This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 267 Volume 3 The Seed of Doubt Once Planted

Chapter 267 Volume [-] Once the seeds of doubt are planted...

The eldest grandson heaved a sigh of relief, and Li Er also smiled.

Although he is greedy and wants everything, he is really not enough.

It's just that when this word is said, few people believe it.

Who doesn't know that Li Er is so narrow-minded at certain times?

"This kid can make things happen." Li Er smiled, "It's strange to say that since the kid left, I haven't really worried about him. On the contrary, this kid can give me some surprises from time to time. .

Take a look at the Three Character Classic, is that what he was able to write in the past?
Although the number of words is not many, and it is not a majestic essay, but it is really a precedent in Mengxue.

Wang Dequan said earlier that Gao Ming once said, "Those who practice can gain true knowledge are not pure actions!" 'But why didn't he acquire true knowledge in practice?
Others can't teach him these things. He can only learn these things when he encounters problems and solves them. "

That night, Li Er talked a lot.

Almost all revolve around Li Chengqian.

He also realized some problems. As an emperor, he was actually constantly learning.


Regardless of Chang'an's reaction, let's talk about vomiting.

Since his retreat from Chishuiyuan, Murong Xiaojun has been very depressed recently.

On the way back, he saw Li Chengqian building a city not far from the junction.

Although it is said that it is a discussion field between the two places, but he is not a fool. How can he not understand what this discussion field means?

Moreover, Qiu Bowen's subordinates have already settled in one of them. As for Murong Shun's subordinates, they are now working as coolies on the grassland.

Speaking of Murong Shun's subordinates, this was also a reason for his depression.

It's amazing that Murong Fuyun didn't allow him to take back a prisoner during this expedition.

This is interesting. Didn't they go out to fight in the past to grab people and food?Could it be that Murong Fuyun has changed his ways this time?

Actually not, Murong Xiaojun understands the specific reason, but he just can't figure it out.

"My lord, it was my concubine who ordered to let Chang Sun Chong and others go." Early this morning, Murong Xiaojun had just returned from practice, and his concubine said while helping him change his clothes.

Her concubine's surname is also Murong, and speaking of it, she is still his cousin.

Hearing this, Murong Xiaojun smiled and said: "If you let them go, let them go, can you really keep them here? For now, Da Khan has no idea of ​​going to war with Datang."

"But Wanqiu..." The concubine hesitated to speak.

Speaking of his daughter, Murong Xiaojun also sighed, and said: "Forget it, the child has grown up and has his own ideas. Besides, this king is also reluctant to marry her to Dayan Mang Jiebo, isn't it that Others, the main reason is that he has too many women, how many of them are good?"

Murong Xiaojun was not a person who liked to make money all his life in the army. Moreover, in his words, his current status was achieved by himself with a single shot, and he would not exchange his daughter's happiness for anything.

Immediately become king, that is to be tougher than others.

"I heard that the child went to Chang'an with the eldest princess of the Daming Royal Court?" The princess smiled, "I don't know if the child will suffer along the way?"

Murong Xiaojun also smiled, and said: "You don't have to worry about this princess, I have met Li Chengqian before, he is worthy of the words of young talent, he knows what role Wan Qiu can play, and he will not embarrass her."

On this point, Murong Xiaojun is quite confident.

If Murong Wanqiu really suffers from the Daming Royal Court, then he, the father, will never let it go.

As for reputation, do grassland people care about reputation?

At best, he can't marry Dayan Mangjiebo, which is not a bad thing for him.

"My lord, the Great Khan sent an order to let my lord go to Fucheng City." At this moment, someone came to report.

Murong Xiaojun waved his hand and said: "Just let me know, and I will leave immediately."

After the soldiers withdrew, the princess asked, "My lord, what is the sweat doing?"

"Okay, don't worry about this matter, the concubine, I will go back." As for why Murong Fuyun called him to Fucheng at this time, Murong Xiaojun had some vague guesses, but it was hard to say.

After arranging the affairs of Piaohe County, he left with his own soldiers on horseback.

In Fucheng City, Murong Fuyun was sitting in his big tent.

During this time, he was actually very busy.

