Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 487 Xitang Industry 2 More

Chapter 487 The second watch of Xitang Industry
"You are Miss Zhou? I'm sorry! Old man, I never thought you descendants of aristocratic families would visit our small ancient town."

Ruan Yutang let out a heck, then turned his head to look at Wang Guoliang and Wang Xiujie who came earlier, and squinted his eyes and smiled, "Oh, Guoliang, are you here too?"

"Old man Ruan, you're a bit late here, don't you mean to play tricks on purpose?"

The corners of Wang Guoliang's mouth turned up slightly, and he smiled slyly.

"How dare I, I'm really in a traffic jam."

Ruan Yutang smiled again, looking humble.

"sit down!"

Wang Guoliang waved to Ruan Yutang.

Shi Qimeng stepped forward and pulled a chair for Ruan Yutang and Nie Shengjun respectively.

Ruan Yutang sat down, but his smile was restrained, then he looked at Qin Feng, lowered his head and said, "I don't know if this gentleman is..."

Wang Guoliang also immediately looked at Qin Feng, but he didn't say anything, not because he didn't want to say anything for Ruan Yutang, but because he didn't dare to be presumptuous.

"My name is Qin Feng. Thank you very much for your help in dealing with the ninja this time. Although you were invited by Qinya, you have helped me a lot. Therefore, if you have any requests, you can talk about them."

Qin Feng said lightly.

"Any request?"

Ruan Yutang looked at Qin Feng in astonishment, he didn't expect Qin Feng to speak so madly.

But he knew that since Qin Feng could sit with Zhou Qinya, it proved that Qin Feng was also very difficult.

"That's right! Any request! As long as you can name it, I can definitely do it."

Qin Feng nodded.

"You're not kidding, are you?"

Standing behind Ruan Yutang, Nie Shengjun frowned and said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Nie Shengjun one after another.

"Presumptuous! I'm talking to sir. Is it your turn to say something?"

Ruan Yutang turned his head and scolded Nie Shengjun in a low voice.

Qin Feng waved his hand to Ruan Yutang, and said with a faint smile, "It's okay! Last night Nie Shengjun led someone to help, and today's celebration banquet also has his share of credit, so I won't be angry at what he says. Old captain, you If you need anything, just let me know."

"If that's the case, then I'm welcome."

Ruan Yutang nodded, thought for a while, and then continued to sigh: "Our Xitang Shipbuilding Industry still has insufficient revenue after all. Now many young people have given up the shipping industry in their hometown, so sometimes it is some ability to help row the boat. Alright woman."

"So, old captain, you mean to increase the development of the shipping industry?"

Qin Feng smiled slightly and asked.


Ruan Yutang waved his hand, "Actually, the shipping industry is already self-sufficient. What I think is, how can we drive those young people to keep some traditional crafts, instead of blindly abandoning and disgusting them."

"I understand."

Qin Feng nodded and said with a smile on his face: "If you want to open some shipping exhibitions, or raise funds to hold some technical colleges, I can ask someone to help you."

"If there is really investment in this area, it will be a great blessing for Xitang. But what I want to do more is to sincerely see the development of Xitang industry. Of course, Xitang industry is developing well. The Wang family is working on Xitang industry garden, but it is not enough.”

Ruan Yutang said in a deep voice, looking at Qin Feng solemnly, obviously with a hint of pleading.

"In this case, let's continue to build a few more Xitang Industrial Parks. It just so happens that our Zifeng Group has a Jiansheng Chongjin Machinery. If the old captain doesn't mind, we Jiansheng Chongjin can cooperate with the old captain and the Wang family."

Qin Feng smiled faintly, and waved to Wang Guoliang.

"Xitang's industry has been lagging behind. Although I am old, I am still old and have a long-term ambition. Therefore, I agree with Mr. to invest in our Xitang."

Wang Guoliang laughed.

"Old man Wang has said so, and I naturally won't object to Mr. investment. If Mr. really assists us in the development of Xitang, it will be a great blessing for us as a whole in Xitang."

Ruan Yutang sighed.

"In this case, let me send someone to supervise this matter. Establishing several industrial parks is also a kind of qualification for me."

Zhou Qinya nodded to Ruan Yutang with a charming smile.

"Qinya, you are also investing here, so can I invest in this industrial park?"

Jiang Nishang asked quickly.

"If you invest, of course, there is no problem. What's more, with your Jiang family in Donghai City joining, then you can help share the handling of the project here?"

Zhou Qinya squinted her eyes at Jiang Nishang, as if she wanted to cheat Jiang Nishang.

"I'm not for the Jiang family. As long as Zifeng Group can invest, I want to follow suit."

Jiang Nishang hummed lightly.

"The Jiang family? Are you from the Jiang family in Donghai City? My God, the Jiang family is a first-class family in Donghai City!"

Ruan Yutang looked at Jiang Nishang in astonishment, he didn't expect that all the Jiang family from Donghai City came here, he thought it was only from the Zhou family from Beiyan City.

Suddenly, he glanced at Musashi Shion and the others out of the corner of his eyes, and couldn't help but become curious.

(End of this chapter)

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