Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 803 Capture Uncle Lu 1

Chapter 803 Capture Uncle Lu

"We are your ancestors!"

Zhou Taihui scolded angrily, swung his knife and slashed at Lu Mingao's neck swiftly.

Lu Mingao's face changed in surprise, and he quickly swung the fruit knife to resist Zhou Taihui's short knife.

Sparks fly.


Lu Mingao was shaken back eight full steps, because there was no one to support him, he almost fell to the ground.

Zhou Taihui also took five steps back, but he stabilized his body, and immediately rushed towards Lu Mingao aggressively.

"Little bastard, how dare you come here and seek death?"

Lu Mingao stabilized his body, when he saw Zhou Taihui approaching, his face became furious, and he swung a fruit knife to meet him.

The two immediately wrestled together.

The gray-clothed men stepped aside one after another, and Li Yong and other bodyguards, as well as Brother Bian, who were strong men in combat uniforms, all cooperated, making room for Zhou Taihui and Lu Mingao.

However, when Zhou Taihui and Lu Mingao made moves, the strong men in combat training suits did not idle, but were very swift and violent.

"how is this possible?"

Li Yasong was very arrogant at first, but in the duel with these strong men in combat training uniforms, he instantly felt that these strong men in combat training uniforms were not idle people at all, and their shots were not inferior to his.

When Li Yasong was surprised, the strong man in the combat training uniform quickly narrowed the range with Li Yong and other bodyguards, and basically surrounded the gray-clothed men.

Seeing a large number of his companions fall, Li Yasong became more and more startled.

"Who are you people? Are you with these bodyguards?"

Facing Li Yong's shot, Li Yasong no longer had the arrogance he had before, because he found that Li Yong was really not as incompetent as he imagined.

As for Li Yong's cowardly look, it was Li Yong who deliberately pretended to fool him.

Even now that he knew that Li Yong was fooling him, he couldn't say anything that would anger him, instead he flinched more and more.

"Come on! Didn't you clamor just now to kill us?"

Li Yong sneered, swung his dagger, and slashed at Li Yasong fiercely.

Li Yasong was so provoked by Li Yong, and then he yelled, "Go! Everyone!"


Li Yong laughed, and then waved to Lao Bi and them: "Brothers, all go! I will never let them slip away, kill!"


Lao Bie and others followed and roared, they were already suffocated, after all, the number of people just now was too disparate, the number of the other party was ten times their number.

If Musashi Shion hadn't brought the female bodyguards to support her, I'm afraid they would have already explained it here.

Even though their bodies were full of wounds now, they didn't care about anything else, and swung their daggers, outputting with all their strength.

At the gate of the front yard, Zhou Qinya walked in, glanced at the men in gray clothes, but she smiled, then waved to Xiao Hong, Long Yu, Ma Qinglian and others, and walked inside.

"Shall we go in now?"

When Xiaohong and the others saw the fighting in the front yard, their expressions changed in shock. Even Ma Qinglian was a little nervous, after all, these people were still fighting.

However, Zhou Qinya still walked in, and Xiaohong and the others could only follow behind Zhou Qinya.

When the men in gray clothes saw the women like Zhou Qinya coming in, they were all stunned. No one would have thought that Zhou Qinya would dare to come in.

Some people wanted to get close to Zhou Qinya, but the blue sky and white clouds were protecting them, so they didn't let the gray-clothed men approach at all.

Lu Mingao, who was in the duel with Zhou Taihui, saw Zhou Qinya and the others, his face suddenly changed, especially when he saw Lan Tian and Bai Yun's lightning-fast shots, his heart trembled even more.

"Don't be distracted! Your opponent is me!"

Zhou Taihui laughed, and rushed towards Lu Mingao frantically.

Faced with Zhou Taihui's unrestrained shots, Lu Mingao had long since felt like retreating.

It's just that now his people are all trapped here, and he is already in trouble.

"Little bastard, go to hell!"

Lu Mingao roared angrily, then turned his head and shouted at the gray-clothed men: "Catch these women!"

It's a pity that as Zhou Qinya came over, the brawny men in combat training uniforms immediately gathered and formed two rows to open the way for Zhou Qinya.

Coupled with the escort of the blue sky and white clouds, the gray-clothed men were unable to attack Zhou Qinya at all, and could only watch helplessly as Zhou Qinya and the others passed through the middle of the front yard.

"You really..."

Seeing Zhou Qinya approaching, Ye Wushuang couldn't help sighing, if it was her, she might have to consider whether she dared to come over, after all, swords have no eyes.

"What's the matter? Could it be that I, Zhou Qinya, are greedy for life and afraid of death? Besides, we just came back from a death in Hongyun Villa over there, so are we still afraid of these trash?"

Zhou Qinya chuckled, then stepped forward and hugged Ye Wushuang.

Xiaohong and the others stood aside nervously.

Ma Qinglian exhaled lightly, and then leaned close to Ye Wushuang.

When Lu Mingao saw Zhou Qinya and the others walking over, he was shocked. He wanted to get someone to attack quickly, but found that his people were being knocked down in large numbers.

At the same time, he found that not only Li Yong and the others were brave, but even Musashi Ziyuan and the female bodyguards were not simple, not to mention Brother Bian and the others who were strong men in combat training.

"No, why are you all so powerful?"

"Because we are all people you shouldn't mess with!"

Zhou Taihui laughed, swung the knife faster, and continued to hit Lu Mingao.

Lu Mingao made a careless move, the fruit knife in his hand was split in two by Zhou Taihui, and his whole body was instantly sent flying.

But Zhou Taihui didn't stop, and continued to rush towards Lu Mingao.

Lu Mingao's half fruit knife was also thrown away, he hurriedly wanted to pick up a fruit knife on the ground, but Zhou Taihui came too fast, he didn't have time to pick it up.

Zhou Taihui slashed at him with a knife, knocked Lu Mingao down, and then put his knife on Lu Mingao's neck.

Lu Mingao didn't dare to move, he quickly raised his hands in surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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