This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 209 Volume 2 What Wei Zheng Sees and Heard

Chapter 209 Volume [-] What Wei Zheng Sees and Heard

"Your Highness, the old minister can't be the master of marriage matters." Wei Zheng was speechless.

He never expected such a situation.

Before coming here, he thought about many kinds of sudden accidents, including Li Chengqian's arrogance because of his slight achievements. He thought about all of them, but he didn't think about this alone.

As the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, isn't it the intention of His Majesty to bestow the marriage?

Do you have to make a kiss out?
What kind of thing is this?
Li Chengqian said with a smile: "It's okay, Duke Wei only needs to tell His Majesty what I said."

He must have asked for a kiss!

The gift of marriage is the old Li's family marrying a daughter-in-law!
The dowry is all given by her natal family, so how much is it?

Marriage, it is a matter between two countries, the dowry is paid by Tang, even if it is to save face, the dowry is indispensable, there is a big difference between them, okay?

The point is, the Ming court lacks everything now!

Isn't this sleepy? What is sending a pillow?
"The old minister will go to Chang'an now." Wei Zheng said.

It's really not up to him to decide this matter, he can even imagine how angry Li Er will be when this letter is sent to Li's second hand.

Li Chengqian said disapprovingly: "Then I will trouble Duke Wei, but I still hope that Datang will hurry up. After all, I am not young, and sometimes it is inevitable that I will be moved by spring. I am afraid that it will take a long time. King's children will crawl all over the ground."

Just as Wei Zheng was about to stand up and say goodbye, when he heard Li Chengqian's words, he almost staggered and fell down.

Your Highness has changed. It's not that he has become arrogant and domineering, but that he has become a bit omnipotent. In layman's terms, he has become shameless!
They all started getting dirty.

That is Wei Zheng, if it were Yuchi Jingde who came, he would definitely look at Li Chengqian's crotch curiously, although he wouldn't say it clearly, but he would definitely show that you don't even have hair on your face.

"Old minister understands." After finishing speaking, Wei Zheng left.

After Wei Zheng left, Wang Xuance asked, "Your Highness, is this reliable?"

"You have to do it whether it's reliable or not!" Li Chengqian said, "Don't tell me you're making everyone hungry? Now that our Ming court is a startup, everything is difficult, and this king can only wrong himself."

Wang Xuance heard this very harshly.

Because of his poor family and unmarried, he dreamed of marrying a wife.

As a result, Li Chengqian might have to marry several daughters-in-law at once, and why did you feel wronged?

"Your Highness, our Tie Le Department..." Qi Bi He Li asked.

Before he finished speaking, Li Chengqian said: "The general also knows that what I just said just now, I just hope that the dowry of Datang will be richer in the future, but I don't mean to belittle the Tie Le tribe."

"The last general doesn't dare." Qibi He Li said, "It's just that His Highness said that he wants to marry a girl from our Tie Le department, and the last general just happens to have a younger sister who is fifteen years old..."

Li Chengqian understands, this is the damn newspaper of the present world!

I have been ordering those brothers-in-law around, and I am used to it, now it's all right, I was watched by others, but after everything was said, Li Chengqian had no choice but to say: "As long as you look good, this matter will be done, Mr. Let me tell you, if you don't look good, you have to change it. It's not that this king is greedy for beauty.

There is a saying in the Han people, which is called marrying a wife and marrying a virtuous person, accepting a concubine and accepting sex. If you look bad to the audience, it will make her life sad in the future. This king does not want to see such a thing happen. "

There are a lot of reasons, but in fact, to put it bluntly, this guy still has the faults of later generations.

But then again.

In later generations he won't be able to choose, that's because of his status.

When you arrive in the Tang Dynasty, as the prince of the Tang Dynasty, among other things, you have to choose a good-looking one to pick a wife?

"Don't worry, Your Highness, that girl will definitely satisfy His Highness!" Qi Bi He Li didn't care about Li Chengqian's words.

Who doesn't want to marry a good-looking wife?Men are all the same.

Li Chengqian didn't say much, just leave it at that.

As long as he can get the dowry of Datang, Riyue Mountain's life will be much better.

In fact, to be honest, making money is not a big deal for Li Chengqian, it's not difficult, it's really not difficult.

But the problem is, if there is no food, you can't hold the copper to eat when you are hungry, right?

He also had no choice but to make such a bad move.

After leaving the tent, Wei Zheng wandered around in the valley.

