Chapter 491

"Don' don't want to be like this..."

Rainbow Bar, 300 meters away from Walnut Music Tavern in Xitang East District.

A black van drove over quickly and stopped beside a black Ford Black Knight RV parked outside the bar.

As soon as it stopped, Tan Kangbiao, who was sitting in the back of the van, heard a strange female voice coming from the RV.

Therefore, Tan Kangbiao did not get out of the car in a hurry, but waited while smoking a cigarette.

In the RV, a young man with a golden ball head was fighting with a woman with long purple chestnut hair.

The RV was wobbly, but within 10 minutes it was calm.

Tan Kangbiao saw it, got out of the car quickly, and knocked on the window of the caravan.

"Young Master Feng, we can't find Ruan Hezhu!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the car window was rolled down. Tan Kangbiao glanced in, and then saw a long-haired woman who was still wearing clothes but naked and graceful.

And this young man is still naked, he is He Ruicai's grandson, He Xiaofeng.

"Can't find anyone? What did you eat in your brain?"

He Xiaofeng shouted sharply.

"We were tricked. We thought that was Ruan Hezhu, but we didn't expect that when we went in, we saw another person."

Tan Kangbiao gritted his teeth.

"It seems that the girl Ruan Hezhu is quite clever, but she can't escape my palm."

The corners of He Xiaofeng's mouth curled up, and he said with a gloomy face.

"Young Master Feng, I have already sent people out to look for it."

Tan Kangbiao said with a sneer.

"That's fine. In short, I must find her out within today. By the way, where is my grandfather?"

He Xiaofeng asked.

"Master Jiu seems to be chasing after Ruan Yutang. I heard that he is at the Splendid Jiangnan Hotel."

Tan Kangbiao answered quickly.

He Xiaofeng remained silent. He took out his mobile phone, opened a photo and glanced at it. In the photo was a pure and lovely girl who seemed to be 16 years old.

Tan Kangbiao didn't see what He Xiaofeng was looking at, but he guessed that it was either Ruan Yutang or Ruan Hezhu, so he immediately patted his heart.

"Young Master Feng, don't worry, I sent a lot of people today, and I promise to capture Ruan Hezhu back, just wait."

He Xiaofeng then looked at Tan Kangbiao, and snorted softly, "It's better like this! When I get tired of playing with Ruan Hezhu, I want old man Ruan to kneel down and beg for mercy."

Tan Kangbiao's face froze, Ruan Yutang was so arrogant, he knelt down and begged for mercy, is it possible?

Although he was suspicious, he smiled with honey in his mouth: "That's right! That bastard Ruan Yutang must kneel down to the young master and beg for mercy."

"Okay. You should hurry up and find someone. After you find her, send her to my Peach Blossom Villa. I want her to be completely reduced to my plaything."

He Xiaofeng waved to Tan Kangbiao.

"Yes, I'm going to find someone."

Tan Kangbiao nodded, quickly backed away, and returned to the black van.

The black van was started immediately and drove away.

He Xiaofeng watched the van leave, while he took out a pack of cigars and started smoking.

After a while, a black SUV drove over and parked beside the RV.

Three burly men in black combat training uniforms got out of the car, walked towards the RV immediately, and opened the door directly.

He Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, then furious: "Who are you? How dare you pull my car door? Do you know who I am?"

"He is right, but there is actually a woman here. It seems that things are going smoothly than we thought."

Lu Yaohong snorted softly, and then dragged He Xiaofeng out.

With two clicks, he removed He Xiaofeng's arms, and threw He Xiaofeng on the ground.

"Ah ah ah..."

He Xiaofeng wailed a few times, and then passed out.

The long-haired woman in the RV was frightened, and after regaining her senses, she quickly begged Lu Yaohong for mercy: "Brother, don't kill me, I can do whatever you want with me."

"Where is He Xiaofeng's phone? Does he take selfies or play videos when he usually plays with you?"

Lu Yaohong asked coldly.

"I, I just met Young Master Feng yesterday, I don't know..."

The long-haired woman tremblingly replied.

The other two burly men hurriedly searched for the car.

Soon, a burly man found He Xiaofeng's mobile phone: "Brother Lu, the mobile phone is here."

Lu Yaohong caught the phone, but handed it to the long-haired woman, "Enter the password for me to open the phone, don't tell me you don't know."

"I know."

The long-haired woman held He Xiaofeng's phone tremblingly, but her finger painted with purple sparkling pattern nail polish made two wrong entries in a row.

"If you don't want to die, then think about it for me."

Lu Yaohong shouted sharply.

"Yes. Give me another chance."

The long-haired woman said quickly, and then continued to enter the password.

Soon, the phone was turned on, and she handed it to Lu Yaohong.

"Brother Lu, he even installed a surveillance camera on his car, so he probably took pictures of something."

Another burly man reminded.

"I need you to do me a favor."

Lu Yaohong squinted his eyes and said to the long-haired woman.

(End of this chapter)

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