This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 296 Volume 3 It's too late to regret after victory.

Chapter 296 It's too late to regret after winning the third volume.

Some are happy and some are sad.

This is inevitable.

When Li Chengqian was satisfied, and the Ming court was also satisfied, there were naturally people who were dissatisfied.

That's the way things are in this world.

Nothing can be done to please everyone.


Just when Li Chengqian was returning to Riyue Mountain.

Lu Dongzan was also rushing towards Riyue Mountain.

Yes, here he is again.

This time when he returned to Tubo, he came back again without even warming his buttocks.

Without him, those rebels are actually using the weapons of the Ming court to resist their Tubo army!
When he heard the news, he thought that the imperial court of Ming Dynasty had been attacked by those rebels.

But when they arrived at the territory of the Daming Royal Court, they found that there was nothing wrong with the Daming Royal Court.

Really, nothing shit...

This gave him an extremely bad premonition, so he hurried straight to Riyue Mountain.

Li Chengqian naturally didn't know about all this.

At this moment, he is returning to the court with a large army.

This battle was fought, and the army didn't even have a wounded person.

Ma Ye said beside Li Chengqian: "Your Highness, this telescope is very useful, but if it falls into the hands of others, then..."

Recently, his scouting team was aided by the telescope, which really came and went like the wind.

Even if they jumped to Su Pi's territory, no one noticed them.

Li Chengqian nodded when he heard the words, and said: "Didn't I tell you at the beginning, when it is necessary, destroy it."

"But sometimes it's too late. If it really falls into the hands of the enemy, it's not a good thing for us." Ma Ye continued, "During this time, we have personally experienced the advantages brought by the telescope. Said, the general absolutely does not want my opponent to have such a telescope."

When he first got it, he was so excited that he was happier than marrying a wife, but now he was a little worried.

Li Chengqian smiled and said: "It's okay, let's use it for now, the supervisor is making a new kind of telescope, the effect is better, and it can only be used by himself."

It's not that Li Chengqian hasn't thought about this problem, but apart from technological innovation, he actually has no better way.

Now that the royal court of Ming Dynasty needs it, this is the last word.

"Let's not talk about this." Li Chengqian smiled, "Liu San, are you ready for the gift for Changle? It seems that we are going to Riyue Mountain now. Did you forget that this king promised to give me a gift when I come back this time?" She prepared presents."

"Your Highness, don't worry." Liu San said, "When Su Pi and those people came to trade before, the general was watching them all the time. Not to mention, their Su Pi really had a lot of good things, and the general picked them out. , got a box to pack it in.”

It's really no trick to expect a group of old men to prepare some gifts. Li Chengqian can make some things out in Riyue Mountain, but he can't do anything outside.

But girls must like those colorful things.

Don't tell others, at least Murong Wanqiu likes her tightly.

But at this moment, Murong Wanqiu is galloping like a wild horse on the grassland.

You can say she is naive, she is quite mature sometimes.

But if you want to say that she is mature, she is probably similar to Changle when she is childish.

But if you really want to say, she is just a student of the first middle school in the later generations, after all, she is not very old. Girls these days, especially those from wealthy families, have changeable personalities.

Li Chengqian didn't care either.

When they returned to Riyue Mountain, Riyue Mountain inevitably cheered again.

This shows that the war in the south is over, and it is a big victory.

After all, what is the resentment army going out, and what is going on when he comes back.

When they saw countless grains being pulled in, everyone was overwhelmed.

For a while, the streets cheered and everyone clapped their hands in celebration.

This is not only a victory, but also a lot of profits.

And this is not over yet, when the boxes containing gold, silver and jewelry were pulled in one after another, everyone's eyes were fixed.

Wan Tupu accidentally knocked over a box, and in an instant, the gold, silver and jewelry all over the place attracted countless cheers.

In fact, this is all intentional, just to let them know that this battle, we not only won, but also made money!
Under the protection of the Youth Army and Wang Jin's subordinates, Changle had already arrived outside the palace walls. She had received the news of Li Chengqian's return today a few days ago.

Naturally, Wu Mei and the others were also on the sidelines.

"Congratulations to Your Highness for returning after a great victory." Su Shi and others said.

Li Chengqian smiled, led Changle and walked back.

In the past, he would still be excited by such a scene, but after winning more battles, he seemed to be numb.

However, in the eyes of others, his performance is calm.

Li Xiaogong and Niu Jinda, who also came to see the excitement, laughed and said nothing.

To be precise, they didn't know what to say at all.

Based on their experience, Yuan Jun was unscathed, and the pride on the faces of Yuan Jun also told them that Li Chengqian won this battle easily.

After returning to Riyue Mountain, Changle immediately asked, "Brother, where is my gift?"

"Yes, yes." Li Chengqian smiled, "Liu San."

Liu San immediately held a delicate box and opened it in front of everyone.

Seeing those glittering things in the box, the little girl's eyes twinkled.

"It's all for me?" Chang Le said happily immediately.

Li Chengqian smiled and said: "That's natural. As the eldest princess of the Ming Dynasty, her hair is too plain, and I am ashamed of my brother."

