Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 493 The National Essence Master 3 More

Chapter 493
"The Black Snake team? I don't care what he is, a black snake or a white snake. Anyone who dares to offend my husband will be a dead snake in the end."

Lu Yaohong held his head high and said arrogantly.

Is this kid a dumbass?

He Xiaofeng thought to himself, but he didn't refute Lu Yaohong, because he felt that if he found a chance to contact the Black Snake team, this kid would definitely die.

Turning his head to look at Tan Kangbiao who was pulled into the RV, he immediately asked, "Tan Kangbiao, what's going on with you? Did you offend them?"

"Young Master Feng, I don't know what's going on! We were still searching for that girl on the way, and they arrested me."

Tan Kangbiao looked innocent. He really didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know who these strong men in black combat training uniforms were.

"Have you found Ruan Hezhu?"

Lu Yaohong asked a strong man in combat training uniform.

"I found it, and Lao Wu took him into the car."

The strong man in the training suit nodded.

"If that's the case, let's go!"

Lu Yaohong waved to Zhang Junguo, motioning for Zhang Junguo to drive.

"Wait! Who are you guys? From what you say, it seems that Ruan Hezhu has been caught? If that's the case, why do you still catch me? How much money do you want? You can give me an amount."

He Xiaofeng frowned and said, he thought that Lu Yaohong was just kidnapped.

"Take money to buy me? Hehe, then you're thinking too much. I think you'd better explain to me what you did before."

Lu Yaohong watched Zhang Junguo start the car, but instead of closing the door, he buttoned He Xiaofeng's shirt, and then exposed He Xiaofeng's head outside the car.

"What are you doing? Are you fucking crazy?"

He Xiaofeng was terrified, and quickly yelled at Lu Yaohong.

"I'm crazy! Tell me what bad things you've done, or I'll just throw you out of the car."

Lu Yaohong laughed loudly.

"No! Don't throw me out of the car! I say! I say it all!"

He Xiaofeng was in shock. He had already had his arms removed. If he was thrown out of the car while the car was racing, he would surely die.

When Lu Yaohong heard what He Xiaofeng said, he didn't pull He Xiaofeng back, but leaned over with his whole body, and put a recorder near He Xiaofeng's throat.

"Tell me, when you finish speaking, I will take you back to the car."

Splendid Jiangnan Hotel.

Qin Feng left He Ruicai alone in the corridor, unable to leave or enter.

He Ruicai looked at the man in black suit on the ground, and then at the closed door of the box, feeling very angry.

"I don't care who you are, brat, if you dare to insult me ​​like this, I will definitely make your life worse than death."

He Ruicai took out his mobile phone, and immediately made a call: "Old Zhen, I'm in trouble now, you must help me this time."

Inside the box.

Ruan Yutang was answering the phone call from his granddaughter Ruan Hezhu.

"Grandpa, I'm really fine. The people you sent are really powerful. Those people like He Xiaofeng couldn't find me, but the people you sent found me."

"It's good that you're fine. If that's the case, let's wait until you come to the hotel."

Ruan Yutang hung up the phone, exhaled lightly, and then looked relaxed.

"Old captain, now that your granddaughter has been found, then you have nothing to worry about, right?"

Zhou Qinya said with a giggle.

"No more. Mister has great powers. I really admire the old man."

Ruan Yutang chuckled and looked at Qin Feng with admiration.

Qin Feng just smiled lightly and didn't say anything.

Shi Qimeng came over, bowed her head to Qin Feng and said, "Sir, Master Jianyi is here."

When Ma Wanting heard it, she immediately said in surprise: "Sir, the master Jianyi you are talking about is the master Jianyi from Han Country?"

Hongxia at the next table quickly asked, "Grandma Ma, what happened to Master Jianyi?"

Jiang Xuexiu frowned, quickly pulled Hongxia Rouyi, and reprimanded in a low voice: "Don't ask nonsense."

"The existence of the pinnacle of martial arts in the cold country, and he would not easily go to other countries, but now he is coming here, so I am surprised."

Ma Wanting did not blame Hongxia, but explained slowly.

"The pinnacle of martial arts? Could it be Wu Zun?"

Hongxia said in surprise.

Ma Wanting couldn't respond, after all, she didn't know if Jian Yi was the pinnacle of martial arts, so she looked at Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng remained silent and did not respond to Hongxia's words.

Soon, Jian Yi walked in with the two of them.


Jian Yi approached and immediately bowed to Qin Feng with a very respectful attitude.

Shi Qimeng also immediately pulled a chair for Jianyi.

"I don't know if these people are..."

As soon as Jian Yi sat down, he asked Qin Feng.

Qin Feng waved his left hand and pointed at Wang Guoliang, "This is the quintessential master of our Xia Kingdom, Wang Guoliang."

Seeing Qin Feng introducing him, Wang Guoliang stood up and nodded to Jianyi.

"Hi, it's an honor to meet you."

(End of this chapter)

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