Chapter 12
At this time, there were 22 more people above the main hall.

There were 21 personal guards injured in the Eastern Palace, that's right, the extra one was Chao Zheng.

When Li Chengqian saw this guy coming in, he was also taken aback for a moment, wondering how this guy got mixed up with them.

And the others were shocked when they saw the twenty or so personal guards in the Eastern Palace!

"Your Highness, how were their injuries?" Li Jing, who had never spoken a word, finally couldn't bear to stand up.

As No.1 in the military, he should still shoot to the right servant, above the court, second only to Fang Xuanling!

"Chao Zheng, tell me." Although it was Li Jing, Li Chengqian didn't want to say anything more, and he didn't really know much about the injuries of these personal guards.

"Yes, Your Highness." Chao Zheng said, turned to Li Jing, cupped his hands and said, "Duke Hui Dai, when they sent them that day, there were a total of 21 people, three out of ten were slightly injured, and the remaining eight were all seriously injured .

I waited to ask the familiar imperial physician, and the imperial physician told me that there was no help! "

When he was outside, he had chatted with these personal guards, and he knew that Li Chengqian was in a lot of trouble today, and he thought more than those personal guards. As a doctor, he naturally knew how alcohol could affect trauma. Effect.

He also knew what to say in order to give Li Chengqian the greatest help.

Sure enough, when he finished speaking, all civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty were stunned!
Even Li Er was not much better. He even walked down, pointed to the gauze on the guard's hand, and asked, "What is this?"

"Return to Your Majesty, this is gauze." Chao Zheng cupped his hands and said, "This item was sent by someone from His Highness, and told me to boil it in boiling water, dry it, and then wash the wound with salt water to delay the wound from festering as much as possible." , It was not until His Highness sent alcohol to disinfect the wound that the wound festering was completely curbed."

"Alcohol is the wine His Highness brewed in the East Palace?" Cheng Yaojin couldn't sit still at this moment, he was already shuttling back and forth among the guards in the East Palace, looking east and west, like a monkey in a zoo.

The same is true for most of the other generals.

As generals, they are too aware of what effect this thing has on the army!
Every time they set off on an expedition, countless brothers who were born and died died of injuries. If there is such a miracle, how many fewer people will die!
"Yes." Chao Zheng wasn't nervous at all, whether he was facing Li Er or facing these veterans, he could speak with eloquence.

Of course, it doesn't mean how courageous he is. The main reason is that this guy is a medical idiot. Apart from being obsessed with medical skills, he is an idiot in other aspects.

It's a bit of a sense that those who don't know are not afraid.

Hearing what he said, Li Shimin immediately removed the gauze of a wounded soldier, wanting to see for himself.

This is a major event, and he must see it with his own eyes before he can draw a conclusion.

And veterans like Cheng Yaojin also follow suit, and they all want to get a glimpse of what's going on.

At this time, Lu Yushi and the others had cold sweat on their foreheads!
They know it's a big deal!

The prince seems to have really done something amazing.

As for Li Ke and Li Tai, they were both dumbfounded. What happened, this reversed?
No way!
"Your Majesty, take a look, this guy's wound is more than two inches long, but it shows signs of healing!" Cheng Yaojin shouted excitedly.

Li Shimin ignored him, and was still removing the gauze, while Li Daozong also shouted, "Your Majesty, the same is true on my side!"

Because Li Daozong was right next to Li Shimin, he turned his head and took a look, as expected!

And Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng and the others were actually watching, and when they saw this scene, they understood it instantly.

I see……

The prince came prepared today!
Thinking of this, he smiled wryly, but at the same time cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, what the crown prince has done is auspicious for the country!"

Wei Zheng will not talk about it, just talk about Fang Xuanling. In the past, he followed Li Er in the South and North Wars, so he naturally knows what this thing means.

But at this moment, Li Shimin also saw the wound of the personal guard, nodded in agreement, and said: "Gaoming's move will benefit the community and benefit the future. It should be an immortal achievement!"

He really didn't expect that Li Chengqian really succeeded, and the effect was so good!

You know, from the very beginning, he knew why Li Chengqian made wine, but he was not optimistic about all of this at the time. He just thought of Li Chengqian's heart, so he didn't say anything, and let him do whatever he wanted. Who knew that today he gave himself such a big reward. surprise.

"Congratulations to His Majesty, congratulations to the crown prince, and congratulations to the Great Tang Dynasty!" All the generals shouted at once!
To say that they are the most excited!

After so many years of military service, how many old brothers have died, they are too clear, with this thing, to them, it is like picking up a life for nothing.

As for the civil servants, their faces were flushed at the moment, and Li Chengqian called them dogs, but it turned out that the others were right!
Are you irritating or not?
And this also means that their scholar family was completely defeated in this battle with the royal family, and the blow to their scholar family's prestige was not the slightest bit.

For a moment, Lu Yushi, Master Cui and some other officials of the scholar family exchanged glances.

In today's court, although the officials of the scholar family did not have any important ministers among the three princes, there are so many of them. It is not an exaggeration to say that if the officials of the scholar family collectively pat their butts and quit, the Tang Dynasty will be shut down in an instant!

Not to mention the in-laws of their scholar family, just like Cheng Yaojin, whose wife is from Qinghe Cui's family.

At this moment, they also understood that the reason why Li Chengqian repeatedly said that he would not be the prince was because he had confidence. According to their thinking, it was nothing more than retreating to advance!

It can't be like this, it's too passive.

Several people exchanged glances, and Lu Yushi cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the prince's move is indeed a credit to the country, but it is also true that your highness has a wild personality. I will also ask your majesty to reward the prince, and at the same time choose another wise assistant." Prince."

"The minister waits for a second opinion."

All of a sudden, countless civil servants stood up.

This time, even Wei Zheng, Kong Yingda, and Fang Xuanling were among them.

The main reason is that Li Chengqian's behavior was too much just now. With this character, if he ascends the throne in the future, how can there be any way for civil and military officials to survive?

Li Er actually thought the same way, and he could see that Li Chengqian's character was too much.

But before Li Er could open his mouth, Li Chengqian snorted coldly, and said immediately: "What do you think I'm playing with you to retreat into advance? A joke!"

After finishing speaking, he faced Li Er, bent his knees, and knelt down directly on the ground, "I beg you to depose the crown prince, demote him to a commoner, and exile him in the Western Regions. I hope my father will be fulfilled!" Although it wasn’t called that at the time)”

Now that they are all common people, the emperor can't shout anymore.

And after he finished speaking, everyone was shocked!

Including Li Ke and Li Tai who were slightly disappointed just now!

They never thought that there would be such a turnaround!
(End of this chapter)

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