Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 805 You Shouldn't Be Alive 3 More

Chapter 805
Tao Shengmei frowned, she naturally understood what Zhou Qinya meant.

"Everything is according to the orders of the eldest lady."

"Let go of her and restore her hands!"

The corner of Zhou Qinya's mouth curled up, and she gestured to Lan Tian.

Lan Tian immediately stepped forward and restored Tao Shengmei's hands.

Chao Qiang looked at Tao Shengmei in astonishment, and he could tell that Zhou Qinya wanted Tao Shengmei to kill Lu Mingao.

He grunted a few times, trying to say something, but couldn't.

After all, not to mention the entire army is wiped out, even the backstage has been thrown away by Zhou Qinya.

Then their lives are already under the control of Zhou Qinya, if Zhou Qinya wants to kill Lu Mingao, what can he say?

"Tao Shengmei, you can't mess around! Isn't it good enough for me to treat you? How dare you kill me?"

Lu Mingao looked at Tao Shengmei with a terrified expression, and roared tremblingly.

"Why should I not kill you? Even the Divine Snake Chamber of Commerce is gone now! When our black python team is caught, you will be nothing. If I kill you, I will survive."

Tao Shengmei said in a cold voice, and then took a dagger from Lan Tian.

"You can't kill me, you can't..."

Lu Mingao wanted to struggle and retreat, but because he was held back by two strong men in combat training uniforms, he couldn't retreat at all.

"go to hell!"

Tao Shengmei's expression froze, and she stabbed towards Lu Mingao with a knife.

Lu Mingao saw the dagger pierced into his abdomen, his face froze immediately, "You...you...really kill me?"

"You bastard, no good-looking woman can escape your clutches, you shouldn't be alive, you shouldn't be alive."

Tao Shengmei yelled angrily, and stabbed Lu Mingao several times in succession.

Lu Mingao vomited blood instantly, looked at Tao Shengmei in surprise, and then slowly closed his eyes.

Chao Qiang was stunned, he didn't expect Tao Shengmei to actually kill Lu Mingao.

But seeing Tao Shengmei's excited expression, he could guess that something must have happened between Tao Shengmei and Lu Mingao before.

Tao Shengmei watched Lu Mingao die, then threw the dagger on the ground, and immediately knelt down with her knees towards Zhou Qinya.

"Miss, please let Chao Qiang go, we really didn't think about attacking the villa tonight, it was really Lu Mingao's idea."

Tao Shengmei begged Zhou Qinya, kowtowing to Zhou Qinya continuously.

Zhou Qinya looked at Chao Qiang coldly.

Chao Qiang's face was pale and his body was trembling. As long as Zhou Qinya said a word, he would definitely die, but he didn't expect Tao Shengmei to intercede for him.

"Miss, I, Chao Qiang, will belong to Miss from now on, you can do whatever you want me to do."


Zhou Qinya waved to Tao Shengmei, "I will spare his life for the time being. But in my Zhou family, betrayal is the most taboo. If you dare to betray me, then the consequences will not be as easy as Lu Mingao, you understand Did I say that?"

"Understood! Thank you Miss for not killing me."

Tao Shengmei looked at Zhou Qinya in surprise, and even held her breath tightly, for fear that she would provoke Zhou Qinya if she breathed loudly.

However, Chao Qiang's face was pale, and he felt as if he had walked through the gate of hell.

The phone rings.

Zhou Qinya took out her mobile phone, glanced at it, and immediately answered the call, because the call was from Qin Feng.

"How is the villa?"

Qin Feng's cold voice came from the other end of the phone. It was obvious that Qin Feng was very angry when he knew that someone had attacked the villa, not to mention that Lu Mingao launched an attack on Yuan Zihan this time.

"It's settled here, the leader Lu Mingao has been killed, and as for the elder cockroach, I have sent Xiyang and the prodigal son to look for it..."

Zhou Qinya responded quickly, but before she could speak, she was interrupted by Qin Feng.

"I'll go there in person! You immediately ask them to send me the location."

"Yes, Brother Feng!"

Zhou Qinya's complexion changed slightly. Seeing that Qin Feng hung up the phone call, she immediately called Xiyang and told Xiyang about the matter.

Seeing Zhou Qinya put down her phone, Ye Wushuang frowned and asked, "Brother Feng hasn't come back yet?"

"He's going to deal with that cockroach elder himself. I guess Brother Feng is angry. But I'm a little worried because I heard that Brother Feng and the others encountered a fierce battle in Xiaojia Village. I don't know if Brother Feng was injured. "

Zhou Qinya said with some worry.

Ye Wushuang turned his head and glanced at the door of the villa building, and quickly made a silent gesture, "Don't worry, Brother Feng is definitely fine, otherwise, he would definitely not go to find Elder Cockroach! The problem now is that the two of them are not at all Don’t you know about Elder Cockroach?”

After all, Ye Wushuang looked up at Chao Qiang and Tao Shengmei.

Chao Qiang and Tao Shengmei immediately shook their heads together, because they really didn't know where Elder Cockroach was.

"In this way, just relying on your side to send people to search their lair, you may not be able to find anything, right?"

Ye Wushuang said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry about that, as long as it's the person I, Zhou Qinya is looking for, I won't find it."

Zhou Qinya grinned, then waved to Lantian and Baiyun, signaling Lantian to place Chao Qiang and Tao Shengmei, and Baiyun to place Xiaohong and Long Yu, then she and Ma Qinglian took Ye Wushuang into the lobby of the villa building.

Musashi Shion smiled lightly and followed behind them.

On the sofa in the lobby.

Yuan Zihan and the others were still sitting there. After all, there was an attack in the front yard of the villa, and it was impossible for them to run to rest.

Seeing Zhou Qinya, Ye Wushuang and others coming in, Yuan Zihan and the others all stood up.

"Qinya is back?"

Yuan Zihan immediately stepped forward to hold Zhou Qinya, and checked Zhou Qinya.

"Aren't you injured? Didn't you say that Hongyun Villa is very dangerous? You still said that explosives will be used?"

"How could I be injured? The purpose of using explosives is to blow up the exit. After all, the exit is too small. Those girls are in a coma and it is difficult to get out."

(End of this chapter)

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