Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 499 The Fake Contract Part 3

Chapter 499
In the box, other people are discussing the project cooperation.

As for other boxes in the hotel, and even the lobby and the entrance of the building, there were people talking about it.

Because a lot of police officers were dispatched this time, not only Zhen Long was arrested, but He Xiaofeng was also arrested.

What made people curious was that He Ruicai was thrown onto the side of the street.

Both Zhen Long and He Ruicai can be regarded as one party in Xitang, and they are usually very arrogant, but this time they are so embarrassing.

So people are even more curious, who are the big shots in the hotel's supreme box?

Hotel lobby.

Li Deben and Kong Xiuying learned that even He Ruicai had been thrown out, so they hurried down from the lobby on the second floor to the front hall, trying to stop the big man from leaving the hotel.

At that time, if they can meet the big shot once, then their Ronghua Group will have a chance to win the favor of the big shot.

However, not only Li Deben and Kong Xiuying received the news, but also others, so the entire front hall seemed a bit congested.

Everyone didn't want to disperse, because they couldn't go up, so they tried to meet the important person in the front hall in time.

"Let me tell you, Li Deben, if the big shot comes down later, you must hand over our business card to the big shot's secretary, did you hear that?"

Kong Xiuying looked at the crowded look in the front hall, and quickly warned Li Deben.

"I know. But it's too difficult, there are too many people, and I don't know what they are all doing here. After all, I don't know what the big shots are planning to invest in."

Li Deben frowned.

"You don't care what the big man invests in, as long as he is a big man and has money, that's fine. If we can get an investment of [-] million yuan, then we can stop fighting for decades."

Kong Xiuying snorted lightly.

Suddenly, she received a message, she exclaimed instantly, and hurriedly covered her small mouth with her white jade palm.

All eyes were on Kong Xiuying.

"what's wrong with you?"

Li Deben quickly asked in a low voice.

"Wait a minute, you must pass the business card to the big shot. I just received the news that a person from the cold country invested one billion yuan, and it was directly credited to the account on the spot."

Kong Xiuying said excitedly.


When Li Deben heard this, he was also very excited. An investment of one billion yuan is already amazing enough. If it is directly transferred to the account on the spot, that is beyond his imagination.

"Be quiet."

Kong Xiuying thought that other merchants in this hall should not know, so she quickly made a silent gesture to Li Deben.

Li Deben immediately shut up and nodded again and again, and he quickly decided that if he waited until the big shot came down, even if he broke his head, he must hand over his business card to the big shot to seek opportunities for cooperation.

However, to the surprise of both Li Deben and Kong Xiuying, Qiu Huaxun and Li Handong came out of the elevator.

"What's going on? You yellow-faced woman is still here?"

Kong Xiuying was upset when she saw Qiu Huaxun.

"I do not know either."

Li Deben said with an awkward smile.

"Li Deben, let's go, let's go for a divorce."

Qiu Huaxun approached Li Deben and said in a cold voice.

For a moment, Li Deben was stunned. What if he left and the big shot came out?
"Go, husband, just leave it to me. You must divorce this woman as soon as possible, otherwise, I will never forgive you."

Kong Xiuying snorted lightly.

"It's better to tear down a temple than a marriage. You woman, even if you get Li Deben, you're nothing more than that. You'll never be as good as my mother."

Li Handong came over and said with a mocking face.

"Hey, you brat, you like to brag, don't you? Then let me tell you, a poor ghost like your mother will never see 1000 million people in this lifetime. So, don't mess with me."

Kong Xiuying looked at Li Handong, and immediately became angry, wishing she could step forward and slap Li Handong.

"Really? That will disappoint you. I just met a big shot and won a contract worth [-] million yuan."

Qiu Huaxun said proudly.

As soon as people heard it, they all moved towards this side to gather around.

"Really, did you get a [-] million contract?"

"It should be true, right? After all, I came down from the supreme box on the fifth floor."

"My God, if only I could get a [-] million contract."

Kong Xiuying listened to people's comments, and she was instantly furious: "Stop talking nonsense, her contract must be fake, fake!"

This roar made everyone dumbfounded, a fake contract?How is this going?

"Kong Xiuying, right? You are really ridiculous! Do you have evidence that our contract is fake? If not, then we will sue you for defamation, so please apologize immediately, otherwise your defamation crime will be confirmed."

Li Handong shouted sharply.

"Slander? Boy, who are you scaring?"

Kong Xiuying said with a look of disdain.

She would never believe that Qiu Huaxun could win a contract of [-] million yuan, and a yellow-faced woman who opened a snack bar, even if she chained five restaurants, would not be able to win a [-] million yuan contract.

(End of this chapter)

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