This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 231 Volume 2 Li Chengqian, 1st in the lead!

Chapter 231 Volume [-] Li Chengqian, Take the Lead!
Xue Rengui actually didn't know why Li Chengqian valued him so much, he was also a little confused.

But for him, it's a good thing.

Since coming to Riyue Mountain, at least every meal can be full.

What else is there to fault?
As recorded in history, Xue Rengui has a huge appetite!

Of course, this also has objective factors.

It is not to say that the ancients were all idiots. After all, the nutrition intake of ordinary people in this era is less than one-tenth of that of later generations. They cannot win by quality, so they can only maintain by quantity.

In this day and age, it's actually quite normal.

"Little brother, is he from a famous family?" Qibi Heli asked after returning to his big tent.

To Xue Rengui, he was still very polite. After all, this was the first time Li Chengqian had placed a man here with him, so even if he made a move first.

Xue Rengui replied truthfully after hearing the words: "The family has fallen, but it has humiliated the ancestors."

"Looking at the figure of the little brother, Kong Wu must be powerful. I wonder how many crossbows the little brother can draw?"

"If you are half full, you can shoot five arrows with a three-stone bow." Xue Rengui thought for a while and said.

Hearing what he said, Qibi Heli immediately became interested. You know, even in his barracks, he couldn't find a few archers who could pull three stone bows, especially those who could shoot five arrows in a row, and it was only half a meal. Just full.

"I heard that in the youth army, Fang Baifu is a rare marksman, compared to him, I wonder how brother Xue is?" Qibi Heli asked again.

Speaking of this, Xue Rengui said: "Fang Baifu is still young and still growing up. We are of different ages, so naturally there is no comparison."

These words have Xue Rengui's own pride.

Qi Bi He Li nodded, and said: "I just heard that Brother Xue can pull three stone bows when he is half full. What if he is [-]% full?"

"I don't know." Xue Rengui shook his head and said, "I don't have a bow that is more than three stone at home, so I haven't tried it."

Hearing this, Qibi He Li laughed and said: "This is easy to handle. Come here and fetch my general's five-stone bow." After speaking, he turned to look at Xue Rengui and said, "If brother Xue can pull the five-stone bow, Then give this bow to Brother Xue."

Qibi Heli is one of the chicken thieves?
Hearing what Xue Rengui said, he knew that this was not Li Chengqian sent to supervise him, but the talent Li Chengqian wanted to cultivate.

Then he has no choice but to say that although his status is not worrying now, as time goes on, there will always be some up-and-comers.

Investing in advance at this time is hard to say that it will not be a harvest in the future.

Xue Rengui didn't care about this, on the contrary, he also wanted to try the five stone bow.

Not long after, the soldiers brought the bow and arrow, and Qi Bi He Li signaled Xue Rengui to try it.

Xue Rengui was also jealous, and immediately took the bow and weighed it again and again, saying: "Good bow!"

After finishing speaking, his legs sank, his hands exerted force, and after a while, he drew his bow like a moon. Qi Bi He Li was amazed at this scene!
He couldn't even draw these five stone bows by himself!

This thing is just for decoration.

"Brother Xue must be a young talent!" Qibi Heli exclaimed, "I will give this bow to Brother Xue."

"This can't be done." Xue Rengui waved his hands again and again, "How can the boy accept such a generous gift from the general."

This bow is not cheap.

But Qibi He Li said indifferently: "Brother Xue, you are being polite. This bow is just a decoration if it is of no use to me. But if you put it on Brother Xue, it is a magic weapon to defeat the enemy.
It would be a pity for the army if brother Xue didn't have a bow and arrow in his hand. "

"But it's too expensive." Xue Rengui still shook his head.

In this world, the most difficult thing to repay is this debt of favor.

He and Qibi He Li are neither relatives nor relatives, if he receives this great gift, he will feel uneasy.

Of course, this is ancient times, and everyone pays attention to these things.

"Brother Xue, please don't refuse." Qibi He Li said, "Brother Xue's mission is to protect His Highness, how can he take on this important task without a bow and arrow?"

This is what he meant by misunderstanding Li Chengqian.

He thought that Li Chengqian arranged Xue Rengui in his barracks because he wanted Xue Rengui to get some credit.

But if you want to talk about meritorious deeds, how can you be so good at being by Li Chengqian's side?

