This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 230 Volume 2 Beauty, Scheme, Xue Rengui

Chapter 230 Volume Two Beauty, Scheme, Xue Rengui

When Xiao Yu wrote to Chang'an, Li Chengqian also received a message from Zhao Yan.

Li Chengqian was not surprised that Murong Fuyun would agree.

It doesn't matter whether Murong Fuyun is as incompetent as the history says.

But one thing you have to admit, this old guy is definitely a qualified politician.

In history, there are not many people who can restore the country after the country is destroyed.

Moreover, this old guy has been on guard against Murong Shun for a long time.

In the former Sui Dynasty, Murong Shun was ready to take charge of Tuyuhun with the support of Emperor Sui Yang, but as soon as Murong Shun entered Tuyuhun, his prime minister was killed.

Although it is recorded in history that Murong Shun's subordinates assassinated the Prime Minister of the country, everyone including Murong Shun pointed their suspicious eyes at Murong Fuyun.

Therefore, the two of them, father and son, are the models of fatherly kindness and filial piety.

"He Lu and the others, what happened recently?" Li Chengqian asked.

On the side, Liu San said: "Nothing happened. Ever since the grassland became chaotic, after Lou Ning and Qiu Bowen took people to hide, this guy also took people into hiding."

"Forget it, let them go." Li Chengqian thought for a while, but gave up the idea in his heart, "Notify Qibi Heli that tomorrow, the king will lead the army to conquer."

What he was waiting for was the news from Zhao Yan. Since the news came back, it was time for him to make a move.

On this point, he and Murong Fuyun still have a tacit understanding.

The soldiers and horses of Piaohe County cannot go south.

This is what they both try to maintain.

Otherwise, it would not be in the interests of both of them to drag Datang into the battlefield.

Of course, this interest is not considered a community.

What Li Chengqian wanted was the entire Tuyuhun, what Murong Fuyun wanted was that Tuyuhun would not be dragged into the battle circle for the time being, he needed time to recuperate.

Then, it became the only solution for Li Chengqian to temporarily restrain the soldiers and horses in Water River County.

For Murong Fuyun, there is no loss.

At least it seems so on the surface, but Murong Fuyun ignored the most important point, and it was this point, which laid the root of the disaster for Tuyuhun's downfall.

Of course, this is all for later, for the time being, what Li Chengqian has to deal with is Murong Shun.

"Go back and inform Zhao Yan that as long as Murong Shun dares to raise troops to go north, he will go south directly with the soldiers and horses from Piaohe County, but at that time, he will bear the banner of our Daming Royal Court." Li Chengqian said to the messenger.

The messenger nodded and was about to leave.

Yuchi Baolin suddenly brought a person in and said, "Your Highness, this person said he has important information to report."

Seeing the person brought in by Yuchi Baolin, Li Chengqian was a little puzzled. This person looked familiar, but he really couldn't remember who it was.

"Your Highness, the younger one is ordered by Shopkeeper Yang to report something important." The man hurriedly saluted.

Li Chengqian was stunned for a moment, and said, "Are you from Yang Lin?"

Li Chengqian doesn't even know where Yang Lin is hanging out.

Li Chengqian hadn't heard from him for a long time since he was asked to do intelligence work in Tuyuhun.

"That's right, Your Highness." The man said, "This time, we got an important message, and Shopkeeper Yang asked the little one to come back and report to His Highness."

Li Chengqian nodded and said, "Tell me, what news."

Li Chengqian didn't have to doubt the identity of this person.

Being able to enter the city means that those guys outside have verified the identity of this person.

"Your Highness, Murong Shun sent people into Water River County, plotting to kidnap Murong Xiaojun's young daughter, and then blame His Highness. I heard that he wanted to capture her and give it to His Highness..." the man said hastily.

Li Chengqian was stunned when he heard this.

What the hell?

Is this to force yourself into a woman?
However, he soon understood that Murong Shun was forcing Murong Xiaojun to march south.

"Are you in Water River County now?" Li Chengqian asked.

The man nodded and said: "Yes, we were going to enter Chishui City at that time, but Murong Shun in Chishui City watched too closely. He would strictly check all caravans entering the Tang Dynasty. Our shopkeeper wanted to find another way. Hejun came in, but then Piaohe County refused to let us go south, so we were trapped there.

