This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 200 Volume 2 Li Chengqian's Crisis

Chapter 200 Volume [-] Li Chengqian's Crisis
Fang Yiai's archery is actually quite good.

The reason why he lost to Shusun Yu at the beginning was not that he was not good at archery, but that he was not good at riding and shooting.

In terms of archery alone, he can be regarded as entering the room with barely any effort.

As he counted arrows in a row, the flames shot up into the sky, and there were bursts of howling sounds.

Li Chengqian also took the opportunity to see clearly the situation under the city wall.

I saw a group of cavalry covering a group of infantry carrying a ladder and carrying a battering ram coming towards them at full speed.

But the battering ram is really simple, just a big piece of wood, dozens of people are divided into two rows, fixed with ropes, and then carried by poles in groups of two.

This battering ram may be the crudest battering ram Li Chengqian has ever seen.

But he also knows that although this thing is a bit crude, if they really let them get under the city wall, the city wall will naturally not be afraid, but the city gate will definitely not be able to hold it.

"Second Fang, don't shoot at those jars. Did you see those carrying battering rams? Shoot them and make sure not to let their battering rams get close to the wall!" Li Chengqian ordered immediately.

The city wall of Riyue Mountain was indeed tall and thick, but the city gate was really unflattering. If the battering ram came under the city gate, it would probably take only two hits, and the city gate would be broken.

Fang Yiai was overjoyed when he heard the words, but he still remembered that he had a bet with Cheng Chuliang and others.

A group of domineering masters in Chang'an City, coupled with the fact that they have not been ravaged by war, in layman's terms, they have never suffered losses, and they are the ones who are not afraid of anything.

When I was in Chang'an, my ears heard cocoons, but I never really experienced them. Therefore, at the moment, each one is more energetic than the other.

At that moment, Fang Yiai didn't hesitate at all, and aimed the bow and arrow at those guys carrying the battering ram by the light of the fire.

And below, Karasuma Nida also had a headache watching this scene.

He was afraid of this, but since it had already happened, there was nothing he could do about it, and he immediately shouted: "Karasuma Huai'en, take your whole battalion of cavalry and archers to cover, I don't ask you to shoot and kill many enemies, but this general wants The people on the city wall can no longer lift their heads!"

Karasuma Huai'en is a member of his clan and the commander of a battalion under his command. Hearing this, he shouted: "Warriors, charge!"

If he wanted to create pressure on the city wall, he had to lead people up to it.

For a moment, the war horse neighed, and the killing sound shook the sky!
And as they rushed out, Karasuma Nida looked at the people carrying the ladders and battering rams, and said, "Lou Zurong, raise your shield and line up!"

Lou Zurong was the only survivor among the group of spies he met outside the Pu clan when Li Chengqian first entered the grassland. This guy was really lucky, and he escaped from Li Chengqian several times.

I heard that the city was going to be attacked at night, so I took the initiative to take on the most dangerous job.

This job will definitely not be done by Karasuma Nida's command. They are all the most elite cavalry. Letting them do this is really a bit overkill.

So this job was naturally taken over by Lou Ning and Qiu Hao's people.

And Lou Zurong became the leader of this death squad as a matter of course.

He can be said to have a deep hatred for Riyue Mountain!

At the beginning, their team was evacuating to cover him, and the entire army was wiped out. This is a blood debt that must be paid in blood!
"Raise the shield!" Lou Zurong shouted loudly when he heard this.

After raising the shield, although they could effectively resist the opponent's arrows, their movement efficiency was greatly reduced. Although they had prepared shields before, they still wanted to take advantage of the darkness to push forward.

But now, it is clear on the city wall that they are going to kill them, even if the efficiency is low, they have to raise their shields.

And as they lined up and raised their shields, Karasuma Nida whispered a few words to his own soldiers, who quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Siege is not that simple.

And at this moment, Karasuma Huai'en and the others had already drawn their bows and arrows. Thousands of people fired a volley, and the arrow rain immediately covered the city. Many people were caught off guard by the arrow rain and fell to the ground one after another. .

