Chapter 174 Volume Two

When Fang Yiai and the others suffered setbacks in Riyue Mountain, Chishuiyuan fell into the biggest panic in recent years.

Thick black smoke was everywhere and lingered for a long time.

And a group of refugees caused by famine is constantly expanding.

From thousands of people at the beginning, it has gradually grown to tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands.

Tens of thousands of people, boundless.

Wherever they went, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the chickens and dogs were restless and not even a blade of grass grew.

But none of the tribes that were targeted by them could escape their clutches.

Either being slaughtered by them, or being completely integrated with them.

In an instant, the entire Chishuiyuan is like a map of hell on earth!

Those tribes who survived the disaster, as soon as they heard that these starving ghosts were heading in their direction, they ran to Chishui City without saying a word.

Now, the entire Chishui source and Chishui city can give them a sense of security.

You know, even if Lou Ning brought someone to the tens of thousands of starving ghosts like a snowball, he could only avoid their edge.

Only the [-] Ning Wangjun in Chishui City can rely on the city to contend with it.

However, among this group of refugees, there are people who keep reminding everyone that there is endless food in Chishui City...

On the third day, even the newly joined refugees have reached the point where their eyes shine when they see a grain of food.

There is only one thought in their minds at this moment.

Chishui City!
At this moment, many people have actually lost their basic judgment, and only know that they follow blindly, which is completely mechanical.

There is only one goal in my heart, Chishui City!
When Murong Shun heard the news, he was totally taken aback.

Tens of thousands of starving ghosts are coming towards Chishui City, this is indeed a test for him.

The point is that many tribes have dragged their families into the city. Although they are not refugees, they have put a lot of pressure on Chishui City.

Immediately, Murong Shun called everyone to discuss.

There is no way, this matter really exceeded his expectations, if not handled properly, it is really easy to cause trouble.

"Your Highness, maybe open a granary to release grain? After all, these people are only affected by the famine in the past few years and have nowhere to go. If they can open a granary to release grain, the chaos will surely be quelled."

An elderly man said.

He was sent to the former Sui Dynasty by Murong Fuyun along with Murong Shun back then, and learned a lot of Han culture, so his speech has a bit of Han charm.

After Murong Shun came back, he came back with him. After spending so many years together day and night, he naturally followed Murong Shun's rise.

Hearing what he said, Murong Shun frowned and said, "If there was food, why would I have waited until today. These years, the entire Tuyuhun has been plagued by famine, hey..." Having said this, Murong Shun sighed, " If they had listened to me earlier and everyone had overcome difficulties together, why did this happen?"

There is one thing to say, Murong Shun wants to integrate all the tribes in Chishuiyuan, big and small. Although he has selfish intentions, it is indeed for their own good.

It's just that he ignored the belief that every tribe longed for independence, which made those tribes complain about him.

In layman's terms, what those tribes were dissatisfied with him was precisely the fact that they were annexing their tribes under the banner of what was best for them.

Another person said: "Let me tell you, if they really dare to attack Chishui City, they should send troops to suppress it. To be honest, if they die, there will be no shortage of food in Chishuiyuan."

This is also a militant. Recently, Lou Ning's reputation is so great that he is a little envious.

If Murong Shun really agrees, he is really willing to lead people to do so.

Isn't it just a bunch of troublemakers?Kill and kill.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" But as soon as he finished speaking, Qiu Bowen said, "These are His Highness's subjects, how can they be slaughtered at will? How do you make other people think of His Highness when it spreads?"

Qiu Bowen was also very speechless. I don't know when it started. Everyone used to kill people to solve the problem. This is not a good sign, "Your Highness, it is best to comfort you. Problems can always be solved. When it is absolutely necessary, this risky move cannot be used.”

To put it bluntly, he was not opposed to killing people, but he couldn't think of a solution and just use killing to solve the problem.

Is it possible that in the future you will encounter problems like this?

Murong Shun didn't know this truth.

He doesn't care about killing people, what he cares about is fame.

In fact, he had a plan in mind, but that plan was a bit too sinister.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not use this method.

"Set up porridge sheds outside the city. No matter what, things have to be resolved." Murong Shun said with a guilty face, "Mobilize those merchants in the city to set up porridge sheds outside the city for me! After all, those It is our compatriots."