But there are mistakes, we just got this news by accident, the shopkeeper asked the little one to come back immediately and report back to His Highness. "

Li Chengqian nodded, starting from scratch is bound to be a difficult process.

If Yang Lin wanted to establish the intelligence system of the Ming court, it would not take a while to achieve results.

However, this news is indeed very important, it really made Murong Shun put the pot of shit on his head, why Murong Xiaojun has to fight him desperately?At that time, his plan was in vain.

It was also a coincidence that Zhao Yan's people happened to be in Water River County, and they were in Murong Xiaojun's barracks.

"Are they doing it now?" Li Chengqian asked.

The man shook his head and said: "They haven't found a chance yet, Murong Xiaojun is only a daughter, and they usually like it very much."

Li Chengqian said: "In this way, you can tell them the number of people, where they are staying, and other details in detail." After speaking, he looked at Zhao Yan's messenger again, "Listen carefully, don't miss any details."

"They have..." The man immediately introduced all the situation. After he finished speaking, Li Chengqian looked at Zhao Yan's messenger and said, "You remember everything clearly."

"I remember clearly." Zhao Yan's messenger nodded.

Li Chengqian said again: "You go back immediately and tell Zhao Yan to tell Murong Xiaojun the news, hehehe, I don't know if Murong Xiaojun will jump up in anger when he hears this news."

Li Chengqian still knew about Murong Xiaojun, the No. 1 general of Tuyuhun, a real famous general.

"Your Highness, Murong Xiaojun is just a daughter..." At this time, Xiao Yue who was at the side suddenly said.

Li Chengqian was a little puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"Your Highness, from the standpoint of the Ming court, it would be a good thing if this girl really came to Riyue Mountain." Xiao Yue said with a mean face, "Besides, this matter is not for Your Highness." Words, but not at a disadvantage."

What the hell said... Li Chengqian is also speechless, what does it mean that I don't suffer?
When you are my king, you can like any woman?
On the other hand, Gao Chunxing asked curiously: "What does Murong Xiaojun's daughter look like?"

"I heard that it is also stunning, even Dayan Mang Jiebo is salivating over it."

"No, what are you guys talking about?" Li Chengqian was a little dazed.

Okay, how about talking about this girl?
Xiao Yue smiled and said: "Your Highness, we didn't capture Murong Xiaojun's daughter, it was Murong Shun who did it, we just rescued her.

At that time, we just need to do a good job and let Murong Xiaojun know the truth after the incident happened.

And no matter whether we follow the trend to save the person, or let Murong Shun send the person here, when a Tuyuhun noble girl is trapped in Riyue Mountain, even Murong Xiaojun can only recognize her by pinching her nose.

At that time, he might have to send some dowry over. "

"Yes." Gao Chunxing also said, "In this way, wouldn't it be safer for His Highness to restrain the backhands of the soldiers and horses of Piaohe County? Once we have captured Murong Shun, when we deal with Murong Fuyun, we only need to release this The news, regarding Murong Fuyun's character that he can't even trust his own son, I don't believe that he can still trust Murong Xiaojun.

An army that has been restrained by us, plus the fact that Murong Xiaojun is married to the Ming court, even if Murong Xiaojun is full of mouths, he still can't explain it clearly! "

Li Chengqian was stunned.

Indeed, the reason why he asked to restrain the soldiers and horses in Piaohe County was to lay the groundwork for the future destruction of Tuyuhun.

Murong Fuyun only saw the current benefits, but ignored his suspicious character.

An army that has been restrained by Li Chengqian, how dare he use it boldly?He's not Li Er, he doesn't have the heart of Li Er.

But now, these bastards have come up with a more extreme method, this is not a matter of Murong Fuyun trusting or not trusting Murong Xiaojun, this is fucking forcing Murong Xiaojun and Murong Fuyun to break up.

"Inappropriate." Li Chengqian shook his head and said, "How can an innocent woman be involved in the dispute between the two countries? This will damage the prestige of this king."

