Chapter 245 Volume Two

The news of Li Chengqian's victory spread among those honorable families in Chang'an not long after.

But anyone with a bit of status has received this news.

While this surprised everyone, they were also extremely envious.

And the news that the court was going to send envoys to congratulate the Ming court on this great victory also spread among them.

Different from the past, this time the congratulatory envoys were quite solemn.

In other words, it's a fat job.

Countless people stared at this fat job.

One must know that although Li Chengqian is not in Chang'an, the successive good news has made him secure the seat in the East Palace.

After all, he has now built a large enough territory.

Although that piece of land is still called the Daming Royal Court, as long as Li Chengqian ascends the throne, wouldn't the Daming Royal Court belong to the Tang Dynasty?
This account will be settled by the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, and so will Li Er.

Therefore, it is really a lucrative job to go to the Daming Royal Court now.


While everyone in Chang'an City was fighting openly and secretly for this fat job, Riyue Mountain gradually recovered its calm.

Of course, this is only superficial calm.

There are also ups and downs in the dark.

After Li Chengqian announced to the grassland that Murong Shun had fled, five days after the Daming Royal Court took control of Chishuiyuan, Li Chengqian led an army and gathered tens of thousands of captives into the camp outside the mountain.

These guys are actually not easy to deal with.

The main reason is that there are too many of them, and if they are not dealt with properly, that is a hidden danger.

"Since you have surrendered, I will not pursue the matter any longer because I thought that each of us was the master in the past." Li Chengqian said.

After listening to Li Chengqian's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as you are alive, there is always hope, right?
"But capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped!" Li Chengqian changed his voice, "For the Ming court, you are guilty after all, and this king gives you two choices.

[-]. Serving hard labor is limited to five years. After five years of hard labor, you will become citizens of the Ming court and enjoy all the rights and obligations of the subjects of the Ming court.

[-]. Military service is limited to three years. After three years of military service, you are also citizens of the Ming court and can enjoy all the rights and obligations of the subjects of the Ming court.

During this period, credit is halved.

Are there any objections? "

"Your Highness, what should we do with our relatives?" someone asked.

"This king will arrange for your relatives. You don't need to worry about this." Li Chengqian said.

He also has no better way to deal with it, the tens of thousands of captives are too many.

Even if they were to be killed, they would not be able to be killed in a short while, besides, the imperial court of Ming Dynasty needed them!
After everyone asked some more questions, the prisoners thought about what they should do in the future.

Murong Shun ran away, but they still wanted to live.

This is not a betrayal, if you really want to say a betrayal, it is Murong Shun who betrayed them.

Like his father Murong Fuyun, he escaped from the war.

They have already experienced such a thing twice, and it may be ironic to say that they are used to it.

In the end, the vast majority of people chose five years of hard labor. They didn't want to fight anymore, or they were afraid of fighting halfway through the war and being abandoned by others.

Regarding their choice, Li Chengqian has no opinion.

Whether it is labor service or military service, they are all in short supply in Riyue Mountain today.

Labor labor, of course, followed Yi Yuanxi, accounting for nearly [-], while military service was taken away by Qibi Heli, also accounting for nearly [-].

As a result, the number of people who control strings in the Ming court has reached [-], which can barely be called a strong army.

After arranging these captives, Qibi Heli led his Western Expeditionary Army to fight out again, but this time, the number of his Western Expeditionary Army reached [-].

In fact, his entire Western Expeditionary Army had reorganized prisoners after this war, and there were already more than ten thousand prisoners, but he did not bring all those who had just joined their Western Expeditionary Army.

One or two precautions are still necessary.

But this time, if Li Chengqian wanted to forcefully clean up the grassland, he had to surrender or die.

Struggle has always been like this.

It was never mild either.

Li Chengqian returned to Riyue Mountain before Qibi Heli's army set off.

He wants to re-plan the entire Chishui source.

Today, on the source of Chishui, there are only two cities in the true sense, one is Riyue Mountain, and the other is Chishui City.

