This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 147 Volume 2 Invite me to come.

Chapter 147 Volume [-] Invite me to come.

Back in the palace, everyone was silent.

They couldn't figure out how Li Chengqian managed to be on someone else's territory with just 20 people in less than two months, and even fought back and forth with others.

Not to mention them, even Li Er, the father, couldn't figure it out.

Is it possible?
But news came back one after another, telling them that it was true.

How did they know that everything Li Chengqian did could not be replicated.

In the final analysis, everything is just a series of chance coincidences, and it just so happens that Li Chengqian finds the most suitable timing every time, which has created today's situation.

In other words, even Li Chengqian himself did not expect it to become like this.

What pushed him all the way to today is actually the ever-changing current situation.

And it is precisely this kind of situation that is accumulating his ambition step by step.

"Why do you think so much? The most important thing now is to send people to support one or two. If His Royal Highness the Prince of the Tang Dynasty is killed in Tuyuhun, where will I put the face of the Tang Dynasty?" Cheng Yaojin said, "And your Highness is developing now. It's too fast, and there are some unruly aliens around you, aren't you worried?"

In fact, Cheng Yaojin roughly guessed what Li Er was thinking, and immediately started bluffing.

"Murong Shun doesn't dare, does he? Let alone him, even Murong Fuyun wouldn't dare, right? Doesn't he know that if he does this, I, Tang Dynasty, will definitely send a teacher to question me?" Changsun Wuji said.

In fact, this is one of the reasons why they dared to let Li Chengqian take the risk alone.

"Don't dare to dare." Cheng Yaojin said, "Who can tell clearly about the things on the battlefield, things change rapidly, and a single arrow can kill a person.

Besides, the dead men are not those aliens. If there are dead men who assassinate His Highness in Tuyuhun, I will ask, what will happen then? "

This sentence can be regarded as poking the lungs of everyone.

But this kind of thing is destined not to be able to come to a result in a short while.

At the same time, in the Chang'an West City, inside the Changming Store.

Wang Dequan and Yang Lin looked at the letter brought back by Li Qinjian, both of them looked at a loss.

Lately, things have gotten better for them.

Money has not been lost, and word of mouth in Jingyang is also increasing day by day.

Before, I was looking forward to a letter from the northwest every day, wanting to see if there was any profitable business.

Businessman, isn't it just to make money.

As a result, it has been several months, and the left and right can't come, and they are almost driving them crazy.

But today, Li Qinjian's letter came back.

They originally thought that there was some big business, but when they saw the content of the letter, they were stunned.

In the letter, Li Qinjian told them that he had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He wanted to move all the focus of the Li family to Taozhou. Nowadays, Taozhou lacks people, especially his own people who can be trusted.

They also asked them to buy as much food as possible and ship it over.

"Is Lao Li crazy?" Wang Dequan said in disbelief.

Although merchants travel thousands of miles only for money, how many years have they taken root in Jingyang, and if they don't want it, they don't want it?

Yang Lin fell into silence, he was thinking.

He knows exactly who Lao Li is, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is a master who has nothing to gain.

Now that he has made such a decision, it means that Taozhou really has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

But this guy didn't specify what the opportunity was, he just let them think about it for themselves, which made them sit on the wax.

Give up, it's hard to say whether such an opportunity will exist in the future.

Don't give up, you don't know anything about this, if you lose the bet, the two days of comfortable life you have just lived may come to an end.

Thinking of this, Yang Lin couldn't help muttering: "Tell me, why didn't those brats from our two families know how to send a letter back? This made us know nothing, why did we make this decision?"

He really has some headaches.

As a businessman, he is naturally unwilling to let go of any possible opportunity.

But now this opportunity is hard to seize.

"What do you say?" Wang Dequan asked.

Although he didn't want to admit it, but if he really wanted to say it, he also knew that Yang Lin was stronger than him.

"I want to try it." Yang Lin said very honestly, "Old Li must have enjoyed the sweetness there, the specifics are hard to say, but it is definitely not just as simple as doing business.

According to our original cooperation, if it is really a business, it must be done in the name of Changming Company, and there is no reason to hide it from us. "

"You mean..." Wang Dequan was not stupid, he immediately thought of something, and said, "Yes, the area in the northwest has always been the traditional power of the Li family in Longxi."

