Chapter 81
The elevator reached the ninth floor, and the three of them walked out immediately.

However, as soon as the broken-haired man walked into the box, he immediately told a middle-aged man waiting at the door of the box: "The two bumpkins in the back, don't let them in, let them go."

The middle-aged man was startled, then turned his head to look at Qin Feng and the two who had just entered, his expression changed instantly.

Aren't these the two special guests invited tonight?
The middle-aged man is Cao Hanhai, the general manager of the hotel. Of course, he has seen Qin Feng's photo and knows that this is Qin Feng.

He was almost fooled by Ji Junhong just now, if Qin Feng is driven away, then he will not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Cao Hanhai slandered in his heart, then hurried forward, wanting to say hello to Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng made a gesture to Cao Hanhai, signaling Cao Hanhai not to approach and not to say anything.

When Cao Hanhai saw it, he quickly and quietly stepped aside, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

Yuan Zihan glanced at Cao Hanhai, and then looked at a dining table inside the box.

There were quite a few people sitting at the table, but she didn't know any of them.

Qin Feng pulled Yuan Zihan and walked over, then found two seats and sat down together.

The man with the broken hair just now was Ji Junhong, the young master of the Ji family in Donghai City. When he saw Qin Feng sitting down, he couldn't help but frowned, and shouted sharply, "Is this a place for you two bumpkins to sit?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan.

Seeing so many people looking at her and Qin Feng, Yuan Zihan couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and quickly grabbed Qin Feng's arm tightly.

"Don't worry, the dog is just barking."

Qin Feng said lightly.

"Brat, who are you calling a dog? You two came to be waiters, and you dare to sit at the main table?"

Ji Junhong said with an unhappy face.

At this time, a young woman walked in from the hotel entrance, it was Yuan Jiayan.

Yuan Jiayan heard Ji Junhong's words as soon as she came in, and saw Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan at a glance, and then walked over.

"Oh, you two are here too? Is this the place you came from? Rong Shao obviously just invited me over, what are you doing here?"

When Yuan Jiayan approached, she immediately looked at Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan mockingly.

"Where are we going, don't we need to report to you?"

Qin Feng said with a sneer.

"It's true that you don't need to report to me. But, did Young Master Rong invite you? Do you have an invitation letter?"

Yuan Jiayan looked at Qin Feng with disdain, she didn't expect that Qin Feng would dare to refute her, after all, she was obviously invited by Young Master Rong tonight.

"Madam, do you know them? What kind of family do you all belong to?"

Ji Junhong looked at Yuan Jiayan and asked in a cold voice.

"Hello, I'm Yuan Jiayan, from the Yuan family, a small family in Donghai City. As for them, the two of them are nothing in my Yuan family. They were kicked out of our Yuan family before, and now they have returned back shamelessly."

Yuan Jiayan smiled at Ji Junhong, then looked at Qin Feng with a cold face, as if challenging Qin Feng.

"Small family, the Yuan family?"

Ji Junhong's eyes sank, and he looked at Qin Feng with a gloomy expression for an instant, and said with a light smile, "You are just a little Yuan family member, how dare you challenge me? Do you know who I am?"

Qin Feng glanced at Ji Junhong, did not respond to Ji Junhong's words, but glanced at the other people, and found that they didn't say anything at all.

Ji Junhong's face froze, this kid is still pretending, right?How dare a member of a small family challenge Lao Tzu?

"Steward Cao, why don't you come over and take care of it? It's too much for such a person to sit with us, right? Come here immediately and drive them away?"

Ji Junhong yelled at Cao Hanhai.

When Cao Hanhai saw it, his eyebrows furrowed. Is it Ji Junhong again?

He obviously didn't say a word, which meant that it was right for Qin Feng and the two to come in, but Ji Junhong is still holding on to Qin Feng, is he looking for death?
Looking at Qin Feng, he found that Qin Feng didn't have any expression, and he immediately stared at Ji Junhong.

"Young Master Hong, I am not qualified to drive anyone away, and I will not obey your orders, I only obey Young Master Rong. Young Master Rong is about to come down, you'd better not make trouble."

Ji Junhong's face changed. He didn't expect that he seemed to have offended Cao Hanhai, which made him even more angry. If someone like Qin Feng was here, he would feel uncomfortable.

"Are you really the one invited by Young Master Rong?"

Yuan Jiayan frowned, looking at Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan in surprise, her pretty face immediately showed a trace of dissatisfaction.

"How could Young Master Rong invite you? He obviously invited me here alone. Qin Feng, you are too much, you actually come in pretending to be a guest? Can you still show some face?"

Qin Feng was sullen, too lazy to talk to Yuan Jiayan.

