This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 246 Volume 2 The Shock of Li Ke and Li Tai

Chapter 246 Volume [-] The Shock of Li Ke and Li Tai

Who is the biggest beneficiary of Tianzhu King's death?
There is no doubt that it is Murong Fuyun.

Once King Tianzhu died, the civil strife in Tuyuhun came to an abrupt end.

Don't think that Murong Shun can escape smoothly. To put it bluntly, it is a mine that Li Chengqian planted for Tuyuhun. As long as Tianzhu King is still there, this mine may explode in Tuyuhun at any time.

You know, there were two reasons why he sent Lou Ning and Qiu Bowen to cooperate with Murong Xiaojun. One was because he was afraid of causing conflict when he brought them back to Riyue Mountain, and the other was to secretly let Murong Shun go. .

After all, if it were the resentful army under Yi Yuanfeng's command, they would be stronger than Murong Xiaojun in pursuit.

And with the death of King Tianzhu, Murong Shun's value is not great.

Without the help of King Tianzhu, Murong Shun couldn't do anything.

In fact, if Li Chengqian stood in the position of Datang this time, he should not have prevented Murong Shun from going north, and should have even helped him.

As long as he goes north, and with the cooperation of King Tianzhu, civil strife in Tuyuhun is inevitable, and Datang has every chance to take Tuyuhun down completely.

It was also Li Chengqian's selfishness that allowed Tuyuhun to linger on for a while.

From this point of view, it is not unreasonable for Murong Shun to say that he is the prince of the Tang Dynasty.

Of course, everyone has selfishness, which is nothing more than normal.

When Murong Fuyunhou buried Tianzhu King, Chishuiyuan was extremely lively.

With the joining of Qibi Heli's army, any dissatisfaction will be suppressed by his absolute strength.

For the people on the grassland, they don't really care too much about who will rule them.

On June 29th of the sixth year of Zhenguan, the royal court of the Ming Dynasty finally completely controlled the entire source of Chishui.

Starting from this day, it means that Chishuiyuan will enter a new chapter.

During this period, Changsun Chong, Zhao Yan and others also returned to Riyue Mountain.

Changsun Chong also took advantage of this mission to officially enter the official career as the Minister of Rites.

That is to say, in the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty, officials who became officials started at a much higher level than others.

Li Chengqian, on the other hand, planned three military cities at the junction with Water River County in the first place.

After planning three military castles, Ibara Suk was found.

He is now the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and all the labor is managed by him. If you want to say who has the most people in Riyue Mountain today, it must be him.

"Your Highness." Ihara Seok bowed and saluted as soon as he arrived.

Li Chengqian nodded: "Sit."

When Yi Yuanxi was seated, Li Chengqian said, "Can those laborers be honest?"

"There's nothing dishonest about it." Speaking of this, Yi Yuanxi said very proudly, "They are now just prisoners of the ranks. If they dare to be dishonest, my servant will definitely put them in a dilemma."

Li Chengqian was worried about this. Almost all these guys were poor and suddenly rich. Once they turned themselves into masters, sometimes it was inevitable to get carried away.

"You have to remember that they are no longer our enemies, and we can no longer look at them as enemies." Li Chengqian said, "Do you still remember why we resisted at the beginning? Isn't it because of excessive oppression? Let's drive away Murong Shun's purpose is not to become Murong Shun.

The most important thing is that they are the majority. Once the oppression is too great, they will have a rebellious mind and become us back then. Murong Shun's current fate may not be too far away from us.

The best way for the minority to rule the majority is assimilation and tolerance.

But both assimilation and tolerance require a broad mind.Of course, this does not mean to tolerate them endlessly, but to give them as much sense of belonging as possible, provided that they do not violate the laws of my Ming Dynasty.

For example, in terms of labor, there are enough people now, so there is no need to oppress them too much.

Another example is in terms of eating, which is a physical work, so it is not easy to be too harsh.

Can you understand what I mean? "

Yi Yuanxi nodded, and said: "I understand, Your Highness can rest assured, I have also suffered a lot, and know what to do."

At this moment, Li Chengqian breathed a sigh of relief.

