Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 804 Forgive Us 2 More

Chapter 804 Forgive Us Second Watch
Following Zhou Taihui's capture of Lu Mingao, Li Yong and Brother Bian also almost cleaned up the men in gray.

Li Yasong was knocked down to the ground by Li Yong, and then he was stabbed to death by Li Yong.

Lu Mingao looked up and saw that none of his people could stand, he couldn't help being shocked, because he brought 300 people over.


300 people were wiped out like this, and the other party didn't seem to have lost anyone.

This difference was hard for him to imagine, and he could even see that the panting of these strong men in combat uniforms was still very even, and they didn't appear to be in a hurry, that is to say, they were not tired yet.

Zhou Taihui dragged Lu Mingao towards Zhou Qinya.

Zhou Qinya looked at Lu Mingao with squinted eyes, and said with a sneer, "So, you are that Uncle Lu, right?"

"How do you know me?"

Lu Mingao looked at Zhou Qinya in astonishment, he didn't expect Zhou Qinya to know him?

Zhou Qinya didn't respond to Lu Mingao immediately, but gestured to Lan Tian.

Lan Tian yelled towards the gate of the front yard: "Bring them in!"

When Lu Mingao heard this, he couldn't help but frown. Is there anyone alive on his side?

after awhile.

When he saw Chao Qiang and Tao Shengmei being brought over, Lu Mingao suddenly realized that Chao Qiang and Tao Shengmei might have betrayed him.

Chao Qiang lowered his head, didn't dare to say anything, and didn't dare to look at Lu Mingao.

But Tao Shengmei glanced at Lu Mingao, pursed her mouth, and didn't make a sound. After all, she had suggested to Lu Mingao before, let Lu Mingao investigate clearly.

It's a pity that Lu Mingao didn't listen to her words at all at the time, but now it's all over, all 300 people were buried here, it can be seen how stupid Lu Mingao is, she no longer fears Lu Mingao, on the contrary she has some disdain.

"Who the hell are you?"

Lu Mingao didn't care about anything with Chao Qiang and Tao Shengmei, but turned to look at Zhou Qinya, and asked in a deep voice.

"Ask me? I am the super family of Beiyan City, the Zhou family, Zhou Qinya."

Zhou Qinya said with a sneer.

"Super family?"

Lu Mingao's face changed in surprise, he naturally knew what a super family was, but he never expected to meet someone from a super family in this villa.

Since Zhou Qinya is a member of a super family, the bodyguards who followed Zhou Qinya are naturally the best of the best.

It might even be a peerless master, which made him instantly think of the terrifying attack that Lan Tian and Bai Yun escorted Zhou Qinya in before.

So for a while, it was not unreasonable for him to feel that his entire army was wiped out this time.

"Now you can explain it. Who asked you to come here? As for the Divine Snake Chamber of Commerce, don't talk about it, because it has already been eliminated."

Zhou Qinya said coldly.

"Get rid of it? Why..."

Lu Mingao was shocked. Originally, he wanted to mention the Divine Snake Chamber of Commerce, but now he heard Zhou Qinya say that, and he was frightened for a moment.

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'll have someone cut off your tongue!"

Ye Wushuang scolded sharply.

Because Lu Mingao led people to attack, causing Li Yong and many other bodyguards to be injured, it would be impossible for her not to get angry.

"I said! I said! This time, the elder cockroach of our black python team sent me here, asking me to bring back the women who were involved in a car accident today."

Seeing Ye Wushuang get angry, Lu Mingao hurriedly said in a trembling voice.

"Elder Cockroach? Is there such a person?"

Zhou Qinya didn't ask Lu Mingao, but turned to look at Tao Shengmei.

"Yes! But I don't know the real name of Elder Cockroach. We usually only call them by nicknames when we see them who are one level older."

Tao Shengmei quickly explained.

Zhou Qinya nodded, then took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Immediately investigate thoroughly, I must find out a person nicknamed Elder Cockroach."

"Yes, Miss."

Just an order, Zhou Qinya immediately hung up the phone.

"Hmph! Your Black Boa Constrictor team is just attached to the Divine Snake Chamber of Commerce. Now that the Divine Snake Chamber of Commerce has been eliminated, even the Divine Snake Gate, the backstage of the Divine Snake Chamber of Commerce, has also been eliminated. I don't believe it. I can't find it." Get an elder from your team!"

When Lu Mingao heard this, he froze completely. He had heard of the Divine Snake Gate, but he had never entered the Divine Snake Gate. Now Zhou Qinya actually said that he had been eliminated?
He instantly understood that people like Zhou Qinya had just returned from the Snake Sect, and even the Snake Sect was no match for them, so the people he brought were naturally far inferior.

Seeing Lu Mingao's shocked appearance, Tao Shengmei naturally guessed that what Zhou Qinya said was probably true.

Then she believed that it would be easy for Zhou Qinya to find the elder cockroach.

"Miss, please forgive us! Uncle Lu did it this time, and it has nothing to do with us. We never thought of attacking your villa."

When Lu Mingao heard Tao Shengmei's words, his expression changed instantly, "Tao Shengmei, what are you talking about? This is all..."

"It's all your own idea! Or Elder Cockroach asked you to do this, but it has nothing to do with me. I still have recordings on my phone."

Tao Shengmei was determined to kill the fellow Taoist and not the poor, so she quickly retorted.

Zhou Qinya gestured to Baiyun, "Check Tao Shengmei's phone recording thoroughly."


Bai Yun nodded quickly, and then began to check Tao Shengmei's phone recordings.

And Ye Wushuang had someone thoroughly check the mobile phones of Lu Mingao and others.

"Qinya, there is a person nicknamed Cockroach in their phone notes. But it can be seen that they are very cautious. There are no photos of special people in their phones, they are all landscape photos."

"In that case, Uncle Lu is useless to us."

Zhou Qinya chuckled and stared at Lu Mingao coldly.

"What do you mean? I've already told you that you can't kill me..."

Lu Mingao's face was terrified, he didn't expect Zhou Qinya to want to kill him.

However, Zhou Qinya snorted softly and turned to look at Tao Shengmei.

(End of this chapter)

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