Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 486 Meeting the Big Man 1 More

Chapter 486 Meet the big shot

Seeing his father abandoning his mother, but embracing a strange woman, this feeling made him very unhappy, even extremely indignant.

But he is helpless, after all, everyone can have their own choice, as long as his father is prosperous and rich, he has no right to modify his father's choice.

Li Handong sneered, and lowered his head sadly, but he had secretly decided in his heart that he must change.

"Dongzi, don't think about it, don't worry, we will be fine in the future. By the way, I want to remind you, don't talk nonsense when you go there. Besides Miss Zhou, there is another gentleman who cannot be offended. big shot."

Han Fu quickly mentioned Li Handong.

"Fuzi, did you ask Dongzi to call me here? What kind of big shot are you meeting here? Could it be that Chairman Wang also went to meet that big shot just now?"

Qiu Huaxun asked in surprise.

"That's right! So Auntie, don't talk nonsense later, and don't provoke big shots, otherwise no one will be saved. Dongzi should have understood this very well last night."

Han Fu nodded to Qiu Huaxun, but he didn't tell what happened last night. He knew that Li Handong definitely didn't say anything.

But he knew more than Li Handong, especially Qin Feng, who was said to be inferior to Zhou Qinya. He was particularly curious about Qin Feng.

What's more, at his age, this time is also the time when he likes to worship good people.

The Zhou family is a super family, even the Zhou family can't compare, this Qin Feng is simply too good.

When Qiu Huaxun heard it, he frowned instantly, and he was also a little curious in his heart.

Li Handong didn't say anything, he just closed the elevator door, he didn't want Li Deben to take the elevator together.

Li Deben and the two came over, watching the elevator close and go up, their faces were all gloomy.

"This soul is light! Li Deben, you really raised a good son."

Kong Xiuying snorted softly, and glared at Li Deben with a dissatisfied expression.

Li Deben's face was gloomy, and he didn't dare to refute anything.

"Don't let me see him again next time, otherwise, I will definitely let him know that a little bastard like him is not qualified to challenge me."

Kong Xiuying said arrogantly.

After a while, seeing the elevator go straight up to the fifth floor, Kong Xiuying was stunned for a moment, her face full of confusion.

"What's going on? He ran to the fifth floor? If I remember correctly, the fifth floor is the supreme box, right? How dare he run to the supreme box even if he's a little bastard?"

A trace of disdain flashed across Kong Xiuying's eyes. She didn't think Li Handong would do anything good by going to the fifth floor.

And she felt that this might be Qiu Huaxun's intention to go up to the fifth floor, which was provoking her.

"Just leave him alone, he probably went up to be a waiter."

Li Deben hummed softly, then turned his head to look elsewhere, only to see a group of people walking into the front hall.

He recognized the old man in the lead at a glance.

"Isn't this the old captain Ruan Yutang? He actually came here?"

Kong Xiuying turned around and was surprised to see Ruan Yutang, because she had heard that Ruan Yutang never came to this kind of place.

In an instant, she thought of the big shot upstairs, and thought to herself, this time is really the right one, who is the big shot upstairs?

When Ruan Yutang and the others approached, Ruan Yutang hurried forward and smiled at Ruan Yutang, "Old Captain, it's a great honor to meet you here. My name is Kong Xiuying, and I belong to the Ronghua Group..."

"do not know."

Ruan Yutang shouted sharply.

Nie Shengjun stepped forward and pushed Kong Xiuying away, "Go away! What dares to intercept our old captain?"

Kong Xiuying smiled awkwardly, not daring to breathe.

Li Deben stepped forward to support Kong Xiuying, but he didn't dare to say anything to Nie Shengjun, because he felt that Nie Shengjun looked difficult to provoke.

What's more, there was a large group of people behind Ruan Yutang, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Nie Shengjun strode forward and opened a special elevator for Ruan Yutang.

"Old captain, I heard that I will meet a big man this time, and I am a little nervous now."

Ruan Yutang snorted softly, "What's there to be nervous about? No matter how big his background is, he's just a person, not a tiger. Xiao Nie, whenever you want to do it, Mount Tai collapses in front of you." Do not change color, understand?"

"I see."

Nie Shengjun nodded and said, but thinking of Zhou Qinya, he still couldn't help being nervous.

Soon, several people arrived at the supreme box on the fifth floor.

When Nie Shengjun walked in, he immediately glanced at the entire box, but when his eyes touched Zhou Qinya and Yuan Zihan's side, he was instantly stunned.

Because he didn't expect that there would be Yuan Zihan in this celebration banquet, and Zhou Qinya and the others were all as beautiful as flowers.

"Which one is Miss Zhou?"

Ruan Yutang stepped forward, giggling, his old face was amiable, very easy-going, as if attending a family banquet.

"I am! You are the old captain, right? Thank you for sending someone to support you last night."

Zhou Qinya stood up and nodded to Ruan Yutang.

(End of this chapter)

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