After he came out, he remembered that he had forgotten one thing, but now he didn't want to go back and ask.

It was Li Chengqian's shameless face that really shocked him.

He was a little dazed, is this still the Prince of the Tang Dynasty?
Wandering around in the valley, Wei Zheng arrived at the school.

This really made his eyes shine.

As a literati, one of the things I like to do most is to use the culture of the Han family to influence other races.

Although Li Chengqian's original intention was to let these children at least be able to read and write, in Wei Zheng's view, this was Li Chengqian's greatest achievement.

For two days in a row, Wei Zheng did not go to Li Chengqian, but went to get to know the Riyue Mountain, which was relatively unfamiliar to him, on his own.

In my spare time, I even chat with those people in the valley.

Especially when eating in the cafeteria.

Listen to what they say about Li Chengqian.

And these people in the valley are not surprised by Wei Zheng, everyone knows that this is an envoy from Tang Dynasty, but they don't have a clear understanding of the identity of this envoy.

Coupled with the self-confidence instilled by Li Chengqian for so long, they were not cautious when facing Wei Zheng.

Isn't it just the envoys of the Tang Dynasty?
Can it be more honorable than our king?

This made Wei Zheng chat well with everyone.

After Wei Zheng chatted with many people, he suddenly understood why Li Chengqian insisted on getting married.

He really valued those dowries!

Sure enough, if you want to support such a big stall with your own strength, it's really very human!
Li Chengqian is in this list!
At this time, those worries in my heart will disappear.

A monarch who can use himself as a bargaining chip and feed his people's stomachs is worthy of the word Mingjun!

Even if he treats people of other races like this, if he takes over the Great Tang in the future, how can he let down the people of the Great Tang?

After figuring this out, Wei Zheng approached Li Chengqian again. This time, he bowed to the end: "The old minister is confused, and I don't know His Highness' deep meaning. I misunderstood His Highness, please forgive me."

Wei Zheng is absolutely an upright person, he can clearly distinguish between right and wrong. If it was Li Chengqian's fault, he would not be like this if he was killed. If it was his own fault, even if no one else knew about it, he would not hide it.

This is Wei Zheng.

"Why is Duke Wei?" Li Chengqian hurriedly walked over to help Wei Zheng, and said, "This is the King of Zhesha."

"Your Highness cares about the country and the people, and deserves the respect of a veteran." In Wei Zheng's view, these people in Riyue Mountain were rightly said to be citizens of the Ming court, but they were also citizens of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Chengqian said with a smile: "Wei Gong loves you, this king just did what this king should do."

Of course he knew why Wei Zheng made such a change, nothing more than knowing the actual situation of the Ming court, well, this is what he explained.

Otherwise, how could those people tell the truth?

Please, you are an official of Datang, okay?Who knows if you are a spy?
"It's a good sentence that should be done!" Wei Zheng exclaimed.

The two chatted for a while, Wei Zheng asked: "The old minister still has something unclear, I don't know if I should ask it or not?"

"Wei Gong said it was right." Li Chengqian said.

Wei Zhengdao: "The old minister heard that His Highness captured Tuyuhun's prince alive, Dayanmang Jiebo, I don't know how His Highness plans to deal with this person?"

Speaking of this, Li Chengqian smiled.

Dayan Mangjiebo is now being imprisoned in the valley, and Qibi Heli personally sends people to guard him, and it is difficult for idlers to see him.

Of course, Li Chengqian hasn't seen him since that night.

No need, it's just a defeat.

"This king intends to let him go back." Li Chengqian said with a smile.

Wei Zheng asked: "Why is this? Letting the tiger go back to the mountain may cause future trouble."

"Wei Gong thinks this king's current strength can compete with Murong Fuyun?" Li Chengqian asked without answering.

Wei Zheng shook his head and said, "It's difficult. Even if His Highness is a genius, the disparity in strength is too great. I'm afraid there is no chance of winning. But if the army of the Tang Dynasty supports it, it is not impossible."

"The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty have been fighting for almost consecutive years since the end of the Sui Dynasty. It is time to rest." Li Chengqian waved his hand and said, "And now the Tang Dynasty has just passed the famine year, and the people of the Tang Dynasty should also enjoy two years of peace. Days, how could Datang be dragged into the vortex of war because of this king?
Such and such is not the king's wish. "

That said, if Datang really wanted to attack Tuyuhun, he would jump up and curse at people.

