Dragon King Emperor

Chapter 923 Must keep up with 7 more

Chapter 923 Must keep up with the seventh watch
"Just listen to Wenqing! What are you talking nonsense about? What if you don't sign a contract? It's fine if they negotiate it. Do you think it's you?"

Hu Xingwang gouged Hu Yingwu angrily, and reprimanded him sharply.

Hu Yingwu smiled awkwardly, not daring to refute Hu Xingwang's words.

"This investment is really nothing. Young Master Rong said it was just to test the waters. I think Young Master Rong and the others seem to have a big investment, and the Ke family also participated this time."

Hu Wenqing said in a low voice, then raised her eyes to Liu Yue who came out of the hot pot restaurant and made a phone call, her pretty face instantly became gloomy, because she felt that she was far behind Liu Yue.

"Yes, the Ke family also participated. How is the Ke family? Have they also received investment?"

Hu Xingwang followed Hu Wenqing's gaze and asked quickly.

"Old man, let's go back and talk about it. Young Master Rong told us to leave here quickly. If we stay here, I'm afraid it will annoy him."

Hu Wenqing didn't respond positively, and quickly grabbed Hu Xingwang and urged him to leave.

"go back!"

Hu Xingwang frowned, then waved to the others.

At the entrance of the hot pot restaurant, Liu Yue naturally noticed that Hu Wenqing was looking at her, but she didn't have time to chat with Hu Wenqing, because she called Ke Wenshan when she came out.

After explaining a few words, Liu Yue watched the Hu family leave, glanced at the Song family, and immediately waved to her secretary and bodyguards.

Seeing that even Liu Yue had left, but Cao Shirong and Qin Feng hadn't come out yet, Song Ruicong couldn't help but his face tightened, and he quickly looked at Song Kangsheng.

"Old man, what should we do now? Both the Hu family and the Ke family have left."

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

Song Kangsheng glared at Song Ruicong, feeling a little depressed.

He thought that when he came here, he could discuss tens of billions of cooperation, but he didn't even see anyone.

But he knew it was useless to be angry with Song Ruicong, so he quickly waved to a tall and thin middle-aged man, "Guoyuan, go and ask."

This middle-aged man is Song Kangsheng's son and Song Ruicong's father, Song Guoyuan.

Song Ruicong glanced at Song Guoyuan, and couldn't help feeling a little worried. The old man couldn't go in in the past, so what could his father ask in the past?
Song Guoyuan frowned, and hurriedly walked towards the door of the hot pot restaurant.

But soon, Song Guoyuan ran back and shook his head at Song Kangsheng.

"Old man, they still won't let us in, and they said, Young Master Rong has ordered us to leave here now. It looks like Young Master Rong doesn't plan to see us anymore."

When Song Kangsheng heard this, his expression froze immediately. Is it true that you can't even meet people once you come here?
"Old man, Dad, what shall we do now?"

Song Ruicong asked quickly, seeing this tens of billions of investment and cooperation slipping through his fingers, he was really not reconciled.

"They don't want to see us. It's not an option for us to stay here. We'd better leave first. Otherwise, we'll offend them completely, and it won't do us any good."

Song Kangsheng sighed, then turned around and walked towards the elevator.


Song Ruicong looked at Song Kangsheng in astonishment, and a hint of disappointment flashed across his eyes.

"Young Master Cong, let's listen to your old man. Let's leave here first. Since Young Master Rong intends to invest here, he will definitely be in Shaoxin City tomorrow. We will send someone to keep an eye on it. We will just follow Young Master Rong when the time comes."

Li Xing'er quickly suggested in a low voice.

"That's right! We have to keep up tomorrow!"

Song Ruicong's face brightened, and he quickly nodded to Li Xing'er.

In the hotpot restaurant, Qin Feng and Cao Shirong were still drinking red wine.

Bai Hu hurried over, bowed his head to Qin Feng and said, "Sir, they have already left."

"In that case, it's time for us to leave."

Qin Feng smiled faintly, then stood up and gestured to Cao Shirong.

"Brother Feng, are the stalkers still there, shall we leave now?"

Cao Shirong looked at Qin Feng in surprise, but he also stood up.

"It's because they are still here, so we have to leave. Do you think they dare to come in here? This mall is full of surveillance, they don't have the guts to come in, and there are too many innocent people here, so it is not appropriate to let them in."

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth curled up, he smiled jokingly, and then walked towards the door.

When Cao Shirong saw it, he immediately followed with a sad face. He knew that Qin Feng was worried that the killer would come in and make trouble, but he also knew that Qin Feng planned to let him go out to be a bait.

A group of people walked out and returned to the black RV before.

But before the car started, Qin Feng noticed that Hu Wenqing was sitting in a black Mercedes, and seemed to be waiting for him and Cao Shirong to come out.

"What are you looking at?"

Cao Shirong noticed that Qin Feng's expression was not right, and asked quickly.

"Hu Wenqing didn't leave. This woman is probably interested in you, but if she follows us, she will be easily targeted by the killer."

Qin Feng explained lightly, and at the same time took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Hu Wenqing.

Hei Da ran up, and Hu Wenqing found that the phone had received a message, and then picked up the phone and glanced at it.

But after reading the news, she was a little surprised, because she didn't expect Qin Feng to find her, and she thought she was secretive enough.

"Is there a killer following them? Is this true or not? Why didn't I find any killer? Or, did Mr. Qin deliberately prevent me from following them?"

Hu Wenqing muttered to herself, but when she saw Qin Feng and his two cars driving out, she quickly started the car, trying to follow.

But unfortunately, as soon as her big Benz drove out of the entrance and exit of the mall, it was hit by an orange van, and the car got stuck in the entrance and exit.

"Damn! Who are you? How dare you hit my car?"

"Miss, I didn't mean it. The child on my side was making trouble, so I bumped into it by accident. I'll pay you back. I'm sorry!"

(End of this chapter)

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