This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 210 Volume 2: Xue Rengui Appears!

Chapter 210 Volume Two Xue Rengui Appears!
Wei Zheng left after all, coming and going in a hurry!

He thought that this trip would take some time, but who knew, it was only a few days before he hurried back to Chang'an.

In fact, it is difficult for others to understand what he thinks.

In fact, the reason is also simple.

As a person who witnessed the Xuanwumen Incident, he hoped that the imperial power would change smoothly.

Not many people are more aware of the cruelty of the alternation of imperial power than him.

Not even Fang Xuanling and the others!

Why?Because he is Li Jiancheng's person, that's all.

Of course, this is just one of them, and the second is that the heart for the country and the people has become agitated again.

Before leaving, he routinely asked Chang Le for his opinion, and wanted to take the little guy back, but Li Chengqian didn't say anything, leaving everything to Chang Le to decide.

Surprisingly, Chang Le patted his small chest and said nothing.

Wei Zheng didn't insist, he wanted to send the child here, which fully demonstrated his recognition of the Ming court.

After Wei Zheng left, Li Chengqian was not idle either.

For the time being, the internal affairs of the Ming court are stable, and the next thing to deal with is external affairs.

The key here is Dayan Mang Jiebo.

Just when Li Chengqian was about to convene all the leaders and brains of Riyue Mountain to discuss, an unexpected person appeared for Li Chengqian.

Wang Qing is back!
Who is Wang Qing?It was the guy who lurked together with Fang Ping back then.

When Li Chengqian let these two guys lurk, he hoped that if something happened to him, someone would spread the news, at least someone could avenge him. At that time, he even regarded these two as his own. killer feature.

Afterwards, Li Chengqian realized how naive his actions were.

After Fang Ping came back with Wan Tongpu and others, he also asked Ma Ye and others to pay attention to Wang Qing's news, but who knew that Wang Qing hid it so deeply that even Ma Ye and others could not find it.

Of course, this was Li Chengqian's explanation at the beginning, he had told Wang Qing and Fang Ping not to allow their whereabouts to be revealed.

For a long time, Li Chengqian thought that something had happened to this guy, but who would have thought that he would run back from Water River County.

"Bring him here." Li Chengqian said, "He has suffered a lot during this time."

Liu San heard the words and ran out quickly.

They are all old brothers. When there was no news from this guy before, everyone was worried about him.

Not long after, Wang Qing was led in.

Seeing Wang Qing's emaciated appearance, Li Chengqian was also filled with emotion, got up and patted him on the shoulder, saying: "I'm sorry for you."

"It is the duty of subordinates to serve His Highness." Even though Wang Qing was already very haggard, his back was still straight.

Li Chengqian nodded, it was someone else's kindness and he couldn't refuse it.

"When did you go to Water River County?" Li Chengqian asked curiously.

Watering River County is the territory of Gaochang King Murong Xiaojun, located in the north of Chishuiyuan.

Mentioning this, Wang Qing immediately said: "Your Highness, Murong Xiaojun is secretly gathering troops and preparing to march south. I heard that Murong Fuyun is most likely also in Water River County."

That's why he hurried back.

In Water River County, he didn't receive much information, especially about Riyue Mountain.

But as soon as he heard that Murong Xiaojun was secretly gathering troops, he immediately thought of Li Chengqian, but when he came back, he was dumbfounded. How long has it been since Li Chengqian has such a strong army around him?

But Li Chengqian understood what he said.

Murong Xiaojun only dared to gather troops secretly, after all Niu Jinda is now on the frontier of Chen Bing, frightening him.

Of course, Li Chengqian didn't pay too much attention to this, it was normal, and then said: "Let's not talk about Murong Xiaojun, let's talk about you, why did you go to Shuhe County?"

Li Chengqian has already mastered the trick of inviting people to buy people's hearts. Besides, whether it's Murong Xiaojun or Murong Fuyun, doesn't Li Chengqian know what their purpose is?

Now that he knows, of course he should care about his subordinates right now.

Wang Qing was quite moved when he heard the words, and immediately told what happened to him.

It can only be said that this kid is really unlucky.

When he was on the grassland, he was accidentally discovered by Lou Ning's people, and then he was hunted down endlessly. When he was seriously injured and dying, he thought he was going to confess to him on the grassland, but he was caught by a group of people from Hedong. The merchant came to the rescue.

