This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 199 Volume 2 The first battle of a group of old 1!

Chapter 199 Volume [-] The first battle of a group of second-borns!
Riyue Mountain is always creating various surprises for them, from flammable pots to sharp weapons that can kill people at a distance of a hundred paces, all kinds of endless means they have never seen before.

Just when Karasuma Nida was in a daze, there was another swooshing sound next to his ear, and when he turned his head, several more people were shot under the horse!

"Withdraw!" Karasuma Nida shouted loudly!
The gate of the city was closed, and Pusiruo and others had returned to the city, so there was no need for them to make fearless sacrifices.

This time, although a few people were lost, it was not nothing for him.

At least, he has experienced Riyue Mountain, a sharp weapon with a long enough range and enough power!

And his most important goal this time has been achieved from the moment Li Chengqian and the others reacted.

Seeing them retreating back, Li Chengqian did not dare to be careless.

He wasn't sure what Lou Ning's purpose was for doing this.

It stands to reason that this old man of Platts did not play such a role. If the old man jumped out to persuade Platts to surrender at a critical moment during the siege, it would definitely play an unexpected role.

Therefore, Li Chengqian couldn't figure it out.

"Arrange everyone to rest in batches, and be more vigilant tonight." Li Chengqian said to Yi Yuanzhen.

Yi Yuan Zhen patted his chest and said: "Your Highness, don't worry!"

Li Chengqian nodded and walked down the city wall.

Under the city wall, Puxi sat blankly beside the old man's corpse without saying a word.

I have hated and said unfeeling words, but when the old man died in front of his eyes, he still couldn't hide his sadness.

"Your Highness, he said that he is not a traitor, not..." Seeing Li Chengqian, Pu Xiruo said with a painful expression on his face.

Li Chengqian patted him on the shoulder and said, "My condolences."

In this regard, there is a limit to what he can do.

On Dayanmangjiebo's side, everyone was studying the arrows that Karasuma Nida had taken from the dead soldiers.

"What kind of bow can have such great power?" Qiu Hao asked with a puzzled expression.

Lou Ning looked at it carefully, then handed the arrow to Dayan Mangjiebo, and said, "Your Highness, do you think this looks like Datang's bed crossbow?"

They were all witnesses to the scene that happened before.

When the arrow came quickly, it gave them a great shock.

Dayan Mangjiebo looked carefully, and said: "It looks like it, but it's not quite like it. As far as I know, the maximum range of Datang's bed crossbow can reach [-] or even [-] steps, but you also saw it just now. , although the range is far enough, but it is far from the level of the Tang bed crossbow.

It's kind of like a simplified version of the Tang Dynasty bed crossbow, but this thing is a big threat to our siege. "

Everyone nodded. With this range, they have no ability to counterattack at all, so they can only use human lives to fill it.In this way, there must be heavy losses.

"I don't know if the shield can withstand it?" Qiu Hao asked.

Karasuma Nida shook his head and said, "It's hard, the arrow shot over just now directly shot the man off the horse and nailed him to the ground. This power cannot be stopped even with a shield."

"Don't worry too much." Dayan Mangjiebo said, "Even if they have them, there won't be too many. If there are really many of these small bed crossbows, General Karasuma would not be able to come back just now."

Everyone nodded, this is true.

Immediately, Dayan Mangjiebo asked again: "General Qiu, how many ladders are there now?"

"More than ten pairs, this thing is easy and fast to make." Qiu Hao said, "I also got a few battering rams by the way, but His Highness also knows that our craftsmanship is very rough."

Speaking of this, Qiu Hao was also a little embarrassed, he went to take a look at it earlier, how should I put it, it works, as for the others, forget it.

"Enough." Dayan Mangjiebo said, "General Karasuma goes to rest first, and after everyone rests tonight, we will attack at night. Even if they can't take it down, they will be exhausted to death."

Dayan Mang Jiebo thought more realistically. They had 6000 troops, and they attacked the city day and night, and Li Chengqian was exhausted enough.

Karasuma Nida nodded, but said nothing.

