This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 175 Volume 2 Shocking Change

Chapter 175 The Shocking Change in Volume [-]
Zhenguan six years, March seventeenth.

Chishui City.

After several days of advancing, tens of thousands of refugees finally blocked the gate of Chishui City.

The porridge shed, which had been prepared long ago, arranged the hot porridge the moment they arrived.

When this surprises the refugees, it is also a real surprise.

Chishui City really has food!
Everything was originally moving in a good direction, but after a meal of porridge, countless refugees clamored to enter the city.

The first conflict broke out between the two sides.

The reason is beyond reproach, after all, these days, if you sleep outside the city, you can easily freeze to death at night.

During this time, they froze many people to death.

But most of the people really came here just for one bite, and the despair and madness along the way were all filled up by a bowl of hot porridge outside Chishui City.

Seriously speaking, ordinary people are simple and content, as long as they can fill our stomachs, who is willing to toss?
So the first conflict ended hastily after nothing happened.

"Aren't those people clamoring to enter the city today?" Among the refugees, Ma Ye was surrounded by a group of people, the purpose of which was to prevent their conversation from being heard by outsiders.

The subordinate said: "No, they are all the tribes that joined Murong Shun early, but I have seen those people contact them before, maybe they are playing tricks.

Moreover, they talked for a long time with the officers and soldiers defending the city, wondering if they had reached any agreement. "

"Well, pay more attention." Ma Ye also said rather helplessly, "Now things are out of our control, let's take one step at a time.

By the way, privately tell those who have joined us long ago, if you don’t want to die and want to see your own children, don’t get involved with them, and tell them that when the time is right, I will take them away. "

He has sensed the danger, but he can't take anyone away now.

If we take people away now, it might shake the roots of this group of refugees.

After all, they are here to create trouble for Murong Shun, he doesn't care who is behind it, as long as the result is the same.

The only thing to pay attention to is not to be used as cannon fodder.

Apart from this, everything else is fine.

In the city, at the Daning Palace, Murong Shun was listening to the report from the visitors. After listening, he said: "This is just the beginning, don't worry, you go and prepare the carriage, the more the better, you can go to each household to requisition it." , These refugees always have to solve it, just say that I want a carriage to go out of the city to find food."

Hearing the words, the subordinates left immediately.

But Murong Shun was lost in thought, he knew who his opponent was and what he wanted to do, but would I be easily convinced?Obviously not.

He is waiting, waiting for the opponent to continue to attack!
Because he knew that the other party couldn't just let him pass by so easily.

Sure enough, before noon, more and more refugees came from all directions.

When seeing these refugees, Ma Ye was stunned.

All of their people have already arrived here, and there are still refugees pouring in, which can explain the problem very well.

What is going on with the refugees, he knows better than anyone.

Seeing this scene, Ma Ye immediately ordered: "The people who notified us all withdrew from the city wall and retreated to the outermost."

He sensed the danger!
This is not a friendly signal.

In the city, after Murong Shun learned about this situation, he knew it, and he ordered: "Notify our people secretly, and prepare to pack up, but everything must be done in a more concealed manner. The city is not safe. When necessary, we You have to give up Chishui City."

Hearing what he said, the subordinates were also shocked.

But when I thought of the group of refugees outside who were reincarnated like starving ghosts, as if they would never be able to get enough to feed, I was also afraid for a while.

And in the afternoon, more refugees poured in from all directions.

Because so many refugees came suddenly, there were obviously not enough porridge sheds for soup. For a time, the time for porridge soup in the afternoon was delayed again and again.

It didn't start until the sky gradually darkened.

In the city, Murong Shun issued an order.


More than half of the 1000-strong army that was originally in charge of city defense withdrew from the city gate and all patrolled the streets.

And they received only one order, anyone who dares to open the door and take to the streets, kill!

Not only them, but even the soldiers of Murong Shun's and Qiu Bowen's houses also participated in the team patrolling the streets.

In fact, everyone can understand this order. Now, there are tens of thousands of refugees outside the city. If some unruly people go to open the city gate at night, the whole Chishui City will be over.

This day they were panicked, but with Murong Shun's order, they felt relieved.

Don't say that the power in the city is not weak now, there are [-] King Ning's army outside the city, as long as these refugees don't enter the city, why are they not at ease?
But not long after the curfew, many high-ranking households quietly opened their doors, and people continued to come out from inside, and went towards another city gate in an orderly manner under the guard of the patrolling city defense army.

In less than an hour, apart from some ordinary people left in the city, there were some guys who did not deal with Murong Shun, including some merchants who opened porridge sheds today.

As for outside the city gate, a conflict broke out at this moment.