Chishuiyuan has been won, but there is still a lot to do next, especially in the area of ​​official management, everyone has no experience, and they are just crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Beckoning, Xiao Yue put the map of Chishuiyuan on the table, and Li Chengqian continued: "Next, the task of your Ministry of Industry is to build three military cities in these three places. Of course, we call them military cities." The city is not called that by the outside world.

To the outside world, we still claim that this is a border town built for trade between the two countries.

After taking down the entire Tuyuhun, what we need to defend is the two directions of Tuyuhun and Tubo, and it is inevitable to station troops in these two directions.

It just so happens that it's summer now, and it's time for construction. "

Yi Yuanxi looked at the map and said, "Pin character shape? How big will the three military cities be built?"

"It doesn't need to be too big. The city in the middle is enough for three thousand soldiers and horses, and the two sides are enough for five thousand soldiers and horses." Li Chengqian said, "I have prepared the specific construction drawings for you, which is very important for us. For me, it's the top priority, you have to act fast, understand?

In response to the matter, the king has asked the Ministry of Finance to start purchasing, and our own workshop is also working overtime to catch up with you. "

After he finished speaking, Xiao Yue took out several construction drawings.

To be honest, he was shocked when he saw such construction drawings.

Man, that's a beauty!
And when Yi Yuanxi took over the drawings, he was not much better, and he froze on the spot.

"Weichen will go back now, and leave tomorrow." After receiving the blueprint, Yi Yuanxi got up and left.

He also knew how important these military cities were to the Ming court.

After Yi Yuanxi left, Li Chengqian called other people over.

The main reason is that these guys are worried that after the poor become rich, they will be too oppressive under the rule, and they will tell everyone what they said to Ibara Suk before.

It is normal for him to have such worries, but they are unnecessary.

In fact, none of these people is a fool. Even if they want to do something out of the ordinary, it will not be at this time.

Li Chengqian's identity was there. One day, Li Chengqian returned to Datang and ascended the throne. That's when they really soared to the sky. It's really too early to get carried away with complacency now.

It's also interesting to say that Li Chengqian's class teacher has been back to the court for so long, yet his status as the prince of the Tang Dynasty has not been fully spread in Chishuiyuan.

Why is that?
One is that everyone has a tacit understanding, such a good thing, as long as we know about it.

The second is that everyone wants the Ming court to get better.

This is Li Chengqian's political capital, and it is also their political capital.

Therefore, Li Chengqian's worries were really superfluous.

After explaining to everyone, Li Chengqian looked at Xiao Yue and said, "How about it, Chang Sun Chong has also left his official position, what do you want to do?"

"It's good to be by His Highness's side." Xiao Yue's words were not hypocritical.

Li Chengqian said with a smile: "Outside Riyue Mountain, there are three camps. This king plans to build a county based on the three camps. You can be the magistrate of one county."

"Ah?" Xiao Yue was a little surprised, and said, "Your Highness, can I do it?"

"Is there anything that will work?" Li Chengqian smiled, "You will only know if you try."

Although the official position of a county magistrate is not high, he has a lot of real power, especially in a place like the Ming court. It can be said that he is only inferior to Chang Sun Chong's Minister of Rites, but his real power is not bad.

"Well, I'm afraid I'll screw it up." Xiao Yue still hesitated.

He also didn't expect that he was really lacking at the beginning!

Li Chengqian smiled, and said: "I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of? Young people, you have no drive at all, what do you call young people?"

"That's fine, I will try it." Xiao Yue said immediately.

He's not a showy person either, if you dare to let me try, am I afraid?

Li Chengqian nodded in satisfaction.

Why is he afraid?
You have no experience, but your father has!

Can Xiao Yu still watch you stumble?

For half a month, the Ming court was in full swing, everyone was very busy, but everyone was very fulfilled.

Everyone is looking forward to a better life.

And the grassland gradually calmed down with the return of Qibi Heli's class teacher.

This time, Qibi Heli brought back thousands of captives. In his words, these were stubborn and stubborn elements.

Regarding these stubborn guys, Li Chengqian didn't say too much, and directly asked Yi Yuanfeng to escort these people to dig rocks near Riyue Mountain.