It is mainly busy with the big stall left by King Tianzhu.

As for King Tianzhu, he had nothing to complain about.

No matter what this guy has done before his death, or what he plans to do, he still cares about Tuyuhun after all.

It's strange to say that when King Tianzhu was alive, he was always worried that King Tianzhu would do something wrong, but now that King Zhu died, he nostalgic for the time when he was still there.

However, following the suicide of King Tianzhu, the internal conflicts in Tuyuhun eased a lot.

Murong Fuyun took advantage of the situation to take all the soldiers and horses under King Tianzhu into his own hands, which also made his power more and more powerful, and his dominance over the entire Tuyuhun was being strengthened step by step.

It can be said that King Tianzhu's suicide left Murong Fuyun with a stronger and more stable Tuyuhun.

"Khan, the King of the West Sea has arrived." Just at this time, someone came to report.

Murong Fuyun nodded, signaling to invite people in.

After a while, a tall and thick man walked in, beat his chest with one hand and said, "Tuoba Zhao sees Da Khan."

Tuobazhao is also the king of Xihai, his father is Tuoba Mumi, the former king of Tuyuhun, but it is a pity that Murong Fuyun's father, Kualu, was old and fatuous, which caused a lot of chaos in Tuyuhun, and many people surrendered to the former In the Sui Dynasty, Tuoba Mumi was one of them.

At that time, Tuobazhao joined Murong Fuyun and did not join his father in the former Sui Dynasty.

After that, he assisted Murong Fuyun to regain Tuyuhun, so he was granted the title of King of Xihai.

"How are you doing recently? There is something difficult in the tribe." Murong Fuyun asked.

Tuobazhao said with a smile: "Khan, don't worry, under the rule of a humble official, it will be fine. If any rebellious officials and thieves come out, they will be killed."

Hearing what he said, Murong Fuyun laughed.

In terms of his subordinates, Murong Xiaojun and King Tianzhu are the most capable, but Tuoba Zhao is the most murderous.

"What do you think about the matter of King Tianzhu?" Murong Fuyun asked.

When Tuobazhao heard the words, he said without thinking too much: "The king of Tianzhu has a terrible heart, so killing himself is an advantage for him! As a subject, he has the heart of disobedience, and death is inevitable."

"You..." Murong Fuyun said, "Even though King Tianzhu has done something wrong, he can't pretend that he has Tuyuhun in his heart. People are not sages, so who can do nothing wrong? Don't be too harsh.

Moreover, he passed away after all, and he was loyal to Tuyuhun, hey..." Murong Fuyun sighed.

That is to say, if Li Chengqian was not present, if Li Chengqian was present, he would probably have to sigh with emotion, what a great acting!
Damn, these days, princes who can't act are not good emperors!

"What Khan said is true." Tuobazhao said, "However, I still feel that this old man's death is not wronged."

Murong Fuyun shook his head and smiled wryly, the two chatted for a while, and the number of people gradually increased.

It was not until the afternoon that someone came to report that King Gaochang had arrived.

When Murong Xiaojun entered the big tent, after seeing the battle, he guessed that it was almost the same.

"My minister sees the Great Khan."

Murong Fuyun said enthusiastically: "Aiqing is free of courtesy, come and give me a seat."

After Murong Xiaojun took his seat, everyone greeted him one after another.

Everyone has already guessed what is the so-called today, and the greeting at this moment is nothing more than congratulations in advance.

"I called everyone here today, and I think you all know a thing or two. A few days ago, the Prime Minister of Tuyuhun, King Tianzhu, was overly persecuted by the Tang Dynasty. He died in the barracks and deterred the wolfish ambitions of the Tang Dynasty.

However, once King Tianzhu died, the position of Prime Minister would be vacated. Today, everyone will discuss and discuss, who will take over the post of Prime Minister? "Murong Fuyun is not shameless either.

What does the death of Tianzhu King have to do with Datang?If it wasn't for the civil strife in Tuyuhun, would King Tianzhu die?

Of course, everyone can understand that he pushed the responsibility to Datang. It can't be said that he forced King Tianzhu to death, right?
If the news got out, Tuyuhun, who had just stabilized, might be in trouble again.