Besides, he was about to send a team of hundreds of people to protect Li Chengqian, so it was just right to insert Xue Rengui'an directly.

"After the big battle, I will send the bow and arrow back." Xue Rengui didn't refuse when he heard that he wanted to protect His Highness.

Men, know how to make trouble.

At noon that day, Qibi Heli sent a large number of scouts to explore the road.

It has to be said that Murong Shun is really brave, relying on the protection of his tens of thousands of troops, he is still wandering on the grassland.

Of course, it's no wonder that Murong Shun wanted to quell the turmoil on the grassland as soon as possible, get rid of all those who might have second thoughts, and truly integrate the grassland, so that Li Chengqian could see his strength.

He never dreamed that Li Chengqian, who was only a few thousand people, would come towards him with an army of tens of thousands.

This is not the miscellaneous army that besieged Riyue Mountain back then, but his direct descendants!

Among other things, he has no doubts about the loyalty of these people.

In the afternoon, Qibi Heli did not send any vanguards, but let everyone rest well and set off at night.

Since you want to catch Murong Shun by surprise, try to keep a low profile.

Besides, what vanguard do they want?

Their vanguard is Li Chengqian!

Well, Li Chengqian thought of himself as a target for Murong Shun in a daze.

On this day, everyone was actually a little nervous. Of course, there was some excitement mixed with the tension.

The Ming court finally showed its fangs.

And in the afternoon, Li Chengqian also found Yi Yuanxi and asked him to continue to cooperate with Pusiruo and continue to deploy supplies to the army from Datang and Riyue Mountain.

The food is okay, although it is old food, but there is no shortage for the time being, the most troublesome thing is the supply of weapons and arrows.

Although the output of the workshop has been greatly increased after the reorganization of the workshop, who knows how much it will be consumed in the future?
Therefore, what should be prepared still has to be prepared.

It wasn't until Yinshi that Qibi Heli made people beat the Jujiang drum.

When the drums sounded, the camp immediately became lively.

Soon, Qibi Heli's military orders spread throughout the camp.

Eat at one quarter at Yin time, set off at three quarters, and arrive at the scheduled location before three quarters at Chen time.

For a while, the entire barracks was busy.

Li Chengqian, who had just been woken up, looked at all this with emotion.

When did he think that one day he would fight with an army of thousands of people?

Life is really like a dream.

At the second quarter of Yin time, the army was assembled, and Qibi Heli stood at the front amidst the dots of fire, and said: "Today is the day of shame for our imperial court of Ming Dynasty!
In the past, it was Murong Shun who repeatedly sent troops to harass our Daming royal court, and even besieged Riyue Mountain. Today, our Daming royal court is angry and mobilizes troops, just asking for justice and an explanation!
All the soldiers, dare to charge into battle with this general! "

"Kill kill kill!"

"Kill kill kill!"

"Kill kill kill!"

For a time, thousands of people raised their arms and shouted!

For Murong Shun, no matter if they were members of the Tie Le tribe or the natives of Chishuiyuan, they all had their own hatred!
As for those Han Chinese, well, killing the enemy is credit...

"Today, our army has nearly [-] invincible warriors, and His Royal Highness King Ming is in charge. The opponent is only tens of thousands of chickens and dogs. Our army is superior in strength and strives to wipe out the enemy! All soldiers obey orders!" Qibi Heli shouted vigorously .

In an instant, all the soldiers shouted in unison: "No!"

"Let's go!"

As soon as Qibi Heli finished speaking, countless people came out on horseback!

Li Chengqian was also encouraged by the momentum of these thousands of people, and immediately rode his horse and walked in front of the army.

And in front of him, there are two teams of cavalry, both holding high the banner of King Ming, it's for fear that Murong Shun won't see it!

Li Chengqian was flanked by the Young Army, Yuchi Baolin, Liu San and other personal soldiers.

Around them, there is a group of hundreds of horsemen arranged by Qibi Heli, and Xue Rengui is among them.

Among other things, this ostentation is enough to scare many people.

There were no disturbances along the way.

After all, Qibi Heli had already arranged a large number of scouts to open the way ahead.

Just after the hour, a scout came to report.

"Your Highness, General, Murong Shun's King Ning's army has assembled and is now rushing towards us."

Qibi Heli was standing behind Li Chengqian at the moment, listening to the scout's report, he looked at Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian said with a smile: "General Qi Bi has forgotten that this king is only a vanguard in this battle."

