Chapter 80 Drive him away for a while

Ye Wushuang's convoy came back from Linghe Industrial Park and went straight back to Longfeng Shengshi Villa Area.

This is a high-end and all single-family villa area, which has always been the first choice for the upper class to live together.

Just when she returned to the compound of her 36 villas, she saw several luxury cars parked in front of the compound.

A young man with a delicate hairstyle, holding flowers, stepped forward to intercept Ye Wushuang's convoy.

"Wushuang, I really like you, please give me a chance, let's have a meal and chat, okay?"

shouted the young man.

In the black RV.

Yin Qing turned to Ye Wushuang and asked: "Ye Dong, what should we do now? This young master of the Xu family is going too far. He dared to come and block the door."

"Get out of the car and drive him away."

Ye Wushuang snorted coldly.

Yin Qing nodded, then opened the door and got out of the car.

"Xu Zhengxiang, please leave immediately, we Dong Ye won't like you."

When Xu Zhengxiang heard this, his expression froze, but seeing that Ye Wushuang didn't get out of the car, he still didn't give up.

"I really like Wushuang, Secretary Yin, please let me say a few words to Wushuang."

Yin Qing snorted softly, naturally she would not be polite to Xu Zhengxiang. Although she was dressed like a dog, she knew very well that this was not the type Ye Wushuang liked, not to mention that Ye Wushuang wanted to kick him out.

So she immediately waved to the bodyguard of the Ye family who followed.

The bodyguards of the Ye family rushed towards Xu Zhengxiang, and then pulled Xu Zhengxiang away.

Xu Zhengxiang did not resist, but continued to shout towards the black RV: "Wu Shuang, I like you, I really do, please give me this once."

Yin Qing gritted his teeth, then asked someone to open the gate of the courtyard and let the convoy in.

Then, of course, she asked someone to close the gate of the compound to prevent Xu Zhengxiang from entering.

Seeing the gate of the courtyard being closed, Xu Zhengxiang's expression darkened in an instant, and he returned to a Rolls-Royce.

"go back!"

Xu Zhengxiang waved to the driver in the car.

In fact, Yin Qing hadn't gone far, she was still beside the gate of the compound. She looked through the surveillance on the gate and saw Xu Zhengxiang leaving, so she turned and walked towards the villa building inside.

Back in the lobby of the villa building, she immediately bowed her head to Ye Wushuang and said, "Director Ye, Xu Zhengxiang is gone."

"What's his condition?"

Ye Wushuang asked coldly.

"When he left, his face was dark. I guess he won't dare to pester you anymore."

Yin Qing frowned.

"Then you must have guessed wrongly. Not only will he pester me, but he will probably even get worse. This Hun Dan will not let me go. It's really annoying."

Ye Wushuang gritted her teeth tightly, then let out a sigh of relief, and a trace of coldness flashed across her eyes.

"Chairman Ye, do you want to report this matter to Mr. Ye? If Mr. Ye takes action, the mere Xu family..."

Yin Qing suggested, but was interrupted by Ye Wushuang.

"It's fine to report to the old man. I will solve my problem, so there is no need to add to the old man's troubles. What's more, now that Young Master Rong has come to Donghai City, he will definitely help me."

Ye Wushuang smiled lightly.

"That's a good thing. But I think, if you ask Mr. Qin to help, Mr. Ye, perhaps it will be easy to solve Xu Zhengxiang's matter."

Yin Qing quickly suggested.

She has been following Ye Wushuang all the time. Although she didn't follow to the top suite when she was in the Oriental Hotel, she knows that Qin Feng is not an ordinary person.

If Qin Feng helps out, it should be easy to clean up a third-rate family.

"Hugh is talking nonsense, such a trivial matter, you need to alarm Mr.?"

Ye Wushuang snorted coldly and gave Yin Qing a blank look.

Yin Qing stuck out her tongue, but didn't dare to continue.

Whenever Qin Feng was involved, Ye Wushuang never said much, but she could clearly see the reverence for Qin Feng in Ye Wushuang's eyes.

"I went upstairs to rest. When it's time for the banquet in the evening, call me up in advance."

Ye Wushuang sat for a while, then immediately stood up and waved to Yin Qing.

"Yes, Ye Dong."

Yin Qing nodded quickly.

Ye Wushuang walked straight towards the stairs.

Yin Qing looked at Ye Wushuang's back, and couldn't help but a trace of worry flashed across his pretty face.

