Chapter 489
at this time.

Xitang East District, Walnut Music Tavern.

Suddenly, a group of men in black sweaters rushed in, shocking everyone in the tavern.

One of them, a bald-headed man with a fleshy face, scanned the tavern with dark eyes, and then sternly ordered to the man in the black sweater beside him.

"Find it for me immediately! I must find Ruan Hezhu, hurry up!"

"Yes, Brother Biao!"

The men in black pullovers were ordered to search the tavern quickly.

"Tan Kangbiao! What's the matter with you? Why did you lead people to attack our tavern like this?"

A middle-aged man with a square face came out and asked angrily.

This middle-aged man is the owner of the tavern, Chen Jianshu.

And this strong bald man who came to search for people was called Tan Kangbiao, and because he was ordered by He Ruicai, he came to arrest Ruan Hezhu and threatened Ruan Yutang.

"Boss Chen, this matter has nothing to do with you. I am following He Jiuye's instructions. You'd better not obstruct me, otherwise, you will be unable to eat."

Tan Kangbiao said coldly.


When Chen Jianshu heard He Jiuye's name, he naturally knew that it meant He Ruicai, so he didn't dare to refute anything.

Because he has seen several times, because someone offended He Ruicai, it is best to close down the store and close down.

He relies on this tavern to make money. If it is closed, then he will have no income, not to mention he just had a second child.

"Brother Biao! I haven't found anyone here!"

"Brother Biao! I don't have any either!"

"Brother Biao, my side..."

The news was reported one by one, but Tan Kangbiao was very annoyed, because none of the men in black sweaters could find Ruan Hezhu.

"Trash! Idiot! Can't find anyone?"

Tan Kangbiao roared at the men in black pullovers.

Then, he looked at Chen Jianshu standing beside him, and asked sharply, "Boss Chen, where did you hide Ruan Hezhu? My people clearly saw her enter your place."

"Ruan Hezhu? So you came to look for her? Unfortunately, she is not here."

Chen Jianshu shook his head and said with a sigh.

"You're talking nonsense, I clearly saw Ruan Hezhu come into your tavern."

A man with a flat head immediately stepped forward and shouted sharply.

"Boss Chen, what else do you have to say?"

Tan Kangbiao snorted softly and looked at Chen Jianshu with a displeased face.

"If you have evidence, then just call the police. I don't know why you are looking for Ruan Hezhu, but I don't need to hide Ruan Hezhu. If your subordinate sees it, then let him explain it clearly."

Chen Jianshu said bluntly.

"Okay. Let me say. Brother Biao, when I was staying here, I saw Ruan Hezhu coming in wearing a black tracksuit and a white hat."

The crew-cut man quickly explained, took out his mobile phone, opened a photo, and handed the mobile phone to Tan Kangbiao.

Tan Kangbiao caught the phone, glanced at the photo, and then handed the phone to Chen Jianshu.

Chen Jianshu snorted softly, took the phone with a displeased face, glanced at it, and then sneered: "This is really not Ruan Hezhu, it's just the same sportswear, and the person is in the private room inside. However, she went to the bathroom, and our bathroom is on the north side."

After finishing speaking, Chen Jianshu immediately waved to a waitress: "Go and let the girl in this black tracksuit come out of the bathroom, and tell the boss that I have something urgent to find her."

The waitress glanced at her phone and walked away.

But before she had gone far, she saw a girl in a black tracksuit approaching.

"Hello, our boss is looking for you."

After a while, the girl was brought in front of Chen Jianshu and Tan Kangbiao.

When Tan Kangbiao saw it, his expression darkened instantly, and he slapped the crew-haired man.

"Damn it, you can't even look down on someone, so what's the use of you?"

After finishing speaking, Tan Kangbiao turned and walked out of the tavern.

Then, he immediately took out his mobile phone, and while getting in the car, he dialed He Ruicai's number.

"Master Jiu, we lost Ruan Hezhu here."

"What? What are you all doing? Can't you stare at a girl?"

He Ruicai's roar came from the other end of the phone, and then the phone was hung up.

"Look! Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find her for me."

Tan Kangbiao sternly shouted at a short-haired man in the passenger seat.

The hairy man immediately waved to the others, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Inside the pub.

When Chen Jianshu learned that Tan Kangbiao's convoy had left, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, he waved to the waitress before him and whispered something in his ear.

Splendid Jiangnan Hotel.

In the corridor outside the supreme box.

He Ruicai was pissed off by Ruan Yutang, he thought he had good news on the phone, but he didn't expect that the people he sent would lose Ruan Hezhu.

"Ruan Yutang, if you don't sign a contract to support the filling of the river, I will be rude to you. You know, I can do anything."

"So I'll give you a minute to think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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