Chapter 11
"Nonsense!" Li Shimin said angrily.

He really didn't expect that things would develop to this point.

It was originally a trivial matter, at least in his opinion, it was not a big matter, and today Li Chengqian was asked to come to the morning court because he did not want this matter to have too much impact on him.

In the end, seeing that Li Chengqian's performance was not bad, he wanted to see how he would face this civil and military court.

After all, this is what a prince will experience sooner or later.

"Your Highness, be careful." Fang Xuanling also had to stand up.

While speaking, he glanced at Wei Zheng, and Wei Zheng was also stunned, he didn't expect it either.

They exchanged glances with Fang Xuanling, vaguely, both felt that there was something wrong with this matter.

In front of them, Li Tai and Li Ke opened their mouths wide, their faces full of disbelief.

I'll go, is it so exciting?
This is really a big drama, but they never thought that this big drama has just begun!
"Nonsense? Be careful?" Li Chengqian said disdainfully, "Isn't this what you want to see? Gu Wu is just brewing a wine, and neither stealing nor robbing. So aggressive! Has anyone ever asked why Gu Yuan makes wine!"

In fact, he also knows that this is too abrupt, but there is no way, since the early dynasty, this is the only opportunity he has seen, and this is what he tried his best to create, he can't bear it, and there is no time for him to bear it .

As for Lu Yushi and the others, seeing him like this, they were shocked at first, but soon calmed down.

I thought about it in my heart.

Now it's not just a battle between them and the prince, but a game between the gentry and the royal family!
If they can use this to get Li Chengqian down, it will definitely be a big victory for their family.Of course, they also knew that it was almost impossible to bring down Li Chengqian, but now that they had reached this point, they couldn't back down.

"Hmph." With a cold snort, Lu Yushi said, "Even if Your Highness is there to celebrate His Majesty's birthday, so what? Even if the wine His Highness brews is a god's wine, so what? The waste of food has left countless people starving. Your Majesty thinks about it, how can you bear it?"

He is also smart, and immediately made this point clear, which is what everyone is most worried about.

But Li Chengqian completely understood!
Birthday, congratulatory gift?
My mother really didn't expect this, no wonder these guys are so gentle today, they thought for a long time that I was going to prepare a birthday gift for Li Er.

Sure enough, no matter how careful he was, he was still a bit out of tune with this Tang Dynasty.

But that's okay, this made him even more determined to run away.

"I really don't want to waste food to prepare father's birthday gift!" Li Chengqian glanced at them and said, "Sure enough, Su Guogong is right, you are a bunch of sour scholars! You don't understand shit! , relying on your own speculation, you really think you know everything? Don’t ask indiscriminately, don’t care about right and wrong, just rely on one mouth to get lost in the court.”

Cheng Yaojin deliberately stood up and explained, the sour scholar he was talking about was only Kong Yingda, but seeing these civil servants all blushing and eager to try, he dismissed the idea, but let alone, the prince is really fierce, and immediately Several generals beside him began chatting in low voices.

"We are officials, and it is our responsibility to make rumors, but also our right!" Master Lu said with a stiff neck.

"How is it different from a dog if you don't ask questions indiscriminately?" Li Chengqian was not polite at all.

This also completely drove the group of civil servants crazy. What Li Chengqian said was calling them dogs!
"Your Highness, as the crown prince, how could you humiliate us like this!" Some people were angry on the surface, but they were ecstatic in their hearts. The more mad Li Chengqian behaved, the happier they were.

Not only them, even Wei Zheng and the others frowned.

Li Chengqian's temperament made them a little worried.

"Your Highness, be careful!" Wei Zheng finally spoke again, and couldn't watch the show anymore.

If it is said that the most relaxed people in the court are Li Ke and Li Tai, they looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

This is a good thing, Li Chengqian is severing himself from the civil servants of the Manchu Dynasty, this is their opportunity!
On the high seat, Li Shimin was about to speak out to reprimand Li Chengqian, but before he could open his mouth, Li Chengqian threw the Yuanyou crown in his hand at Lu Yushi, and said angrily: "I said, this prince doesn't matter if he doesn't do it!

It's disdainful to associate with a group of sour scholars who don't care about indiscriminateness and right and wrong! "

"Why did Your Highness say that?" Wei Zheng really felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong, so he asked immediately.

And Lu Yushi was holding Li Chengqian's traveling crown, with a look of anger on his face, but he didn't dare to smash the traveling crown back, angrily said: "Your Highness wastes food and wine, not for the gift of His Majesty, nothing more than Is it wrong for us to impeach us to satisfy our appetite?
Not to mention His Royal Highness, even if His Majesty does such a thing, we dare to speak up and advise! "

The implication is that you are better than His Majesty?
Besides, since you have said everything, wine making is not to congratulate His Majesty on his birthday, without the umbrella of filial piety, I see what you can say.

Mainly, in their view, wine really has no other function.

"Desire for appetite?" Li Chengqian sneered, "I have never dipped a drop of wine since I brewed it in the East Palace! How can you say that I am trying to satisfy my appetite?
As for whether brewing has other functions, it is normal for you not to know, after all, how can you know the brilliance of my Chinese civilization if you are a sour scholar! "

Didn't drink a drop?This surprised everyone, it was really not for appetite, nor for His Majesty's birthday gift, which made them curious about the purpose of Li Chengqian's wine making.

"Then why does Your Highness make wine?" Wei Zheng finally found the key to the problem.

That's right, the reason why the prince makes wine is the most important.

As for his claim that he hadn't touched a drop of alcohol, no one doubted it.

Li Chengqian said coldly: "Half a month ago, there were personal guards in the Eastern Palace who were injured during training, and then brewed wine to heal the wounds. Now twenty-one of the personal guards are injured, and [-]% of the recovered ones! The rest are safe!"

"It's true." Li Er, who had been seldom speaking, stood up excitedly again.

He knew the purpose of Donggong wine making, so he let Li Chengqian mess around, but unexpectedly, he seemed to have really done it!
And those generals were also surprised, Qi Qi looked at Li Chengqian and asked, "Is what His Highness said true?"

They all know what that means.

"Absurd." Without waiting for Li Chengqian to speak, Lu Yushi continued, "It has never been said that wine can heal wounds since ancient times. Your Highness, don't want to be a three-year-old child in all civil and military affairs!"

Although he also faintly felt something was wrong, but now he couldn't help it.

"You haven't heard of it can only prove that you are really ignorant!" Li Chengqian didn't even bother to look at him, and said, "The person is just outside the Taiji Palace. Whether it is true or not, you can call it up and ask!"

(End of this chapter)

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