This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 208 Volume 2 What made Wei Zheng speechless?

Chapter 208 Volume [-] What makes Wei Zheng speechless?

When Wei Zheng, who was over half a hundred years old, was sent to the Ming Dynasty as an envoy in his dying years.

Riyue Mountain was busy with many matters after the war.

Yi Yuanfeng directed the prisoners to clean up the urn city.

Ibara Suk was busy with many trivial matters in the valley.

Psyro was in charge of collecting the remains of those warriors who died on the battlefield and burying them in Mount Yong.

This time, Li Chengqian didn't organize everyone to attend the funeral, he just ordered the children from the Boys' Army and the school to be present, and the rest organized themselves.

At this time, Li Chengqian was discussing with Li Qinjian in the tent where the workshop should go.

"No, the workshops still have to be separated. Ordnance is ordnance, and civilian use is civilian. They are mixed together like now. The nondescript will affect the efficiency."

While talking, Li Chengqian knocked on the table, "Sometimes it's more about being smart than being more."

Li Qinjian said: "But if the workshop is divided into two, then the efficiency of the workshop will be greatly reduced, not to mention supporting a big war, it is not enough to restore everyone to the level of equipment before the big war.

I found out that before the war, the brothers of Resentment Army had thirty arrows and seventy crossbow bolts.

And with the joining of the refugee army and Wan Tupu, we have more than [-] soldiers ourselves, not counting those who are insignificant.

According to the level of equipment before the war, at least 15 arrows and [-] crossbow bolts are needed, not counting other swords, guns, swords and halberds. "

After finishing speaking, Li Qinjian sighed, and said again, "Let's not talk about follow-up reserves, even if we return to the level before the war, we can't do it now. If there is another similar war, even if our soldiers have no failures, There are no arrows to shoot."

In the final analysis, this is the disadvantage of developing too fast.

Li Chengqian waved his hand and said: "I know the problem, but when there is a problem, let us find a way to solve it, instead of just making a mistake.

Civilian and military use must be separated, and no matter how much resistance there is, it must be done.

You only see that after the workshop is separated, it may affect the output of ordnance, but have you ever thought about what Riyue Mountain looks like today?Like a big family, everyone eats in the same big pot.

Although it seems that there is no need to worry about food and clothing now, and everyone is happy, but after a long time, problems will inevitably arise.

We can't stick to Riyue Mountain forever, and we can't just keep these people forever.

Not to mention far away, let’s talk about the Tiele tribe. When tens of thousands of people in their tribe arrive, are we going to continue in this way?

Impossible, the reason why everyone ate a big pot of rice back then was that there was no better way, everyone had to help each other in order to tide over the difficulties together.

But after getting through this difficulty, there will always be people who have other thoughts. They will think, why should the value we create be exploited by others?They will think about how to earn more money and leave it to their children in the future.

They even wonder how they can live a better life.

Because capable people will always stand out, this is inevitable.

As the old saying goes, it is not unreasonable to share adversity but not to share wealth.

The so-called Great Harmony is after all just an idealized luxury.

If we want to make our Daming royal court develop healthily and long-term, we still have a lot to do.

Of course, don’t just listen to what I say and think that everyone is so and so. This is human nature, and it’s the same everywhere, so there’s nothing to criticize. "

There are some things that Li Chengqian actually didn't say, for example, as time goes by and there are many people, some people will always find that even if they don't work, they won't be hungry, and some people will develop a lazy personality.

Li Qinjian listened for a while, but he didn't understand anything, and he was confused: "Then what should we do?"

"Now we are actually at the best stage." Li Chengqian said, "Go and call Yiyuanfeng, Pusiruo, and Yiyuanxi, and by the way, call Wang Xuance and Qibi Heli, just take advantage of today to bring these It's settled."

Not long after, everyone gathered in Li Chengqian's tent.

Seeing that everyone was here, Li Chengqian said: "I called everyone here today because I have a few things to inform.

[-]. From the [-]th day onwards, the previous canteen system will be abolished, each household can cook by itself, the trade system will be liberalized, trade exchanges will be allowed, and exchange of supplies will be allowed.