The reason for the conflict is simple. The person who gave the porridge received Murong Shun's order to give porridge to the next batch of refugees first. After all, the ones who came in the morning had eaten twice, so they came last in the evening and didn't have a meal. to eat.

But it was this move that caused chaos outside the city.

Those refugees who came early naturally quit.

We are all refugees, why did they come later than us?Why should we let them?

For a while, there was restlessness outside the city.

Especially those tribes that belonged to Murong Shun were even more dissatisfied.

Don't say we come first, just say we are our own people, shouldn't we be treated like this?

Seeing this scene, Ma Ye immediately said: "The person who notified us is about to withdraw. Fuck, something is getting worse."

Just when they were about to withdraw, someone suddenly shouted: "King Daning is going against the law! I will condemn King Daning under the order of His Highness Dayanmang Jiebo!"

Saying that, the man immediately threw a pot of porridge near him on the porridge giver, shouted angrily, and said: "Kill, kill into Chishui City, there will be food, meat and wine!"

What he said made no sense at all. If you really have to calm down and think about it, there are many problems in it.

But even so, the people who were engulfed by the excitement of the crowd at the moment have gone crazy.

They don't want to hear anything, and they don't want to think about it.

They knew that there was food, meat and wine in Chishui City!

Since drinking your bowl of porridge won't get a basic fair treatment, and there are so many shits, then let's grab it ourselves!

"Get out, get out quickly!" Ma Ye's expression changed when he heard this, and he immediately took advantage of the confusion and ran away under the cover of night.

He had a bad premonition that something serious might happen to Chishui City today.

And it wasn't long before they withdrew.

The gate of Chishui City, which had no city defense force, was directly breached by this group of people.

It's very simple, and it seems to be very easy.

This scene made everyone dumbfounded.

Chishui City is such a waste?
And as soon as they rushed into the city, everyone was stunned!
I saw those city defense troops and guards from various provinces who were still patrolling the city and did not allow anyone to go to the streets. After seeing them, they beat their horses and ran away without taking their heads back!
And if they want to run, these refugees can't catch up, no matter how they have two legs, they can't catch up with others' four legs.

However, once these city defense troops and personal soldiers ran away, Chishui City was basically an empty city for them!
In an instant, everyone went crazy!
As long as they see a family, they will rush in.

Regardless of 21 [-], it is a one-shot grab.

While grabbing, there were people shouting.

"The king of Daning is going against the grain, and under the orders of His Royal Highness Dayanmang Jiebo, condemn the king of Daning!"

For a moment, the entire Chishui City seemed to be a hell on earth.

Especially those merchants who had turned against Murong Shunyang in the matter of opening porridge sheds, it was even more appalling.

They were directly rushed into the house by those refugees. Not only were they robbed, but the house was burned.

In just a moment, the entire Chishui City was already in flames.

But Ma Ye and others who had already run away were stunned when they saw the soaring pillar of fire in the direction of Chishui City.

They never thought they could break through Chishui City!
Really, never thought about it.

Even when the number of people reached tens of thousands, they never thought that they could break through Chishui City!

But now, Chishui City is broken!
"Run, run quickly!" Ma Ye shouted immediately.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
God knows what happened!

Anyway, just run.

This matter is beyond their control.

But Pluboqi and others who came following the fire were also stunned when they saw this scene, and asked blankly, "You really brought down Chishui City?"

"Fuck!" Seeing the person coming, Ma Ye said angrily, "Give us a few horses, I'm going to see what's going on.

You help me put these people in a safe place, if you can, help them get some food, don't really starve to death. "

Ma Ye was really puzzled.

As a scout, this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

After thinking about it, he realized that he seemed to be being used by someone!
who can that be?

Dayan Mangjiebo or Murong Shun?

How could he have imagined that such a small person like him would be tricked by the two princes one day.

On the other side, Murong Shun and others also stayed away from Chishui City, and they all stopped to look at the raging fire in the direction of Chishui City.

Some merchants beat their feet and chests!
Their industries are still in the city!
After the fire goes down, how much is left?

And Qiu Bowen said even more sadly: "If I knew that the city would be destroyed, it would be better to slaughter these refugees outside the city!"

Compared with the refugees, he felt more sorry for the people in Chishui City who suffered from unwarranted disasters.

What are they doing?

"I've said it a long time ago, and you don't listen to me!" The guy who proposed to kill the Quartet before said with disdain.

Didn't we say it?

Only Murong Shun watched all this quietly, with a strange smile on his face.

This is just the beginning!

"Your Highness, come back for help!" someone said.

Murong Shun shook his head and said, "No hurry, just wait."


(End of this chapter)

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