Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 494 Huayuan Printing 4 More

Chapter 494 Huayuan Printing Four Changes
"The quintessence of the country? I admire the quintessence of the country of Xia very much, but I don't know which aspect of the quintessence of the country of Xia this master is good at?"

Jian Yi also stood up and asked respectfully, just like a primary school student asking seriously.

"Our Wang family can barely get by with calligraphy and printmaking art creations."

Wang Guoliang chuckled, turned his head to glance at Qin Feng, and laughed awkwardly again.

"You're welcome! So you were the owner of the drunken garden when I saw you last night, weren't you?"

Jian Yi continued to ask.

"This one……"

Wang Guoliang frowned slightly, turned his head to look at Qin Feng again, and found that Qin Feng was nodding, so he continued to say to Jian Yi: "That's right! The Zuiyuan is also a property of our Wang Group. The Zuiyuan is the one I lent to Mr. work."

Everyone looked at Jianyi one after another. The old captain and the others didn't know about Zuiyuan, so they were even more curious.

"I don't know if I can ask Master Wang for something?"

Jian Yi suddenly cupped his hands.

"You are..."

Wang Guoliang looked confused, what is Jian Yi planning to do?
"I am very interested in the calligraphy works in the drunken garden. Therefore, I would like to beg Master Wang for some calligraphy works."

Jian Yi lowered his head and said.

"Mo Bao? This is no problem."

Wang Guoliang nodded, then waved to Wang Xiujie next to him: "Xiu Jie, go and prepare the Four Treasures of the Study immediately!"

"Grandpa, don't go with dad, I'll go."

Wang Xinman immediately volunteered to stand up.

"Okay, then let Xinman go."

Wang Guoliang waved his hand, signaling to Wang Xiujie not to stand up.

Just as Wang Xiujie arched his waist, he sat back and watched Wang Xinman walk out with a smile.

Soon, Wang Xinman brought someone to fetch the four treasures of the study - pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

"I don't know what Master Jianyi wants me to write?"

Wang Guoliang hurriedly asked Jian Yi.

"I remember that there is a picture of 'The Benevolent Longevity' in the drunken garden. I am a bit greedy. I wonder if Master Wang can write two pictures for me?"

Jian Yi laughed.

"No problem at all."

Wang Guoliang nodded, and made a gesture to Jian Yi, signaling Jian Yi to continue talking.

"In the first picture, write 'The benevolent is invincible'. In the second picture, write 'Longevity without bounds'."

Jian Yi lowered his head and bowed to Wang Guoliang.

After Wang Xinman polished the ink, Wang Guoliang picked up the brush and wrote two calligraphy works for Jian Yi.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Seeing that Wang Guoliang had finished writing, Jian Yi quickly clapped his hands in applause.

Everyone also applauded Wang Guoliang.

"I wonder if Master Wang can also give us two calligraphy paintings?"

Musashi Shion also pleaded hastily.

"no problem."

Seeing Qin Feng nodding, Wang Guoliang immediately wrote a calligraphy work for Musashi Shion and Miyata Kimiko respectively.

"Old man Wang, my new house still lacks a plaque, so you can write one for me, and you don't need to be so elegant, just write the words 'Xitang Industry'."

Ruan Yutang laughed.

"You old man Ruan! Okay, I'll write!"

Wang Guoliang frowned, and then wrote a calligraphy work for Ruan Yutang.

After Wang Guoliang finished writing the calligraphy work that Ruan Yutang wanted, Jian Yi sighed: "Master Wang, your art is really top-notch, Jian Yi admires it!"

When Wang Guoliang heard this, he smiled awkwardly and waved his hands: "Generally speaking, Master Jianyi, you are overrated."

In front of Qin Feng, how dare he call him first-rate.

Wang Xinman naturally saw Wang Guoliang's embarrassment, but she still smiled, stepped forward and said with a smile: "Grandpa, you are first-rate! Mr. is watching, if you are not even first-rate, how can you make Mr. He feel so bad?"

"You girl!"

Wang Guoliang glanced at Wang Xinman, seeing that Qin Feng was not angry, he naturally did not continue to care about it.

"Xia Guo calligraphy is the quintessence of Xia Guo's art that I love more. Of course, there is another item I like more, and that is your textiles. It would be great if I could cooperate with your textile group. "

Jian Yi said with a sigh.


When Wang Guoliang heard this, he frowned. His side was full of industrial products, and the textile industry was really not involved.

"So, Master Jianyi, you plan to cooperate with the Textile Group, right?"

Zhou Qinya asked.

"I have this plan. But it's not my personal plan, but like Master Wang, I also have such a lovely granddaughter. She is currently engaged in textile work, so..."

Jian Yi said with an awkward smile to Zhou Qinya.

"Sister Qinya, the Bo Shao we met last night, his family's Jiangnan Group is engaged in textiles, and Huayuan Printing under the name of Jiangnan Group is quite famous here in Xitang."

Wang Xinman quickly reminded Zhou Qinya.

"Girl, Huayuan Printing was originally a first-class textile workshop in the past, and their He family developed through this workshop, and later formed Jiangnan Group. When your grandma was young, she also worked in Huayuan Printing. "

Wang Guoliang quickly explained.

(End of this chapter)

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