Those who escaped by chance immediately used the city wall as a cover and looked for opportunities to fight back.

Before Li Chengqian could react, he was protected by everyone, and the cat hid behind the city wall to avoid his sharp edge.

Only Fang Yiai and the idiots, still looking happy and fearless, laughed and said, "Good time!"

What a hammer!

Li Chengqian roared: "How many of you want to be shot into a honeycomb! Hurry up and come over to me!"

The frustrated Li Chengqian even started to swear.

There is an advantage on the city wall, as long as you stick to the base of the wall, unless the arrow has eyes, it really can't catch you, but if you insist on going straight like Fang Yiai and the others, then you are looking for death.

This is not a question of whether the head is accurate or not at all, it is pure luck...

"Change the crossbows for me!" Ihara Zhen yelled, "Force them back!"

Hearing what he said, everyone quickly put on the Liannu.

The defenders on the city wall were all equipped with continuous crossbows, including those refugees who had just arrived during the day, and Li Chengqian asked Li Qinjian to change their outfits for them.

While they were changing the Liannu, the medical staff of the medical team had already hunched over and started treating the wounded on the city wall.

For those with more serious injuries, someone was responsible for carrying them off the city wall and sending them back to the valley.

Together with the war, the medical hall is actually a battlefield.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian was about to go to see if there was any problem with their first aid methods. Suddenly, an arrow flew over his head, scaring him to death, and the steps he had just taken stopped there in a daze.

"Your Highness, don't take any risks." The person behind Li Chengqian said immediately.

Li Chengqian took a deep breath. In fact, there are really many arrows on the city wall at this moment, but none of them brought him so close to death just now. In addition, he was protected by several people by his side, so he didn't notice whether there were any arrows. How many people fell under this arrow.

After living two lifetimes, this was the first time he brushed shoulders with death.

But he knew that he couldn't show any timidity at this moment, the soldiers on the city wall were still watching him!He exhaled, pretending to be calm and said: "It's okay, small scene."

Saying this on the mouth, I panicked in my heart.

At the same time, Ihara Zhen's counterattack also began.

The rate of fire of the Liannu finally showed his dominance at this time.

This is like the difference between an automatic rifle and a [-] cover.

The suppression of firepower made the city finally heave a sigh of relief.

However, Zhen Yiyuan didn't stop there, and said to the subordinate who was manipulating the bed crossbow: "You don't care about anything, just aim at those guys carrying battering rams and beat me to death! I still don't believe it, hold up a shield Do you think you can't shoot through them?"

He was well aware of the threat of the battering ram, so he greeted the only two bed crossbows on the top of the city.

Actually needless to say, the two bed crossbows were aimed at Lou Zurong and the others.

Raise the shield?Holding up the shield can resist the continuous crossbow, and it can also resist the bow, but can it resist the bed crossbow?

In fact, the same is true, the person holding the shield was overturned with a single arrow from the bed crossbow, but Lou Zurong seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and immediately let someone push him up again.

Although their movement speed was limited, they were still moving towards the city wall.

Seeing this scene, Yi Yuanzhen was burning with anxiety, and immediately shouted: "Catapult, get closer, and clean up the debris below first."

He knew very well that the guys below would not retreat, and he couldn't spare any more energy to deal with those guys behind.

And with his order, three trebuchets kept throwing alcohol cans at Karasuma Wynn's cavalry battalion.

"Fang Yiai, shoot those jars, don't shoot anyone!" Seeing this, Li Chengqian also shouted.

At this time, killing people is far less profitable than the explosion of these alcohol cans.

Fang Yiai didn't hesitate, counting arrows in succession without missing a beat!

After Cheng Chuliang and the others saw it, they also ran over, and said to Fang Yiai: "Come on, let's take charge of a trebuchet, shoot this jar, and burn these bastards to death!"

After all, several people ran towards a trebuchet.

Not to mention, they definitely complement each other with the trebuchet, and the effect is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Not long after, there was an endless rain of fire on Karasuma Huai'en and the others!

The wailing sound of crying and shouting completely broke the tranquility of this dark night.

