Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 488 Refused to fill the river 3 more

Chapter 488
However, without waiting for Ruan Yutang to ask Musashi Ziyuan and the others, Wen Daojin, who was wearing a black ship jumper, walked up to Nie Shengjun and reported in a deep voice.

"Brother Jun, something happened, and He Rui brought people here. Their target may be the old captain."

When Nie Shengjun heard this, he immediately looked up at Ruan Yutang.

Ruan Yutang's face darkened, and he snorted softly, but the corner of his mouth twitched, trying to curse angrily, but he glanced at Qin Feng from the corner of his eye, and still didn't curse.

"Old man Ruan, what's going on with you? There's no need to be so hesitant in front of Mr., right?"

Wang Guoliang frowned and said softly.

"It's not that I'm hesitating, it's this matter... It's like this. We used to have a Sifang Lake on the north side of the ferry bridge. That lake was specially built before, and it was also used to park some of our cruise ships. But He Ruicai, that old man, actually tried to fill the lake!"

"If it's just filling the lake, we can also discuss it, but he also submitted a proposal form, saying that an inland river will be filled in the ferry bridge. Isn't this driving our shipping industry to a dead end? And it is too costly and costly, he It's for merit."

"So, I objected to his proposal, so he entangled me, and I received some rumors that he even wanted to send someone to attack and kill me."

Ruan Yutang finished these few words with a worried face.

"What? That old man He Ruicai dares to send someone to attack and kill you? If he dares to do that, I will definitely kill him myself."

Nie Shengjun shouted sharply.

"Nonsense! Is this a problem that can be solved by fighting? Anyway, this is our own problem, not the problem of dealing with the Iga ninja last night."

Ruan Yutang gave Nie Shengjun a blank look.

Nie Shengjun pouted, but he still looked determined.

"So, last night, the old captain took the risk and transferred all the manpower to my side?"

Zhou Qinya asked in surprise.

"It's not dangerous. I was fine last night."

Ruan Yutang smiled awkwardly, then waved his hands.

Zhou Qinya nodded, but immediately looked up at Qin Feng.

"If it is He Ruicai who deliberately wastes people and money for the sake of political achievements, then we can help you cancel this proposal."

Qin Feng said lightly.

"Yes, we can help cancel it."

Zhou Qinya also echoed.

"It would be great if it could be cancelled. Xitang will be considered peaceful in the future. Otherwise, He Ruicai and the others will always be messing around, and this matter will have a very big impact."

Ruan Yutang sighed.

Wen Daojin next to him answered a call, but frowned and said to Nie Shengjun, "Brother Jun, He Ruicai and the others are here."

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng immediately waved to Shi Qimeng and said, "If He Ruicai and the others come, then stop them for me. Today is our celebration banquet, and they are not qualified to come here yet."

"Yes, sir."

Shi Qimeng got the order, then turned around and walked out.

But as soon as Shi Qimeng went out, an old man shouted outside: "Ruan Yutang, do you think you'll be fine if you hide here? Come out!"

"Old man!"

When Nie Shengjun heard this, he immediately stood up.

"sit down!"

Ruan Yutang shouted sharply, watched Nie Shengjun sit down resentfully, and continued: "Do you remember what I told you in the elevator just now? No matter what, don't be impulsive. The more impulsive you are in everything, the more impulsive you are." The faster you lose!"

"No, old captain, I..."

Nie Shengjun wanted to refute, but was interrupted by Ruan Yutang.

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it myself, otherwise, it would be bad for He Rui to follow you."

Ruan Yutang said with a solemn face.

"Old captain, I'm not afraid of him..."

Nie Shengjun frowned.

Ruan Yutang waved to Nie Shengjun, then stood up and looked at Qin Feng: "I'm sorry sir, I'll go out and deal with it."

Qin Feng waved his hand.

Ruan Yutang immediately turned around and walked out.

In the hallway at the door.

A large group of people were intercepted by Bai Hu and the people from the shipping industry.

The leader was a bald old man in a black suit, with a medium build and a hostile look all over his body. This old man was exactly what Ruan Yutang said about He Ruicai.

When He Rui saw Ruan Yutang coming out, he chuckled and raised his chin with disdain.

"Ruan Yutang, your lake rental contract is about to expire, so you can sign it now and cancel it. Also, you must sign this agreement for me."

"What if I refuse to fill the river?"

Ruan Yutang said sharply, looking at He Ruicai sharply, he never imagined that He Ruicai would dare to come to his door to threaten him.

"Refused to fill the river? You can't refuse. Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about the people here in Xitang. Do you want them to lose their jobs because of you?"

He Ruicai laughed, his eyes looked extremely dark, as if he had already controlled Ruan Yutang's fate.

"How dare you? He Ruicai, let me tell you, if you dare to act recklessly, I will never forgive you."

Ruan Yutang stiffened his neck and shouted sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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