Chapter 148 Volume Two Is Really Coming?

Perhaps because of his different way of thinking, Yang Lin could not keep up with Li Chengqian's pace, but this did not mean that he was not a qualified businessman.

On the contrary, he is a qualified businessman.

After knowing Li Chengqian's arrangement, he immediately found the weakest point.

Cui's Grain Shop.

According to Li Chengqian's arrangement, this batch of grain could not be delivered from the Changming Grain Store. After all, if there was any movement, it would probably make the Cui family calm down.

After all, if the Changming Grain Shop had no food supply, wouldn't that give the Cui family a chance?

Therefore, Li Chengqian turned his ideas on the Cui family.

In fact, this was also his plan from the beginning. Why did he force the Cui family's food to not be sold? Wasn't it for this reason?
If he wanted to settle down in Tuyuhun, food must be indispensable.

He had tried it before, even if it was Niu Jinda, he needed to exchange it with a war horse.

It's okay to fall for it occasionally, but can he still trade horses and cattle Jinda for food?
He also needs war horses!

He had no choice but to focus on the Cui family.

This was what he had prepared for himself before, and now it was just to harvest.

Of course, the harvesters are naturally Yang Lin and the others.

If the Cui family didn't sell the grain to Li Chengqian, it would really only make the grain moldy in the granary.

Now, Jingyang's new grain is cheaper than their old grain for several years, how do you ask him to sell it?And they are the ones who advocate transporting the grain away, which makes them block the way to transport the grain to other places by themselves.

As for brewing wine, try brewing one!
He really thinks that Li Er is a good man, if you dare to make wine, he dares to take you all in one pot!
Besides, the Cui family couldn't bear such a name.

Therefore, the Cui family's food can only be sold to Li Chengqian.

However, Yang Lin did not follow Li Chengqian's instructions, and went directly to discuss with Cui Hao. Instead, he came to Cui's grain shop to find the shopkeeper of the grain shop.

If you want to say who is the most restless nowadays, it is naturally the shopkeeper Cui.

He is the person in charge of the Cui family's grain shop, and the food problem cannot escape him, or in other words, the Cui family's grain is unsalable, and he cannot escape responsibility.

Seeing the deserted people in front of Cui's grain store, Yang Lin felt comfortable for no reason.

On the opposite side, the shopkeepers from their own food shop were full of doubts when they saw their shopkeeper enter the opposite shop.

"Shopkeeper Cui, long time no see." Walking into the grain shop, Yang Lin smiled.

Shopkeeper Cui is called a hate!
haven't seen you for a long time?

We have to meet each other every day, you told me long time no see?
Moreover, this Yang Lin is really a villain, so it's fine to meet him every day, but he will always say hello to him deliberately when he opens the door.

If it wasn't for the Cui family not being able to afford to lose this person, the shopkeeper Cui would have wanted to close the shop.

"Yang Lin, don't be too arrogant." Seeing Yang Lin laughing like this, shopkeeper Cui was furious.

Facing Li Chengqian, he can bow his head, but facing Yang Lin, you are nothing!

That is to say, now they have climbed into Li Chengqian's thigh, and anyone with a discerning eye knows that both the Changming Store and the Changming Grain Store are Li Chengqian's property, otherwise they would have eaten these guys to the bone.

Regarding Cui's words, Yang Lin didn't mind much, and said with a smile: "Look at what you said, I'm not here to quarrel with you today, but to discuss business with you."

Businessmen have thick skins.

No matter what era it is, it is almost difficult to mix up if you are thin-skinned in business.

Yang Lin is such a thick-skinned person.

Of course, shopkeeper Cui didn't give up too much. When he heard that Yang Lin came to discuss business, although he was puzzled, he asked curiously: "About business? What business can we discuss?"

"Isn't your food unsalable? I thought, these years, you have contributed to our Jingyang County without credit or hard work. During this period of time, after thinking about it, I decided to help you. I can't just watch your food rot. Is it in the grain depot?" Yang Lin said calmly.

But in Cui shopkeeper's ears, it was harsh, pointing at Yang Lin, you, you, you, squeak for a long time, and then said: "If it weren't for you, why would my Cui family's grain shop be here?"

"Shopkeeper Cui's words are unreasonable." Yang Lin laughed, "If you hadn't deceived others too much in the past, why would we have come to this? Could it be that Shopkeeper Cui forgot who owned this Cui's grain shop before?" industry?"

Speaking of this, Yang Lin couldn't help thinking of the hardships of these years.

If Mr. Li hadn't come to Jingyang by accident, I don't know what they would have been like.

"Let's not talk about that." Shopkeeper Cui also calmed down his mood, and asked again, "Since Shopkeeper Yang said he is here to help us, how does Shopkeeper Yang plan to help?"

It doesn't make sense to say that.

In the adult world, who will tell you right or wrong?
Now that the issue of food was mentioned, shopkeeper Cui didn't mind chatting with him.

No, even the name has changed.

Yang Lin had seen the dirty faces of these people before, and immediately said: "It doesn't matter whether you help or not, in business, since you can't sell your food, you might as well sell it to me."

"You want to buy our food?" Hearing Yang Lin's words, Cui shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, feeling a little puzzled in his heart. Could it be that they are also short of food?But if you think about it carefully, it shouldn't be. They still know where the food in the Changming Grain Shop comes from. Based on what they have learned so far, at least this year, the Changming Grain Shop will not be short of food.