How else could this guy deserve to die?
The merchant didn't intend to save him at first, but he heard him speak Hedong's official dialect, so he offered a helping hand.

He directly brought this guy back to Jiangzhou, and after recovering from his injuries in Jiangzhou, he took a few youngsters from his hometown and drove towards Tuyuhun again.

But this time, he didn't enter Chishuiyuan, but directly hid in Water River County, and only then did he learn about Murong Xiaojun's actions.

"Thank you." After listening to him, Li Chengqian sighed and patted his shoulder.

It's an understatement, but who can understand the difficulty if it is not someone who has experienced it first-hand?

Wang Qing said embarrassingly: "Well, Your Highness, when I came back from Jiangzhou, I hired a few people because of my inconvenient legs and feet. I promised them that I would pay them..."

"No problem." Li Chengqian smiled, "Let's go, where is he? I have to thank these heroes who sent my warriors back!"

Invite to buy people's hearts, then invite to buy thoroughly.

Immediately, Wang Qing burst into tears of gratitude, and felt that the suffering during this period was worth it in an instant.

Not long after, a few people came to the cafeteria in the valley, and the young people from Jiangzhou were feasting in the cafeteria. There was no way, since they escorted Wang Qing into Piaohe County, the group of people hadn't eaten enough.

Li Chengqian didn't bother them either, just after Wang Qing came back, he didn't have time to eat, so he simply let him eat first.

After about half a stick of incense, those people were brought to Li Chengqian by Liu San after they finished their meal.

"This is our Highness, don't be rude!" Liu San said immediately.

"Forget it." Seeing that some people were a little stiff, Li Chengqian waved his hands and said, "Chunhua."

When Chunhua heard the sound, she came forward with a plate on which were placed four silver ingots, exactly one for each person.

"Since Wang Qing promised to give you rewards, then of course you cannot be missed." Li Chengqian said immediately.

As soon as he finished speaking, a young man in his eighteenth or nineteenth year immediately said: "It won't take so much. We agreed with Brother Wang on the day that it was ten Wen a day, and it's only been three months. At most, the money will be enough. That's too much."

In the early years of Zhenguan, the wages of ten Wen a day were quite extraordinary.

After all, a bucket of grain is only worth this price. If you can earn more than a bucket of grain a day, where can you find such a good job.

"My Highness will reward you if there are too many." Chunhua said sternly, "Hurry up and take it."

Not to mention, although Chunhua is a little girl, but she has lived in the palace for a long time, these guys are really a little bluffed by her aura.

"Take it, the rest is my reward for bringing Wang Qing back." Li Chengqian smiled from the side.

Hearing what Li Chengqian said, several people immediately reached out and took a silver ingot each.

Until now, several people were relieved.

It's safest to be in the bag, the most practical.

"Your Highness, I wonder if Riyue Mountain still needs people to work?" A young man said, "I can do any job, as long as I get paid."

Li Chengqian was happy when he heard the words, and said: "If you are willing, there are many jobs for you to do."

"Just pay the wages." The young man said immediately, with a somewhat simple and honest tone.

Naturally, Li Chengqian didn't care, and said immediately: "Okay, you guys rest for a few days first, and if you want to stay and work or go back, it's up to you."

After finishing speaking, Li Chengqian asked people to take them to rest.

There were only a few people around, and Li Chengqian really didn't take it to heart.

After eating, Wang Qing saw those guys walking away, and immediately said: "These young people are actually good, especially Xue Rengui, who is as strong as an ox, he is a good seedling. Unfortunately, he is an idiot. He made me poor!"

"What did you say his name was?" Li Chengqian was shocked when he heard that!
who?Xue Rengui?Li Chengqian couldn't believe his ears at all!

A generation of war gods who set the Tianshan Mountain with three arrows?
"Xue Rengui." Wang Qing said suspiciously.

Li Chengqian was simply insanely happy.

He is currently short of famous generals. Although Qibi Heli was indeed a famous general in the early Tang Dynasty, he is still far behind Xue Rengui.

"Tell me about Xue Rengui in detail." Li Chengqian asked.

He is also afraid of meeting someone with the same name.

Wang Qingdao: "This boy was rich and honored in his ancestors, but his father died early, and now he can be regarded as a poor family. His real name is Xue Li and the word Rengui..."

After listening to Wang Qing's introduction, Li Chengqian confirmed that it was him!
It's all right!