[-]. Regularize the army, distribute food and salaries on time, and reorganize the existing army.

[-]. Open Changming Grain Shop, Changming Cloth Shop, Changming Carriage and Horse Shop, Changming Grocery Store and many other shops that meet daily needs.

[-]. Rationalization of taxation. All walks of life need to pay certain taxes to maintain the royal court's expenses.

[-]. Legalize the royal court, formulate officials at all levels and their salaries.

If there are any omissions, everyone can express their opinions and check for omissions. "

These are all Li Chengqian thought about early in the morning.

Riyue Mountain must change. Now is undoubtedly the best time. After all, they just climbed out of the gate of hell, and they haven’t thought about it so much. They really have to wait until the Ming court grows bigger and the conflicts accumulate. It's very passive.

"I understand what Your Highness said." Ihara Suk said, "But now everyone's family can hardly open the pot. Isn't the abolition of the canteen system forcing everyone to a desperate road?"

They couldn't understand this point. It was the result of their utmost restraint that they didn't interrupt Li Chengqian's words before. Now that Li Chengqian finished speaking, Yi Yuanxi immediately brought it up.

The others also looked at Li Chengqian, wanting to hear what Li Chengqian had to say.

"This is just a general arrangement, and I haven't mentioned the details yet." Li Chengqian said, "The people of our Daming royal court are all hardworking and brave. If you don't believe me, go out and see for yourself. Is there an idler in the valley now? Since They have paid for their labor, and naturally they have to be paid.

Of course, the standard of wages is still to be discussed, but it must be enough for everyone to support their families, and even have a surplus. As for those whose families lack labor and only the elderly and children are left, that is a special matter.

You have to believe that the people of our Daming royal court are hardworking and brave, and they can live a better life after getting rid of the collective canteen.

Relying on collective canteens all the time, when will they be able to live a better life? "

Hearing what Li Chengqian said, everyone nodded, as long as there are arrangements.

Moreover, they also believed that their clansmen were hardworking and brave. Li Chengqian's words just touched their hearts.

After that, everyone started a serious discussion on each item.

In fact, everyone is in favor of such a change.

Don't forget, those who are sitting here are all vested interests.

Just like Article [-], the royal court is legalized, and officials at all levels and their salaries are formulated. Aren't they the officials at all levels?
Of course, none of these things can be formulated overnight, and it will take time to grind slowly.

After Li Chengqian exchanged and discussed his thoughts with everyone, he left with Yi Yuanfeng and Qibi Heli.

He still has to reorganize the army today.

There is no way, the army is in a mess now.

There are refugee soldiers, people like Wan Tupu, and Qibi Heli's [-] personal soldiers, plus the pro-accompanying army and resentful army. There are not many people, but there are many sources.

"Do you have any thoughts about your five thousand soldiers?" On the way, Li Chengqian asked Qibi Heli.

Qi Bi He Li clasped his hands and said: "Your Highness is in charge of everything."

He is such a person, as long as he votes sincerely, he will follow to the death.

Moreover, in his opinion, this person is really amazing!

At the same age, Li Chengqian dumped him eighteen blocks...

"This is what I think. The warriors of the Tiele tribe are a whole, so there is no need to dismantle them. Let the warriors of the Tiele tribe build their own army. What do you think?" Li Chengqian said.

Qibi Heli was taken aback when he heard the words, he was actually ready to break up the soldiers.

After all, their [-] troops were stronger than the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty. It was inevitable for Li Chengqian to take precautions, but who knew that Li Chengqian actually let them form an army of their own, which surprised him a bit.

The strength in his hands can overthrow the Ming court at any time!
Is this self-confidence, or does it really trust us people?

Seeing that Qibi Heli was in a daze, Li Chengqian smiled and said: "Employers don't doubt others, and besides, since the Tiele tribe has surrendered to the king, they are the subjects of the king. Before the matter of the king, why did the king doubt his own people?

Moreover, this king firmly believes that the warriors of the Tie Le tribe are all loyal people. If one day the Tie Le tribe really abandons the king, it will only be regarded as the king's ignorance, and it is his own fault. "

With that said, Li Chengqian laughed lightly.