As a soldier, it is his mission to go into battle and kill the enemy.

Immediately greeted a few people and left to rest.

But after he left, Lou Ning said: "Although there are not many people in Riyue Mountain, their various weapons are amazing.

Not to mention the small bed crossbow, nor the jar that can explode, but their kind of crossbow that can fire ten arrows in a row, which we have never seen before. "

Speaking of this, Dayan Mang nodded his head, although he didn't want to admit it, but he couldn't help but admit it when the facts were in front of him.

"In this regard, we are indeed inferior to the Han people. After this time is over, I will propose to Father Khan to increase the research on ordnance when I go back.

However, no matter what difficulties you encounter right now, I hope you can overcome them.

It's okay if we didn't come, after all, those who don't know are not guilty.

But since we are here and know that there is a rebel army here, if we still do nothing, I am afraid it will be unreasonable. "

"Your Highness, don't worry, Riyue Mountain will not be destroyed, and the Lou Clan will never retreat!" Lou Ning knew what Dayan Mangjiebo meant, and immediately expressed his opinion.

Besides, staying in Riyue Mountain was the best arrangement for him.

Then, several people discussed the details of the siege.

While they were discussing, Li Chengqian called Fang Yiai and others to his tent.

Although these guys don't have much skills, they are better learned at home. It would be embarrassing for them to go into battle to kill the enemy, but if they were to talk about wars on paper and brag, they would definitely be able to compete with each other professionally!

Not to mention anything else, just say that the old guys in their family will get together every now and then to recall the past, and from time to time they will use some classic battles of the year as talking points to brag about.

Under the influence of their ears and eyes, they also learned a lot, but they didn't have the opportunity to practice it.

There was a big table in Li Chengqian's tent, and everyone sat around the table at the moment.Li Chengqian sat at the head, and said: "You also know that the army is besieging the city now. Regarding the current situation, I want to hear your opinions."

When it comes to business, everyone is no longer fooling around, only Fang Yiai is sitting there awkwardly because of her butt injury.

"Okay, we know that your ass has done some meritorious service, so it's serious business!" Cheng Chuliang teased Fang's second son, why did this kid always pick up on them with such a long shelf these two days?

Make them angry enough.

Fang Yiai glared at Cheng Chuliang angrily, and then said: "His Royal Highness, we are not afraid of the army besieging the city, but we are afraid that they will not attack after besieging the city. Firstly, it will cut off our food, and secondly, it will also wear down our will to fight.

After all, since ancient times, I have only heard of a thousand days of being a thief. When did I hear of a thousand days of preventing thieves? "

"Don't worry about the food." Li Chengqian said, "Since I decided to set foot on Riyue Mountain, I have considered the situation today. You have not been here for a long time, so you may not know that there are too many grains in Riyue Mountain. Not to mention, eating him for three to five years will not be a problem at all."

On that day, he asked Yang Lin and others to almost evacuate the Cui family's grain depot in Jingyang.

So, now he really doesn't worry about it.

Hearing what he said, everyone was stunned for a while, my good guy, he had expected that today would happen a long time ago?
"That's good." After recovering, Fang Yiai said, "As long as there is enough food, everyone must have the confidence to carry on. The problem now is how to maintain our willpower.

As long as they are stationed outside for a day, even if they do nothing, we have to be on guard against them for a day, which is extremely detrimental to us.

After a long time, we can't bear it by ourselves.

After all, the energy they consume is different from the energy we consume. "

It has to be said that there are still some advantages to family background.

At least the question raised by Fang Yiai is objective.

Li Chengqian has also considered this issue.

But there is no particularly good way to solve it.

Willpower is intangible.

If Dayanmang Jiebo was ruthless and stationed on the opposite side for a year or so, attacking the city irregularly, even if Riyue Mountain had plenty of food, it would not be able to withstand it.

After all, the initiative is not in their hands.

"If you want me to say, just force them to do something." Li Jingren said, "If they keep besieging and don't attack, we'll touch their lairs at night, and the living will be suffocated by urine."

