Chapter 13

Li Shimin stared at Li Chengqian without blinking his eyes, he wanted to know what Li Chengqian was thinking?

At first, he also thought that Li Chengqian's move was to retreat as an advance, but this happened one after another, which made Li Shimin a little dissatisfied. How can the current prince give in lightly?

One must know that Li Er was able to ascend the Great Treasure, but his hands were covered with blood, even if he was his own brother, he did not let him!

But when he heard that Li Chengqian was going to demote himself to a commoner, he was really surprised.

It can be said that Li Chengqian's self-defeating of the prince is advancing by retreating, but it is different if he is talking about self-deprecation of the common people. This is to cut himself off from the royal family!

At this time, Li Chengqian, who was stared at by Li Er, was also a little nervous, and he was holding on to it. Only now did he clearly feel what it means to be an emperor...

"Why did this come to this?" Wei Zheng shook his head and said, "It's true that Your Highness's actions are due to the country. The officials just don't know His Highness's deep meaning, and they have no intention of deposing His Highness."

Although Li Chengqian's character did make them uneasy, in general, they are still very satisfied with Li Chengqian, the prince, and he was very humble in the past.

As for today, it's normal. It's not surprising that he was a young man, and after finally doing something good for the country and the people, he was misunderstood by the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty and felt resentful.

"You don't need to dethrone me, I'll go by myself!" Li Chengqian said with his neck stuck.

Judging from today's events, he discovered that he has no political wisdom at all, at least not now, if he still relies on this position, he will be punished to death sooner or later.

Moreover, countless historical facts have told him long ago that the royal family is the least affectionate.

The emperor was so nervous about power that even his own son couldn't rest assured.

Otherwise, there would not be so many princes rebelling in history.

Not to mention, Li Er is a living example. He never felt that he had the memory of later generations, and he was really the opponent of these guys who left their names through the ages.

Instead of this, it's better to go far away from the outside world. If you can develop better outside, it's not like you won't have the opportunity to come back in the future.

"Bastard!" Li Shimin was completely furious, and said angrily, "How can the crown prince be easily surrendered!"

"Prince? Can I really sit on this prince?" Li Chengqian stood up, pointed at Li Tai and Li Ke, and said angrily, "Look, look at my two brothers, what are they doing?

Don't tell me you don't know, the reason why my two brothers went to court today is to see the joke of me, the so-called prince! "

As he spoke, Li Chengqian sobbed twice with a sad expression on his face, and then continued, "You know it, you all know it, including you, Father, too!

This is royal!This is the house of the emperor!This is your prince!

Who told me?Such a prince, what am I going to do! "

Li Chengqian almost roared out the last sentence.

After he finished speaking, Li Ke and Li Tai were immediately stunned.

No, is Li Chengqian crazy?
Can you say this too?
Some things, everyone knows it well, no one has ever pointed it out!It's not in the rules of the game...

"Presumptuous!" Li Er roared angrily.

The other people were also shocked, what can't be said!
But Li Chengqian didn't care about this, and said with a sad smile: "I'm presumptuous, but I'm even more afraid that one day brothers will kill each other!"

Li Er slapped Li Chengqian on the face, and Li Chengqian staggered immediately.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Li Chengqian is trying to die!
Brothers and sisters, are you talking about yourself or your father?

For a while, all the civil and military officials in the court did not dare to show their atmosphere.

Li Chengqian is finished...

This is what everyone thinks.

And Li Chengqian touched his face that was a little hot from the slap, and suddenly smiled, smiling very heartily, and said after a while: "Good fight, really good fight! It's only natural for a father to beat his son! I look forward to this day, It's been a long time."

Everyone looked at Li Chengqian who seemed to be in a frenzy, and didn't say anything for a long time, even Li Tai and Li Ke were on pins and needles at the moment.

There is no way, Li Chengqian has already broken the rules of the game and made many private things clear.

After Li Eryi slapped him, he also felt a little regretful.

In general, this is detrimental to the majesty of the prince.

"What are you going to do?" Li Er asked helplessly.

Li Chengqian didn't back down either. He finally got to this point. He didn't have to back down. He pouted and said, "Please abolish the crown prince, demote him to a commoner, and exile him in the Western Regions. There is nothing else we can ask for."

"Is the royal family so annoying to you?" Li Er also felt that Li Chengqian didn't seem to be playing tricks, but was determined, and asked in a cold tone.

He couldn't figure out what happened to make Li Chengqian willingly give up the crown prince?

The civil and military officials also noticed that Li Chengqian was not retreating to advance, it seemed to be true.

For a while, they were also nervous. If a prince was forced to retreat due to their reasons, the matter would become a big mess. The point is that the prince was not wrong. Not a good thing.

Li Chengqian didn't think much, and said according to the lines he had prepared long ago: "Is it boring? Maybe. But I really hate the royal family!"

"Why?" Li Erbai was puzzled.

Li Chengqian said: "Because the royal family has no family ties, isn't it?" After finishing speaking, Li Chengqian looked at Li Tai and Li Ke, and continued, "Don't say that my two brothers came to see me early in the morning. Your Excellency, right?

Don't you know what I do for brewing?No, Father must know, must know!But when I was questioned by the civil servants of the Manchu Dynasty, did my father say something to my child? "

"I think……"

Before Li Shimin finished speaking, Li Chengqian waved his hand and said, "Father, don't deceive yourself. You are actually afraid that I will really succeed. The soldiers of the Manchu Dynasty are kind, and if you get too close to the civil servants, it will be bad for you." !
King is not king, minister is not minister, father is not father, son is not son, brother is not brother, brother is not brother, I am fed up with this kind of relationship!Really fed up! "

"You..." Li Shimin was stunned!
Does he think so?

No, he really didn't think so. He just wanted to see Li Chengqian's resilience. He was cultivating his son, but at this moment, he couldn't say anything more.

He was never expected to be questioned and misunderstood by his son.

The civil and military officials of the whole court were stunned, this is really a big show!

From the beginning of the dispute between the monarch and his ministers, it has developed into a dispute between father and son.

And Lu Yushi's eyes lit up, this is an opportunity, he jumped out immediately and said: "How can your highness say such rebellious words, you want to overthrow my Tang Dynasty! If your highness is not honorable, he will be punished!"

He wanted to pick himself out. After all, forcing the prince of a country to abolish himself, and on the premise of no faults and merits, the reputation of their scholar family would be hit to the freezing point!

"Is the crime worthy of punishment?" Li Chengqian sneered, and the hairpin he had been holding in his hand immediately pierced his chest and abdomen, and said, "Then I will do it myself, I don't need you!"

In just an instant, the cold hairpin pierced his chest and abdomen, and everyone in the hall was dumbfounded.

Is it so rigid?
(End of this chapter)

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