Qibi Heli hastily knelt down on one knee, and said, "Your Highness, you can rest assured, as long as the last general is still alive, the Tie Le tribe will always be His Majesty's pawns! Swear to follow His Majesty to the death and expand the territory for His Majesty!"

He was really a little excited, the feeling of being trusted was really comfortable.

Moreover, their Tiele tribe is somewhat similar to the Turkic people, worshiping real heroes, and he believes in this even more. (To explain here, many people think that the Tiele tribe is Turkic, but I checked a lot of information and found that they are not Turkic, just take a look, don’t worry about it, please let me go.)
This is why, in the original history, he would swear to follow Li Shimin to the death.

Li Chengqian was very satisfied, this was the result he wanted.

As long as Qibi Heli doesn't betray him, Tielebu is still firmly in his hands.

When they came outside the city, Li Chengqian had already notified all the ministries to assemble outside the city. Now, except for the wounded soldiers, all of them were here.

Outside the city, Li Chengqian didn't waste too much time.

The first is to announce the establishment of a new West Conquest Army, with Qibi He Li as the commander of the West Conquest Army, and the entire West Conquest Army is also composed of Qibi Heli's personal soldiers. In fact, there is no difference except for a change of name.

The second is to reorganize all the soldiers except the accompanying army into the resentful army, and the coach is Yi Yuanfeng.

However, it was reclassified to the Fourth Battalion of the Resentment Army, and four additional battalion generals were added, namely Zhao Yan, Yi Yuanzhen, Puluboqi, and Wan Tupu.

Each of the four battalions added four centurion commanders, dozens of commanders, and corporal commanders. Li Chengqian didn't care about this.

Li Chengqian only made one request, that is, to be promoted for meritorious service.

In short, today is a day of rejoicing for the Resentment Army!
After dealing with the affairs of the barracks, Li Chengqian went back to the city to look at the busy prisoners.

Seeing these people, Li Chengqian had a headache.

kill it?Pity……

After all, in this day and age, manpower is productivity.

But let's keep it, food is also in short supply!

He didn't worry about food before, because there was no news from Tiele's department.

But now, he has to worry about food again.

Not to mention what happened after the arrival of the follow-up troops of the Tiele Ministry, there are now more than 1 mouths to eat every day in the entire Riyue Mountain. How long can his little food last?
Although Jingyang is an upper county, its population is less than [-] after the whole county experienced a famine, so the food transported from Jingyang City is limited after all.

This doesn't even count the Tiele tribe who are coming to Chaoriyue Mountain. When they arrive, the food shortage will be even greater.

Of course, there is a saying that when sleepiness comes, send a pillow.

No, just when Li Chengqian was worrying about this matter, a news came from Taoyuan.

Wei Zheng is here!

And it is representing the Tang Dynasty as an envoy to the Ming court!
It was so formal that Li Chengqian was stunned when he heard the news.

But after thinking about it, Li Chengqian understood that this was indeed Wei Zheng's good intentions.

The kindness of others cannot be let down, so Li Chengqian immediately sent Qibi Heli to lead the whole army of Zhengxi Army to meet Wei Zheng outside Riyue Mountain.

He also wanted to go to the land of Tang Dynasty to meet Wei Zheng, but Chishuiyuan was still Murong Shun's territory, so he didn't dare to take such a big risk.

The reasons for this are inexplicable.

As for why he didn't walk along that glacier, let's not talk about whether the glacier has thawed or not, even if it hasn't, Wei Zheng is officially on behalf of the Tang Dynasty as an envoy to the Ming court, how can he sneak across?
Do you still want Datang's face?

Moreover, in order to go on an envoy, Datang had greeted Murong Shun in advance.

When Murong Shun received Datang's letter, his nose was crooked.

Don't bring such bullying!

Your prince of the Tang Dynasty built his own royal court on my territory, are you acknowledging his legitimacy?
Have you asked me?
Of course, in the end Murong Shun pinched his nose and admitted.