With the power of the trebuchet and the domineering of the Liannu, Karasuma Wynn finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Gritting his teeth angrily, Karasuma Wynn said, "Withdraw!"

They had to withdraw. The rain of fire was unsolvable for them. If it continued, they would reduce their numbers too much. It is estimated that they would not be able to reach the base of the city wall, and the entire army would be wiped out.

Seeing them retreating, Li Chengqian hurriedly shouted: "Change the bow!"

The rate of fire of the Liannu is indeed very domineering, but the range is impressive. At this time, only the bow can cause the greatest damage.

Zhen Ihara shouted: "Use the trebuchet and the bed crossbow to aim at those who carry the battering ram. I want to see if their shields are not fireproof!"

For a while, the whole city was busy.

Li Chengqian watched this scene calmly, he knew that this experience was over, but not completely over.

This is at most Dayan Mangjiebo's temptation.

After all, in this wave, Dayan Mangjiebo didn't even send out half of the people.

With the cooperation of the trebuchet, bed crossbow, Fang Yiai and others, Lou Zurong also had to order to retreat.

At this point, Karasuma Nida's first siege failed completely.

"Retreat!" With an order, everyone backed away.

What puzzled them the most about Riyue Mountain was the flammable pot.

This is no better than being hit by an arrow. These guys can still grit their teeth and persevere after being hit by an arrow, but if they are ignited by fire, they can't persist, especially if they burn from top to bottom, who the hell can bear it?
This kind of non-stop pain is different from being hit by an arrow.

"It's not easy." From behind, Dayan Mangjiebo shook his head when he saw Karasuma Nida retreating, "If we can't solve their flammable pot, we can only use human life to fill it."

This was the result he was most worried about and least willing to face.

To put it simply, if this place is under his command, he would not worry about it, but although there are many people here, the key is that there are not many people here.

The most terrible thing is that the ingredients are mixed!

Karasuma Nida, Lou Ning, Qiu Hao, who would like to let their own people die?

"Your Highness, why don't I bring someone up?" Seeing the helplessness on Dayan Mang's face, the leader of his own soldiers said.

Shaking his head, Dayan Mang said in a wave, "Now is not the time."

It's really not the time, these 1000 people are the basis for his self-protection, even if he doesn't believe that Lou Ning and others will attack him, he still has to be on guard.

Not long after, Karasuma Nida came back with a dejected expression on his face. After seeing Dayanmang's knot, he dismounted helplessly and said, "The last general is incompetent."

This battle made him lose his temper at all.

Karasuma Wynn was sent without pushing the army to the base of the city wall, so what can he say?

But that rain of fire really made him jealous!

It would be okay if that thing hit the ground and exploded, after all, the range is limited, but when it explodes in the air, the range will be wider, it's like a rain of fire, there is really no way to hold on.

"No wonder General Karasuma. I have seen the specific situation. They really have no solution to this firestorm." Dayan Mang Jiebo said a few words of relief.

Karasuma Nida also said: "It's true that there is no solution. Before I left, I even asked people to wash their clothes through the water, but after the fire rain fell, it should still burn!"

For this, he really has nothing to do.

Although the fire rain was extinguished quickly, who wouldn't panic when it fell on the body?And it's still endless.

At this moment, Lou Ning also came out from behind, saw Karasuma Nida, and asked, "How is it?"

When asked this question, Karasuma Nida was unwilling to talk to him.

It was Dayan Mangjiebo who briefly introduced the situation.

Lou Ning frowned after listening, and asked after a long time, "Is the burn serious?"

"I took a look, and it's not too serious." Karasuma Nida said, "It's mainly from the top to the bottom, almost all burns to the face first, especially the hair, which makes people uncomfortable, especially At that moment, it can directly make people lose their fighting power."

Lou Ning nodded. He was the first victim of this thing, and he had a deep understanding. He sighed, and then said: "General Karasuma repair it first, don't worry, this thing can always be repaired." Find the flaw.

By the way, where did the battering ram go? "

"It's about 250 steps away from the city wall." Karasuma Nida said, "That Lou Zurong in your tribe is pretty good. He's willing to work hard, otherwise he wouldn't be able to make it this far."


