Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 480 Caizi Submits 1 More

Chapter 480

"What if I don't take refuge in you? Then how will you deal with me?"

Ayako Horiguchi asked with a frown.

It would be a lie to say that she is not tempted, after all, no one has ever dared to guarantee that she will be promoted to Martial King within half a year like Qin Feng.

But she was thinking in her heart, if she rejected Qin Feng, wouldn't Qin Feng kill her?
"I can give you a chance to leave Xia Guo, but if you stay in Xia Guo, I will probably let someone kill you. After all, I don't want Zi Han to be assassinated again in the future."

Qin Feng said coldly, and cast a gloomy glance at Ayako Horiguchi.

Ayako Horiguchi was stunned, she turned her head to look at Yuan Zihan, she couldn't help but frowned, a little envious of Yuan Zihan.

At the same time, many thoughts ran through her mind. Now that Jincheng Hideaki and Takayanagi Keita have accidents, even if she goes back to the Iga family, she may not be reused.

And she can't even talk about dying for Gao Liu Qitai, so how should she go on in her future life?
"Sir! I don't think it's necessary for you to give such a good opportunity to someone like her. I think my bodyguard, Mayumi Kitano, is more talented than Ayako Horiguchi."

Musashi Ziyuan suddenly bowed her head to Qin Feng and said.

The hall was silent.

Everyone looked at Shion Musashi in astonishment.

"I don't misjudge people easily. There is a big gap between Mayumi Kitano's talent and Ayako Horiguchi's. And as I said just now, I told you not to worry about it."

Qin Feng shook his head lightly, and replied coldly.

"This... Sir, I don't care what you want to do with Ayako Horiguchi, but I don't think Ayako Horiguchi is suitable to learn from you. At least, I think I am more suitable than her."

Musashi Shion continued to lower her head and said in a deep voice.

Qin Feng didn't say anything.

He didn't expect Musashi Shion to want to learn from him, but he really didn't think about teaching Musashi Shion anything.

Seeing that Qin Feng was silent, Musashi Ziyuan didn't dare to say anything.

"Sir, I am willing to surrender to you."

Horiguchi Ayako glanced at Musashi Shion, then looked at Qin Feng, bowed and lowered her head to Qin Feng and said.

When everyone heard this, they were all surprised. They didn't expect Ayako Horiguchi to agree.

But from this point of view, Ayako Horiguchi is more like being forced by Musashi Shion.

"Okay. Lin Xuezhi, you can take her down first, and arrange for her to meet Kotaro Ooka."

Qin Feng waved to Lin Xuezhi and ordered.

"Yes, sir."

Lin Xuezhi nodded, then waved to Ayako Horiguchi, and walked out.

Ayako Horiguchi immediately followed Lin Xuezhi out.

Seeing them walking out of the hall, Yuan Zihan let out a soft breath.

"Why did you come here suddenly?"

"I heard a lot of movement on your side, so I came here. She didn't scare you, did she?"

Qin Feng asked in a low voice.

"Brother Feng, why did you accept that Horiguchi Ayako? She doesn't look like a good person."

Zhou Qinya asked with a puzzled look.

She also turned her head to look at Musashi Shion, and felt that Musashi Shion was really wronged this time, because Qin Feng still chose Ayako Horiguchi.

"No one has a good person written on their face. As long as she can be used by me, that's a good thing for me. As for Musashi Shion, I'm afraid she still has to be busy with her career, and may not be able to concentrate on martial arts."

Qin Feng shook his head to Zhou Qinya and said.

Zhou Qinya's pretty face froze, she pouted, and didn't continue talking.

But thinking of Ayako Horiguchi, a trace of disdain still flashed across her eyes.

"Qinya, just now I deliberately used the aggressive method on Horiguchi Caiko. After all, this can make Horiguchi Caiko make a faster choice. Of course, if Brother Feng can accept me as an apprentice, I naturally wish for it."

Musashi Ziyuan quickly waved to Zhou Qinya, and said with a sweet smile.

When everyone heard it, they nodded in agreement.

But seeing that Qin Feng was silent, no one dared to speak nonsense.

"Take these snacks out."

Jiang Nishang saw that the atmosphere was a bit tense, and she immediately waved Wei Shanshan.

Before Wei Shanshan could remove the plate of dim sum, Qin Feng also waved his hand.

"No need! These nods are not poisonous, so you don't have to worry about Nishang."

"Okay, Brother Feng!"

Jiang Nishang nodded, looked at Qin Feng with admiration, and smiled awkwardly.

Qin Feng did not take Yuan Zihan away, but stayed here until noon of the celebration banquet.

At twelve o'clock sharp, Qin Feng and his party left from the top suite and went straight to a supreme box on the fifth floor.

Except for Zhan Hong's mother and son, there was no one else in the box.

When Zhan Hong's mother and son saw Qin Feng and his party coming in, they immediately bowed and greeted Qin Feng and his party unanimously.

"What about the rest?"

Zhou Qinya waved to Zhan Hong and asked lightly.

"The others haven't come here yet, but I've contacted them all, and they're all on their way. After all, there are too many things to deal with."

Zhan Hong quickly explained that many people were injured in order to block the Iga ninja team last night.

(End of this chapter)

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