Chapter 924

A muscular, unkempt man stepped out of the orange van, looked at Hu Wenqing's black, fast-moving front, and quickly apologized to Hu Wenqing.

"I don't need your compensation, move the car away quickly! Hurry up!"

Hu Wenqing quickly waved to the shaggy man and shouted sharply.

The shaggy man's expression changed slightly, he hurried back to his van, and quickly got out of the way.

Hu Wenqing also started the car immediately, and continued to chase Qin Feng's two cars.

Soon, Hu Wenqing chased after them, because Qin Feng's car was not driving fast, and she found that there were really several black vans following behind Qin Feng's car.

"That's definitely not Rong Shao's bodyguard!"

Hu Wenqing found that the windows of two vans were open, and the people inside were actually smoking and flicking ash out of the windows from time to time.

And she remembered that when she was at the hot pot restaurant, none of the strong men in combat training uniforms smoked at all, and all of them stood up straight like poplars.

People who are strict with themselves don't have any bad behavior habits, let alone flicking cigarette ash like this, and putting their hands on the car window.

Even if Cao Shirong still has a group of bodyguards waiting outside, then this group of bodyguards will definitely not have such bad habits.

So Hu Wenqing also concluded at once that if these cars were deliberately following them, they must not be Cao Shirong's bodyguards.

However, she had already separated the secretary and the bodyguard and did not bring them together. This time, she drove here by herself.

"What should I do? There is no way for me to follow up like this! No, I must let Yun Na and the others come over, otherwise I will be in danger, and it will be bad if I drag Rong Shao and the others."

Hu Wenqing muttered to himself, quickly picked up the phone, and while driving, made a call to her bodyguard, Yun Na.

After telling Yun Na about the matter, Hu Wenqing felt relieved.

In a black van, a strong man with a bald head was answering the phone.

"Don't worry, we are following them now. They can't escape, and there are not many of them. We should be able to take them down tonight."

"Then take them down, as long as you take them down, the rest of the bounty will be credited immediately."

An old man's gloomy voice came from the other end of the phone, and the other end hung up the phone without waiting for the other party to respond.

The bald man's face darkened, and he took out a pack of betel nuts from his coat pocket.

"Jerry, where are we going after finishing the order tonight?"

A burly man with a short crew cut and smoking a cigarette next to him asked quickly when he saw the bald man put down his phone.

The bald man is called Zhang Jerry, and he is their team leader.

The burly man with short, flat head is called Li Gu, and next to him is a burly man with shaggy hair, named Yun Jinlong.

Yun Jinlong was wearing a black pullover. He didn't look as strong as Zhang Jerry and Li Gu, but he was full of hostility.

"Then we have to finish it. Tonight is up to Jinlong. As long as Jinlong makes a move, I don't care what he is, the young master of Beiyan City, he will die for me!"

Zhang Jerui sneered, turned his head to look at Yun Jinlong, a pair of snake eyes also flashed a ruthless look, and his face was even more ferocious.

Before coming here, Zhang Jerry already knew the identity of Cao Shirong, but the bounty offered by the bounty party was too high, a total of [-] million, so it was impossible for him not to come.

Moreover, he found that Cao Shirong's trip this time was only in two cars, and the number of bodyguards was so small, he naturally didn't want to miss this opportunity.

And Yun Jinlong was one of the stronger players on their side, if Yun Jinlong made a move, then Cao Shirong would definitely not be able to escape.

Yun Jinlong didn't say a word, as if Zhang Jerry was not talking about him, his eyes were extremely cold, staring at the passing street scene outside the car, he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Don't worry, Brother Jerry, Jinlong will definitely kill them."

Li Gu gave a sly smile, seeing Yun Jinlong's appearance, he immediately touched Yun Jinlong's waist with his elbow.

But unfortunately, Yun Jinlong still didn't respond, he was like a clay sculpture.

"Okay, when the time is right, then surround them and never let anyone go. If they run away, we will be in trouble."

Zhang Jerry warned sharply.

After all, Cao Shirong was the young master of the Cao family in Beiyan City. If someone slipped away, the Cao family might send someone to hunt them down instead.

Although he knew that the consequences would be serious, for Jerry Zhang, this was the pursuit of wealth and wealth!
On the black RV, Qin Feng has been taking a nap with his eyes closed.

Cao Shirong felt vaguely uneasy, and continued to follow the car.

"These souls are weak, they should continue to follow them, they are looking for death!"

Cao Shirong gritted his teeth, his face also looked gloomy and cold.

The mobile phone rang suddenly, Cao Shirong took out the mobile phone to look, and found that it was Tang Xiaotong calling, and he immediately answered it.

"Rongrong, have you gone to Brother Feng's side now?"

Tang Xiaotong on the other end of the phone asked softly.

"Of course it's here. It's already ten o'clock in the evening. I came from Songhe District in Donghai, and it's only been two hours. Brother Feng is sitting next to me now. We're going to go for a walk. How are you doing?"

Cao Shirong chuckled, and his mood immediately improved a lot.

"That's how I am. Now I'm lying on the bed naturally. There are too many things to learn every day. I'm just afraid that you are too busy, so I dare not call you for fear of disturbing your affairs."

Tang Xiaotong said with a sigh.

"What are you afraid of? Call me directly if you have anything. I will never fail to answer your call at any time. If I am really too busy, I will tell you."

Cao Shirong laughed again, he just wondered why Tang Xiaotong called at this time, if it was normal, he would have called to chat on the phone long ago.

But he could also guess that it must be what Zhou Qinya said in the prestige group that caused Tang Xiaotong to call now.

Just as the black RV drove to a nearby open square and stopped, all the black vans behind them chased after them, blocking the way of the black RV and black Audi.

As the car stopped, a group of strong men in black sweaters stepped out of the black van, and surrounded Qin Feng and the two cars in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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