That's it, apart from this, Yang Lin really couldn't understand why Li Qinjian would almost gamble to give up his foundation in Jingyang.

"Other than that, there is only one possibility." Yang Lin said, "That is, Old Li and that Mr. Li are planning to attack us.

But after thinking about it, I really can't figure out what we have that is worthy of people's concern. "

In this regard, he really wronged Li Qinjian. The reason why Li Qinjian didn't say it clearly was because he couldn't say anything about it.Why, he can still say in the letter that Datang is going to launch a war to destroy the country against Tuyuhun, so hurry up to claim credit?

Isn't this nonsense!
"Then what do you mean?" Wang Dequan's forehead hurts.

Hurry up and get a charter. Since Li Qinjian sent a letter to them, he must have also sent a letter to his family. Maybe the family is packing up and getting ready to go.

Gritting his teeth, Yang Lin said, "It's a gamble! We would have almost lost everything. If Mr. Li hadn't helped us, we wouldn't have had a chance to make a comeback. If we really lose money, it will be regarded as repayment."

Regardless of what he said, what he actually wanted to say was that people might not be able to value their family fortune, after all, their current glory was created by them.

Of course Wang Dequan also understood this meaning, nodded immediately, and said: "Then go back to Jingyang and tidy up. This time, I will get Dalang there too."

He himself will not go.

Jingyang is the root, and Chang'an is the branches and leaves. Even if you really suffered a big loss in the northwest, as long as you keep the root of Jingyang, everything will be fine.

Yang Lin also meant the same thing.

As for food, that is also a troublesome matter, but they are not short of food now.

Not long after, the two returned to Jingyang to make arrangements.

But as soon as they returned to Jingyang, Cui Hao and the others felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The last time these three families made such a big move, they suffered heavy losses. This time it happened again, could it be that Li Chengqian made something wrong again?

Once bitten by a snake and afraid of well ropes for ten years, they are the ones who are talking about it.

And the local merchants in Jingyang like Huang Song are also staring at the big moves of the three families.

Envy, since the opening of the Changming Grain Shop, these three have gained both fame and fortune. Now, who doesn't know that the most popular Changming Store in Chang'an City is their business?

Looking at the Cui family again, how high-spirited Cui Hao was back then, walking casually on the street, no one in the neighborhood would treat them as benefactors.

But now?

The Cui family's grain shop is empty, but the key point is that the price of grain has not yet been lowered.

Back then Yang Linke said that as long as they dared to lower the price, he would help the Cui family to make a name for themselves.

The Cui family is not just the Jingyang Cui family.

And the Changming Grain Shop has a steady stream of grain shipped from Chang'an every day, even if this will actually reduce the Changming Company's profit by half to [-]%, but neither Yang Lin nor Wang Dequan have any objections to this .

Enough money has been made, but not enough gas.

After tossing around at home, Yang Lin and Wang Dequan went to Li Qinjian's house at the same time.

Now, Li Qinjian is not at home, and the eldest son has left with him, and the remaining sons are sparing no effort to complete the tasks he explained, so the person who greets them is Li Qinjian's first wife.

"The two of you have seen it too. They are busy at home. Let me greet you as a woman, but I have neglected you." Li Qinjian's first wife is in her 30s, and her conversation is reasonable. It is said that Jingyang City was one of the most popular in the past Beauty, if it wasn't for her low status, she probably wouldn't be in Li Qinjian's turn.

"Sister-in-law was joking." Yang Lin laughed, "We also received a letter from Lao Li, no, the family is also busy, but we don't know much about many things, so we came to ask sister-in-law about the situation.

Lao Li said in the letter that Mr. Li asked us to buy as much food as possible when we passed this time, but he did not give a specific regulation. Will make a comeback. "

Hearing what Yang Lin said, Li Qinjian's first wife also laughed, but she didn't reply in a hurry, but asked again: "The two of you are also planning to focus your family on the Northwest?"

Although he didn't know why Li Qinjian made such a decision, in the letter, Li Qinjian made it clear that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Li family, and they might even be able to seal their wives and sons.

On this point, Li Qinjian is actually somewhat selfish.

After all, no one is a saint, so how can we share everything with others?
It is already quite loyal for him to mention Yang and Lin.

"That's natural." Yang Lin said with a smile, "All our present honors are bestowed on us by Mr. Li, and we naturally understand the principle of repaying favors."

