This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 268 Volume 3 Li Chengqian's Sinister Intentions

Chapter 268 Volume [-] Li Chengqian's Sinister Intentions
Murong Fuyun did not refuse the discussion of the Ming court.

In recent years, Tuyuhun suffered from successive snowstorms, and they also wanted to restore the business road to its former heyday as soon as possible.

One advantage of occupying the commercial road is that the geese have plucked their feathers, and they can get a few heads. No matter it is the caravan of the Western Regions, the Tang Dynasty or the Ming court, they can't get around him.

Murong Fuyun actually knew very well that if Li Chengqian wanted to manage the source of Chishui well, he had to revive business.And Li Chengqian has an advantage over him, which is his status. He can purchase the best-selling materials in the Western Regions from Datang, such as tea, porcelain, and silk.

But if Li Chengqian wanted to sell these things to the Western Regions, he had to go through him, and this was his opportunity.

This thing is more interesting to say.

Some people in Chang'an think that Li Chengqian should continue to expand at this moment, anyway, now he can be regarded as a large number of soldiers, so why don't you be afraid if you continue to be reckless?With Datang as your backing, you have no worries at all.

Even if the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty is disabled or abolished, what's the point?Those who died were not the people of the Great Tang, and it was not the land of the Great Tang that was destroyed. As far as the Great Tang was concerned, there was no loss at all.

On the contrary, it can still delay the development of Tuyuhun, no matter how you look at it, it will be of great benefit to Datang.

In the end, Li Chengqian also proved himself that when he really couldn't resist, he returned to the Tang Dynasty, and the hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty could also play a role in turning the tide, waiting for work at ease, and annihilating Tuyuhun in one fell swoop.

As for the achievement of destroying the country, Li Chengqian should be at the top. With this record, his position as prince is also unbreakable. Therefore, many people can't figure it out, what are you afraid of?

But from Murong Fuyun's point of view, Li Chengqian wanted to develop the Ming court well, and going to war rashly would not do any good to the fragile Daming court.

If you really want to start a war rashly, the first unlucky one must be Daming Wang Ting. There is no way, he is the weakest.

It is not an exaggeration to say that in Murong Fuyun's view, if there is not a big Tang watching over him, with Li Chengqian's strength, he can defeat him in one blow!

Besides, Li Chengqian, a prince of the Tang Dynasty, if he has the experience of governing one party, it will definitely play a decisive role in his future becoming a great treasure.

Are they wrong?

In fact, no, everyone is based on maximizing their own interests, and then thinking based on the current actual situation.

This is normal.

Moreover, among their ideas, there is a result orientation, that is, Li Chengqian did all this to consolidate his position as the crown prince.

In other words, none of them believed that Li Chengqian was really willing to let go of the crown prince coveted by thousands of people.

In fact, this is also normal, who is willing to give up the chance to become a great treasure in the future?
Under such a premise, every judgment they make is actually justified.

But they only want one thing missing, the crown prince, Li Chengqian wants it, but not necessarily.

Why not?
That is the future Ninth Five-Year Lord!
But if you really want to say, Li Chengqian is not necessarily obsessed with that seat.

The throne was created by his ancestors, why didn't he create one himself?
It's not that they don't have the ability?
I have survived the most difficult times, and the future is a bright road!

So, if they combined their thinking a little bit, it would be almost the same.

The purpose of development is for expansion, and the purpose of expansion is for a stronger self.

This is the route Li Chengqian wants to take.

Otherwise, how could he keep Murong Wanqiu?

Otherwise, Murong Xiaojun would be sitting on pins and needles right now?

Everything is nothing but preparations he made in advance for the smooth expansion in the future.

"Okay, let's talk about the dispute with the Ming court." Murong Fuyun said. A jackal watching from the side, as for the north, don't worry about it.

Ashina didn't have the time to go south at the moment.

But the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty has to guard against it. King Gaochang, you are under a lot of pressure. "

Hearing what he said, everyone thought that the reason why Murong Fuyun did not give the position of Prime Minister to Murong Xiaojun was because he needed him to guard the border. Even Murong Xiaojun himself thought this way, so he said, "Khan, don't worry!" , as long as the humble officials are still there, the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty will never go north."

