This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 207 Volume 2 1 The battle shocked Chang'an, both civil and military admired it!

Chapter 207 Volume [-]: The Battle of Chang'an Shook Chang'an, Both Civil and Military Personnel Admired!

Fang Xuanling was dumbfounded!

Li Jing looked excited!
Yuchi Jingde was stunned!
Wei Zheng said that the sky has eyes!

Li Daozong slapped his thigh and smiled like a fool, without him, he saw his son cut a level!
Hou Junji's eyes lit up, and his hesitant heart finally became firm.

"This..." Kong Yingda spent a long time without saying a complete sentence.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Li Er was full of spirits, and said with a smile, "What's the reason, Zhu Qing?"

"The prince is a genius, and he looks like his father!" Li Daozong said without hesitation.

Of course, what he said was more or less suspected of flattering.

"Indeed, His Highness is young, but has the demeanor of a famous general. We are old!" Li Jing nodded, "The key is to reduce the stove, show the enemy's weakness, lure the enemy to go deep, and take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack. The key is that His Highness is only ten years old." Four, the future has infinite possibilities!"

Hearing these people praise Li Chengqian, Li Er burst into laughter,

This kid really gave him a long face!

Of course, how happy I am in my heart is a matter of my heart after all. At the moment, Li Er waved his hand and said: "Zhu Qing is serious, this kid Gao Ming is smart since he was a child, but he also benefited from Manchu Civil and military teachings.

Besides, this is just a small scene after all. It is clearly stated in the memorial that Riyue Mountain fought with all its strength. Even half-grown children participated in the battle. There were more than 4000 people, and Dayanmang Jiebo's men also Not 7000, only [-] people.

It is nothing, compared with Pharmacist and Jingde, there is still a gap.

Generals of the Tang Dynasty, who hasn't achieved a good record yet? "

Everyone was speechless, if he wasn't the emperor, no one would pay attention to him.

Listen, is this a human language?
What does it mean to have more than 4000 people?

What do you call only 7000 people?

What are you reminding us of?
Still comparing with Li Jing and the others?
How old is Li Jing, Yuchi Jingde, and how old are the civil and military soldiers of the Manchu Dynasty?

Is this what people say?

I know you're happy, but can we have some morals?
Seeing what you said, Li Jing's face was about to turn red.

"Hey..." Kong Yingda sighed, and said, "After seeing His Highness's miracle, what kind of young hero in the world can be seen?"

Everyone agreed with this statement. Indeed, what Li Chengqian showed really shocked them.

Even Li Er had to admit that among those young talents at the moment, his son was really the only one!

It's not just about being brave and resourceful, the key is that someone has a solid record here to prove that he is brave and resourceful, are you angry?

"Aiqing's words are biased." Li Er said, "It is mentioned in the memorial that Erlang of Fangqing's family also made great military exploits, as well as the boy of Zhijie's family and the boy of Daozong's family. , who is not the young Yingjie?"

Hearing this, Li Daozong laughed wantonly: "Your Majesty is right, that boy Yiai has made great contributions in this battle, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he has shot every shot."

"My lord is just joking." Hearing people praise his son, even a famous figure like Fang Xuanling, couldn't hide his joy, "If you want to talk about today's young talents, it must be His Royal Highness the crown prince!"

"Fang Qing, please don't say that." Li Er said with a smile, "Is this battle the work of a single person? I read the memorial, that kid Jingren is not bad, he didn't embarrass our royal family, he dared to fight, said Zong's successor has someone!"

"Your Majesty loves you." Li Daozong said, "I still think the legacy is not bad, it is quite powerful and magnificent!"

Fang Xuanling heard the words and said again: "No, no, it's still His Highness who commands well and has the style of a general."

Several people praised each other's son endlessly.

The rest were dumbfounded.

Are you three finished?
Is business blowing each other?
"Your Majesty, this old minister wants to send some of the youngsters in the family to His Highness to hone his skills, so that they won't be fooled around in Chang'an City." Yuchi Jingde was very annoyed, he hadn't sent his own children there in the first place.

But he wasn't in the capital at that time, so it's no wonder he was there.

At this moment, hearing these guys bragging about business, they immediately started shouting.

Li Er didn't mind this, and said, "This is your family business, how can I make decisions for you?"