No matter what you think in your heart, beautiful words have to be spoken.

After confirming again and again, Li Qinjian's first wife took out an envelope from the sleeve and said, "My husband told me that if the two of you are willing to do the same, let me deliver this letter to you."

When the two heard this, they were taken aback for a moment. My good guy, Li Qinjian still has a second hand.

If they didn't come here today, I'm afraid they really didn't know the existence of this letter.

After receiving the letter, Yang Lin tore it open.

After just a cursory look, Yang Lin was immediately amazed.

What is conspiracy, this is called conspiracy.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Yang Lin's reaction, Wang Dequan asked curiously.

Yang Lin didn't say much, and directly handed the letter to Wang Dequan.

After Wang Dequan read the letter, he was similar to Yang Lin.

"So, in the past, Mr. Li has already expected today?"

It is true that Li Qinjian wrote the letter, but the content has nothing to do with Li Qinjian.

The whole letter only explained one thing, which is also the most difficult thing for them now, and that is food.

This time, they wanted to organize people to go to Taozhou, so it became a matter of incident to bring some food there.

But the question is, where does this food come from.

The Changming Grain Shop does have grain, but if the grain is taken from the Changming Grain Shop, will the business of the Changming Grain Shop continue?

But Li Chengqian gave them a perfect solution, which just happened to solve the food problem.

Seeing that Wang Dequan was at a loss with the letter, Yang Lin asked, "Are you going or should I go?"

"You go." Wang Dequan shook his head and said, "You still have some experience in dealing with them."

To this, Yang Lin did not refuse. To be honest, after so many years, it was the first time that he had the feeling of a businessman turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain.

Of course, it wasn't him who turned his hand into clouds and his hands into rain, he was just the executor of this link.

"Then let's take our leave first. If there is no accident, we will leave in two days." At this point, Yang Lin didn't stay too long.Speaking of which, they are also busy.

In Li Qinjian's letter, Li Chengqian asked them to get as many technical talents as possible, and they were not limited to a certain technology.

This is exactly what Li Chengqian is currently in short supply.

As soon as they walked out of Li Qinjian's house, the two shook their heads helplessly and smiled.

Wang Dequan even said with emotion: "It's still old."

After seeing Li Chengqian's arrangement, he really felt that he was old, and always felt like a hero's twilight.

Of course, he is not considered a hero, but the feeling of the Yangtze River waves pushing forward waves still makes him a little depressed.

"Okay, don't be emotional." Yang Lin said, "I can see that we are only businessmen after all, and what we do is just the way of businessmen. But Mr. Li is different. He comes from a famous family. , he will also become an official and become a minister in the future, so what he thinks is not about business at all."

This is the reason, Li Chengqian's business methods are actually not clever, but he has some technologies and knowledge that are not available in this era, coupled with his extraordinarily strong purpose and personality, and is not limited to a certain method, which makes people have An illusion that he was great.

Nodding his head, Wang Dequan said with a smile: "That's right. Some people have spent their whole lives trying to break into Chang'an and show what they have learned in their hearts, but some people were born in Chang'an. How does this compare?"

After a while of emotion, Wang Dequan said: "What about you? Have you thought about it? Although Mr. Li's idea is good, if you want to go to the door, you will inevitably be ridiculed.

They are still polite to Mr. Li, because of Mr. Li's identity, us?To put it bluntly, what identity do we have? "

"I'm in business." Yang Lin said with a smile, "Don't tell me, after all these years, I never thought that one day I would visit in this way. It's quite exciting to think about it."

He didn't think as much as Wang Dequan.

It is true that a businessman has no status at all, but if he looks down on himself, who else in this world can look up to you, and besides, he never thought of going directly to the door.

"Today, I'm a distinguished guest. If they didn't invite me to the door, I wouldn't take me with me." Thinking of this, Yang Lin began to shriek.

On the other side, Wang Dequan was stunned, picked his ears, and said, "I heard that right? They will invite you?"

"You don't believe me?" Yang Lin laughed, "Look, they will definitely invite me."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Wang Dequan and walked straight towards Changming Grain Shop.

Today, he will be the uncle!

Not to mention anything else, just judging from the direction he was walking, it is not difficult to see that he has really caught a weakness.

In terms of business, he is indeed smarter than Wang Dequan.

(End of this chapter)

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