Although he said so, what he thought in his heart was, hurry up, I'm already tempted, hurry up and come up with an idea!
As soon as Xiao Yue heard this, he knew that there was something to be done, and immediately said: "Your Highness said very well, how can such things be done by His Highness. Presumably His Highness is also tired today? If we don't rest earlier, we will not Your Highness is being disturbed."

"That's right, the king is really tired today." Li Chengqian immediately pretended to be a little sleepy, and said, "Let Xiao Yue take full power to handle this matter, and don't tarnish the reputation of the king. Back off."

This matter, Li Chengqian really wanted to do it, but he couldn't hold back his face. Since Xiao Yue gave the steps, of course he had to go down.

It's not that he is greedy for Murong Xiaojun's stunning daughter, he just simply wants to use more methods when dealing with Tuyuhun in the future.

As soon as Xiao Yue heard this, he immediately left with the people.

After everyone retreated, Li Chengqian looked at Chunhua with a pursed smile, and explained with some embarrassment: "Well, I really don't want beauty."

He doesn't know why he wants to explain it, maybe it's because of the moral concepts of later generations, he always feels that this matter... Hey, it's hard to explain in words, of course, his heart is still itchy...

"Your Highness is joking." Chunhua could understand, but she dared not say some things.

It stands to reason that Empress Changsun had some deep meaning when she placed them next to Li Chengqian.

But now that the power is getting more and more serious, they dare not make mistakes.

Li Chengqian didn't explain this question anymore, it was unnecessary, or meaningless.

Now that we have traveled to Datang, then everything will be done according to the rules of Datang.

As for how Xiao Yue will arrange this matter, Li Chengqian has already understood from what Xiao Yue and others said before.

This is really not a loss for him.

Picking up a stunning beauty in vain can also create a gap between Murong Fuyun and Murong Xiaojun. This deal is not a loss in any way.

Besides, before this, Murong Xiaojun couldn't hate Murong Shun?

When the time comes, when Zhang Sun Chong and Zhao Yan lead people south, this guy still has to kill him?
That night, Zhao Yan's messenger went back.

As for the person Yang Lin sent back to deliver the letter, Li Chengqian did not let him go back.

Not to mention trust or distrust, it's just to reduce accidents in the plan.

With that, the matter is over.

The next day, Yi Yuanfeng led his subordinates back to Riyue Mountain to set off with Li Chengqian.

This time, Li Chengqian also brought the Youth Army with him.

Based on what Li Chengqian knew about Murong Shun, as long as he was around, he would surely win this battle.

A battle that must be won, of course, is to bring the young army to see the world.

Arriving at the camp outside Riyue Mountain, Qibi Heli had already assembled an army.

In addition to leaving 2000 people to block the passage from Datang to Tuyuhun and guard Riyue Mountain and its camps, this time, almost the entire army of Riyue Mountain was mobilized.

More than [-] people are mighty.

In the big camp of the camp, Li Chengqian said: "This time, it is the first time that our Ming court has dispatched troops on such a large scale, and we will use the power of the Ming court.

But there are a few points to be clear.

First, what is our strategic purpose. "

"Wipe out King Ning's army and capture Murong Shun alive!" Yi Yuanfeng said immediately.

Li Chengqian has one head and two big ones, what the hell is this called a strategic purpose?
Murong Shun is really going to be pushed to this point, you see what crazy things that lunatic will do.

Shaking his head, he said: "Don't make a big deal, the strategic purpose of this battle is very simple, that is to show Murong Shun our uncompromising determination and force him to go north as much as possible.

This king has already reached an agreement with Murong Fuyun, as long as Murong Shun sends his troops northward, the soldiers and horses of Piaohe County will be controlled by us for the time being.

At that time, let Murong Xiaojun's people fight Murong Shun, and we will take advantage of the situation to sweep the grassland. It would be the best result if we can calm down Chishuiyuan in a single battle, but if there are any changes beyond our control, we will immediately retreat .

Remember, don't love to fight. "

"Murong Fuyun will really let us control Murong Xiaojun's troops?" Wan Tupu couldn't believe it.

But Li Chengqian said: "This is what we have to guard against, of course, for the time being, it's not a big problem.

If Murong Shun really sent troops to the north, Murong Fuyun would definitely not tolerate him. Moreover, according to the treaty we signed before, he could not send troops to the south, and we will control it. Helping him eliminate the rebellion is his only choice.