Before the [-] troops were defeated by Li Chengqian's [-] troops, he had to re-examine the current situation. In a short time, he did not intend to take action against Li Chengqian.

Moreover, this defeat was actually not a loss to him, at best he lost some manpower, but Dayan Mangjiebo was captured alive!

What's wrong with dealing with Riyue Mountain now?Will the rescue of Dayan Mang end up wavering?
He only does this when he eats too much!
From his standpoint, I wish Dayan Mang Jiebo would die soon!

"The King of Ming Dynasty, Qibi Heli, welcome Wei Gong." Outside Riyue Mountain, Qibi Heli said immediately after seeing Wei Zheng's team.

In order to prevent him from admitting the wrong person, Li Chengqian also sent Liu San here.

Hearing this, Wei Zheng got off the carriage and said, "Khan, you are welcome."

"The last general is no longer a khan now, Duke Wei, don't let the last general down." Qibi Heli said hastily.

Now that he has chosen to follow Li Chengqian, this position must be corrected.

Wei Zheng was taken aback for a moment, convinced Li Chengqian so quickly?
Soon, everyone came to Riyue Mountain.

Outside the city gate, Li Chengqian also went out of the city to meet him a long way away.

He wanted to go thirty miles out of the city to meet him, but the thirty miles out of the city reached Chishuiyuan...

"Wei Zheng, a foreign minister, will meet His Highness." Seeing Li Chengqian, Wei Zheng hastily saluted, "Wei Zheng is ashamed to ask His Highness to come out of the city to meet him."

Li Chengqian hurriedly supported Wei Zheng and said, "Duke Wei is joking..."

Wei Zheng said with a smile: "In the past, the old man said that His Highness will return from the west, and I will meet him thirty miles west. However, things are unpredictable, but within a few months, the old man came here first."

"That's the way things are in the world. No one knows what will happen tomorrow." Li Chengqian said with a smile, "Please." Then, Li Chengqian extended his hand to invite Wei Zheng to enter the city. , I hope Duke Wei will forgive me."

Wei Zheng, with a wispy beard, said, "Your Highness, please, although we are in a barren land, the etiquette cannot be discarded."

Li Chengqian was not polite either, the two chatted all the way back to the valley.

Along the way, Wei Zheng was actually looking at every plant, tree, brick, and tile in Riyue Mountain, and even everyone he met.

To his great surprise, everyone he met greeted Li Chengqian very cordially.

Logically speaking, this is normal, but Wei Zheng was keenly aware of the problem.

Of course, he didn't ask Li Chengqian these questions, since he spent a lot of time around here, he had plenty of time to find out by himself.

Because the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty does not have a palace or anything, Li Chengqian's tent has become the royal tent of the royal court.

Such a major event as receiving envoys would naturally be placed in the king's tent.

After returning to Li Chengqian's tent, almost all the heads of the Ming court were there.

The table was also removed, and only some chairs remained.

Li Chengqian took the first place, and Wei Zheng went through the entire process of envoys going on a mission, and formally handed over a letter of credence written by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty to Li Chengqian.

Not to mention, Li Chengqian was taken aback by this scene.

After receiving the letter of credence and looking at it for a second, he wanted to throw it aside, but there were so many people present at this time, he could only bear to read Li Er's letter of credence.

Without him, the so-called letter of credence is actually Li Eryi's grievance, the content of which can be imagined.

After the whole process is over, it's time for the banquet and entertainment.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, when only Qibi Heli, Wang Xuance, and these people who knew Li Chengqian's identity were left in the tent, Li Chengqian asked, "I don't know what the so-called Duke Wei came here this time?" .”

"Actually, what I should do, I have done everything I can do." Wei Zheng sighed.

Li Chengqian nodded, he understands this.

Face it squarely, that's what Wei Zheng wants to do.

Li Chengqian understands, Li Er understands, and most court officials understand.

Don't underestimate these two words, these two words are worth a thousand dollars to today's Daming royal court!
Li Chengqian stood up, cupped his hands, and said, "Thank you, Duke Wei, for your concern."

Wei Zheng was very satisfied with Li Chengqian's reaction.

