a thought to clean up a mere Ayako Horiguchi.

"It's not that I'm generous, but that she's worth it. If she's only here for herself, then I'm sure I won't stop her. But she's here for Takayanagi Keita. This at least proves that she is still a kind and righteous person. Not a walking dead killer like Iga Ninja."

Yuan Zihan shook his head lightly and said with a faint smile.

"Sister Zihan said yes. But, what should I do now? Just let her go? Then will she come to make trouble in the future? Breaking her hands seems a little crueler."

Jiang Nishang hummed softly, her eyebrows furrowed, her mouth pouted, looking a bit embarrassed.

Wang Xinman didn't say a word, she couldn't help but feel a little depressed when she saw Ayako Horiguchi's tears streaming down her face.

She was guessing that Ayako Horiguchi came for Keita Takayanagi, was it for love or just for personality worship?
Miyata Kimiko waved to everyone, then blinked at Musashi Shion.

Musashi Shion pursed her lips, snorted coldly, and stared at Ayako Horiguchi with frosty eyes.

"Now that you know what's going on with Mr. Gao Liu, you must make an oath not to cause trouble again, and I can forgive you, otherwise, even if Sister Zihan wants to forgive you, I won't forgive you easily."

"Besides, so what if you admire Gao Liu Qita, he is not your boyfriend. Gao Liu Qitai originally had a girlfriend, but they broke up too, and that girlfriend is not you."

"Of course, if you are willing to withdraw from the Iga family, then the door of my Musashi family can also be opened for you."

After listening to Musashi Shion's words, Ayako Horiguchi turned her head to look at Musashi Shion, and grinned, "You are delusional! Your Musashi family has been fighting with our Iga family for so long, do you think I will join your Musashi family?"

"Then how about relying on me?"

A voice came over suddenly.

Everyone looked up, but they didn't expect Qin Feng to walk in.

"It's you?"

Ayako Horiguchi looked at Qin Feng coldly, and gritted her teeth instantly, because she knew that it was Qin Feng who had someone catch Gao Liuqita.

"If you rely on me, I can achieve everything you want to achieve for you."

Qin Feng looked at Ayako Horiguchi with a cold face, and said lightly.

"It was you who killed Gao Liu-kun!"

Ayako Horiguchi said sharply.

"No. Gao Liuqitai is a talent, so no one can harm him. I just beat him once by luck, so in the end it is his own choice."

Qin Feng shook his head at Ayako Horiguchi, and then waved to Yuan Zihan and the others, signaling Yuan Zihan and the others to sit down.

Yuan Zihan and the others obediently sat down on the sofa.

Qin Feng also sat down on Yuan Zihan's left side, and he asked Yuan Zihan for a hair.

"I don't believe it! That definitely wasn't Gao Liu-jun's choice. You guys forced him to do so. If you hadn't caught him, he wouldn't have committed seppuku in the end."

Ayako Horiguchi roared sharply, with an excited expression on her face.

"There are not so many ifs in life. If I use this hair to cut this ceramic teacup, you think the hair will definitely break, don't you?"

Qin Feng snorted softly, pinched his hair with both hands, and swiped towards the ceramic teacup.

Ayako Horiguchi's eyes widened, and her expression changed instantly, because she saw Qin Feng cut the ceramic teacup in half horizontally with his hair.

"Anything has its strengths and its weaknesses. Gao Liuqitai has his strong side and his weak side. You don't need to make yourself inferior for his weak side. Of course, unless you really want to die. However, If you want, I can make you surpass Takayanagi Keita."

Qin Feng said coldly.

"I surpass Gao Liu-kun?"

Ayako Horiguchi's breath was stagnant, this was something she didn't even dare to think about.

"Of course, surpassing Gao Liu Qitai. Gao Liu Qitai is just a Martial King. I can make you a Martial Emperor."

Qin Feng snorted softly, looking at Ayako Horiguchi with sharp eyes.

"No, sir, you want her..."

Musashi Ziyuan wanted to object, but was interrupted by Zhou Qinya waving, "Just listen to Brother Feng."

Horiguchi Ayako looked at Musashi Shion, and a chill flashed across her eyes.

Because she thought that Hideaki Jincheng and the others failed last night, and Musashi must be responsible for Shion's failure.

So her hatred for Musashi Shion also soared instantly.

Qin Feng also looked at Musashi Ziyuan, and said calmly: "You don't care about this matter."

"Yes, sir."

Musashi Ziyuan nodded quickly, since Qin Feng had already said that, she naturally couldn't object to Qin Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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