This is puzzling.

Yang Lin nodded and said, "You guys can't sell it either. If you really rot so much grain in the grain depot, it would be a crime. How about it? Do you want to sell it? Don't blame me for not reminding you. One day, after today, even if you come to my door, I won't ask for it."

Speaking of this, Yang Lin sighed pretentiously, and said, "In the end, we are still not cruel enough. If we are really cruel, I will count you as the one who can sell a grain of grain from your grain depot. ruthless!"

"Do you really want it?" Shopkeeper Cui was still a little confused and asked, "What good will it do you?"

"Benefits?" Yang Lin said, "Can you give me the benefits I want? Come on, if you really want to sell, let Cui Hao come to me."

After speaking, Yang Lin didn't stay any longer, went out directly, and returned to his shop.

Shopkeeper Cui was stunned.

What is he going to do?
But no matter what he wants to do, he really wants to achieve this business!
There is no way, he is the person in charge of the Cui family's grain shop, if all the grain rots in the grain depot, he can't explain it, so he hurried to find Cui Hao right now.

Enter Cui Hao's residence.

Since Li Chengqian left, Cui Hao seldom went out.

Without him, the reputation of the Cui family is not bad in Jingyang, but it is not what it used to be.

He really didn't want to go out and make a fool of himself.

Yes, he really felt that it would be embarrassing to go out now.

Seeing the shopkeeper Cui rushing in, Cui Hao frowned and said, "What's the matter, I'm in a panic."

"Someone wants to buy our food." Shopkeeper Cui yelled straight away, who couldn't control so much.

However, Cui Hao was taken aback when he heard his words, and asked, "Who?"

Logically speaking, who would buy their grain at this time, and the Changming Grain Shop was not closed.

However, since he came here in such a hurry, it must not be a small business.

"Yang Lin." After Cui shopkeeper finished speaking, he also looked at Cui Hao's face.

For him, the problem of food must be solved.But for Cui Hao, it may not be so. He is afraid that Cui Hao would rather rot the grain in the grain depot than sell it for the sake of breathing.

Although the food is not a small sum for the Cui family, but compared to his face, it is really possible for Cui Hao to do such a thing. After all, he is not the one who has to bear the responsibility.

"Yang Lin..." Cui Hao murmured. He heard that these companies had made a big move, but Cui Hao couldn't figure it out that he came here to buy food in a blink of an eye.

It stands to reason that there is no shortage of food in Yanglin today.

Could it be that it was prepared for Li Chengqian?
But that's not right, with their small number of people, they really can't eat the food. Besides, it takes time and effort to transport the food from Jingyang, and the people on the way probably eat more horse chews than they need.

Might as well buy locally.

"You have to help me with this matter. If all the grain rots in the grain depot, how will I explain to the clan at that time." Seeing Cui Hao hesitate, the shopkeeper Cui hurriedly began to sell miserably.

Hearing his words, Cui Hao felt helpless, indeed, it was true, but he couldn't figure it out.

What are you trying to do?
But the shopkeeper Cui didn't care about it, and kept putting it aside to sell miserably. In the end, Cui Hao couldn't take it anymore, and said impatiently: "If you want to sell it, you can sell it..."

"But Yang Lin wants you to talk to him." Shopkeeper Cui said with some embarrassment.

This is a bit overkill, but after finishing speaking, Shopkeeper Cui hurriedly said, "Let's talk, maybe we can find out what their intentions are."

Now it was as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, and he refused to let go easily.

If the grain really rotted in the grain depot, as the person in charge of the grain store, he would definitely bear the main responsibility, not to mention that even some conveniences in the clan would be closed to him from now on.

This relationship is very big, and it will even affect his descendants.

When Cui Hao heard it, he became interested. He said something right, and maybe he could use this to figure out their intentions.

Recently, he didn't do nothing, but he was thinking about why he lost so badly before. It stands to reason that Jingyang is their home field, so the reason why they didn't lose is.

But in the end, it ended with their Cui family almost becoming a joke.

At this moment, Cui Hao also wanted to hear about their intentions if he had the opportunity.

"Go and invite him." It's impossible to come to the door. First, Yang Lin doesn't have that much face, and second, he hasn't gone out for a long time, and he doesn't want to go out.

However, as soon as he said this, Shopkeeper Cui nodded excitedly and ran away in a hurry.

He was afraid that Cui Hao would not agree.

Now that you agree, everything is easy to say.

As long as the food can be sold, it doesn't matter even if you lose some money.

Not long after, shopkeeper Cui came to Changming Grain Shop.

At this moment, the Changming Grain Shop was very lively, and the shopkeeper Cui couldn't help shaking his head at this scene.

Wasn't it like this in their shop in the past?
When seeing shopkeeper Cui coming to the door, no matter whether it was Wang Dequan, the shop assistants, or the common people who came to buy food, they were stunned.Only the old god Yang Lin was sitting there.

"Shopkeeper Yang, Mr. Cui is here to invite you." Shopkeeper Cui was helpless, he suspected that Yang Lin did it on purpose.

After all, as soon as he said this, everyone was stunned. Cui Hao asked Yang Lin to be a businessman?
"You really came to invite me?" Wang Dequan couldn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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