"Leave this person to this king." Li Chengqian said, "Well, let him hang out in the Youth Army for a while, and if necessary, you might as well tell the truth about my identity."

For Xue Rengui, Li Chengqian's importance can be seen.

In the original history, Xue Rengui only joined the army in the last years of Zhenguan, so he took advantage of it.Originally, he also wanted to wait for Xue Rengui to join the army, and then find a way to get someone from Li Er. Unexpectedly, this guy sent him to the door by himself.

Wang Qing and the others were a little puzzled, why does His Highness value this person so much?
Could it be that there is something remarkable about this man?
Li Chengqian couldn't explain this to them.

However, at this time Li Chengqian was in a good mood.

At this moment, Zhao Yan came to report that Murong Fuyun's envoy had arrived outside the mountain, begging to see Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian sneered, he came just in time, and immediately asked someone to bring the envoy to his tent.

"Foreign ministers see Your Highness." The envoy saluted immediately.

"Your envoy is exempt from courtesy." Li Chengqian said with a smile, "I don't know why your envoy has come here this time."

The envoy said: "The foreign minister was ordered by Bu Sabo Khan to come to discuss with Your Highness about me, Prince Tuyuhun."

"Prince Tuyuhun?" Li Chengqian pretended to be puzzled, "What does this have to do with this king? This king has never seen such a prince as Tuyuhun."

The envoy was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Li Chengqian meant, and said: "The foreign minister made a slip of the tongue. Bu Sabo Khan hopes that His Highness will return some of my subjects in Tuyuhun."

"My king doesn't understand what your emissary said." Li Chengqian said, "In the past, there were indeed some thieves who often harassed our Daming royal court, but now that the thieves have been executed and the heads of the thieves have been captured, could it be that these thieves were sent by your Khan? of?"

The envoy was stunned for a moment.

How to answer this?
The biggest purpose of his trip was to protect Dayan Mangjiebo's life, which was Murong Fuyun's death order.

"What request does Your Highness have?" the envoy said.

From Li Chengqian's words, he has actually learned a lot of information.

The most important one is that Dayan Mangjiebo is still alive.

As long as Dayan Mangjiebo is still alive, we can still talk.

Before he came, what he was most afraid of was that Li Chengqian had already beheaded Dayanmang Jiebo in his rage.

"Is Erdang this king saying this for petty gain?" Li Chengqian's expression changed suddenly.

The envoy was aggrieved, but the current situation is not as good as others, so there is nothing he can do.

Of course, as a representative of a country, the envoy's aura could not be let down. Immediately he straightened his back and said, "Although your highness is distinguished, don't you forget where this is?"

The implication of these words could not be more obvious.

Li Chengqian laughed lightly when he heard the words, and said: "Where is this place, do you need your envoy to remind you? Liu San, tell him where this is!"

"This is the Royal Court of Ming Dynasty! You, you dare to speak disrespectfully, you should be executed!" Liu San immediately yelled.

Of course, this does not have much impact on the messenger.

No one who dares to go on an envoy is afraid of death.

Even the little Tuyuhun is the same.

"Your Highness, let's not go around in circles. Please speak bluntly, Your Highness, how can we release him?" the envoy asked.

He finally found out that he is still not qualified to play tricks with these Han people.

Li Chengqian shook his head and said: "Joke, how can the bandits let the tiger go back to the mountain? Could it be that he is waiting for him to gather bandits to mess with my court?"

"As long as His Highness is willing to release him, Tuyuhun is willing to exchange countless cattle and sheep with him," said the envoy.

Li Chengqian still shook his head: "So what if there are so many cattle and sheep? Thieves can snatch them at any time."

"Then what does His Highness intend?" the envoy asked.

"You can't be the master." Li Chengqian waved his hands and said, "In this way, you tell Khan that the king will bring the leader of the bandits to meet him at the border of Datang Hezhou in three days. If he has the courage, let's talk face to face!"

The envoy wanted to refuse, but before he could speak, Li Chengqian waved his hand and said, "Go back and ask your Khan what you mean. After three days, the king will be waiting for him in Hezhou!"

The messenger had no choice but to leave.

As soon as he left, Li Chengqian ordered: "Hurry up, get ready, and go back to Taoyuan immediately."

Everyone moved immediately.

This time back to Taoyuan, Li Chengqian brought two thousand soldiers and horses, mighty and mighty.

