Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 74 Killing the Madman 1

Chapter 74

The man with the square face had stern eyes, and his aura shot up immediately, with a hoe in his hand, as if he wanted to devour the world.

"Do I regret it? I, Zhang Renjia, have been in the rivers and lakes for decades, and I have never had anyone who scares me. Otherwise, I would not be called a madman on the hunting list, but a coward."

The man with a square face who called himself Zhang Renjia was arrogant.

Qin Feng didn't have the slightest fear, and his face was still cold, looking at Zhang Renjia's eyes, as if looking at a dead person.

This feeling made Zhang Renfu tremble, because he had never seen such a calm person like Qin Feng.

A kind of momentum that the mountain collapsed in front of him without changing his face.

A boldness of a million troops coming and never retreating.

Is this person really an ordinary security guard?

"Boy, not only you are going to die today, but all the people who followed you are going to die too."

Zhang Renfu suddenly roared sharply.

How could he ask a mere security guard.

When the Yuan family heard this, they were extremely flustered and stepped away one after another.

Yuan Jiayan looked at Zhang Renfu with her eyes wide open, and shouted sharply: "I don't care who you are, but our Yuan family has no grievances with you. If you want to kill this trash, you can kill it. Don't get involved with us."

Yuan Zihan's pretty face changed in shock, this Zhang Renjia wants to kill Qin Feng?

Qin Feng is her husband and Yuan Yashi's father. If she is killed, she will not be able to survive.

What's more, she knew that Qin Feng was injured, could Qin Feng deal with Zhang Renjia?


Qin Feng glanced at Yuan Zihan, waved to Yuan Zihan, and smiled faintly.

"Don't be afraid! I am here, no one can touch you."

Yuan Zihan was stunned, did Qin Feng have arrangements?
But she was still nervous, and quickly said to Lin Xuezhi next to her, "Hurry up and help my husband."

Lin Xuezhi looked embarrassed, frowned and said, "Sorry, my task is to protect you."


Zhang Renfu turned his head and glanced at Lin Xuezhi, his brows were raised instantly, his eyes were wide open, and his face was full of joy.

"Hehe, this one is pretty good too."

As he spoke, Zhang Renjia raised his right hand and made a gesture.

From other positions on the mountainside, three groups of men in black also rushed out from three sides in an instant, about 20 people, and surrounded all the Yuan family members on the side of the cemetery, obviously not intending to let the Yuan family members leave.

When the Yuan family saw it, they were all stunned. They didn't expect so many people in black to appear suddenly, which made them even more frightened.

Although they also had bodyguards, it was hard to say whether their bodyguards could block the men in black called out by Zhang Renfu.

Qin Feng didn't even look at the men in black, but turned his head and smiled faintly at Yuan Yashi who was in his arms.

"Yashi, how about playing a game with Dad? Dad will blindfold you, and then you start counting, from one to one hundred. If you can count without making mistakes, then Dad will reward you with a hat."

"it is good."

Yuan Yashi quickly nodded in agreement, although she is only four years old, she is well-behaved and is used to obeying Qin Feng.

After putting Yuan Yashi on the ground, Qin Feng immediately took out a piece of black cloth and covered Yuan Yashi's eyes.

Yuan Yashi immediately began to count.

This made Zhang Renfu extremely upset. He came here to kill Qin Feng, not to watch Qin Feng show off his father-daughter love.

"Hun Dan, I will take your head off."

Zhang Renfu let out an angry roar, and immediately swung his hoe and continued to rush towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's expression darkened, and he also rushed towards Zhang Renfu.

Now that Yuan Yashi is standing here, he will naturally not let Zhang Renfu hurt Yuan Yashi.

The bodyguards of the Yuan family took out their short sticks one after another and began to fight against the men in black.

Suddenly, there was a sound of a car, which made everyone startled, and they all looked up at the driveway that went up the mountain before.

A platoon of convoys drove over here.

At the same time, five helicopters flew towards us not far away.

"All the Yuan family members who don't want to die, all squat down."

Huan Wei at the bottom of the mountain yelled at the Yuan family at the cemetery above.

When the Yuan family heard this, they squatted down one after another.

As the convoy stopped, a group of strong men all rushed towards the cemetery.

Those men in black panicked instantly and wanted to escape.

It's a pity that these strong men caught up with the men in black and executed them all.

The Yuan family didn't know what was going on, so they all squatted on the ground, buried their heads and covered their faces.