Isn't that obvious?
"Your Majesty, the crown prince has been crowned now, do you have to discuss the prince's marriage?" Just when everyone was shocked and farted, Hou Junji jumped out.

Hearing what he said, everyone was stunned.

Good guy, Yuchi Jingde is so shameless, and he just wants to send his son there, you are good, you are planning to send your daughter there?

But what he said was not unreasonable.

Although the prince's marriage is a family matter, it is also a state matter.

"Is it too early to get married now?" Li Daozong asked.

His words were not aimed at anyone, but he simply felt that Li Chengqian was still young.

Although in the early years of the Tang Dynasty, the imperial court encouraged everyone to marry early and have children early. After all, the population loss at the end of the Sui Dynasty was too great, but Li Chengqian was only fourteen years old after all.

"Prince Ren Cheng's words are wrong." Hou Junji said, "The prince's wedding is not an ordinary event, and it is necessary to prepare in advance.

Moreover, His Highness is currently in Tuyuhun, if His Highness takes a fancy to a woman of a foreign race in Tuyuhun, then..."

"Your Majesty, Duke Lu's words are justified." Kong Yingda immediately stood up after hearing the words, and said, "Although Your Highness is a genius, this hero is always difficult for a beauty... Plus, there is no one around His Highness to teach him. , even though His Highness is full of determination, but His Highness's young talent must be the ideal husband in the hearts of those foreign women! We have to guard against it!"

Hou Junji stopped talking.

He knew that as soon as he mentioned this, these literati would jump out.

They didn't really care how many women Li Chengqian slept with, even if Li Chengqian slept with Tuyuhun, they didn't care.

But the position of the crown princess cannot belong to these women, not even the side concubine.

They were also afraid that Li Chengqian was really interested in a certain foreign woman, and if they insisted on making her a concubine, it would be troublesome.

Simply act first!

Li Er was also surprised when he heard this.

Indeed, this has to be guarded against.

That kid, the one who can kill himself in the court, if he really wants to change his mind, he won't be able to pull back even nine cows.

"I will discuss this with the Queen later." Li Er said.

He also really took it as a thing.

Seeing this, Hou Junji stopped talking.

Li Chengqian's marriage has been considered by the royal family for a long time, and it is just a process to talk about it.

His daughter is definitely the prince's concubine, otherwise, why would he stand up and say this?
Of course, he didn't do this before, but it was because Li Chengqian's current condition was not good, and he didn't dare to make a big bet.

But today, he made up his mind.

Just now, he almost asked to be released to Minzhou, but he held back in the end.

"Your Majesty, my minister, please play." At this moment, Wei Zheng said.

Li Er nodded.

Wei Zhengdao: "This minister wants to send an envoy to the imperial court of Ming Dynasty."

This is very formal.

Although Li Chengqian established his own royal court, Chang'an still treats him as the prince of the Tang Dynasty.

However, after this battle, the Ming court did have the capital to gain a foothold.

With the surrender of the Tie Le tribe, Li Chengqian's power will increase again in a short time.

At that time, even Murong Fuyun would dare to touch the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty, who was backed by the Tang Dynasty.

Of course, what he said was meaningful.

"Although the Ming court was built by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, we know very little about it now. I want to go there and see it with my own eyes," Wei Zheng said.

Li Er nodded, he knew what Wei Zheng meant, and immediately said: "Wei Qing is old and still worried about the court, he is indeed a role model for all officials."

"Eating the king's salary and being loyal to the king is the way to be a minister." Wei Zheng said with a straight face.

When he said this, no one felt anything.

This guy, that's what he does.

Li Er said: "This matter is not in a hurry. Wait a minute. If Gao Ming's marriage is settled, Wei Qing can ask Gao Ming what he means by the way. This kid, his wings are stiff now, and he has been out for almost half a year. I don't know Write a letter to me and his mother later."

Speaking of this, Li Er became angry.

Of course, Li Chengqian must be very busy, he knew it.But how busy can be?

Don't even have time to write a letter?

But everyone pretended not to hear, this is your family business and has nothing to do with us...

After the court was over, when everyone left the palace, they still looked at each other in blank dismay.

It's amazing, this prince is really amazing.