Before leaving, Fang Yiai followed up with shamelessness, but Li Chengqian didn't refuse, he knew what this kid was thinking, it was nothing more than showing off to the eldest grandson Chong.

Now that Fang Yiai has followed, the Boys' Army will naturally be indispensable.

The next day, everyone went to Taoyuan's Zhuangzi.

When Changsun Chong and the others saw everyone, they were stunned.

Fang Yiai is really not a thing, and she has to show off to them, which makes everyone feel itchy.

Li Chengqian didn't bother to take care of them, after some repairs, everyone set off again, heading straight to Hezhou, and arrived at Cheng Yaojin's territory that night.

When Cheng Yaojin heard that Li Chengqian was going to meet Murong Fuyun at the border of Hezhou, he was completely delusional!

How dare you think!

"Your Highness, if this one cannot be discussed well, it will be on the verge of a war." Cheng Yaojin said earnestly.

Li Chengqian waved his hand and said, "Why can't the talks go wrong? This king has thought about it, and Murong Fuyun will definitely agree to sign a non-aggression treaty with this king."

"What non-aggression treaty?" Cheng Yaojin was a little confused.

Li Chengqian said: "It's the non-aggression treaty between the royal court of the Ming Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, and Tuyuhun.

It's very simple, as long as Tuyuhun doesn't send troops to the imperial court of Ming Dynasty, Tang Dynasty will not send troops to Tuyuhun..."

After listening to Li Chengqian, Cheng Yaojin was speechless.

You call this a tripartite non-aggression pact?

"Well, Your Highness, old Cheng can't be the master." Cheng Yaojin shook his head, he is so shrewd, he has to stop doing things that are done by others.

Li Chengqian nodded, and said: "I know that Su Guogong is in trouble, don't worry, I didn't let Su Guogong decide this matter. The master did it alone. How can I say that Gu is still the prince of the Tang Dynasty? I can't do such a small thing." host?"

Even though Cheng Yaojin was old and refined, hearing Li Chengqian's words, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

No, you still remember that you are the prince of the Tang Dynasty?
When you are a prince, you really have nothing to say. When it is not good, you are the king of the Ming court. When it is good, you are the prince of the Tang Dynasty. This switching of identities is really fucking silky!
"But the signing of this treaty is not good for Datang. If Murong Fuyun never mobilizes troops against the imperial court of Ming Dynasty? Doesn't it mean that Datang will not be able to mobilize troops even if he wants to?" Cheng Yaojin asked.

Hearing this, Li Chengqian said with a smile: "Duke Su's words are wrong. The Tang Dynasty cannot attack Murong Fuyun, but the Ming court can? When will the Ming court attack Tuyuhun? Talking?"

He did this, of course, with deep meaning.

Tuyuhun is a piece of meat on his chopping board, and no one can move this piece of meat.

Neither can Datang!
Cheng Yaojin really understood now.

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, he said, "Your Majesty has to decide on this matter."

"That's natural. After the treaty is signed, Su Guogong can send people to Chang'an."

Li Chengqian didn't care, Li Er would not refuse such a matter.

At the same time, Murong Fuyun smiled and said: "Is he sure that Ben Khan is afraid of the might of the Tang army and dare not go to the appointment? Order the three armies to leave Tuohe Prefecture!"

Facing the former Sui back then, he could fear him, and he could also fear Li Er, but he couldn't bear to be looked down upon by a junior.

Of course, he wouldn't be careless. Even Cheng Yaojin would not dare to act rashly when the three armies were deployed. He wanted to see if Li Chengqian had the guts to meet him.

When the appointed time came, Murong Fuyun's envoy wrote to invite him.

But when Cheng Yaojin learned that Murong Fuyun had assembled an army a hundred miles away from the border, he hesitated. If something happened to Li Chengqian when he went to the appointment, it would be terrible.

"It doesn't matter." Li Chengqian waved his hand and said, "This is just old man Murong's blow to his horse, and he is afraid of it as the king?"

Cheng Yaojin tried to persuade him again and again, but how could Li Chengqian listen to his advice?
Regarding Murong Fuyun, Li Chengqian knew much better than Cheng Yaojin. This old guy, with just these two strokes, really fought and ran faster than a dog!
"Okay, Su Guogong doesn't need to persuade you anymore, don't forget, as long as we still have Dayan Mangjiebo in our hands, forgive him and dare not act rashly."

Cheng Yaojin was helpless, and said: "Then this time, the old man will accompany His Highness to the appointment."

