Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 484 Huaxun Chain 5 Updates

Chapter 484 Huaxun Chain Fifth Watch
Upon hearing this, the parking officer nodded submissively and walked towards Qiu Huaxun.

Li Handong did not respond to Han Fu on the other end of the phone, but turned to look at Li Deben who was hugging Kong Xiuying.

"Li Deben, you have humiliated our mother and son so much today, you will regret it sooner or later."

This roar shocked Han Fu.

"Oops, something happened to Dongzi?"

In the supreme box, Han Fu's face darkened, and he walked over quickly, bowed his head to Zhou Qinya and said, "Miss Zhou, my classmate Li Handong is here, but it seems that something happened, I'll go down."

"An accident? Let's go!"

Zhou Qinya waved to Li Handong.

Han Fu nodded, then turned around, but was held back by Zhan Hong.

"Be careful, don't make any troubles. Of course, if you can't deal with it, report it to me immediately, understand?"

Zhan Hong warned in a low voice.

"I know."

Han Fu sighed with a serious face, and continued to walk out.

Hotel entrance.

The parking attendant had already gotten into the car and was about to drive Qiu Huaxun's Santana away.

"and many more."

A voice came over suddenly.

When the parking officer saw it, his face froze for an instant, and he quickly stopped what he was doing.

Because the person who walked out of the hotel lobby was Wang Xiujie who had just entered, the parking attendant naturally knew Wang Xiujie, after all, the Wang family in Xitang was very famous.

What's more, a large group of people came over just now, among them was Mr. Wang Wang Guoliang.

It's just that the parking attendant, Kong Xiuying and others didn't understand why Wang Xiujie suddenly came out to stop him.

Qiu Huaxun and Li Handong also looked puzzled, frowning and looking at Wang Xiujie.

"If you dare to park this car in the driveway outside, you will never even think about working here in Xitang, and you will even be expelled from Dongjiang City."

Wang Xiujie said coldly.

Upon hearing this, the parking officer hurried out of the car and pointed at Kong Xiuying: "Miss Kong asked me to do this."

"She doesn't have the qualifications to let you do this, it's just the Kong family."

Wang Xiujie said arrogantly.

Kong Xiuying's face darkened, but she didn't dare to refute, because she also knew Wang Xiujie, but her Kong family didn't have any friendship with the Wang family.

"This hotel is owned by the Fairview Group, and you have to follow the rules of the Fairview Group, not whatever the unrelated people say."

Wang Xiujie reprimanded sharply.


The parking attendant nodded quickly.

When Kong Xiuying saw it, she immediately winked at Li Deben.

"Chairman Wang, hello. My name is Li Deben. I'm sorry. My wife is just confused for a while. Besides, this broken car is too eye-catching here. It's not good if it affects the hotel."

Li Deben laughed at Wang Xiujie.

Wang Xiujie didn't laugh, but said coldly: "Am I familiar with you? I'm not familiar with you! So, you are not qualified to talk to me like this."


Li Deben was startled and gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to offend Wang Xiujie.

Wang Xiujie looked at Li Handong, and said with a faint smile: "Little brother, you were with Miss Zhou last night, weren't you?"

"it's me."

Li Handong nodded, he also recognized Wang Xiujie, but he didn't expect to see Wang Xiujie here before going to the banquet upstairs.

"Nice to meet you!"

Wang Xiujie stepped forward and shook hands with Li Handong, looking very polite.

This scene surprised Li Deben, when did his son know such a big man as Wang Xiujie?

But Wang Xiujie continued to look at Qiu Huaxun, and said with a smile, "So, you are the mother of this little brother? Hello, my name is Wang Xiujie, and this is my business card."

With that said, Wang Xiujie immediately took out a silver business card, and handed it to Qiu Huaxun with both hands.

Qiu Huaxun was stunned, and she didn't know whether to answer or not.

"Take it."

Li Handong thought of something, quickly approached Qiu Huaxun, and softly advised him.

"President Wang, you are being polite."

Qiu Huaxun quickly caught the silver business card and smiled, but still glanced at Li Deben from the corner of his eyes.

Li De's face was sinking like water, and his heart was very angry.

"Mr. Qiu, if your Huaxun chain holds events in the future, you have to give me a super VIP card!"

Wang Xiujie laughed.

"Huaxun chain?"

Qiu Huaxun looked puzzled, where did she get the Huaxun chain?

Wang Xiujie winked at Li Handong, then turned and walked into the hotel lobby.

"Mom! Let's go up first, my friend is already waiting for you!"

Li Handong watched Wang Xiujie walk into the front hall, ran all the way to the elevator, and quickly advised Qiu Huaxun.

However, when the two wanted to enter the front hall, Kong Xiuying stepped forward to intercept them and sneered.

"Just because of you, you are also qualified to come here to eat? When you meet Chairman Wang, it's just that Chairman Wang has a kind heart. Otherwise, you will be as poor as you, and you will only lose face."

Li Handong had black lines all over his forehead, and wanted to scold Kong Xiuying angrily, but found that Zai Han Fu ran out of the elevator and hurried towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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