Besides, it would be great to shift the responsibility to Datang. This is also a way to transfer contradictions to the outside. Transferring internal contradictions to external contradictions is also conducive to internal unity.

Well, almost everyone in power has done it.

"My minister proposed that King Gaochang take over the position of Prime Minister." Someone said, "In recent years, King Gaochang has made countless contributions to Tuyuhun for me. In addition to his outstanding talents, he is well-deserved to take over the post of Prime Minister. return."

It stands to reason that this matter should not be so neat.

But everyone is not a fool, Murong Fuyun specifically waited until Murong Xiaojun's class teacher returned to the court, and then specially waited for him to come before bringing up this matter, which is already very illustrative.

Besides, who doesn't know that Murong Xiaojun is Murong Fuyun's servant?
Is this still negotiable?
Even Murong Xiaojun guessed what was going on.

To be honest, in the whole of Tuyuhun, he didn't know who else was more suitable to take over the post of Prime Minister besides himself?
Soon, everyone responded.

Murong Fuyun watched all this playfully, and was not in a hurry to express his opinion, just watching.

At the beginning, everyone was still boasting about it, but as time went by, Murong Fuyun didn't fart, and everyone finally realized that something was wrong.

Good guy, it seems that Murong Fuyun doesn't think so.

Murong Xiaojun also reacted, there was no anger or unwillingness in his heart at the moment, only anxiety.

Not right!

"Everyone loves you." Murong Xiaojun, who sensed something was wrong, immediately cupped his hands and said, "This king has not been good at government affairs in Water River County these years, and there has been a lot of waste, and in recent years, his health has been deteriorating. I am afraid that he will not be able to do it. You should find another virtuous minister. good."

Everyone was a little embarrassed for a while, and they all looked at Murong Fuyun.

Murong Fuyun saw this, but looked at Murong Xiaojun, and asked with concern: "King Gaochang is not feeling well?"

"It's all an old illness, don't worry about it." Murong Xiaojun saluted.

My heart is a little confused, why?
But Murong Fuyun shouted: "Come here, pass on this Khan's order, and search for good doctors. Today, King Zhu has just passed away, so nothing will happen to King Gaochang."

"Thank you for your concern." Although he said thanks, Murong Xiaojun was getting more and more shocked.

He couldn't figure it out, what went wrong?
It's not that he has to keep an eye on the post of Prime Minister of the country, but Murong Fuyun's attitude really confuses him.

The rest of the people were also curious, what happened?
Not right.

But Murong Fuyun didn't care about these things, and said after hearing the words: "Originally, Ben Khan also wanted King Gaochang to take over the position of Minister of State, since King Gaochang is unwell, the position of Minister of State will let King Xihai work hard for the time being.

King Gaochang still needs to pay more attention to his body. You are Ben Khan's right-hand man, so you must not lose anything. "

Tuobazhao didn't understand what was going on, but he was a big-hearted person, and he didn't have a big heart. Hearing this, he immediately got up and said, "Don't worry, my minister will be so heartbroken that I will help Dahan to open up the foundation of eternity for me. .”

As a result, the atmosphere in the big tent became a little weird.

Everyone didn't understand what this meant.

If Murong Fuyun has long been interested in Tuobazhao, there is no need to wait until today, let alone recruit Murong Xiaojun before doing this.

In this way, Murong Xiaojun is completely roasted on the fire!

Just now everyone was congratulating Murong Xiaojun for coming, but in the blink of an eye, there has been a huge change...

"King Xihai, this time I let you take advantage of it." Murong Fuyun smiled and said, "If King Gaochang was not unwell, the post of Minister of the Kingdom would not have fallen on your head."

Tuobazhao was really careless, he said immediately after hearing the words: "Don't underestimate people even if you are a big Khan, even though you have no skills, as long as you give an order from Khan, this little minister will definitely be ashamed."

He was right.

Murong Fuyun chose him because of his character.

Murong Xiaojun is indeed very capable, but being capable does not mean being suitable.