"Mr. Su should have gone." Li Chengqian said with a smile, "Otherwise, there must be one party missing from the tripartite treaty?"

Cheng Yaojin is so helpless.

Soon, the two led three thousand soldiers to the agreed place.

Of course, the Hezhou side is also ready to fight. Along the way, there are constant scouts in order to come to the rescue as soon as possible.

Li Chengqian didn't mind. After looking at Murong Fuyun, he led a few people forward on horseback carelessly.

Someone beside Murong Fuyun said: "Khan, the one riding a horse is the Prince of the Tang Dynasty."

"You're so brave!" Murong Fuyun sincerely praised even if he was an enemy, "My son deserves to lose!"

In terms of bearing and courage, even Murong Fuyun felt that Dayan Mangjiebo was inferior to Li Chengqian.

"The Royal Court of Ming Dynasty—Ming Wang, invite Bu Sabo Khan to meet with him." Liu San shouted at the top of his voice.

On the side, although Cheng Yaojin was speechless, he was really moved.

This is the demeanor that a prince of the Tang Dynasty should have.

Murong Fuyun didn't hesitate at the moment, stepped forward on his horse, and said jokingly: "I don't know if Your Highness is meeting with Ben Khan as the Prince of the Tang Dynasty or as the King of Ming Dynasty?"

"This king only believes that I shot it out with a knife and a gun." Li Chengqian smiled, "There is no way, this king is involuntary, and if he doesn't work hard, he can only return to the Tang Dynasty to inherit the huge empire in the future. This king wishes."

I'm so stupid...

This is really a fucking indiscriminate attack!

What do you mean if you don't work hard, you can only go back to the Tang Dynasty to inherit a huge empire?
Is this irritating?
Murong Fuyun was speechless.

How about we switch?

You will be the Khan of Tuyuhun, and I will be Li Er's son?

Is this what people say?
Seeing everyone stunned, Li Chengqian was puzzled and said: "Why? Don't you believe me? Think about it for yourself? In the past when I left Chang'an in the west, there were only a few dozen people, but now it has only been half a year, and the elite soldiers under my king's command have reached tens of thousands , Tens of thousands of people.

It will take another ten and a half years for this king, why should this king inherit the Great Tang and build an empire comparable to the Great Tang?So I said that I can't help myself, is it wrong? "

Li Chengqian continued to die without surprising his words, and everyone was stunned again.

If you really want to say that, you are right!

Murong Fuyun had a gloomy face, and said: "Ming Wang is provoking Ben Khan? Could it be that Ming Wang forgot that your current territory is still Tuyuhun!"

"So what?" Li Chengqian sneered.

As his voice just fell.

The scene suddenly became tense!

Cheng Yaojin is crazy!

This fucking is about to fight!
But right now, there are not many people around, if they really want to fight, he is sure to deal with Murong Fuyun.

"Young man, you are so arrogant!" Murong Fuyun said angrily, "Did Tang want to start a war against me, Tuyuhun?"

Li Chengqian said: "Khan don't want to talk about things, what does this have to do with Tang Dynasty? This is a conflict between the Ming court and Tuyuhun. Could it be that Khan wants to go to war with Datang? Su Guogong, Khan wants to fight against Datang. Start a war, what do you say?"

"Then hit it! Tell me a fart!" Cheng Yaojin was speechless.

What is this called.

Murong Fuyun sneered and said, "King Ming is eloquent. When did Ben Khan say he was going to start a war with Datang? Didn't the recent turmoil in Chishuiyuan be caused by Datang?"

"It's a joke." Li Chengqian said bluntly, "I don't believe in Khan and I don't know why. If it wasn't for Murong Shun's perverted behavior, how could this happen today? Although I have been fighting Murong Shun in Chishuiyuan, look at the subordinates behind me." , How about the Han people, how about you Tuyuhun people?
Did any soldier in Datang participate in the battle of Chishuiyuan?

Besides, Khan kept claiming that he was referring to the King of Ming, and he also recognized the court of the Ming Dynasty, so how could he say such unreliable words? "

Murong Fuyun was speechless.

Damn it, talk about a ball...

But Cheng Yaojin was still worried, how would this end?
How did he know that this was the trend Li Chengqian wanted.

 Sorry sorry, I checked the news for a day today, and the update is understand.

  By the way, those who are planning to conceive recently stop first, in case someone is reincarnated!


(End of this chapter)

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