Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 500 Defamation Compensation 4 More

Chapter 500 Defamation Compensation Four Changes
"If you want me to call the police, then I don't mind calling the police. We have already signed these contracts, and several families such as Xitang Wang, He, and Ruan have testified. When is it your turn to slander at will?"

Li Handong spoke plausibly, and then took out a contract.

"This contract is real, I don't know anything else, but I still remember the seal of the Xitang Wang Group."

"Several families have testified. This is really amazing. Could it be that they have met the big shots?"

"A contract of [-] million, after all, no one dares to make fun of it, it is really enviable and jealous."

Seeing the contract that Li Handong offered, people congratulated Qiu Huaxun one after another.

"How did this happen? Did you really go up to meet the big shots and sign the contract?"

Kong Xiuying's eyes widened, and she looked at the contract in Li Handong's hand in disbelief, which was clearly stamped and signed by the company.

"So, you must apologize."

Li Handong glared at Kong Xiuying and shouted sharply.


Kong Xiuying couldn't get off the tiger, and her face turned red instantly, but she couldn't do it if she was asked to apologize to Qiu Huaxun!

She's just a yellow-faced woman, how could she deserve an apology?
"You don't intend to apologize, do you? Very good, then I'll call the police. There are so many witnesses here, you can't deny it."

Li Handong hummed softly, then picked up his cell phone and made a call.

"and many more!"

Kong Xiuying quickly waved her hands at Li Handong. If Li Handong was really asked to call the police and be taken away by the police station, she would be completely ashamed.

"It's late. Unless you pay my mother Qiu Huaxun 100 million yuan in compensation for defamation and mental damage, otherwise, we have the right to call the police and arrest you, because we have a project plan of [-] million yuan next, and your slander is serious affected our reputation."

Li Handong said bluntly.

"100 million? Defamation damages and moral damages? This is no joke."

"Of course I can't be joking. If it were me who won a contract of [-] million yuan and was slandered as a fraud, I wouldn't fucking be reconciled."

"This guy looks good!"

Seeing that people were supporting Li Handong, Kong Xiuying panicked.

She hastily pulled Li Deben who was dazed beside him.

"Hurry up and talk!"

Li Deben came back to his senses, his face sank, he looked at Li Handong with resentment in his eyes, and shouted sharply: "Dongzi, what are you talking about, this is your Aunt Ying."

"Li Deben, I don't have this aunt, so don't get close to me."

Li Handong scolded Li Deben angrily, then immediately turned his head to look at Kong Xiuying, and said sharply: "You pay 100 million defamation compensation now, otherwise, I will ruin your reputation."

"You... good! I will pay!"

Kong Xiuying was trembling with anger, she never imagined that she would be caught by Li Handong and wanted to "be private" in public like this.

Li Handong snorted coldly, and immediately asked Qiu Huaxun to find out the mobile bank card number.

Kong Xiuying fiddled with her mobile phone angrily, and transferred 100 million to Qiu Huaxun.

"100 million compensation, I can afford it! And you, even if you win a [-] million contract, you still can't start a company. It's so easy to step on my head."

Li Handong didn't bother to pay attention to Kong Xiuying, and gave Qiu Huaxun a wink.

"Come on, let's go get a divorce."

Qiu Huaxun scolded Li Deben coldly.

"Get out immediately after the divorce!"

Kong Xiuying waved to Li Deben, scolding softly.

Li Deben followed Qiu Huaxun's mother and son, and walked out with a livid face.

"Qiu Huaxun! Don't just think that you get a [-] million contract, the Kong family has billions of dollars, and your [-] million is nothing in the eyes of others."

When he arrived outside the hotel building, Li Deben immediately shouted at Qiu Huaxun in a cold voice.

"What about the Kong family has nothing to do with me! I don't need you to mention me, you should worry about yourself first."

Qiu Huaxun sneered, and pulled Li Handong into her white Santana car.

Li Deben saw Qiu Huaxun being so indifferent, and a complicated look flashed across his eyes, because Qiu Huaxun never talked to him like this before.

"Hmph, when you squander [-] million yuan, you will still beg me."

Li Deben muttered to himself, then drove his black Mercedes and caught up with the white Santana.

Soon, the two vehicles arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau of Xitang East District.

Seeing his parents receive the divorce certificate, Li Handong immediately pulled Qiu Huaxun out of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

As soon as he got in the car, his cell phone rang. It was Han Fu calling.

"Dongzi, are you done? My husband asked you to go to the hospital first."

"I'm going over here."

Li Handong quickly responded, hung up the phone, and gestured to Qiu Huaxun, "Mom, take me to the Xitang New District Central Hospital first."

"no problem."

Qiu Huaxun nodded, then started the car and asked, "Dongzi, who is that gentleman?"

(End of this chapter)

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