Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 490 I Made It

Chapter 490 I Made It
"I don't need to think about anything. Instead, it's you, He Ruicai. I don't have any objections to what despicable means you used to deal with me, but it's no harm to my family..."

Ruan Yutang gritted his teeth and said, but he was interrupted by He Ruicai before he finished speaking.

"All I know is that if you cut the weeds but don't get rid of the roots, the spring breeze will blow and regenerate. Therefore, no matter what disaster I have, as long as it can achieve my goal, any method is a good method."

"You... He Ruicai, you will have retribution."

Ruan Yutang snorted coldly.

"Retribution? Children believe in these things, do you think I will believe them? Also, I want to tell you, since you don't need to think about time, then you are ready to pay the price!"

He Ruicai sneered, looked at Ruan Yutang with disdain, and even wanted to make people move forward.

"What price?"

A voice came over suddenly.

"Sir, this has nothing to do with you, you still..."

When Ruan Yutang saw Qin Feng coming out, he immediately waved to Qin Feng and said with a frown.

"It's okay, I can help with this matter."

Qin Feng gestured to Ruan Yutang, signaling Ruan Yutang to stand aside.

Ruan Yutang grunted twice, but he could only back away, because Qin Feng had an aura that made his heart tremble instantly.

When He Rui saw Qin Feng coming out, he couldn't help laughing.

Ruan Yutang glanced at He Ruicai, but said nothing.

"I said, Ruan Yutang, you find a kid and you think you can hide? Let me tell you, you can hide from the first day of junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifteenth day."

He Ruicai said with a gloomy face.

"Don't threaten the old captain. You still want to deal with the old captain? I can tell you that you are really unworthy."

Qin Feng chuckled, looked at He Ruicai indifferently, and waved his phone.

He Ruicai looked puzzled. He didn't know what Qin Feng meant, but he subconsciously took out his phone.

"I'll give you 10 minutes. You can call. I want to see if your call is useful."

Qin Feng suddenly said coldly.

"I'm calling? Boy, do you know what you're talking about? Do you know who I am?"

He Ruicai sternly shouted, he never thought that Qin Feng would dare to come out to confront him, he was looking for death.

"I don't need to know who you are. You can call to see if anyone can protect you, but I can tell you that you can only be carried out today."

Qin Feng shook his head and said with disdain.

"Hey, threaten me? Boy, do you think you can scare me like this?"

He Ruicai felt that Qin Feng was pretending to be mysterious. He was over 60 years old this year, so he was not afraid of a young man like Qin Feng.

Then, he waved to the group of men in black suits behind him.

Qin Feng's face was as deep as water, and he looked at He Ruicai without any waves in his eyes. He gave He Ruicai a chance, but he didn't expect that He Ruicai would actually want to court death.

It's a pity that he doesn't like any of the people under He Ruicai's command.

What's more, he didn't dodge, just stood there quietly.

Baihu and the others rushed over like wolves and tigers, and directly wrestled with He Ruicai's men in black suits.

In the blink of an eye, all the men in black suits were knocked down by Baihu and the others.

He Rui was dumbfounded!

He never thought that Baihu and the others would be so powerful that they were unstoppable.

Qin Feng saw that none of the men in black suits got up, so he continued to look at He Ruicai.

"He Jiuye, right? You should call now, I want to see if you can call someone to save you!"


He Ruicai's face turned pale, and he immediately took out his cell phone tremblingly, and made a call.

Soon, the call was connected, but He Ruicai was instantly stunned on the spot.

"Impossible, it's not true, my proposal has already been passed, how could it be revoked. You must have made a mistake!"

However, because of He Ruicai's roar, the other end also hung up the phone directly.

But what shocked He Ruicai was that not only the proposal had an accident, but also his position was removed.

He Ruicai quickly made a few more calls.

"You did it?"

He Rui put down his phone and looked at Qin Feng with a terrified expression.

"I did it. Since you don't know what is good or bad, then I should let you know what is the warmth and coldness of the world."

Qin Feng said coldly, he lowered his head, sighed, and did not look at He Ruicai.

"Impossible, you are so young... who are you? Could it be that your family belongs to the provincial government?"

He Ruicai's face was flustered, and he still felt that everything in front of him was unbelievable.

"It's already like this, you still don't believe it? Hehe, even a person like you wants to bring down the old captain. You take yourself too seriously."

Qin Feng snorted coldly, turned around and walked towards Ruan Yutang, "Old captain, you don't have to worry, I will guarantee that you are fine."

(End of this chapter)

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