Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 479 Your Qualification 5 More

Chapter 479
Qin Feng continued to turn his head to look at Ayako Horiguchi: "Surrender to me, I can fulfill you, or should you get out of here and continue to be a dog of the Iga family?"


Ayako Horiguchi was stunned, Qin Feng's strong aura made her almost speechless.

"Let Lin Xuezhi come up!"

Qin Feng gestured to Shi Qimeng.


Shi Qimeng nodded, then took out her mobile phone, walked to the side and made a call.

"Your luck is really good!"

Zhou Qinya snorted softly, and her eyes glanced at Ayako Horiguchi's delicate body. She didn't think that Qin Feng had taken a fancy to Ayako Horiguchi's body, but she also didn't think that Ayako Horiguchi had much potential.

But why did Qin Feng recruit Ayako Horiguchi?

Zhou Qinya couldn't figure it out, but she couldn't ask too much.

Not long after, Lin Xuezhi walked in and stood in front of Qin Feng.


Qin Feng nodded, then waved to Mayumi Kitano and the others, signaling them to let go of Ayako Horiguchi.

"Lin Xuezhi, you have a duel with this woman. I want to see if you can win this woman. If you lose, your bodyguard position will be gone."

Qin Feng said coldly to Lin Xuezhi, then waved to Musashi Shion and the others, signaling to make room for Lin Xuezhi and Ayako Horiguchi.

Ayako Horiguchi was a little surprised, she didn't expect Qin Feng to be so bold, isn't Qin Feng afraid that he would kill him with a ninja sword?

However, Ayako Horiguchi already knew that after she was caught by Shi Qimeng and Kitano Mayumi just now, all the hidden ninja sword weapons on her body were searched away.

And she wanted to kill Qin Feng unarmed, which was clearly unrealistic.

Lin Xuezhi bowed her hands to Qin Feng, and then she handed her hands to Ayako Horiguchi.

"Hello, I was originally Hasegawa Xuezhi, and I was also a ninja under the Iga family, but now I have taken refuge in Mr., so I was given the name, Lin Xuezhi."

"Are you from my Iga family?"

Ayako Horiguchi looked at Lin Xuezhi in astonishment, she had no impression of Lin Xuezhi.

However, when she saw Lin Xuezhi remove her pair to reveal the tattoo on her right shoulder, she instantly believed it.

Although Qin Feng may find someone to fake it, she feels that Lin Xuezhi should not have lied.

"I was in the same group as Mori Hideaki before. In order to steal a precious painting from Mr. Iga, Toshiro used many newcomers, and I was one of them."

"But now, I'm under Mr.'s banner, so you don't have to show mercy to me just because I used to be a member of the Iga family."

"I will not give up the bodyguard position to you."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Xuezhi immediately swung a dagger and slashed at Ayako Horiguchi.

Ayako Horiguchi's face changed, and she quickly dodged.

Shi Qimeng, who was next to her, handed the dagger from Ayako Horiguchi to Ayako Horiguchi, and Ayako Horiguchi dodged and immediately took back the dagger from Shi Qimeng.

The two immediately fought.

In the beginning, Ayako Horiguchi had the upper hand.

But soon, the situation suddenly reversed, Ayako Horiguchi lost the upper hand, and Lin Xuezhi gained the upper hand, with a threatening momentum.

Facing the daggers that Lin Xuezhi kept swiping, Ayako Horiguchi was a little overwhelmed. She never thought that Lin Xuezhi would be so skilled!

Originally, she was better than Lin Xuezhi, she was specially trained from the Iga family, and then she was selected and assigned tasks here.

And Lin Xuezhi, a newcomer who was temporarily sent here, shouldn't be too strong, but she couldn't resist Lin Xuezhi?
Zhou Qinya and the others looked relaxed when they saw Lin Xuezhi's extraordinary skills.

Lin Xuezhi slapped Ayako Horiguchi with her palm.

Ayako Horiguchi slammed into the wall.

When Qin Feng saw Ayako Horiguchi hit the wall and fell to the ground, he immediately waved to Lin Xuezhi.

Lin Xuezhi stopped immediately, nodded to Qin Feng, then looked coldly at Ayako Horiguchi, "I won, you lost."

After finishing speaking, Lin Xuezhi stepped aside.


Qin Feng squinted his eyes and looked at Ayako Horiguchi indifferently, "If you trust me, then I can guarantee that you will also have such a good skill. Moreover, with your aptitude, it should not take half a year for you to break through and become the Martial King !"

"Half a year?"

Ayako Horiguchi looked at Qin Feng in astonishment, she really wanted to ask Qin Feng if he was lying, after all, she is just a jounin now.

Compared to the state of Xia, it is the realm of Huang.

Now Qin Feng actually said that she could become a Martial King, that is, she could reach the Profound Realm, which was beyond her imagination.

Because normally, she would have to practice for at least five years before she could become a Martial King. If the talent was poor, it might take ten or 20 years. Some people would never be able to become a Martial King in their lifetime.

But Qin Feng said half a year?

Is this Qin Feng talking nonsense?
"That's right! It's half a year. As long as you practice according to what I said, I guarantee that you can become a Martial King as quickly as possible. If you have enough talent, it doesn't take half a year."

Qin Feng said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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