Of course, this is actually for the captives who surrendered before.

Although you are all captives, your treatment is different.

As for Li Chengqian himself, he got into the workshop, and once he entered, it took him several days.

In the past few days, he was teaching people in the workshop to smelt iron.

Without him, when those captives dug rocks in the mountains, they accidentally dug an iron mine, which made Li Chengqian very happy.

However, the iron-making process of this era, the Tang Dynasty is still good, and the technology is still there, but for the Ming court, the technology is really horrible.

Although they don't know how to do it, Li Chengqian knows how to do it. Don't forget, he used to be a master of handicrafts, and he knows a lot of handicrafts.

Not only the technology of ironmaking, but also the things used in construction such as making pulleys, as well as the firing of cement and lime. This time he taught Fang Blacksmith and others, and even taught these in the Daming Guoxue thing.

He knew very well that he was not the only one who relied on the Ming court to become stronger.

Just as he was running between the workshop and the Daming Guoxue, the envoys from the Tang Dynasty came again.

It's just surprising that the envoys this time are quite grand.

And the leader is something Li Chengqian never expected.

Li Ke and Li Tai are two brothers.

At the beginning, in the city of Chang'an, each family had a bloody fight over the fat job of the envoy, it was also an undercurrent.

The two brothers Li Ke and Li Tai are naturally among them.

They didn't want to compete for this fat job, but they wanted to see with their own eyes the miracle created by their elder brother alone.

In the end, Li Er decided to send both of his sons here in order to balance his interests and to show his sons' respect as brothers and sisters.

He himself had killed his brother to force his father to obtain the throne, so he naturally hoped that his sons would have more good talk about brothers and sisters.

As for Changsun Wuji, even though he didn't get a job as an envoy, he returned to court, so to him, it was not a loss.

"How many people are there in the envoys of the Tang Dynasty?" Li Chengqian asked.

Wang Xuance said: "There are more than a thousand people."

He also had some headaches, and he had no experience in receiving the envoys with more than a thousand people.

"Call the eldest grandson to them." Li Chengqian was also helpless, and neither did he! "In this way, invite Xiao Yu over again."

"Song Guogong is now in Deyang City." Wang Xuance said.

The so-called Deyang City was renamed after the three camps outside Riyue Mountain.

This name was chosen by Xiao Yu.

Its meaning is also simple, in the name of virtue, born in the morning sun, the name is Deyang.

It's Xiao Yue's first official career, so how can a father not care about it? In addition, he also wants to see how the Ming court's official administration will continue, so since Xiao Yue took office, he immediately followed up with past.

"Go and invite." Li Chengqian waved his hand.

Wang Xuance didn't insist anymore, and immediately sent someone to invite Xiao Yu back.

Not long after, everyone gathered in Li Chengqian's big tent again.

Discussed the matter of receiving the diplomatic mission.

How else to put it, if there is an old man in the family, what if there is a treasure?

With the participation of Xiao Yu, an old minister, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Of those present, he, an old pedant, probably had the most experience in this regard.

"Your Highness, Tubo, Tuyuhun, and even the Turkic side have sent envoys." Liu San came in and said just as they finished their discussion.

Li Chengqian was stunned.

Datang sent envoys, he can understand, why did these places send envoys?

"It doesn't matter, they are here to find out the truth." Xiao Yu said casually, "Just follow the standard for receiving envoys from the Tang Dynasty, and lower the standard by one.

Now the Ming court can be regarded as a powerful force in this world, such things will often happen in the future. "

"Isn't it good to do this?" Wang Xuance said, "They are all envoys, and there are differences in specifications, which is not the way to treat guests."

Xiao Yu heard the words, and said displeasedly: "My envoys from the Tang Dynasty are two princes, why should their envoys compare with mine from the Tang Dynasty?"

When Wang Xuance thought about it, it seemed to be the reason.

Regarding this, Li Chengqian didn't understand either, so that's all.

"Your Highness, why don't you use this opportunity to formally crown Your Highness?" Wang Xuance said.

The crowning he is talking about here is a crown.