"For this, Ben Khan naturally trusts you." But Murong Fuyun suddenly changed the subject and said, "However, if the Ming court wants to continue to expand, then going north is their best choice. At that time, there will be Tang Dynasty in the east." , there is Daming in the south, you will be under a lot of pressure.

In this way, all ministries will withdraw [-]% of their soldiers and horses to assist you, what do you think? "

Hearing his words, the big tent fell silent instantly.

Although it is said that pouring river county is the most powerful army except for Murong Fuyun's headquarters, if Murong Fuyun is to follow Murong Fuyun's way, pouring river county will have an extra army that can rival him in an instant, and he is not affected by him. of temperance.

"This method is good, but Water River County is unable to support such a large army." Murong Xiaojun said tentatively.

He has already sensed the seriousness of the problem.

Murong Fuyun smiled and said: "It's okay, you don't have to worry about food and grass, this Khan will take care of it, but in this way, you must guard Water River County, whether you are facing the east or the south, even if the two directions are together If I attack you, you have to hold on, understand?"

Under the table, Murong Xiaojun's fists were tightly clenched, but he still said: "If that's the case, then follow what the Great Khan said."

Now that the matter has come to this point, everyone can actually see something, King Gaochang has fallen out of favor.

Murong Fuyun smiled and said: "That's it."

For him, Murong Xiaojun was once one of the people he trusted the most, but from his standpoint, such trust has a limit.

Murong Shun can rebel, Tianzhu King can rebel, how can Murong Xiaojun not?

The point is, Murong Xiaojun was controlled by Li Chengqian, and Murong Shun was besieged in Chishuiyuan. Who knows if they would have colluded with each other at that time?

Although it was his order, I'm sorry, the leader can't make mistakes. Since the leader is right, whose fault is it, needless to say?
Of course, all this shouldn't have fermented so quickly, but who made Murong Xiaojun's beloved daughter still with Li Chengqian? Who knows what Murong Xiaojun is thinking?
This made Murong Fuyun have to guard against it.


When Murong Xiaojun left Fucheng City, he looked back at this familiar city. At this moment, he was in a daze, and he really couldn't figure it out.

It doesn't make sense.

Before Murong Fuyun didn't allow him to take prisoners, he understood that it was because he was afraid that his strength would expand too fast. After all, Murong Shun, as his own son, said everything was against him, let alone him?

But today's matter made him a little confused.

If it is said that Murong Fuyun has long preferred Xihai Wang Tuobazhao, then it can be settled early, there is no need to call him back, and deliberately lose face in front of everyone.

You know, before, everyone thought that he would succeed King Tianzhu, but Murong Fuyun's feint shot made everyone confused.

He didn't understand.

Don't talk about him, everyone probably can't figure it out today.

What made him even more confused was that Murong Fuyun had placed soldiers and horses in Water River County, which was the most fatal to him.

No matter how high-sounding the words are, they cannot escape the word distrust.

"If the Great Khan doesn't trust us, he will punish us. If we behave like this, how can we face the soldiers under his command!" On the way back, some subordinates complained.

From their point of view, they had just fought fiercely with others, and not only did they receive no reward, but something like this happened, which made them unacceptable.

When Murong Xiaojun heard the words, he snorted coldly and said: "Stop talking nonsense, Da Khan's move is to help my Piaohe County resist the Tang Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, if you dare to speak nonsense again, you will be dealt with by military law!"

Although he was upset, there were some things he could only think about, not say.

Moreover, he still has no intention of betraying Murong Fuyun. It may be the matter of Murong Shun and King Tianzhu, which made Da Khan have some concerns. As a subject, he just needs to do what he should do.

Lu Yao knows the horsepower, and it can be seen in the hearts of the people over time.

Of course, as the subordinates said, that is also impossible.

If Murong Xiaojun was really punished, why would the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in Water River County explode on the spot?
Why Tianzhu King finally chose to commit suicide is to prevent such a thing from happening.

It can be said that only if King Tianzhu dies by his own hands, will Tuyuhun not be disturbed.

Whether it is the emperor or the great sweat, although they all have the supreme power, it is not so simple to really want to kill an important person.

With Murong Xiaojun's compromise and tolerance, Tuyuhun's new round of major changes officially kicked off.

No one expected that this great change would directly push Tuyuhun into the abyss, and indirectly contribute to the strong rise of the Ming court.