"They will definitely attack the city." Li Chengqian shook his head, "The problem now is not whether they attack the city or not, but if they stay here, we will be in a passive situation."

"Besides, it's not a good idea to steal the camp." Fang Yiai said, "There are five to six thousand people in their camp, how can they steal it? Don't forget, our military strength is small, if the whole army presses up to steal the camp, the risk is too great. If something goes wrong, our Riyue Mountain will fall into a situation where there is no redemption."

Li Chengqian nodded and said: "Yes, it doesn't matter if they lose once, it doesn't matter even if they lose twice or three times, because this is their territory after all, and they can mobilize a steady stream of troops to come over at any time. But we can't, if we lose once, we may lose Nothing.

In this battle, for both of us, the fault tolerance rate is different. "

"In the final analysis, we still need to force them to fight quickly." Someone said, "If you want to fight, fight, don't waste it."

Li Jingren said: "That's what it means. It's not good for us if it really consumes it. Once they block this place, our connection with the outside of the mountain will be lost."

"But how can we get them to settle the battle quickly?" Fang Yiai asked, and stopped talking.

This question is simply unsolvable.

There are only two reasons for a quick battle. Either Riyue Mountain is gone, so it will naturally be a quick battle, or Dayan Mangjiebo and others lose, and they have to lose completely. Quick fix.

But the problem is that the former is not the result they want, and they simply cannot achieve the latter.

"Then we can only rely on the strong city to grind against them." Cheng Chuliang said, "Every time we attack the city, we must eliminate their vital forces to the greatest extent, and slowly bridge the gap in our numbers..."

In an instant, everyone began to discuss in a hurry.

As for this discussion, everyone directly discussed until midnight.

Not to mention, after discussing these things, a group of people were all in high spirits, no one felt tired, let alone sleepy.

But at this moment, there was a huge commotion outside the valley.

The people who were blushing and thick-necked at first stood up immediately.

Li Chengqian even walked directly towards the outside of the tent. He guessed what this movement was.

Dayanmang attacked the city in waves!

As soon as they arrived at the tent, there were quite a few people who were also awakened by the outside of the valley. Li Chengqian said: "It's none of your business, go to rest. On the city wall, there are the most valiant warriors of the Ming court, so don't worry."

Seeing what Li Chengqian said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The time they got along with each other made them trust their Highness very much.

"If necessary, His Highness can just order us." Someone said, "Although we are women, we can always help."

Li Chengqian said with a smile: "It's really come to that point, naturally we have to let them see the heroines of our Ming court. It's okay now, everyone go to rest first."

Even though he said so, Li Chengqian was actually extremely nervous in his heart.

He never expected that Dayan Mangjiebo would organize the siege in the middle of the night. Although he had explained to Ihara Zhen before, he didn't know how he did.

After hearing what he said, everyone didn't say anything more, and soon, the group went back to their respective tents to rest.

But Li Chengqian went directly towards the valley.

Fang Yiai and the others naturally followed closely behind.

Not long after, everyone passed through the first city wall and was relieved to see that everyone was killing the enemy in an orderly manner.

They were afraid that Ihara Shin would not defend him!
Before they climbed to the city wall, everyone heard commands from above, such as "shooting arrows..." bowing. Although they sounded urgent, they were still safe.

"What's the situation?" Li Chengqian asked after he went up to the city wall and caught someone casually.

When the man saw that it was Li Chengqian, he quickly bowed and said, "Return to Your Highness, the other party attacked the city, probably trying to use the night to launch a sneak attack, but they have too many soldiers and horses, and the movement is too loud. The centurion asked us to give them some food." Look at the colors."

Li Chengqian nodded and said, "Go ahead and be careful."

"No need, the centurion has explained that if His Highness comes down, whoever touches His Highness will get out of the fight and protect His Highness." The man said, and called a few more people, and they really broke away from the battle, protecting Li Chengqian.

It is said to be a protection, but it is actually to stand in front of Li Chengqian as a human shield to prevent Liu Shi.

When Li Chengqian saw this, he didn't say much, it was their kindness, and the refusal chilled people's hearts.