The words "young and talented" are not enough when applied to him!
Which young hero can do such a feat?

Kong Yingda searched and searched, but he couldn't find anyone comparable to Li Chengqian in his well-read mind.

No, none at all!

"Your Highness's move is really unprecedented, and I fear that there will be no future..." Kong Yingda shook his head.

Fang Xuanling also sighed, and said: "Seeing that memorial, I am finally convinced."

A group of generals also shook their heads and sighed.

Although everyone says that the waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead, the green out of the blue is better than the blue.

But at this time, they were at a loss again.

Are you really old?
It is said that a man is a young man until he dies, and who will admit that he can't do it until the day when the loess is buried?

How many old and shameless people are walking on four fucking legs, and bragging about Ye Yu's third daughter to others, just want to tell others that he can still do it!
When everyone left the palace, they dispersed.

Li Chengqian's astonishing feat in Riyue Mountain spread wildly among those honorable families in Chang'an.

When Changsun Wuji got the news, he jumped up.

But when he heard Fang Yiai's name, Cheng Chuliang's name, and Li Jingren's name, but he didn't hear the word Changsun Chong, he immediately slapped the table and shouted angrily: "What is this brat doing! "

This is a credit!
This is even more seniority!
Everyone else's family got it, but his eldest grandson's family didn't. What's the matter?
He forgot that he was the one who told Changsun Chong not to allow him to leave the border of the Tang Dynasty.

But at this moment, he only saw the great achievements here, but he ignored all the difficulties in it.

"Go to the letter and ask what that kid is doing!" Changsun Wuji said arrogantly.

Compared with Changsun Wuji, Li Ke was stunned when he heard the news.

The mouth is wide enough to swallow an egg.

"Is this true?" Li Ke came back to his senses and asked with a look of disbelief.

The confidant said: "Really, the news came from the palace, and all the ministers of civil and military affairs in Chang Dynasty today know about it."

"Brother, this prince, really makes people despair..." Li Ke smiled wryly and shook his head.

Daming imperial court?

2000 people fight [-] people, and more than [-] people are killed?

He is the same age as Li Chengqian!

When Li Chengqian was about to leave, he told them not to quarrel and bleed, otherwise he would step into Chang'an, he still laughed secretly in his heart at that time, but looking back on it today, he felt a little more helpless.

"Mr. Huaizhi, why is there such a big gap between the king and the emperor?" Li Ke asked blankly.

Huaizhi, that is, his staff, Yang De.

At this moment, Yang De was also surprised.

In the past, he felt that Li Ke was good enough. Among the young talents nowadays, except for a few, no one can surpass him.

But hearing Li Chengqian's various feats in Chishuiyuan, it is really disappointing.

"Your Highness, don't think about it anymore, just be a prince of Taiping." After a long time, Yang Decai said.

He is an old minister of the former dynasty. Although he hoped that Li Ke, the prince with the royal blood of the former dynasty, would take the throne, but Li Chengqian made him feel desperate.

How to say this?

After listening to Li Chengqian's feat, and then looking at Li Ke, it's not good in an instant!

Li Ke took a deep breath, quickly calmed down his emotions, and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Huaizhi's words are wrong. This king has never thought about it. If the emperor's brother returns to court one day, this king It must be the right arm of the emperor's brother."

It should be said that the royal education is better, and each one is better than the other when judging the situation.

Are you still fighting?
Fight ass!
Originally, the chances of winning were not great, but now that Li Chengqian is making troubles outside like a monster, what can he fight for?Headbutting that throne?
In the beginning, after Li Chengqian left, he already had this thought, but as Li Chengqian left longer and longer, his thoughts began to change again, and at this time.

Well, no more changes!

As long as Li Chengqian is alive, he has no hope.

Although he still has a chance to kill Li Chengqian, not to mention he doesn't have the guts, even if he did, he doesn't have the ability!

They are all Li Er's sons, he can call hundreds of people at most, and this is what Li Er gave.

But that one has countless elite soldiers under his command, and even more people listen to him.

And all of this was spelled out by himself.

Comparing the two, the judgment is judged...

Sure enough, as Li Chengqian said in the court that day, he will fight and earn everything he wants!
What he said, he did!