However, this has to be guarded against. In this way, Wang Jin, you send someone to inform Datang, so that both Niu Jinda and Cheng Yaojin will raise their troops to advance westward. Presumably Murong Fuyun knows how to choose. "

Wang Jin nodded, this matter is not difficult.

Li Chengqian's identity is there, and it's not for them to send troops directly.

It is still possible to make a deterrent to Murong Fuyun.

"Remember, in this battle, Murong Shun must be hurt, but we can't really hurt him. Our purpose is to force him to go north, not to fight him hard." Li Chengqian said.

Pluboqi asked: "The melee between those tribes on the grassland, we don't care about it for the time being?"

"It doesn't matter, compared to Murong Shun, they are just scabies." Li Chengqian said, "After Murong Shun is cleaned up, we will come back and clean up the tribes on the grassland.

Moreover, in this battle, what we want is to catch Murong Shun by surprise.

He now has tens of thousands of troops, he must have thought that we dare not do anything to him, but he forgot that the soldiers of our Daming Royal Court used to be two thousand, but now they are several times as many as before, so how can we be afraid of him? Soldiers? "

He didn't mention the most important reason, as long as Murong Shun is not forced to the point of jumping over the wall, how dare he really do anything to him?

This is the advantage of his identity, although he was subject to many restrictions in Datang.

But when facing these alien races, his identity is very handy.

Especially a guy like Murong Shun who wholeheartedly wants to submit to Datang.

When everyone heard the words, they didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

Since Li Chengqian appeared, they have been creating miracles.

Many miracles were created, and they gradually believed that they were the creators of miracles.

Besides, deal with Murong Shun!

Most of the people present here have an indissoluble grudge against this guy.

Even Qibi Heli is a feud with the Murong family!
There's nothing to say about it, fuck it.

"This battle will be under the unified command of General Qibi, and the rest will follow his orders..." Seeing that everyone was fine, Li Chengqian arranged the specific division of labor for this battle.

"The last general takes orders." In an instant, everyone bowed their hands and saluted.

Li Chengqian nodded and said, "Go and prepare."

Everyone saluted and retired, but Li Chengqian kept Qibi Heli.

After everyone left, Li Chengqian said to Liu San: "Go and call Xue Rengui."

When Liu San went to call Xue Rengui, Li Chengqian asked, "Does General Qibi have any plans for this battle?"

"Return to Your Highness." Qi Bi He Li said, "This battle, the last general has thought about it before, Murong Shun will definitely not dare to confront His Highness, as long as His Highness is present, this battle will definitely be won."

It's funny to say that although Li Chengqian is not a good player in charge, his role in this battle is crucial.

As long as Li Chengqian was in the barracks, Murong Shun would definitely be bound.

No way, he didn't have the guts to attack Li Chengqian when the two armies were at war.

It's like what?
It's a bit like the dilemma faced by Emperor Jianwen's subordinates when they faced Zhu Di.

But what is the result of these two in the end?
"But the general must remember, don't drive the dog into a poor alley." Li Chengqian said, "Accidents may happen to anything."

Qibi Heli nodded, he also understands this.

This battle, if you say it is easy to fight, it is really easy to fight, if you say it is not easy to fight, it is actually not easy to fight.

It all depends on Murong Shun's attitude towards Li Chengqian.

If you stay away, there will be almost no suspense in this battle.

But if Murong Shun is really ruthless and the fish dies, then it will be troublesome.

Not long after, Xue Rengui was brought in by Liu San.

Xue Rengui was actually a little puzzled, why did His Highness call him here?

His current life is still relatively comfortable, among other things, at least it is true that he has a full stomach.

"Your Highness." Xue Rengui saluted.

Li Chengqian smiled: "Are you still used to it in the Ming court?"

"I'm used to it. I can eat three meals a day, so I don't have to go hungry."

"Are you willing to go to battle to kill the enemy and make contributions?"

"His Royal Highness cares about my food, as if he is willing to serve His Highness!"

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Li Chengqian looked at Qibi Heli and said, "I will leave this person to you as the king. He is a good seedling, and he needs to be cultivated."

(End of this chapter)

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