But to rule the entire Chishuiyuan, this is obviously not enough.

"Liu San, call Fang Yiai and the others, and then call Yi Yuanxi." Back at Riyue Mountain, Li Chengqian ordered directly.

Not long after, these people gathered in Li Chengqian's tent.

"Everyone, although the entire Chishuiyuan has not been completely captured by us, there are almost no surprises." Li Chengqian said directly, "The next thing we have to do is governance. Now that I have encountered such a problem, do you have any suggestions?"

Speaking of this, everyone shook their heads.

Are you kidding, everyone has no experience in this job, okay?

God knows what to do?

"Well, Liu San, invite Xiao Yu here." Li Chengqian found that it was indeed too harsh to talk to these people.

When did these people come into contact with such advanced things?

In the past, everyone thought that it would be good to have a piece of territory that they could be the masters of, and live freely, but now, as the sphere of influence of the Ming court is getting bigger and bigger, everyone is a little bit clueless.

After a while, Xiao Yu came in, saluted Li Chengqian first, and then sat down.

"Song Guogong, you also know that my court of the Ming Dynasty has encountered a bottleneck. Although it is said that the territory has been taken down, what should I do next?" Li Chengqian asked humbly.

Hearing Li Chengqian's question, Xiao Yu immediately said: "The most urgent task now is the administration of officials, how to manage the hundreds of thousands of herdsmen on the grassland well..."

Xiao Yu blah blah blah, blah blah. Obviously, he has been thinking about this issue a lot during this time.

But what he said, Li Chengqian actually understands everything, who doesn't know about officialdom.

But the question is how to govern the officials?
Xiao Yu asked this question, there was no way, and he had no experience in governing the people on the grassland.

The point is that the grasslands are full of nomads, and everyone counts wherever they go. This is completely different from the official management of the Tang Dynasty.

"Your Highness, why don't we build a city." Xiao Yue said.

Yi Yuanxi shook his head and said, "It's good to build a city, but the herdsmen on the grasslands live after water and grass. Even if you build a city, not many people will go to live in the city."

This is the most realistic question.

The herdsmen on the grassland have always lived by water and grass. This is their habit and their custom. If they want to change their habits and customs in a while, it is no less than setting off a wave on the grassland. The bloody wind is coming.

"Building a city is inevitable." Li Chengqian said, "Without a city as a backing, it is difficult for us to defend this piece of land. As long as a cavalry enters the grassland, it will be like entering no one's land. Murong Shun."

The prairie is too big.

His [-] soldiers and horses cannot defend such a large grassland.

"But those herdsmen won't go." Yi Yuanxi shook his head and said, "Everyone lives for water and grass, and if they enter the city, what will happen to their cattle and sheep?"

Li Chengqian also shook his head and said, "Yi Shangshu got it wrong. The purpose of our city building is not to let them live in the city."

"Why is that?" Ibara Suk asked.

Li Chengqian said: "The purpose of our city building is to garrison troops, use countless cities to connect the whole Chishui source, so that they can echo each other from a distance, and at the same time, it is also to provide a market for these herdsmen to trade.

The herdsmen cannot be forced to enter the city, but we can lure them into the city, and, when there is a war or a catastrophe, they can also seek refuge in the nearest city. "

When Li Chengqian was discussing how Chishuiyuan should develop, Piaohe County, Changsun Chong and others were also very excited.


Although they did not participate in the battle this time, they were the first to win the battle, and everyone was excited.

"Go back, go back now!" Zhang Sun Chong yelled.

But Zhao Yan said: "I heard that Murong Xiaojun hasn't come back yet, can they let us go?"

"Do you dare to let me go, try!" Chang Sun Chong was also full of domineering at the moment.

Damn, I managed to get such a big credit, you dare not let me go back and show off, you try?
He is really not afraid of Tuyuhun.

With his identity there, who would dare to do anything to him?

When Zhao Yan heard this, he also nodded.

Staying here all the time is a matter of safety for them, but for the Ming court, it is detrimental to the majesty.