When Dayan Mangjiebo and others were summing up the gains and losses after the war, the city was full of cheers!
They won!

At least they resisted the first wave of siege.

Everyone is excited.

Especially those guys like Fang Yiai and Cheng Chuliang.

This is their first real battle!
This feeling has never been in Chang'an.

And Shin Ihara is organizing manpower to replenish everyone with arrows and the like, and this station is also a big waste. After all, this battle is actually about money.

Whether it's alcohol jars or countless arrows, it's money!

As for Li Chengqian, he was teaching the medical staff of the medical team how to give first aid and simple bandages.

Although these things have been taught before, it is the first time for them to rescue them on the battlefield, and it is inevitable that they are a little flustered.

In this battle, their casualties were not small.

Li Chengqian made a count. Twenty people were killed on the spot, more than ten people were shot in the vitals, and dozens of people were slightly injured.

It doesn't look like much, but you must know that Riyue Mountain has no soldiers to supplement.

Nearly [-] people were killed or injured at one time, and there were more than ten or twenty times, and there was no need to fight Riyue Mountain, and the entire army was finished.

But the question is, where are the undead in war?

Therefore, this is an unsolvable problem for Riyue Mountain.

There is no reinforcement of soldiers, and the city is besieged. It is really passive.

"Your Highness, did I just shoot and kill a man carrying a battering ram? Cheng Laoer doesn't believe it!" Just when Li Chengqian was troubled, Fang Yiai dragged Cheng Chuliang to seek justice from him.

In the entire city, it is estimated that these few heartless guys can still laugh so heartily.

Li Chengqian didn't bother to talk to them, waved his hands, and said, "Stay away, I don't have time to take care of your shit right now."

These guys, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and they don't realize the cruelty of war at all.

But as the owner of Riyue Mountain, Li Chengqian had to consider these.

This may mean not being in one's position and not seeking one's own affairs.

After dismissing these guys, Li Chengqian was going to discuss with Yi Yuanzhen how to reduce casualties, when Yi Yuanzhen suddenly shouted: "Everyone get ready, these bastards are coming again!"

Li Chengqian was also shocked when he heard the words, and hurriedly looked over. Sure enough, amidst the scattered firelight, they came again!

This is really a fucking tofu dregs to wipe your ass - endlessly return it!
With the reappearance of the enemy, everyone on the top of the city became nervous again in an instant.

But Fang Yiai was two hundred and five, and he became excited, yelling that there was no winner or loser just now, let's compete again.

These guys really never died!

I didn't realize until now that this is war and not a game!

Li Chengqian didn't have time to take care of them, so he hurriedly said to Yi Yuanzhen: "Prepare the bed crossbow and trebuchet! Don't let them find another chance to rush in!"

After finishing speaking, Li Chengqian suddenly thought of something, and said to the people around him who were protecting him, "Take someone to the workshop immediately. If there are trebuchets and bed crossbows in the workshop, get them immediately, and let the workshop Bring some arrows over.

Tell them again, starting today, every worker in the workshop will work eight hours a day!Just like what the king said, after this battle, everyone in the workshop will make the first contribution! "

"Then His Highness's safety?"

"My safety is not as important as the safety of Riyue Mountain! Go!" Li Chengqian said loudly, "If you meet Yi Yuanxi, Pusiruo, or Li Qinjian, call me, I have something for them to do .”

At this moment, Li Chengqian actually understood.

Dayan Mang Jiebo wanted to consume them slowly, not only their strength, but also their arrows!

When he went to inspect the workshop before, he still felt that there were a lot of reserves in the workshop, but after the battle just now, he found out, so he couldn't know how to count!
If this kind of city defense battle had to be repeated several times, their arrows would not last long at all.

This is the biggest crisis for Riyue Mountain today!

When the arrows are exhausted, is it necessary to jump down and smash them to death?

He originally intended to let everyone save some time, but he couldn't say it.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and she wants the horse to run, but also wants the horse not to eat grass. How can there be such a good thing?
(End of this chapter)

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