Although Li Chengqian proclaimed himself the King of Ming, but that ceremony has been missing all the time. Jurisprudentially speaking, he, the King of Ming, has the meaning of the King of the Grass.

Chang Sun Chong also said: "I think it's okay, it just so happens that all nations come to court, it's just the right time."

Xiao Yu stood aside, silent.

Datang said that all nations came to court, that is extremely exaggerated.

How about you, the mere envoys of the four countries dare to say this?

The point is, are you worthy of saying this?

"Okay." Li Chengqian thought for a while, but he didn't feel that there was anything wrong. He really lacked a ceremony to officially announce to the world. This time, it was not bad to have envoys from several nearby countries to witness.

Whether it is reasonable or not, what does it matter to me?
What I did was not reasonable!
After some more discussion, the crowd dispersed.

When Wang Xuance and Changsun Chong were about to leave, Li Chengqian said quietly to them: "This time, learn a little from others. Next time, I hope that you will preside over everything by yourself."

The two nodded immediately.

On July [-]th of the sixth year of Zhenguan, the envoys of the Tang Dynasty officially entered the territory of the Ming court.

Yi Yuanfeng, the servant of the Ministry of War, led three thousand resentful troops outside Deyang City to meet the mission in person.

On the Riyue Mountain side, the two ministers and a small number of civil and military officials waited for a long time at the end of the outer city of Riyue Mountain.

As for Li Chengqian, he was waiting in the inner city of Riyue Mountain.

No matter because of his elder brother's status or Ming Wang's status, there is no reason to greet him in person.

But under the head of the city, Changle was waiting there in a splendid attire.

The most interesting thing is Murong Wanqiu. Although she returned to Riyue Mountain with Li Chengqian, Li Chengqian never restricted her freedom and allowed her to move within the scope of the Ming court.

Now he is sitting in Changming Restaurant and watching the busy traffic on the street.

"The last general, Yi Yuanfeng, is ordered by His Royal Highness King Ming to wait for your envoy here." Outside Deyang City, Yi Yuanfeng said loudly.

He wants to hand over the guarding power of the mission to Datang's army here.

In other words, apart from the more than a thousand people of the mission, the [-] soldiers and horses escorting the mission could only stay here and set up camp for the time being.

In fact, these soldiers and horses should have been withdrawn.

But because he heard that envoys from Tuyuhun, Turks, and Tubo were coming, Li Chengqian deliberately let these soldiers camp here.

Just in case.

"There is General Roy." Li Ke said.

Looking at the thousands of brave men under Yi Yuanfeng's command, he was also deeply moved.

Li Tai on the side didn't say much.

Also just watching.

Neither of them knew what to say.

"Your envoy, please." After Yi Yuanfeng finished speaking, he escorted Li Ke's two brothers towards Riyue Mountain.

"Qingque, how are you doing, are you tired?" Li Ke asked on the way.

Li Tai shook his head, and said, "It's not that I'm tired, but it's just too shocking."

They have thought about what Li Chengqian's Ming court should be like, but there is always a difference between what they imagined and what they saw in reality.

Of course, it was also because they were young and had never been to any place other than Chang'an.

In their imagination, even if Chishuiyuan is not as good as Chang'an, it is at least not much different from those local state capitals, but who would have thought that it would be such a barren scene.

In such an environment, building the Daming Royal Court from scratch, one can imagine how difficult it was at the beginning.

"Brother suffered a lot." Li Ke said with emotion.

Not long after, everyone came to Riyue Mountain.

Pusiruo and Yi Yuanxi had been waiting here for a long time, and when they saw the mission, they smiled and said, "The Tang mission came here not far away..."

After exchanging a few words of pleasantries, Li Ke and Li Tai got off their horses, and surrounded by Pusiruo and others, they headed towards the inner city of Riyue Mountain.

They had seen too much desolation along the way, and only when they got here did they see a trace of human fireworks.

And Chang Le, who was under the city gate, looked at her two elder brothers with tears in her eyes.

How long, she can't remember, and finally saw her brother again today.

As a little girl, she has more emotions, and at that moment, she feels that she has been wronged a lot.

"Second brother, third brother." As he spoke, he immediately ran over crying.

(End of this chapter)

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