Although he doesn't know how to fight, he still understands the most taboo thing in the army.

Qi Bi He Li heard the words and said to the scouts: "Explore again."

After saying this, he looked at Li Chengqian and said: "Your Highness, it is not surprising that Murong Shun can gather an army so quickly, but what is he saying that he is coming towards us?"

"Either he doesn't know that this king is here, or he is betting that this king is cowardly." Li Chengqian said casually.

Regarding Murong Shun, Li Chengqian knew very well that as long as he didn't push him to a dead end, he would never dare to do anything to him.

Murong Shun is really ruthless, as long as he can achieve his goal, he will dare to do anything.

But precisely because of this, before he could not achieve his goal, he was actually a very indecisive person.

Historically, this guy did vote for Tang in the end, but so what?In the end, he was killed by his subordinates.

This is the result of his indecision.

In the words of later generations, he just thinks too much and wants everything, but he is not capable enough.

Really, what should Murong Shun do now?Shouldn't it be the momentum of a lion fighting a rabbit, and win the Ming court in one fell swoop?

At that time, even if it is Datang's revenge, he can follow his old man's lead and run to the west directly.

Always thinking of pleasing Datang, hehe, is Datang so pleasing?
Well, without Li Chengqian, this guy really did it.

But the question is, will Li Chengqian let him do this?
"Your Highness, it seems that Murong Shun's soldiers are in front of you?" At this moment, Xue Rengui came from the side and said.

Li Chengqian tried his best to look forward, but he still couldn't see clearly.

"How far is this?"

"At least five hundred steps." Xue Rengui said.

Good guy, Li Chengqian thought about it, five hundred steps these days is several hundred meters, this guy has such good eyesight?
In fact, this was Li Chengqian's mistake.

There are tens of thousands of people on the other side!

It's a huge piece of black, and you can roughly see some of it.

"Your Highness, we can only walk two hundred steps forward." Qi Bi He Li said.

Li Chengqian waved his hand and said: "It's okay, I want to see if Murong Shun dares to do anything to me."

With that said, the army moved forward again.

It wasn't until Li Chengqian could vaguely see Murong Shun's soldiers and horses that he stopped.

"Three hundred steps, unless you have a five-stone bow, no one can take the opponent." Yi Yuanfeng glanced at it and said.

Qi Bi He Li smiled and said, "This is brother Xue's chance."

Li Chengqian was not surprised that Xue Rengui was able to pull the five-stone bow, but what was Murong Shun trying to do?Really want to head-to-head with yourself?
This is not in line with Murong Shun's character.

Qibi Heli didn't care about this, and immediately shouted: "The army is deployed!"

For a time, thousands of soldiers and horses swarmed into action.

On the other side of them, Murong Shun was also a little puzzled.

What does Li Chengqian want to do?

Thousands of soldiers and horses came to fight against his tens of thousands of troops?
No matter how you look at it, this is a bit silly.

He had heard the spies say that he was stunned when King Ming personally marched.

Li Chengqian is not Li Er!

Li Er is the emperor on horseback, so it is reasonable to conquest himself at every turn.

Li Chengqian is only a second-generation ancestor who is more than ten years old and has no hair. Playing a personal conquest?Are you fucking kidding me?

"Your Highness, what does King Ming mean?" Immediately, the fiery general asked aloud.

Murong Shun knew what was going on, shook his head, and said: "No matter, tell me to go on, let's fight together later, don't hurt King Ming, as for the others, hmph, kill as many as you can!"

He didn't know that he had fallen into the vicious circle of Emperor Jianwen.

When you start to put a magic spell on the soldiers, it is destined to be the beginning of tragedy.

"How about I lead someone to test it first?" General Huobao said.

Murong Shun nodded upon hearing this, and said, "Be careful."

Not long after, the hot general came out of the army with thousands of people.

This person's surname is Yuan and his name is Rong, and he can be regarded as a famous Xianbei family.

The Yuan surname comes from the Tuoba family. After Emperor Xiaowen advocated Sinicization, he changed the Tuoba family to the Yuan family.

To put it bluntly, this Yuan Rong is also a great general under Murong Shun's command, and has followed Murong Shun for many years.

Seeing Yuan Rong go out with soldiers and horses, Murong Shun wasn't too worried.