Suddenly, a few more people walked in.

The people who came in were Yuan Jiayun and the others. When they saw Qin Feng, they also hurried towards Qin Feng.


As soon as Yuan Jiayun approached, he immediately shouted.

Both Qin Feng and Yuan Zihan nodded to Yuan Jiayun and the others.

"Why did you come here too?"

Yuan Jiayan looked at Yuan Jiayun and the others inexplicably.

Yuan Jiayun looked at Yuan Jiayan, and was naturally upset to be questioned by Yuan Jiayan.

"We can't come. My brother-in-law has an invitation letter and can bring his family, so we came here. However, it has nothing to do with you, does it?"

"Your brother-in-law? Qin Feng's useless? He's an ass brother-in-law! I guess he came here to eat and drink? Young Master Rong just invited me to come here alone. If you are sensible, get out of here."

Yuan Jiayan said with a proud face.

Yuan Jiayun frowned, then turned to look at Qin Feng, seeing Qin Feng shaking his head, he immediately sat down and ignored Yuan Jiayan.

When Yuan Jiayan saw it, she was instantly furious.

When she was at the cemetery, she had already taught Yuan Jiayun a lesson, but she never thought that Yuan Jiayun would still go his own way, hmph, let's wait and see.

If Young Master Rong comes over later, she will send someone to drive them all away.

"You people from small families, how dare you sit at the head table? I think you are courting death!"

Ji Junhong smiled softly, his eyes glanced at Qin Feng with disdain, seeing Qin Feng's indifferent face, he was even more annoyed.

So he turned his head and looked at Yuan Jiayan. Just now, this Yuan Jiayan was at odds with Qin Feng, so later he would use Yuan Jiayan to humiliate Qin Feng.

He would let Qin Feng know that if he offended him, he would only seek death. If Qin Feng knelt down and apologized obediently, he might forgive Qin Feng, but it was a pity that Qin Feng chose to go against him.

Yuan Jiayan didn't know why Ji Junhong was staring at her, but she was worried that Ji Junhong would think what happened to her and Qin Feng, so she quickly explained to Ji Junhong.

"I have nothing to do with them, especially this person. He doesn't have much place in our Yuan family. He probably came here tonight to eat and drink."

"Who is eating and drinking?"

A voice came over suddenly.

Everyone turned their heads to look, but saw Ye Wushuang striding in.

When Ji Junhong and the others saw it, their eyes straightened and they salivated, because Ye Wushuang tonight was simply too beautiful.

Wearing a red long dress on Ye Wushuang, Ye Wushuang looks even more glamorous and beautiful, charming and generous, like a flower fairy.

"Just now you said you mixed food and drink?"

Ye Wushuang came over and asked Yuan Jiayan sharply.

"It's you?"

When Yuan Jiayan saw that it was Ye Wushuang, her face froze immediately, because the investor she was waiting for at the roadside in Linghe Industrial Zone was Ye Wushuang.

As a result, she was naturally humiliated by Ye Wushuang, thinking that she was not qualified to buy Linghe Industrial Zone.

At that time, because she was thrown on the ground by Qin Feng's people, she was still dirty, and she seemed to be mistaken for a beggar by Ye Wushuang.

"I said it, Miss Ye, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Really? I never thought I would see you here. But if I hadn't guessed, you shouldn't be on tonight's list, right? Why did you appear here? Are you embarrassed to be sarcastic here?"

Ye Wushuang narrowed his eyes and sneered.

"Without me? How is it possible? I obviously received an invitation letter from Rong Shao?"

Yuan Jiayan quickly took out her invitation letter.

Cao Hanhai hurriedly stepped forward to check.

Afterwards, his expression changed, and he yelled sharply: "This invitation letter is clearly a mistake, we have already canceled it, someone, send this woman away to me!"

"Wrong? Impossible! You can't send me away, I'm here to see Young Master Rong..."

Yuan Jiayan yelled quickly.

But with Cao Hanhai waving his hand, two Cao family guards stepped forward and dragged Yuan Jiayan out.

The crowd was astonished.

But when he was stunned, Cao Hanhai answered a phone call, pointed at Ji Junhong, and said sharply: "Come on, drag Master Ji out for me too!"

Two more Cao family guards came over and directly detained Ji Junhong.

"No, why did you drag me out too! Mr. Cao, did you make a mistake?"

Ji Junhong hurriedly yelled at Cao Hanhai.

But Cao Hanhai didn't look at Ji Junhong at all.

If you dare to mock Qin Feng, dragging you out is already easy, otherwise, you will be beaten up before dragging you out.

(End of this chapter)

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