Two days later, the news that the soldiers and horses of Tuyuhun's troops marched into Piaohe County finally reached Riyue Mountain.

Li Chengqian, who was staring at the construction of the palace, was overjoyed when he heard the words.

The opportunity he was waiting for has come!

"Who sent the news back?" Li Chengqian asked.

Liu Sandao: "Treasurer Yang sent someone to Taoyuan to pass it back."

Speaking of Yang Lin, Li Chengqian nodded, and said: "It's hard work for him, tell him, this king will not forget everything he has done for the Ming court. By the way, what is Yang family Dalang doing now?"

"Yang Tao is currently working under Li Qinjian." Liu San said, "I heard that he is doing well, and he is Li Qinjian's right-hand man."

Li Chengqian looked at Gao Chunxing and said: "In this way, from now on, promote Yang Tao to be the minister of the Ministry of Industry and let him work hard. This king will not disappoint anyone who has made contributions to the Ming court."

Li Chengqian really doesn't care about an official position.

Now, he has a lot of official positions that can be used to win people's hearts. A minister of the Ministry of Industry is really nothing.

It just so happened that Ihara Suk was short of people under his command.

It would be nice if we could train a group of our own people to cover this gap.

Gao Chunxing nodded, picked up the notebook and started recording.

Li Chengqian said again: "The team welcoming the bride is coming back soon, which means that Murong Wanqiu is coming back soon? Liu San, go and call Yi Yuanxi, the king has something to look for him."

Liu San nodded, and Dang Shi arranged for someone to call Yi Yuanxi.

Now Riyue Mountain is building a royal palace, and Yi Yuanxi is usually here. As for building a city on the grassland, he can just take a day to watch it occasionally.

Soon, Ihara Seok arrived.

"What are your orders, Your Highness?"

Li Chengqian said with a smile: "That's right, I think the palace here is almost finished. Now you will build another mansion outside the city immediately. The specifications should not be too low. It will be named Wanqiu Pavilion. All the servants will follow the rules of the princess. According to the standard, I don’t care about other kings, but it must be eye-catching and gorgeous, and it doesn’t matter if you spend a little more money.”

"Your Highness, although there is some money and food in the household department, but..." Ihara Seok said very tactfully.

Li Chengqian waved his hand directly, and said: "You don't understand, although this move costs a lot of money and food, the benefits are not comparable to money and food."

What is this amount of money and food? What he wants is for people to see what Murong Wanqiu's status is in the Ming court.

As Riyue Mountain becomes more and more prosperous, someone will eventually bring this news back to those places.

"There are a few houses outside the city. Why don't I renovate them a little bit? In terms of specifications, a little remodeling is enough. How can the two houses be together?" Yi Yuanxi said.

Li Chengqian nodded and said: "That's it, I will do as you said. I only have one request, and that is to get it done before the welcoming team returns." Then, Li Chengqian smiled, "After all, this The owner of the house is coming back."

Ihara Seok nodded, he had already guessed who the owner of the house was.

"By the way, I have just promoted Yang Tao to be Minister of the Ministry of Industry. You can teach him more when you have time. You have been busy in the Ministry of Industry. It is really hard work." Li Chengqian said again.

In this regard, Ibara Suk nodded, and it would be nice to have someone to help.

Now that there are too many vacancies in the royal court of the Ming Dynasty, the relationship between everyone is not bad.

After Yi Yuanxi left, Li Chengqian also returned to his king's tent, and immediately asked Liu Sanjiang to call the officials of the household department.

Not long after, under the leadership of Pusiruo, the household officials arrived.

"How is the recent work of the household department?" Li Chengqian asked.

Pusiruo said: "The tax in the last month has obviously increased significantly compared to the previous month, and there are more and more shops in the world. Recently, Li Shilang is arranging those merchants to enter various cities on the grassland, but there is a slight increase. The result is only Deyang City."

Li Chengqian nodded. The city of Deyang was built the earliest besides Riyue Mountain. Relatively speaking, it is relatively complete. In addition, Deyang City is in the middle of Datang and Riyue Mountain, which can attract some businessmen to go to do business.

"Step by step." Li Chengqian said, "In the future, I hope that each city will have its own flagship product, so as to improve the commercial foundation of the entire Ming court.