Yuan Zihan found that these strong men shot quickly, but they did not go to support Qin Feng.

Huan Wei did not go to support Qin Feng, but watched from below.

Zhang Renfu's attacks were vicious, and all his moves were aimed at killing Qin Feng, not to mention that he was swinging a hoe.

It seems that in his eyes, Qin Feng is just a small grass, and it is easy for him to eradicate a small grass.

But after 36 moves in a row, Zhang Renfu discovered that Qin Feng was not as simple as he imagined.

And because of the arrival of these strong men in green uniforms, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw that all the people he brought were killed.

He was not in a hurry to leave, because he was sure that he could kill Qin Feng and escape smoothly.

However, Qin Feng's shots were too steady, just a black belt swung from his waist stopped all his attacks.

Because compared with the big hoe, Qin Feng's black belt is obviously more flexible, not to mention that Qin Feng's figure is also as flexible as a loach in the mud, he can't grasp the direction Qin Feng is avoiding at all.

Although the shots were getting faster and faster, Zhang Renjia's heart became more and more frightened, because he failed to hit Qin Feng once.

You must know that he was in the hunting list in the Kingdom of Ding, and they were all top ten flower hunters for many years. It stands to reason that it should be more than enough to take care of an ordinary security guard.

But the actual situation is that Qin Feng is suppressing him, constantly blocking his attack direction, and even blocking all his escape routes.

"Impossible, how could I lose to you a security guard! I will never lose to you!"

With a roar, Zhang Renjia's attack became even more powerful. He threw away the hoe in his hand, then swung two short knives from his waist, and the blades slashed at Qin Feng menacingly.

Qin Feng waved the black belt, and he didn't panic at all, his shots were still as steady as Mount Tai.

He kept hitting Zhang Renfu's body and even Zhang Renfu's face with the black belt.

Not long after, Zhang Renjia's face was swollen from the beating.

Even so, Zhang Renjia never thought of admitting defeat to Qin Feng.

He glanced at Yuan Yashi, who was still counting silently, and actually wanted to kill Yuan Yashi in order to break Qin Feng's fighting spirit.

Qin Feng saw Zhang Renfu's intention at a glance, swung the black leather belt in his hand, and immediately grabbed Zhang Renfu's neck.

Zhang Renfu's eyes widened and his face turned red instantly, but he immediately threw a dagger in his right hand towards Yuan Yashi.

When Yuan Zihan saw it, his expression changed instantly.


The dagger fell to the ground suddenly, because Lin Xuezhi and Huan Wei swung a diamond-shaped hidden weapon and a dagger at the same time, and knocked Zhang Renfu's dagger away.

Zhang Renfu was so annoyed that he pointed at another dagger with his left hand and turned his body around, intending to swing the dagger at Qin Feng's abdomen.

With a wave of his right hand, Qin Feng clasped Zhang Renfu's left hand, and slashed the dagger towards Zhang Renfu's neck.

Zhang Renjia dodges.

Qin Feng took the opportunity to snatch Zhang Renfu's dagger, and kicked Zhang Renfu's buttocks, sending Zhang Renfu flying from the top of the grave to the bottom.

Zhang Renfu fell to the ground and quickly got up, trying to escape.

A burly man in uniform held a handle and hit Zhang Renfu on the right leg.


Zhang Renfu wailed, like a fat pig being slaughtered, terrified and still wanted to escape.

It's a pity that this side has been heavily surrounded, how could Zhang Renjia escape?
The burly man was not polite and continued to play the second time.

Zhang Renjia was killed on the spot, blood spattering.

The burly man stood still, waved to the strong men in green uniforms, and shouted sharply, "Take all the corpses of these bandits away."

The brawny men were ordered to remove all the corpses of Zhang Renjia and the men in black.

But the burly man glanced at the people on the graveyard, and then fixed his eyes on Qin Feng.

"Your skill is good, if you have nowhere to go in the future, you can come to me. I am the commander of Dongyun Mountain in the East China Sea.
Bai Gapeng chuckled, then turned and left.Ga Peng. "

Qin Feng just shook his head lightly and didn't say anything.

The helicopters at high altitude also all flew away.

Huan Wei saw that the convoys had all left, and then turned her head and shouted at Qin Feng.

"Sir, it's fortunate that we met them for training this time, otherwise we would be miserable."

When the Yuan family heard this, they suddenly realized that Bai Gapeng's men had just come to train and helped them deal with the bandits.

(End of this chapter)

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