What he said was awesome, it came true!
As for colluding with Murong Shun to deal with Li Chengqian, hehe, don't say he doesn't plan to fight now, even if he still fights, he won't do such dirty things!
His own brother can be beaten as a pig's brain into a dog's brain, but he can't do the thing of colluding with outsiders to deal with his brother.

If he really wanted to do this, even if he sat in that seat, he would not be able to sit securely.

"The old man made a slip of the tongue." Yang De nodded.

Li Ke is calmer than he imagined, that's good, and it's not bad to be a happy prince.

At the same time, Li Tai's mansion.

His reaction was the same as Li Ke's.

No way, Li Chengqian's performance made them desperate.

In other words, today's Li Chengqian made a group of princes despair.

"I'd better study my knowledge." Shaking his head helplessly, Li Tai gave up.

There is no need to struggle, at least when Li Chengqian is still alive, there is no need to struggle.

Everyone is not a fool, it’s okay to give up now, if you really want to fight to the death before giving up, the future is unpredictable...

Some people are shocked, some people are at a loss, and naturally some people are happy.

After the Chang Dynasty, Li Er rewarded many people.

Especially those who taught Li Chengqian in the East Palace in the past, none of them were left behind, even the first teacher who taught Li Chengqian in the Qin Palace in the past, Li Er was not left behind.

Although they didn't say it clearly, everyone knew that this was Li Er's boasting of their achievements in teaching Li Chengqian.

Even Li Anren, the grandson of the late crown prince and grand master Li Gang, has risen to the top because of this!

And the East Palace is even more rewarding.

It's a good show where one person wins the Tao and ascends to heaven.

In the harem, Empress Zhangsun, who hadn't shown a smile for a long time, finally became radiant as if the sky had cleared after the rain.

Nothing cheers her up more than her son's embarrassment for her!

For this reason, she rewarded Rencheng Prince's Mansion again.

Of course, besides the excitement, there are countless troubles.

When Li Er mentioned Li Chengqian's marriage to her, both of them looked helpless.

I can't help my mother, this is absolutely true.

In the past, as long as the two of them settled down, Li Chengqian basically had no right to refute.

But now, the two are really uncertain.

This child has grown up and is promising, but at the same time he is also a stranger.

Whether it is the emperor or the queen, the desire to control is actually very strong.

Thinking of the guy who didn't let him worry, the two of them looked at each other speechlessly.

"Let Wei Zheng ask." Empress Changsun said rather helplessly.

Li Er also sighed, and said, "Gao Ming didn't bring any letters back?"

"He went to Tuyuhun, our caravan is in Taozhou, and the army besieged the city before, where can he get letters." Empress Changsun excused Li Chengqian.

Li Er nodded, and it was indeed the case.

But when he thought that the little bastard didn't come back with a letter for half a year, he became angry.

Really playing wild outside!
"Should we let Wei Zheng bring Changle back this time?" Li Er said, "Gao Ming should be busy now, having the power of the Tiele Department is a help for him, but it is also a trouble.

Murong Shun will not allow Gao Ming to occupy his territory and become king, so Gao Ming's life may be difficult in the future. "

"Then why don't you call him back to Beijing?" Upon hearing that her son would suffer outside, Empress Changsun was not happy, "It's been almost a year, it's time for him to come back."

Li Er said helplessly: "No one will let him come back. The question is, is he willing to come back? Now is the time for him to show his ambitions. You let him come back? Let alone Wei Zheng, even if I personally go to estimate it will be useless .”

Li Er understood Li Chengqian's thoughts at this stage too well.

But after a few months, the army is strong and the horse is strong, and he has established his own royal court. If it were him, he would not come back!
"However, you can rest assured of his safety. Zhijie and Niu Jinda are already at the frontier of Chen Bing, but Murong Fuyun has changed, and they can support as quickly as possible. There is nothing to worry about." Li Er said "If it wasn't for that brat who built his own royal court and wanted to swallow the valley alone, I would have sent troops long ago.

This brat doesn't know what's good or bad. "

Having said that, Li Er was still happy.

This kid really gave him a face!

Moreover, he also wanted to see how far Li Chengqian could go.

Sighing, the eldest grandson didn't say much.

A few days later, Wei Zheng received the order to go to the Ming court as an envoy!

(End of this chapter)

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