Are you kidding me, how can the tens of thousands of people on my side be afraid of Li Chengqian's thousands of soldiers?

After so many years of being around, this is the first time he has fought such a rich battle!

Li Chengqian saw Yuan Rong leading people away from Murong Shun's large army, but Qibi Heli was a little surprised: "Your Highness, things may have changed."

If Murong Shun is determined to kill Li Chengqian, then it will definitely be a tough battle.

"Look again." Li Chengqian was also a little confused, looked at Xue Rengui, and said, "Did the leader see it? Are you sure?"

Xue Rengui took a serious look and said, "I will try at the end."

After speaking, he drew the bow and drew the arrow, only to hear the creaking sound of the bow and arrow as he pulled it hard.

Everyone looked at this guy in surprise, only to see him, blushing, aiming at the target.

Suddenly, Xue Rengui let go of his right hand, and with a bang, an arrow shot out.

Everyone was staring at the direction in which the arrow flew out, intently.

On the other side, Yuan Rong was also a little dazed, seeing something flying towards him in his eyes, but he couldn't react for a while.

But Xue Rengui didn't stop there, he shot out one arrow, and quickly drew the bow again, shooting three arrows in a row, one arrow faster than the last.

And just when Xue Rengui put down his bow, Yuan Rong finally saw what it was.

Immediately, he tilted his head, and an arrow pierced through his left eye!

Suddenly, Yuan Rong fell off his horse.

At the same time Yuan Rong fell off his horse, the two people around him were also shot by arrows one after another, and fell off their horse one after another.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned!

Looking at Xue Rengui again, it's like looking at a monster!
Three hundred steps!Five stone bows!
It is estimated that the entire Daming royal court will not be able to find a second one, no, it will be difficult to find a second one in the entire Tuyuhun territory!

When Li Chengqian saw this, he immediately shouted: "The enemy will be ambushed! Kill!"

It would be a pity if such an opportunity was not seized.

It was too late, but it was fast. In an instant, thousands of people rushed out.

And the one rushing to the front is Li Chengqian!
There was no way, Li Chengqian knew very well what his role was in this battle, it was a talisman to protect the entire army and restrain Murong Shun.

If not, his only role is to boost morale.

Thousands of people saw that their Wang Chong was at the front, and they rushed up like chicken blood.

And Yuan Rong's subordinates were all stunned, mainly because they saw the guy rushing to the front.

Yuan Rong, who had just died, had told them that even if they were hacked by King Ming, they would not be able to hurt King Ming.

It's a fart.

For a moment, everyone was a little dazed.

Xue Rengui also put down his bow at this time, with a horse in his hand, and Yuchi Baolin followed closely behind Li Chengqian.

Soon, the two armies were at war.

"Don't hurt King Ming!" Just when Li Chengqian was hesitating whether to join the battle group, he shouted and his eyes lit up.

I grass!

Really interesting!

"Soldiers, follow this king!"

If such an opportunity cannot be seized, Li Chengqian would be really an idiot.

At the moment, he rushed to the front again, waving his horse and making a fuss.

That's really messy, don't expect a guy who is on the battlefield for the first time and doesn't have much martial arts skills, to be able to play well.

But no matter whether he is messing around or not, as long as he rushes, there will be a rout.

No way, everyone dare not do anything to him.

"Xue Rengui, Yuchi Baolin, Uncle Sun Yu, Yao Da, Fang Lao Er, and Liu San are all to this king! Damn, what are you doing around this king, delaying my killing the enemy!"

Li Chengqian roared angrily.

Damn, what are you afraid of?I also wear soft armor under my clothes, I really think I am not prepared at all.

But Xue Rengui and the others pretended not to hear it.

Don't be kidding, if something really happens, it will be troublesome.

But following Li Chengqian's side, killing the enemy is really cool.

As soon as those guys saw Li Chengqian, one or two started to run away without a fight.

What could be more comfortable than this?
"Withdraw!" At this moment, Plubzi, who had already been killed in the enemy army, suddenly shouted.

Hearing what he said, Li Chengqian was taken aback for a moment, why should we withdraw from such a damn good situation?

When he was thinking this way, he saw that Pluboqi was retreating in the direction of Murong Shun.

Affected by his "withdrawal", the enemy really began to retreat.

"I'm stupid, that's fine too!" Seeing this scene, Li Chengqian exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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