One Riyue Mountain cannot drive the economic construction of the entire Ming court.

This king already has a preliminary idea, and I will discuss it with you in another day.

The main reason for calling you here today is to do business with Tuyuhun.

Just today, the king received the news that Murong Fuyun mobilized [-]% of the troops from all ministries to assist in the defense of Piaohe County. Can you understand what kind of opportunity this is for my court of the Ming Dynasty? "

"There is a conflict between Murong Fuyun and Murong Xiaojun?" Pusiruo used to be the head of a branch, and when he heard the news, he immediately understood what was going on.

Li Chengqian nodded and said: "It must be so, so this is an opportunity for us.

From now on, all the goods of the Daming Royal Court will only enter Tuyuhun from Piaohe County, and only trade with Piaohe County. Of course, we can't say that to the outside world, do you understand? "

The crowd nodded.

What do you not understand?Isn't this intensifying the conflict between Murong Xiaojun and Murong Fuyun?

But Li Chengqian said again: "For Murong Xiaojun, we can get him some Liannu appropriately, of course, not too many, but we can start with this."

After hearing what he said, everyone gasped in their hearts, you are going to punish Murong Xiaojun to death.

"But how should this matter be handled?" Pusiro was a little suspicious.

Li Chengqian smiled and said: "Isn't there Murong Wanqiu? This king has already ordered Yi Shangshu to prepare a mansion for Murong Wanqiu. Although the servants are all arranged by us, what about the soldiers who guard the mansion? That's not Murong Xiaoxiao Jun provided it himself? But the number of people must be limited, no more than a hundred people, and they are not allowed to bring weapons into the Ming court.

The most important thing is that Murong Xiaojun's personal soldiers are not allowed to stay in the Daming court for more than three months, and they are allowed to rotate every three months. "

"I'm afraid Murong Xiaojun won't agree." Pusiruo said, "What kind of soldiers are soldiers without weapons?"

"No, no, no..." Li Chengqian smiled, "The weapons are provided by us, and they are allowed to take them away when they switch defenses."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, did they send out the Liannu?

But that's what he said, but Pusiro still shook his head and said, "There's no reason to do that."

Li Chengqian smiled and said: "Why is there no reason, Riyue Mountain invited Piaohe County to send envoys to stay in Riyue Mountain for a long time, just like Wang Dequan's long-term stationing in Chang'an.

After finishing the work, Riyue Mountain also asked to send an envoy to stay in Waterhe County for a long time, demanding equal treatment.

For the sake of the friendly relations between the two places, and to communicate with each other.

By the way, when it comes to this matter, we also need to invite an envoy from the Tang Dynasty to stay in the Ming court for a long time. In addition, we also need to send a small team to Wang Dequan to protect his safety. "

"Will Murong Fuyun agree?" Pusiruo was a little confused.

Li Chengqian said: "What's the matter with him? Riyue Mountain and Water River County are the establishment of diplomatic relations between one city and one city.

The royal court of the Ming Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, that is the establishment of diplomatic relations between one country and one country!

If Murong Fuyun doesn't do it, he will send someone to discuss with the king himself, but, if the king agrees or not, if the two countries have such a relationship to establish diplomatic relations, then the king will have to see if he is sincere. "

Li Chengqian actually beat Murong Xiaojun to death.

He doesn't want his daughter to marry Dayan Mang, so the Daming Royal Court is the best safe haven for his daughter. As for the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two places, he has nothing to lose, and he can buy a batch of weapons for nothing every three months. What is he not agreeing to?
Even if Murong Fuyun knew about it, he wouldn't really care, after all, it was Tuyuhun who benefited.

Although he had some worries and thoughts, he actually didn't believe that Murong Xiaojun would betray him.

Being on guard is all about being on guard, but it doesn't mean he doesn't trust Murong Xiaojun.

What Li Chengqian did was to prolong the trust crisis between them infinitely.

It really created a gap between the two, and finally achieved the effect he wanted.

This is like boiling a frog in warm water, grind it slowly.

In the future, as long as the timing is right, all the small conflicts accumulated before will erupt instantly at that moment, and eventually become an irreparable big conflict.

As for Murong Xiaojun, hehe, a martial artist, where there are so many tricks, he can't think of Li Chengqian's sinister intentions at all.

(End of this chapter)

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