Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 485 Who Is Losing Face 6 More

Chapter 485 Who Is Losing Face?
"Why are you still here at the door? What's going on?"

As Han Fu approached, he immediately frowned and asked.

"Don't talk yet."

Li Handong gestured to Han Fu, then looked at Kong Xiuying coldly, and said with a sneer, "You just said we were ashamed?"

"That's right! People like you can only lose face."

Kong Xiuying snorted softly, and said almost word for word, appearing extremely arrogant.

Even Han Fu, who just came here, couldn't help but his face darkened, and he almost ran away.

What kind of stupid woman is this?Why is it embarrassing for his brother to come to the celebration banquet?

"You say I can! But you are not qualified to say my mother!"

Li Handong scolded angrily, then stepped forward, and slapped Kong Xiuying's pretty face with a slap.

After the fight, Li Handong immediately retreated to Qiu Huaxun's side.

Kong Xiuying was stunned, she didn't expect that Li Handong would dare to come and beat her!

She was furious in an instant, and yelled sharply: "Little beast! How dare you beat me?"

However, when Kong Xiuying rushed over to attack Li Handong, Han Fu and Qiu Huaxun rushed forward and blocked Kong Xiuying for Li Handong.

"Try to touch my son?"

Qiu Huaxun snorted softly, as if protecting his son to the end, his expression was extremely determined, even with a hint of arrogance.

"If you dare to touch my good brother, I will definitely make you go all the way."

Han Fu looked at Kong Xiuying with disdain.

"Li Deben!"

When Kong Xiuying saw that the two were defending Li Handong so unfriendly, she immediately stepped back a few steps and yelled at Li Deben who was in a daze.

Li Deben was dumbfounded, he was shocked by Kong Xiuying's roar, and then nodded to Kong Xiuying.

"Come up and pump that kid for me, hurry up!"

Kong Xiuying pointed at Li Handong and ordered Li Deben.

"Honey, Dongzi might just be impulsive, let's forget about it, otherwise it won't be good to see so many people coming in and out."

Li Deben quickly persuaded.

"I asked you to go over and beat him! You actually contradict me? Li Deben, you don't want to fuck anymore, do you? They are just a few poor, you don't need to be afraid of them? Do you know why I brought you here today?"

Kong Xiuying scolded sharply, her expression extremely gloomy.


Li Deben wanted to refute, but when he saw Kong Xiuying's fierce face, he stopped talking in an instant.

"Today, some big shots are holding a celebration party here, even the Wang family is here. I brought you here just to let you gain insight. If we can get to know the big shots, then the Wang family will be nothing but a fart, but you..."

Kong Xiuying looked at Li Deben with a displeased face.

Li Deben looked surprised, and then he immediately walked towards Li Handong, and pushed Qiu Huaxun and Han Fu away.

"Do you want to beat me for this woman? Come on, hit me! I just want to see how heartless you are, a man who abandoned his wife and son!"

Li Handong roared sharply.

"You are weak!"

Li Deben roared angrily, then swung his right hand, and slapped Li Handong's left cheek.

Li Handong left a handprint on the left face in an instant.

Li Deben was stunned, he never expected that Li Handong would not dodge, he was immediately embarrassed and annoyed.

"Do you know that you are humiliating?"

Li Deben thought for a while, then roared at Li Handong.

Li Handong sneered when he heard Li Deben's words, and then burst out laughing, "I'm ashamed? Who is being ashamed, you know it!"

"Since you slapped me, I will no longer be your son, and you will no longer be my father."

"In the future, we will not violate the water of the well, so you'd better not come to beg me, even if you come to beg me, I will not recognize you."

Li Handong raised his head, finished these words with a proud face, then turned to look at Qiu Huaxun, who was bewildered: "Mom, let's go!"

Li Deben's eyes darkened, watching Li Handong drag Qiu Huaxun to the elevator, he always felt that he had lost something.

Han Fu squinted his eyes and looked at Li Deben with a cold face: "Uncle Deben, this is the last time I will call you that, and I will have nothing to do with you from now on. Hmph, for this kind of woman, I have abandoned my wife and son , you really don't deserve to be Dongzi's father."

After speaking, Han Fu immediately chased after Li Handong.

Kong Xiuying snorted, and snorted softly: "It's a good thing for us to lose them. We must find a way to get in touch with the big shots this time. Only in this way can our Ronghua Group have a chance to grow stronger." ,do you understand?"

"I see."

Li Deben nodded to Kong Xiuying, and a ruthless look flashed across his eyes.

Without their mother and son, he would rely on the Kong family to make his fortune, and his future life would definitely be better than now.

So, he immediately put his arms around Kong Xiuying and walked towards the elevator.

Li Handong, who had just stepped into the elevator, saw Li Deben hugging Kong Xiuying, but he gritted his teeth instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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