Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 73 The Madman Comes Part 2

Chapter 73 The Madman Comes to the Second Watch
"Are you tired? Come on, have a sip of water first."

Qin Feng smiled faintly at Yuan Zihan, and then took a bottle of water from Lin Xuezhi next to him.

He didn't bring anyone else here, only Lin Xuezhi.

Yuan Zihan took a bottle of water, drank it immediately, took three sips, and then handed it to Lin Xuezhi.

Lin Xuezhi took the bottle of water that Yuan Zihan handed back, and pushed it aside.

It was just this scene that made Yuan Jiayan extremely jealous.

She didn't expect Yuan Zihan to find such a beautiful female bodyguard, and she didn't bring anyone here, only two female bodyguards, but her female bodyguards couldn't compare with Lin Xuezhi's beauty.

"Hmph, I'll just bring a vase."

Yuan Jiayan didn't notice that her two female bodyguards' faces changed slightly when they heard her words, because they felt that Lin Xuezhi was not that simple.

"I really don't know what's going on. When I look at them now, I feel it's an eyesore. Hmph, these two trash are not worthy to come here to worship ancestors."

Yuan Huimei snorted softly, and glanced at Yuan Zihan with eyes full of disdain.

"Forget it, even if the three of them come to worship, they are still trash."

Zhang Daoxing said coldly.

He was too lazy to go to see Yuan Zihan's family anymore, because he felt bored watching it.

Yuan Jiayun still wanted to go to Qin Feng's side, but Yuan Jiayan stepped forward and blocked his way.

"I said Yuan Jiayun, you really can. What do you mean by that? What's the point of you going to protect this trash like Qin Feng?"

Yuan Jiayan snorted coldly at Yuan Jiayun.

Yuan Jiayun glanced at Yuan Jiayan, then snorted coldly, "What I do has nothing to do with you, does it?"

"not my business?"

Yuan Jiayan snorted softly, and said arrogantly: "I'll stop you now, how about it? You are from our Yuan family, what are you doing to help them two? Could it be that you really regard them as the Yuan family?" ?”

Yuan Jiayun frowned, the old matriarch had already agreed to return, he felt that Yuan Jiayan's obstruction was meaningless.

More importantly, he used to do whatever he wanted, so it was Yuan Jiayan's turn to warn him.

But thinking that Yuan Jiayan is now the chairman of the family Taining Group, he doesn't want to refute Yuan Jiayan.

Seeing that Yuan Jiayun remained silent, Yuan Jiayan continued: "Yuan Jiayun, the old lady asked them to come back only for the development of the Taining Group. Do you really think the old lady is stupid?"

"what do you mean?"

Yuan Jiayun snorted softly, and looked at Yuan Jiayan with cold eyes, because he felt that Yuan Jiayan had something to say.

"What do I mean, you know very well. You are from our Yuan family, but she, Yuan Zihan, is not from our Yuan family. I will not admit her. Once the old lady continues to drive them away, you Do you know what will happen to them? What will happen to you?"

Yuan Jiayan said in a low voice.

"Are you threatening me? Yuan Jiayan, you want everyone to obey you. It's impossible. Also, it's impossible for me to agree with you. Your values ​​are different from mine."

Yuan Jiayun immediately retorted, he no longer wanted to be polite to Yuan Jiayan, this woman took herself too seriously.

"So, you want to fight against me? Now that I am the chairman, I can suppress any resources in your body. You don't want to be a waste who can't do anything, do you?"

Yuan Jiayan was not impatient, she said with a sneer.

Yuan Jiayun didn't say anything, he hasn't started anything yet, so he doesn't want to offend Yuan Jiayan completely.

But it's a bit difficult to make him ignore Qin Feng and the others, because he decided yesterday that he still wants to stand by Qin Feng's side.

He gave Yuan Jiayan a chuckle, and he walked away immediately.

Liang Dianhai was arranging manpower and distributing sacrificial supplies.

Because the old matriarch has always stipulated that all sacrificial supplies must be burned by the descendants of the Yuan family in person, which is regarded as a respect to the ancestors.

Therefore, after the three generations of the Yuan family arrived at the scene, they followed the regulations and burned the sacrificial supplies.

Yuan Zihan watched the three generations of the Yuan family go over to burn the sacrificial items, she gestured to Qin Feng, and then walked over.

But before he got close, a figure flashed over and blocked Yuan Zihan's way.

"Yuan Zihan, don't you really think that you are qualified to burn sacrifices here?"

The person who intercepted it was Yuan Jiayan. She looked at Yuan Zihan with wide eyes and held her head up, looking arrogant.

"what do you mean?"

