Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 492 The Dead End Part 2

Chapter 492

The long-haired woman left here in a black off-road vehicle under the leadership of a burly man.

Another burly man flipped through his phone and smiled at Lu Yaohong: "Brother Lu, I found it! I'll go, it's really exciting, you look at the long legs, tsk tsk."

"Zhang Junguo! Stop making trouble, and put these things away quickly. He Xiaofeng's bodyguards are here."

Lu Yaohong snorted softly, rolled his eyes at Zhang Junguo, and then raised his eyes to the men in black suits rushing out from the Rainbow Bar.

"What are you doing?"

One of the men in a black suit yelled at Lu Yaohong because he saw He Xiaofeng lying on the ground with a look of uncertain life and death.

This scene made the men in black suits panic, because if something happened to He Xiaofeng, then He Rui would make them all unable to eat.

So when they rushed over, they immediately swung their daggers and stabbed at Lu Yaohong and the others.

Lu Yaohong shook his body, and quickly swung his dagger to meet them.

As if in the blink of an eye, the five bodyguards in black suits were all knocked down by Lu Yaohong and the other two.

"Just you trash, dare to come here to provoke me and Brother Lu, what kind of international jokes are you making?"

Zhang Junguo snorted softly.

"Wake up He Xiaofeng."

Lu Yaohong gave instructions to Zhang Junguo, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Qin Feng's number.

"Sir, we have caught He Xiaofeng here. Besides, He Xiaofeng was playing with a woman in the car. I have already encouraged that woman to call the police."

"Very good. When Ruan Hezhu is found, you will bring both Ruan Hezhu and He Xiaofeng to Splendid Jiangnan Hotel."

Qin Feng on the other end of the phone ordered lightly.

"Yes, sir."

Lu Yaohong nodded quickly.

Zhang Junguo squatted down and woke up He Xiaofeng.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

When He Xiaofeng saw Zhang Junguo, his face instantly became horrified.

"Don't worry! For the sake of your amazing video, I can tell you that I will not do anything to you! By the way, if you come out of the prison in the future, I can introduce you to Dongsang Country to shoot a small movie oh."

Zhang Junguo laughed.

"You... what do you guys want?"

He Xiaofeng looked at Zhang Junguo and Lu Yaohong in horror.

He found that his five bodyguards were dismissed by him because he had to do business, and now they are all lying on the ground?

Who are these two people?Why is his skill so terrifying?

"We need you to come with us. It is estimated that your grandfather He Rui should still be at the Splendid Jiangnan Hotel, so let's go find your grandfather."

Lu Yaohong turned his head to look at He Xiaofeng, and said coldly.

He Xiaofeng glanced at Lu Yaohong, immediately became annoyed, and then sternly shouted: "Yes! You guys let me go quickly, otherwise, if my grandfather finds out about this, you will all be dead."


Lu Yaohong sneered and didn't take it seriously, but waved to Zhang Junguo, signaling Zhang Junguo to move He Xiaofeng into the RV, and he sat in the driver's seat.

However, He Xiaofeng was very confused when he saw that he was not driving.

"What's the matter with you? Why don't you drive?"

Lu Yaohong did not respond to He Xiaofeng.

Zhang Junguo did not respond to He Xiaofeng either.

"If you don't drive, take me to the hospital quickly. You have crippled my hands. How can I date women in the future?"

He Xiaofeng said with a dissatisfied face.

"It's just stupid!"

Lu Yaohong spat angrily, then raised his eyes to look at a convoy driving towards this side.

As a black van stopped next to the RV, He Xiaofeng's face suddenly brightened, because he recognized that this van was the one that Tan Kangbiao and the others had come over before.

So He Xiaofeng hurriedly yelled at the van.

"Tan Kangbiao, hurry up and save me."

However, to He Xiaofeng's astonishment, he watched through the glass window that Tan Kangbiao was being dragged out of the car by a strong man in a black combat uniform who buckled his collar.

"Don't be stupid, then our people, with your desperate appearance, still want to deal with us?"

Lu Yaohong sneered, turned his head to look at He Xiaofeng, his eyes were full of disdain.

no way no money?
He Xiaofeng looked terrified, stuck his neck, and asked loudly: "What's going on? Why did it become like this? Why are we at the end of the road?"

"I'm not your mother, so there's no need to tell you everything, but you must tell me everything you have done, or I will throw you out of the car when I drive later."

Lu Yaohong snorted lightly.

"Who are you guys? Tan Kangbiao is from the Black Snake team here in Xitang. How dare you offend the Black Snake team?"

He Xiaofeng looked at Lu Yaohong in disbelief, because in his eyes, to offend the Black Snake team was courting death!
As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake.

He didn't know who Lu Yaohong was, but he knew that as long as the Black Snake team found out about this, Lu Yaohong and the others would not be able to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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