"Will they go?" said the guy who just proposed to kill the Quartet. "Businessmen are not profitable, so they can do this loss-making business?"

"Tell them, if they don't go, I'll let the refugees into the city, and I want to see who is unlucky!"

Murong Shun's tone was somewhat angry.

He still has a way to deal with these guys. Don't even think about disaster relief and tax cuts.

"By the way, you should pay attention to it. If anyone dares to be perfunctory, I will remember it for the king. There is a time to settle accounts with them."

"Then do you want to transfer King Ning's army back to the city? There are only more than 1000 city defense troops left in the city. If those guys really want to attack the city, these people may not be able to defend it."

Murong Shun shook his head: "No, if you really want to get the army to return to defense, it will easily cause conflicts. Besides, those are our compatriots, can you really raise the butcher's knife against them?

All right, just do as I arranged. "

As soon as Murong Shun finished speaking, Qiu Bowen answered, "No matter what, refugees are not allowed to enter the city."

This is the bottom line. If refugees don't enter the city, they can talk about anything, but once they enter the city, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Yes, refugees are not allowed to enter the city!" Murong Shun also said.

As the crowd dispersed, the expression on Murong Shun's face gradually turned cold.

"I didn't expect you to be playing tricks. This time, I will let you never recover!"

In fact, just now everyone was ignoring a problem intentionally or unintentionally.

That is such a group of refugees, and someone must be secretly manipulating them.

And this person, everyone knows it in their hearts.

Dayan Mangjepo!
The prince of Tuyuhun.

They didn't even think that it would be Li Chengqian's arrangement!

Because Li Chengqian did not have such influence in Tuyuhun at all.

Moreover, if Dayan Mangjiebo wanted to secure the position of Prince Tuyuhun, Murong Shun, the former prince, was a hurdle he had to overcome. With such an idea, the answer was ready to come.

On the grassland, Lou Ning was dumbfounded.

Earlier, Murong Shun personally ordered him to drive the people from Riyue Mountain to those places, but before he started, a huge group of refugees appeared on the grassland.

This made him directly confused.

Don't look at him leading more than 1000 people, but facing these refugees, there is only a possibility of being instantly annihilated.

And those people in Riyue Mountain seemed to disappear without a trace overnight.

How could he have imagined that those people in Riyue Mountain were near the group of refugees that he could not avoid, and some of them were even among those refugees.

Don't say that he doesn't know, even if he knew, he wouldn't touch this brow.

This is obviously not something he can handle.

"General, the remnants of Riyue Mountain may have been frightened by these refugees and hid themselves." The deputy general said helplessly.

Chishuiyuan is so big, once these people really hid, it would be really difficult to find them out.

Lou Ning also shook his head.

He also didn't believe that these refugees had anything to do with Riyue Mountain.

Apart from Murong Shun, Dayanmang Jiebo is the only one who can organize so many refugees in this land. Not to mention that Riyue Mountain can't do it, even Lou Ning can't do it.

"Anyway, let's find it. Since His Highness has explained, there is always something to do." Sighing, Lou Ning was also a little helpless.

Murong Shun's explanation still needs to be completed.

"Then what should we do with these refugees? Let's just let them go?" The deputy general was a little startled. Before they saw these refugees pouring into a large tribe from a distance, but within a few minutes, the tribe seemed to be hit by a natural disaster. disappeared on the grassland.

Lou Ning shook his head and said, "Take care? How? Who will take care of it?"

Isn't this making yourself unhappy!
Besides, these refugees are not a bad thing to him, and now he hopes that the Chishui source will be more chaotic, so that he can fish in troubled waters.

King Daning?Is King Daning really reliable?

Ever since he noticed that King Daning's attitude towards Li Chengqian had softened, he no longer trusted the master he followed in the past.

After all, no one wants to be an outcast.

From that moment on, he understood that these days, relying on no one is worse than relying on himself.

What's more, in the past, he took refuge in Murong Shun just to use Murong Shun's influence to develop himself.

To put it mildly, the relationship between the two is called mutual achievement, and to put it bluntly, it is to use each other.