Dragon and Phoenix villa area, hilltop villas.

After Yuan Zihan took a shower, she walked down wearing a light blue dress.

Seeing Yuan Zihan come down, Qin Feng immediately smiled and said, "We have a dinner tonight, it's Young Master Rong from the Cao family in Beiyan City."

"Huh? Then we're going there tonight?"

Yuan Zihan asked in surprise, then walked to Qin Feng and sat down.

"That's right. It's good to meet them in the past, I have already promised them, so you have to go there with me tonight, not to mention that if you want to form a group now, you need to know a few people."

Qin Feng smiled, put his arms around Yuan Zihan, and pressed Yuan Zihan against him.

"Don't cling to me. I took a shower. You haven't taken a shower when you come back. Zhiling said that everyone who has been to the cemetery has to take a shower. You should hurry up and take a shower."

Yuan Zihan quickly pushed Qin Feng away.

"It's… okay."

Qin Feng smiled awkwardly, and then went upstairs to take a shower.

have lunch.

Qin Feng received a call from Chu Xuan and confirmed that Chu Xuan had settled Yin Qiulu.

"It's great that Aunt Yin has moved to a new house. Aunt Yin's fate was not good before. I hope she will always be happy in the future."

Yuan Zihan sighed.

"Don't worry, she will be fine with Chu Xuan taking care of her. Or if you are free, you can go and play with her."

Qin Feng smiled and suggested quickly.

"No. I won't bother Aunt Yin for the time being. I want to learn how to be the chairman at home first. I don't want to embarrass you."

Yuan Zihan said with a serious face.

Qin Feng was startled.

He didn't expect Yuan Zihan to think so.

Afterwards, he smiled at Yuan Zihan, nodded and said: "Okay, I will arrange lessons for you later, if you find it difficult, then learn everything from the basics."

Yuan Zihan nodded slightly, she naturally obeyed Qin Feng's arrangement.

After the meal, Qin Feng also asked someone to find a laptop, and then found someone for Yuan Zihan to conduct online remote training.

Yuan Zihan naturally began to study seriously, not to mention Qin Feng was studying with him.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

The two got into the black RV together and left the hilltop villa.

Xiapu Street, Jiashi International Hotel.

As the black RV approached, the security guards at the entrance of the lobby on the first floor of the hotel all stood up straight, looking at the black RV with solemn faces.

Because the above has already issued a message that the people in this black car are so honorable that they can die at any time.

Therefore, the security guards didn't dare to have any jokes at all.

However, a dark sapphire-colored Bentley sports car drove over, and the sports car parked behind the black touring car. A tall and thin man with broken hair got out of the car immediately, and looked at Qin Feng who had just got off the car with a dark look in his eyes. .

"What kind of broken car do you have the nerve to park in front of me?"

Qin Feng didn't even look at the man with the broken hair, he pulled Yuan Zihan and walked towards the entrance of the front hall.

"Ignore me? Interesting, I'll just see what you two bumpkins are doing here."

The broken-haired man's face darkened, and he immediately followed Qin Feng and the other two into the room.

But when he saw that Qin Feng and the two were also going to the special elevator, he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and flashed a hint of sarcasm.

"It's just two bumpkins, how dare they take the special elevator? Where are they going? What do they want to do? Tonight is a dinner arranged by Young Master Rong. They won't come here to eat and drink, right?"

The man with broken hair immediately rushed over and walked in. He saw that the ninth floor was chosen above, and he couldn't help being startled, because he was also on the ninth floor.

"You went to the ninth floor to find someone, right? Huh, you're wearing these street stalls, and the clothes don't even have a logo. I think you are looking for death. The ninth floor is not the place you should go."

The broken-haired man said arrogantly.

"It's not where we should go, isn't it the place where you should go? You also used to be a waiter, right?"

Qin Feng laughed.

Yuan Zihan didn't say anything.

She was still wearing a mask at this time, and when Qin Feng said that she would be a waiter, she couldn't help but chuckle.

The man with broken hair glanced at Yuan Zihan. Although Yuan Zihan was wearing a mask, as a veteran of flowers, he could tell at a glance that Yuan Zihan was pretty.

"It's a pity, following such a person with no future, you still become a waiter. And you are out of luck tonight. You dared to block the car just now. With me, you can't even be a waiter, because I will drive you away .”

The broken-haired man said coldly.

"Really? I want to see, how are you planning to drive us away?"

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the man with broken hair with disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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