However, Wei Zheng's words were very helpful to Wei Zheng's ears.

He really cared about the lives of the common people, so he didn't want to start a war lightly. What he said just now was just to test Li Chengqian.

But Li Chengqian, as someone who has read a few books, is still not sure about it.

"Your Highness is generous." Wei Zheng said, "Then what about Your Highness?"

"Let him go back is my confession to Murong Fuyun." Li Chengqian said, "Murong Fuyun lost very little in the previous battle, and until now I haven't disclosed the news that Dayan Mang Jiebo was captured alive, nor did I If they can maintain their face, let's live in such a muddle.

Moreover, when Dayan Mangjiebo returns, Murong Shun will seize this opportunity. At that time, it will be the time for me to develop in a low-key manner. "

His words are not enough to fool anyone, let alone someone like Wei Zheng.

But Wei Zheng could also understand, how could Li Chengqian tell him all the plans?
Those who do big things, who will tell the whole plan?

This is the truth that if the monarch does not keep secrets, he will lose his ministers, and if his ministers do not keep secrets, he will lose his integrity.

Naturally, Li Chengqian has even more wicked tricks to deal with Murong Fuyun, but he can't say it.

"Since Your Highness is aware of the situation here, the old minister will not say more." Wei Zheng said, "The old minister has one more request."

"What's the matter?" Li Chengqian was a little curious, Wei Zheng said it was not easy to ask for words.

"I heard that Yongshan is buried with warriors who died fighting for the Ming court. The old minister wants to pay homage." Wei Zheng said, "I have been there before, but the soldiers guarding the mountain said that people who are not members of the Ming court are not allowed to go up the mountain. , I have no other choice, the old minister had no choice but to come to His Highness."

This surprised Li Chengqian, Yongshan?Wei Zheng is interested in Yongshan?This is what he did not expect.

But when Wei Zheng spoke up, Li Chengqian didn't refuse, so he handed over the matter to Liu San.

And just when Wei Zheng was about to leave, Fang Yiai and others who had just finished the drill came over, saw that Wei Zheng was there, and hurriedly saluted.

I don't know where Fang Yiai made a mistake, but Dang even said: "Wei Gong, the boy can also get married, or Wei Gong can tell His Majesty, and the dowry will be fine."

"Yes, yes, and me." Li Jingren and the others also yelled.

During this period of time, everyone knew that Li Chengqian wanted to marry Datang in order to solve the material problem in the valley, although no matter how you look at it, Li Chengqian was not at a loss.

That is to say, he won a daughter-in-law and gained benefits.

But everyone just thinks that Li Chengqian is not worth it.

In their eyes, their king should be the only young talent in the world, and getting married is the king who wronged them.

Wei Zheng didn't say anything when he heard that, he just smiled and said, "It's just right, you guys, take me to Mount Yong to have a look."

This caught the strong man, and Liu San was free.

But Fang Yiai still looked at Li Chengqian first, and after seeing Li Chengqian nodding, he took Wei Zheng to Yongshan.

The reason why Wei Zheng wanted to go to Yongshan was just out of curiosity.

He found out that the people in the royal court of Ming Dynasty admired Li Chengqian the most, but the place they admired the most was Yongshan.

Moreover, many people even bluntly expressed their desire to be buried in Yongshan after death.

This made him very curious.

In the past few days of contact, he has discovered many novel things.

Such as the canteen.

All eat in the cafeteria.

In fact, it is not surprising to eat, but the strange thing is that these foreigners are more polite than the Han people.

The team is orderly, even the elderly and children line up honestly.

Then there is work.

No matter what they are doing, they are all working very hard, and I haven't seen a single person who is stealing and playing tricks.

Finally, there is self-confidence.

This kind of self-confidence is the most incomprehensible to Wei Zheng.

You said, a group of guys who were blocked by others and almost slaughtered the city, how come everyone's face is full of confidence?

Even if there are some guys who lack arms and legs, they still look proud.

At first Wei Zheng was worried about touching other people's scars, so he didn't dare to mention the matter of arms and legs lightly, but he didn't know that he was carelessly joking about his missing arms and legs.

Wei Zheng was puzzled by his indifferent attitude.

In the end, he set his sights on Yongshan, because whenever these people mentioned Yongshan, they would all look fascinated.

Of course, even if Wei Zheng went to Yongshan, he couldn't find the answer.

What he can't understand is actually very simple in Li Chengqian's view, two words can explain everything, hope.