"Let's go, keep looking." Thinking like this, Lou Ning rode his horse and led the people to continue galloping on the grassland.

Refugees, what to do with him?
To be honest, if he hadn't worried about the shadow of Dayan Mangjiebo behind the refugees, he would have wanted to control the refugees in his own hands.

Having such a group of refugees is enough for him to do many things that he never thought of before.

While they continued to do useless work, Ma Ye faintly felt something was wrong on the side of the refugees.

"What wave is this?" Ma Ye asked the people around him.

"Today is the second wave, but these days add up, this is already the eighth wave that actively joined us. Moreover, their goal is the same as ours, Chishui City."

Ma Ye shook his head and said, "It's not right, these people are not right."

The reason why their number has grown so fast in the past few days is because people are constantly pouring in actively, and there are quite a few of them.

This caused their number to expand to an extreme in a short period of time.

The point is, these people are still those who have been unwilling to succumb to Murong Shun, which made them relax their vigilance from the beginning.

When the first wave of people came here admiringly came, Ma Ye was really excited, but when more and more people came here admiringly, until the sixth wave, seventh wave, and eighth wave, he finally realized that Here's where something isn't right.

Impossible, it is impossible for so many people to come out all at once, there must be someone playing tricks behind their backs.

But when he realized all this, it was too late.

These people have occupied the vast majority and have begun to be out of their control.

Fortunately, everyone's goals are the same, so no actual conflicts have occurred until now.

"This time, I'm afraid I will disappoint His Highness's high expectations." Ma Ye sighed. He still remembered that Li Chengqian said before he left that the number of people must be controlled, especially the proportion, but he didn't expect that things didn't go according to his plan at all. conduct.

"In this case, you inform everyone, don't worry about it for now, let's take a look first." The matter has come to this point, and Ma Ye has no better way.

His intuition was right, when they came into everyone's sight in the form of refugees, Dayan Manjibo was the first to notice them.

At that time, he was preparing to call the heads of various small tribes to meet, and when he heard the news, he was overjoyed immediately.

He didn't do anything about meeting or anything, and directly arranged for the tribes under his command to mix into the refugee army one by one.

He wants to attack Chishui City!
As far as he is concerned, Murong Shun is a hurdle he cannot get around whether he can successfully inherit Murong Fuyun's Khan position!

Who told this guy to be the former prince, and he has a lot of fans, even the Prime Minister of the country, King Tianzhu, has secret contacts with him in private.

This made him have to deal with it carefully.

The battle for the throne has always been bloody and cruel. This has never been a special case of the Central Plains dynasty, and it is true of almost every dynasty.

As for whether people will die, under the great cause, who cares about the dead?

How many people who want to achieve great things didn't come from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood?

As long as he can move to Murong Shun, what can he not or dare not do?

Moreover, this move is poisonous and ruthless enough, no matter what Murong Shun does, it will be a trap.

If you dare to open a warehouse to release grain, I dare to continue to organize refugees to come to your door. I want to see how much grain you can release.

Even if there is, can those who are attached to Murong Shun agree?They are the ones with vested interests, and Murong Shun's little food was originally intended to win over them!

When the time comes, Murong Shun will not please both sides.

However, for Dayan Manjibo, there is no loss except for the loss of some manpower.

He is the biggest beneficiary behind this scene!
He has always known that Father Khan actually despises him, and in Father Khan's eyes, he actually appreciates Murong Shun more.

If it wasn't for Murong Shun's mother being a princess of the Han family, if it wasn't for Murong Shun who almost seized the position of Khan in the past, it's really not clear who Murong Fuyun would pass on to.

But now, he wants to prove himself, to prove that he is stronger than him, more qualified and capable to inherit Tuyuhun!
However, he didn't expect that Murong Shun was actually more ruthless and ruthless than him!

Murong Fuyun has been stupid all his life, only he didn't miss his two sons.

Don't look at Murong Shun's always compassionate expression, everything is for the good of everyone as the starting point, but that's just his appearance.

Behind his gentleness and elegance, there is a heart of snake and scorpion that is rarely seen in the world!
In response to that sentence, a dog that bites, don't bark!

(End of this chapter)

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