Is Tianzhu King incapable?
Nonsense, if Tianzhu King is incapable, can he sit in the position of the country's prime minister for so many years?
But what happened?The result is that Tianzhu King almost betrayed!
For Murong Fuyun, it doesn't matter who sits in this position, it doesn't matter whether he is capable or not, as long as this person is loyal.

Obviously, Tuoba Zhao is such a person.

As for Murong Xiaojun, he is capable, and no one denies his ability, but the more capable a person is, the more worried he is, just like Tianzhu King.

"The ability of the King of the West Sea is needless to say." Murong Xiaojun said with a smile, "I believe that under the guidance of the Great Khan, the King of the West Sea will definitely assist the Great Khan and lead Tuyuhun back to the prosperous world."

Although I can't figure it out, I still have to express the state of the table.

After he finished speaking, the rest of the people followed suit.

Everyone is confused about this matter today, so let's get confused together.

In the big tent, Murong Fuyun may be the only one who understands.

After this matter was over, Murong Fuyun looked at Murong Xiaojun again, and asked: "Did the rebellious son be caught?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, could it be because of this incident?
But Murong Xiaojun said: "At that time, the troops of the humble ministers were insufficient, and they were also afraid of causing conflicts between Datang and Tuyuhun."

There is one crucial point that he didn't mention, that is, Murong Fuyun had let them be controlled by Li Chengqian, and that was what made him most restrained.But this needless to say, it has always been the case that the leader is a scapegoat, and it can be done but not said.

"It's okay." Nodding, Murong Fuyun said, "It's just a good thing that I didn't catch it back. Now my Tuyuhun's strength is not enough, and Chishuiyuan has become someone else's land, but in time, after I Tuyuhun recuperates, I will always take this land. Take it back.

At that time, the three words Daning Wang can be put to good use. "

In his opinion, it would be a good thing if Murong Shun didn't come back.

Anyway, he will not deprive Murong Shun of the throne. In name, Murong Shun is still the Daning King of Chishuiyuan. When he becomes stronger, he will be able to take it back in a legitimate way.

Now, it's just that he is not strong enough, so he is temporarily forbearing.

"By the way, Big Khan." Murong Xiaojun said again, "Li Chengqian has already started to build a city on the border between Piaohe County and Chishuiyuan, and there are already heavy troops stationed there. Presumably, the defense is for us to send troops south."

"Ben Khan already knows about this matter." Murong Fuyun said, "The envoys who went to Riyue Mountain have already said that when they came back, what the Ming court said was to build a discussion field to facilitate trade between the two countries. This king has also thought about it, but it is also feasible.

In recent years, Tuyuhun's business has been sluggish due to successive years of snowstorms. You must know that in the early years, the reason why Tuyuhun was able to stand on this plateau for hundreds of years was relying on this golden business road.

Next, we want to revive the glory of the past, and this business path must never be broken. "

Tuyuhun is actually a wonderful thing.

In the words of the Tang Dynasty, it is only a small country, but this small country has a history of more than 300 years. Since the founding of the country, how many dynasties have survived by Tuyuhun... They may not even be able to count them.

But no matter how the dynasties changed, he, Tuyuhun, still stood tall in this troubled world.

If you want to say what they rely on, what's even more amazing is that they rely on business!

Yes, what they rely on is the golden business road linking the Western Regions and the Central Plains. Relying on this business road, they have supported it for more than 300 years!

"Khan, I heard that the Western Turks and the Daming Royal Court traded a batch of Liannu, do we want it?" someone said.

Everyone has heard about the continuous crossbow of the Ming court, and Murong Xiaojun has seen it with his own eyes, so he immediately said: "The continuous crossbow is really a sharp weapon, with ten shots in a row, it is extremely lethal before the two armies are in close combat. Powerful, if we are also equipped with crossbows..."

"Okay, don't think about it." Before Murong Xiaojun finished speaking, Murong Fuyun interrupted, "No one will sell the Ming court to us. Li Chengqian is not that stupid. Well, if he was that stupid, Ben Khan's rebellious son wouldn't lose so badly, so don't worry about it. But you can try to trade one or two of the other things of the Ming court.

Didn't he want to open a discussion, so let's open it, as long as we hold the business route from the Western Regions to the Central Plains, his things must allow us to make some money. "

(End of this chapter)

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