"Your Highness, I..." Fang Yiai rubbed her hands, looking eager to try.

Cheng Chuliang and the others are also staring at Li Chengqian, this is a good opportunity to make meritorious service!
These guys even brought their own bows and arrows just now. If they refuse them now, they will probably be suffocated to death.

"Be careful." Li Chengqian said.

Upon hearing Li Chengqian's words, Fang Yiai and the others immediately excitedly said, "Okay!"

"Second Cheng, Second Brother Li, you each bring three people, let's compare who will kill the most enemies tonight!" Fang Yiai yelled immediately.

Cheng Chuliang also waved his hand: "Comparison is comparison, who is afraid of whom?"

Saying that, several people split up and acted.

Fang Yiai, this guy, is as strong as a cow, with a huge bow on the city wall, it also made everyone dumbfounded!
As for his bow, most people can't draw it.

Li Chengqian walked up to Fang Yiai's side and looked down, it was dark and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"Where is your centurion? Go and call him here." Li Chengqian frowned. This is not the way to go.

Only with the light of the fire on the city wall, people can't see where they are, how can this battle be fought?
As for Karasuma Nida and the others, hehe, they really don't mind.

Anyone who has walked the night road knows that even if there are no street lights in the middle of the night, it does not mean that you can't see your fingers.

Moreover, the terrain outside the valley was relatively flat, and there was still fire on the city wall as a guiding light, so it really didn't affect them much.

However, this is distressing for the people above the city wall.

They can't see it.

They are already in an environment with a strong light source, and there will be a visual deviation when the light source is weak.

This deviation made them unclear about everything under the city wall.

"Your Highness looking for me?" Ihara Zhen asked.

"Hey..." Li Chengqian sighed. Yi Yuanzhen is good at everything, but he is inexperienced and has a long way to go. "Arrange two bosses and let them lead people to shoot rockets for me in turn. how to spell?"

After Li Chengqian finished speaking, Yi Yuanzhen slapped his forehead and said, "Why didn't I remember? Don't worry, Your Highness, I will arrange it right away."

Soon, more than a dozen rockets soared into the sky, and since then, the rockets have continued.

With the weak light of the rocket, Li Chengqian could roughly see the situation below.

And Fang Yiai is such a thief. Hearing that Li Chengqian ordered a rocket to be released, he waited for the whole time. After the light of the rocket illuminated the place below, Fang Yiai seized the opportunity and shot an arrow, hitting one person impartially. neck.

Li Chengqian, who happened to see this scene, was shocked immediately, gave Fang Yiai a thumbs up, and said, "Your arrow skills are good!"

"Your Highness is overrated." Although Fang Yiai's mouth was modest, her face was quite smug.

Li Chengqian smiled and didn't mind.

This guy has a proud capital.

And at this moment, the trebuchet threw two fireballs and flew towards the enemy.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian smiled.

Zhen Yiyuan is not stupid, he knows how to draw inferences from one instance.

If the alcohol jar is ignited, it will be much stronger than the rocket's light. Li Chengqian joked: "Did you see those two fireballs? Can you shoot them before they fall to the ground?"

When Fang Yiai heard this, she immediately drew the bow and struck the arrow in one go.

After a while, there was a bang, and the flames shot up into the sky!

And Zhen Yiyuan, who had just turned back, saw this scene, and immediately praised: "Good arrow skills!"

Fang Yiai smiled, but didn't say anything.

"Your Highness, why don't you let this brother shoot those pots for us? If we get a few more, those guys below will have nowhere to hide." Ihara Zhen said.

Li Chengqian nodded, and said to Fang Yiai: "Is it possible?"

He didn't ask Fang Yiai's opinion, but asked him if he could do it. Men, no matter what age a man is, there is only one choice when facing such a question.

"Of course it can!" Fang Yiai said without hesitation.

Originally, he was a little upset about not being able to kill the enemy, but if he could do it or not, could he refuse?

 There may be only one update today, and I am afraid of a power outage tomorrow, so I will write another chapter tonight to prepare for tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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