At that moment, the two hit it off, and quickly gathered troops and horses to prepare to leave the barracks.

"Your Highness hasn't returned, so please don't leave the barracks for the time being." As soon as they reached the door, Zhao Yan and the others were stopped.

Changsun Chong heard the words and shouted angrily: "Get out of the way, the important matter has been decided, and this envoy is going back to the Ming court."

Hearing that Chang Sun Chong was going back to Chishuiyuan, the guards of the barracks were shocked and refused to give way.

Could it be that the territory of Piaohe County came as soon as it was said and left as soon as it was said?
Not long after, more and more people gathered together and surrounded Chang Sun Chong and others.

"What's the matter?" Chang Sun Chong sneered when he saw this, "Are you all the envoys who want to besiege and kill the Ming court?"

"Your envoy was joking." One person said immediately, "Your Highness hasn't returned, how can you leave so easily."

Changsun Chong said: "Joke, I am the envoy of the Daming royal court. Since the important matter has been decided, how can I stay in your country? We still need to go back to the Daming royal court and report to my king. If we delay the matter, can you take care of it?" ?”

"What can this delay?" The man smiled, "Please wait a moment, His Highness will definitely entertain you when he comes back, and it's not too late to leave."

"What's the delay?" Chang Sun Chong laughed, "Why, don't you know that the seizure of the mission will cause misunderstandings? Or are you all ready to have a fight with my Daming royal court?"

The man said: "Your envoy misunderstood, it's just unreasonable."

"Come on." Chang Sun Chong said, "I just ask a question, whether you will give in or not! Today, this envoy will lead the mission back to the Ming court. You must either give way or draw your sword!"

After he finished speaking, Zhao Yan and the others drew their swords one after another.

The scene suddenly became tense.

This made everyone stunned.

No, you can't understand the good words, can you?
But Chang Sun Chong knew very well that they had to go back, and they had to go back before Murong Xiaojun came back.

Otherwise, they might not be able to go back for a while.

There is no other way, Xiao Yue, that vicious and smoky person wants Murong Wanqiu to stay in Riyue Mountain, can Murong Xiaojun let them go?
So, this is their only chance.

And Li Chengqian asked Murong Xiaojun to lead two thousand soldiers to hunt down Murong Shun on the grassland to give them this opportunity.

If they can't grasp it by themselves, then there is really nothing they can do.

"Your envoy insists on this?" The man's expression turned cold.

Chang Sun Chong was used to domineering since he was a child, and said, "So what?"

For a moment, the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

"General Zhao, let's go, anyone who dares to stop him will be killed without mercy!" Even in someone else's barracks, Chang Sun Chong was still extremely domineering.

Of course, he was also very nervous, but the atmosphere was so high that he couldn't help it.

The key is not to take advantage of this opportunity to go back, there really is no better opportunity later.

The man was about to give an order to stop him, but he was stopped by someone, only to hear a woman's voice: "Let them go."

Chang Sun Chong was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't say much at the moment, and left immediately with his people.

Until he left the barracks, Chang Sun Chong still had lingering fears in his heart.

Damn, I almost died in this ghost place.

As soon as they left, the man asked: "Princess, your highness and princess are still on the grassland."

"It is precisely because they are still on the grassland that we have to let them go." Wang Hao said, "Do you want to start a war with the Ming court?"

After finishing speaking, the princess did not say any more.


In Fucheng City, in Murong Fuyun's big tent.

After receiving the news that Murong Shun had been defeated, Murong Fuyun hadn't made a big deal for several days.

He didn't know what he was thinking, when he first heard that Murong Shun wanted to go north to seek rebellion, he was furious.

But now, knowing that his son was running around in embarrassment, he felt more or less unbearable.

After all, it is his son, even if he doesn't like it, it is his blood after all.

He was the son he valued the most in the past.

Murong Fuyun actually values ​​Murong Shun more than Dayanmangjiebo.

Murong Shun is more cunning, more ruthless, and more like him.

That's it.