Even though Li Chengqian is now considered a small overlord, his behavior has not changed much from before, and he has not looked arrogant after gaining power.

Of course, this is just the beginning, soon, he will see Li Chengqian's shameless indecentness.

"The old minister is ashamed of this." Wei Zheng said, "However, your majesty and empress have something else to say about your visit this time."

Li Chengqian asked doubtfully, "What can I explain?"

"Your Highness has been crowned now, it's time to consider marriage." Wei Zheng said, "Your Majesty and Empress intend to bestow a marriage for His Highness, what does His Highness think?"

To be honest, he was afraid that Li Chengqian would take a woman from another race as his concubine!

If the eldest son has a foreign blood, is this still the Han dynasty?
Hearing this, Li Chengqian was a little puzzled at first, but after thinking about it, he figured out the reason. He was overjoyed at the moment, and hurriedly said: "Marriage is a matter of parents' order and matchmaker's words, and this king naturally agrees."

Hearing what Li Chengqian said, Wei Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, that's good, he thought to himself, it really is my prince of the Tang Dynasty, who is knowledgeable and interesting, just when he was about to speak, Li Chengqian said again, "But this king is here now. As the king of the Ming court, where did the words of bestowing marriage come from?"

Wei Zheng was stunned!
Didn't you just say what your parents ordered and the matchmaker?

Has this changed?
At the moment, he was thinking in his heart how to persuade Li Chengqian, before he could think of a set of words, Li Chengqian said earnestly: "Wei Gong, this is not a marriage, this is a marriage!"

Hearing Li Chengqian's words, Wei Zheng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

How did you say that?

Oh my God!
Does the Tang Dynasty need to make peace with you, the Ming court?

"Since it is a marriage, the dowry is indispensable." Li Chengqian continued, "In this way, this king will make a list for Duke Wei, and Duke Wei will forward it to His Majesty on my behalf.

There is still a difference in the dowry of the princess and the side concubine. Of course, this king thinks that to save trouble, it is better for the princess and the side concubine to come together. Well, it doesn't matter if there are more side concubines, as long as the dowry is in place.

By the way, there are still many young talents in the imperial court of Ming Dynasty, such as Fang Lao Er and Cheng Lao Er, they can all get married, and we can discuss the specific dowry.

If the quantity is large, it is not impossible to give some discounts in the appropriate amount. "

Wei Zheng was dumbfounded.

What kind of shit is this?

You can bear with the marriage, the key is, do you still plan to come in batches?
"Your Highness, this..." Wei Zheng was speechless.

However, Li Chengqian waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, Duke Wei. The current strength of the Ming court is not good, and it is normal to rely on marriage to maintain some relations. If you don't believe me, ask our general, this king and the Tie Le tribe are also marriage mates." Come on, the Tiele tribe married a daughter to the king, and she wasn't a side concubine, but the dowry was the entire Tiele tribe.

General, do you think so? "

Qibi and Heli are all confused, when did Tielebu marry a girl for you?But hearing what Li Chengqian said now, he immediately understood that Li Chengqian was trying to trick Datang!
This is so fucking ruthless!
In the whole world, it is estimated that only their king dared to take advantage of Datang like this.

But thinking about it again, I took advantage of this experience. Tielebu married a daughter to Li Chengqian. There must be a title, no, he nodded immediately, and said: "Yes, I, Tiele, have never been stingy, and this dowry can be said to be generous."

Wang Xuance on the side lowered his head, he really didn't have the face to raise his head to meet people.

He still doesn't know what's going on with Tiele's department?
I have to say that my Highness is really ruthless.

This is completely selling yourself for supplies!

What kind of dowry, isn't it material!

But from this point of view, everyone still admires Li Chengqian. At least he would rather sacrifice himself than gain greater benefits for the Ming court. From this point alone, Li Chengqian is indeed a qualified king.

This also gave them the hope of following Li Chengqian.

During this period of time, everyone was racking their brains for the material problem of the Ming court. There was no way, the lack of material was the original sin.

If they could help the Daming Royal Court get through this difficult time with their relatives, then they would be much more relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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