This will only happen if everyone is full of hope in life.

And this hope is exactly what everyone has fought for through overcoming difficulties time and time again.

Wei Zheng had never participated in it, so how could he know?

When he came down from Mount Yong, Wei Zheng asked, "You boys, don't you plan to go back?"

"Go back?" Fang Yi'ai shook her head like a rattle, and said, "Why do you want to go back, Wei Gong, have you seen my medal?" Fang Yi'ai patted her chest as she said.

Wei Zheng looked over and said, "The old man sees that everyone has this thing, with their own names on it, and thinks it's a badge of identity, why? What's the point?"

"This is not a famous badge!" Fang Yiai immediately said, "This is called the Tongji Medal. It is a testimony of our solidarity. It will never be seen again. It is out of print! Wearing this medal, we don't even need to salute when we meet His Highness." !"

Wei Zheng was taken aback, but he didn't know about it: "Take it off and show it to the old man."

"This is impossible!" Upon hearing this, Fang Yiai immediately covered her chest with her hands. If she was more handsome, she would look like a big girl with a yellow flower who was violated, "Life can be given to you." , this cannot be given, this is our glory, this is the testimony of our solidarity!"

What he said stunned Wei Zheng, is it so important?Looking at the other people, they also had the same reaction in an instant, as if they were afraid that Wei Zheng would grab him.

Seeing this scene, Wei Zheng seemed to understand that Li Chengqian was instilling a kind of thought in them. As for what this kind of thought was, he couldn't figure it out for a while, but this kind of thought made everyone tightly hugged into a group.

At that moment, he tentatively asked again: "Aren't you going back? I can tell you, this time, Your Majesty's reward is very generous. Even Li Anren has been promoted to a noble because of this. After you go back, His Majesty's reward can be imagined." And know."

"The left and right are just from special backgrounds." Fang Yiai said, "What is that, Wei Gong, the boy is now a centurion, but this boy killed it with one knife and one shot, and he earned it with his own ability. It is no better than that. too much?
Your Highness is right, what kind of a man is thinking about those little things at home?A real hero fights and earns by himself!In the not-too-distant future, why can't the boy be crowned a knight for his meritorious service? "

Wei Zheng looked at the others again, and Li Jingren immediately said, "Don't Wei Gong want to look at me, and I won't go back. The second son of Fang can be a centurion. How can I be worse than him?"

"Do you need a beating, kid? You called Fang's second child? You have to call me an official, do you understand?" Fang Yiai immediately shot back.

Li Jingren was so aggrieved, he cupped his hands and said, "The centurion taught you the right thing."

No way, joined the army, marching law!
Even the Youth Army is the same.

Looking at this scene, Wei Zheng was filled with emotion. Those dudes who were in Chang'an in the past seemed to have grown up here.

Thinking of this, he regretted that he didn't let his kid come too.

His family's situation is quite special, the eldest son is still young, less than ten years old this year, and the second son has not been seen yet, so he didn't get involved.

Besides, as far as he is a person, Li Er can't doubt him whether he gets involved or not.

"Forget it, I'll send that kid from my family too, you guys have to take care of me as elder brothers." Wei Zheng left after saying this.

Among other things, this place is definitely a place to grow up.

Although the conditions are a bit poor, but others can persevere, he believes that his kid can do it too.

Sometimes, personal experience may not be as good as the knowledge in books.

Fang Yiai and the others looked confused, you look at me, I look at you, what's going on?

Wei Shuyu is the eldest son of the old Wei family, so he sent it too?

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and stopped talking, and hurriedly followed.

Wei Zheng looked at everything in front of him.

Riyue Mountain is very poor. Compared with Chang'an, this cannot be described as poor.

But Riyue Mountain is also very rich, and their self-confidence and pride are overflowing on their faces. This kind of spirit is hard to find in Tang Dynasty.

This strong contrast made Wei Zheng linger.

He liked it here, unabashedly.

With this kind of atmosphere, this kind of state is more comfortable than staying in the extremely rich Chang'an City!

But once he thought of Chang'an City, Wei Zheng had a headache.

This time when he went back, he still didn't know how many people he would confront in the court hall, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was fighting all the Confucians with words.

After all, knowing Li Chengqian's intentions, he really wanted to facilitate the marriage.

But how can someone who has never been here personally understand the deep meaning of Li Chengqian's marriage?

(End of this chapter)

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