Of course, what is important is what is important, but if you don't like it, you don't like it.

This is also an indisputable fact.

There is no way, the father and son have been separated for decades, and the relationship between father and son is almost zero, so he really has no way to like him.

"Khan, Your Highness, please see me." At this moment, someone came to report.

Murong Fuyun said impatiently: "I see, because of what a woman looks like drinking all day long, how dare Ben Khan hand over Tuyuhun to him?"

He became angry when he mentioned Dayanmangjiebo. Ever since it was reported that Murong Wanqiu was kidnapped by Murong Shun and given to Li Chengqian, Dayanmangjiebo had repeatedly asked to send troops.

Although the reasons are plausible, but as his father, Murong Fuyun doesn't know what his son is thinking.

This one made him extremely irritated.

It was also because of Dayan Mangjiebo's disappointment that he thought of Murong Shun.

They are all his own sons, but they are acting in two ways.

After being rejected again, Dayan Mang Jiebo was so angry that his eyes were red.

Murong Wanqiu is his forbidden son, this is almost no secret in Tuyuhun.

Originally, he proposed to Murong Xiaojun a long time ago, but Murong Xiaojun kept saying that Murong Wanqiu was still young as an excuse, but now it's a good thing, she just disappeared.

The key was still snatched by Li Chengqian.

From the standpoint of a man, he thought that Li Chengqian would never let such a stunning beauty go.

No matter how old Li Chengqian was, whether he was in his teens or dozens, once he got his hands on such a stunner, how could he let him go easily?

He hates it!
They are all princes, why do you want to grab my things?
And at the border, the Tianzhu King stationed at the border was also stunned.

Murong Shun ran away?
just run away?
Is this what you mean by swinging troops north to the side of the Qing emperor, Zhenchaogang?
So you ran away?
He looked up to the sky and laughed, this is the hero he had always placed high hopes on to revive Tuyuhun?

The key point is that with the end of the war, Li Chengqian did not block the border as before. As long as he got the permission of the Ming court, anyone could enter and leave the Chishui source, so the news from the grassland also came.

The British lord whom he placed high hopes on once really planned to cast himself in the Tang Dynasty...

Tianzhu King is going crazy.

Why is this happening?

No one can give him an answer.

In the sixth year of Zhenguan, on June 21, King Tianzhu committed suicide after gathering an army!

A generation of prime ministers just fell away.

When Murong Fuyun received this news, he was neither sad nor happy.

This may be the last contribution made by King Tianzhu to this crumbling Tuyuhun.

In the end, Murong Fuyun buried King Tianzhu generously with the ceremony of the prime minister.

Perhaps, only they know the reason for King Tianzhu's suicide.

Perhaps, only they know that King Tianzhu really dedicated his whole life to his beloved Tuyuhun.

Perhaps, only they know that Tuyuhun is already on the verge of collapse.

Tuyuhun, a dynasty with hundreds of years of history, at this moment, is like a trembling old man, walking sluggishly.

But in Datang, after Cheng Yaojin received the news, he sighed with emotion and drank three cups!

In Chang'an, when Li Er heard the news, he immediately showed his sorrow and sent an envoy to express his condolences. Afterwards, he drank three cups!
In Riyue Mountain, Li Chengqian was stunned for a moment when he heard the news, and he let out a sigh of regret. Afterwards, he smiled happily!

Tuyuhun was getting closer and closer to him.

The end of a generation of legendary Prime Minister Tianzhu King is also the last time he will turn the building down, but so what!
On the west side, when Murong Shun heard the news, he was stunned, weeping uncontrollably, and then, he gritted his teeth!

He knew that if he swung his troops northward, he would lose!

Why did he want to go west? Isn't he just counting on King Tianzhu's ability to turn the tide?
King Tianzhu did his best to turn the tide, but he was trying to turn the tide with his own life for Tuyuhun!
In the final analysis, King Tianzhu is always loyal to Tuyuhun, not to Murong Shun!
Some families are happy and some are sad, that's how things are in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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