Yuan Zihan frowned, and looked at Yuan Jiayan inexplicably. She never thought that Yuan Jiayan would come out to intercept her at this time.

"What do you mean? You are not from our Yuan family, you have no right to come here to worship at all."

Yuan Jiayan said loudly.

This side was originally halfway up the mountain, and it seemed relatively quiet, but now that Yuan Jiayan yelled like this, almost everyone has heard it.

So everyone also looked at Yuan Zihan in unison.

Yuan Zihan chuckled, she is not qualified to worship?Isn't she from the Yuan family?Hmph, Qin Feng signed the contract yesterday.

At this juncture, Yuan Zihan felt that Yuan Jiayan scolded her so much, maybe it was Yuan Huimei who said something to Yuan Jiayan.

That's why Yuan Jiayan's temper exploded and she came directly to intercept her.

Of course, Yuan Zihan didn't think about it, but turned to look at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng didn't see Yuan Jiayan, so he smiled lightly and said, "Our Zihan and Yashi are both of the Yuan family's blood, why can't they come here?"

"Yuan Jiayan, don't take yourself too seriously, you are nothing to us."

"Besides, we have signed a contract with the old lady, we also have the right to come and worship, and you have no right to stop us."

Yuan Jiayan's expression froze, and she stared at Qin Feng resentfully.

If it was Yuan Zihan who refuted something, she would just be unhappy on her face, but Qin Feng jumped out and teased her like this, which made her even more unhappy.

"Qin Feng, you follow this ugly monster now, do you really think what's wrong with you? The money my mother paid for compensation should be used up soon, right?"

When Qin Feng heard this, his face turned cold, and he snorted softly: "I advise you to be kind, and this is not a place where you can be presumptuous. You are only the third generation of the Yuan family, and you are not the director here."

"Qin Feng!"

Yuan Jiayan looked at Qin Feng coldly, feeling even more annoyed, this trash has really changed.

Qin Feng didn't pay attention to Yuan Jiayan any more, he immediately stepped forward, backed away from Yuan Jiayan, and then pulled Yuan Zihan over.

Yuan Yashi, who was hugged by Qin Feng, quickly shouted at Qin Feng: "Father, I want to burn too."

Qin Feng quickly put Yuan Yashi down, and then taught Yuan Yashi to burn the sacrificial items.

The old matriarch saw Yuan Jiayan obstructing them from a distance, but the old matriarch did not come to take Yuan Jiayan away, which made Qin Feng groan in his heart, thinking that what the old matriarch did was a bit excessive.

But Qin Feng didn't bother to say anything about the old lady. After all, a person's impression is not so easy to change, and he didn't think about changing anything in the past.

Now, he can only accompany his wife and daughter.

After the sacrificial supplies were burned, Qin Feng quickly picked up Yuan Yashi again, but when he was about to walk aside, he found someone walking towards the grave of Yuan's ancestor.

This man with a square face has disheveled hair, a tall figure, and sharp eyes. Although he is holding a hoe, Qin Feng has an intuition that this man is not a migrant worker.

The Yuan family didn't care, they thought it might just be migrant workers nearby.

The man with the square face came over, not far from Qin Feng, he immediately and suddenly swung his hoe, intending to hit Qin Feng.

Qin Feng quickly hugged Yuan Yashi and moved aside.

The hoe of the man with a square face fell to the ground and hit the ground.

The Yuan family saw that something was wrong, they all exclaimed and dodged to the side.

Yuan Jiayan's pretty face was panicked, and she also moved to the side to avoid it. She never thought that there would be a killer appearing in the Yuan's cemetery.

Qin Feng stood still and yelled coldly at the man with the square face, "Who are you? Why did you come here to make trouble?"

The man with a square face was not in a hurry to mess with Qin Feng, because Qin Feng only had Lin Xuezhi on his side, and he felt that he could deal with Qin Feng.

"Who am I? Unexpectedly, you don't even know who I am."

Qin Feng frowned slightly, and sneered: "It's normal for you to be a nameless bastard like you, I don't know, don't you think you are so amazing?"

"Boy, you are really stubborn when you are about to die! But don't worry, I will definitely let you die here this time."

The man with the square face snorted softly, his eyes instantly looked extremely sinister.

Yuan Zihan had already been pulled away by Lin Xuezhi. When she heard the words of the man with a square face, she was terrified and shouted at Qin Feng.

"Honey, be careful!"

The man with the square face looked at Yuan Zihan, his eyes straightened immediately, and he laughed.

"That's right, when you die, this woman will belong to my madman, and I will take good care of her for you."

When Qin Feng heard this, his expression turned cold, and he stared at the man with the square face.

"You'll regret what you just said."

(End of this chapter)

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