This is of course a joke.

Even without these, Changle still has some jewels. After all, as a princess of the Tang Dynasty, these things are indispensable.

"Then I don't care, it's all mine." Chang Le said, ready to take the box from Liu San.

Liu San smiled and said: "Your Highness, although this box is not big, it is not light either."

"Xiao Hua and Wu Mei are here to help, let's go back and share the spoils." Chang Le shouted immediately.

Hearing this, Li Chengqian slapped her on the head, and said, "What do you mean by dividing the spoils, tell me about it?"

"Hey." Chang Le smiled, and immediately let Xia Qing slip away with the box in her arms.

She knew that Li Chengqian was still busy, so she would come to him when she was done.

Su Shi and Hou Shi looked at it eagerly. There is no woman who doesn't like these things.

"It's a lot of profit this time." Li Chengqian said with a smile, "Everyone has it, including Chunhua and others. The same is true for you. You have been with me for so long, and it seems that I haven't rewarded you. Just be a rich man once, and I will make up for you.”

Speaking of which, this is really the case. Since Li Chengqian led the people to struggle in Riyue Mountain, he has indeed never given them any rewards.

Su Shi was still a little shy, but Hou Shi was more courageous, and said quickly: "Then I won't disturb Brother Ming Wang."

Saying that, the little girl slipped away.

Since there is, it must be outside. She has to go and pick it first.

"Go ahead, you pick first, and put the rest into storage." Li Chengqian also smiled.

It is necessary to send this group of women soldiers away first.

After they all left, Pusiro and the others came in.

"Congratulations to Your Highness for returning with a great victory." Everyone laughed.

Li Chengqian waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter whether we win or not, our biggest gain this time is not winning the battle, but buying us enough time.

With Su Pi restricting the development of Tubo, we don't need to worry too much about the war in the south in the next three to two years. "Li Chengqian said, "And we have more energy to deal with the threat from Tuyuhun.

Li Shilang, how are you doing during this time? "

"Return to Your Highness." Li Qinjian said with a smile, "Everything is just as His Highness expected, and it is proceeding according to His Highness's plan. Now more than [-]% of the goods have entered the various tribes of Tuyuhun through the nobles of Tuyuhun.

For this reason, Murong Xiaojun specially sent extra manpower to patrol the border. "

Li Chengqian nodded: "Don't stop, keep going, for us, there is actually no loss, but we can still earn enough money.

By the way, how are Huang Song and those people doing now? "

"They encountered robbers once before, but the number of the other party was not large. It should be some nobleman from Tuyuhun, but they haven't found out who it is yet." Li Qinjian said, "Actually, they can only blame themselves, they themselves I want to try to send it across the border. Although the profit is more profitable, the risk is also greater.

That time, they lost a dozen people and lost their goods.

Fortunately, they were also cautious, and they didn't dare to take much goods for the first time, so the loss was not big. "

"People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants." Li Chengqian shook his head and said, "Investigate, continue to investigate, and we must find out this group of robbers.

Of course, there is no rush, but you must have an attitude, understand? "

He was not surprised at what happened to Huang Song and others. To put it bluntly, it was because of greed.

Greed is the original sin, there is nothing to say about that.

But businessmen, if they are not greedy anymore, are there still greedy people in this world?

"Yi Shangshu, how is the Ministry of Industry doing?" Li Chengqian looked at Yi Yuanxi again.

Ihara Seok stood up and said, "Return to Your Highness, the palace has been built now, except for some interior decorations, the rest of the project is over, and you can move in years ago."

"Thank you." Li Chengqian nodded.

Yi Yuanxi added: "The progress of the newly built cities has also been accelerated, and I am going to mobilize everyone to try to get the outlines of all the cities before winter.

Even if this year encounters the severe cold weather of previous years, at least the city still has the city wall as its backing.

Also, the engineering team in charge of excavating the mountain dug out some black stones. I don't know if they are the kind of coal stones that His Highness told us to find before.

Weichen has already found someone to try it, and it can indeed be burned, but the smoke is relatively large. "

"Have you found the coal?" Li Chengqian was overjoyed immediately. This was better than anything else. With this thing and the return stove, they will definitely be able to survive this winter.

"Yes, I found it." Ibara Seok said, "Now we are stepping up mining and trying to stock up before winter."

After all these years of cold winters, they were also afraid of the severe cold. Since Li Chengqian said it would be useful, he didn't hesitate at all.

"Get some back after you get it, and let me have a look." Li Chengqian said, "This is very important for us in the future."

Ibara Seok nodded.

Li Chengqian looked at Qibi Heli again, and asked, "Has Tuyuhun rubbed against my Ming at the border recently?"

"Indeed." Qibi He Li said, "Since Tuyuhun's new Prime Minister Xihai Wang Tuobazhao took office, Murong Fuyun has sent troops from various ministries to assist in the defense of Water River County. It is a move to cross the border and enter my court of the Ming Dynasty."

"Hmph." Li Chengqian snorted coldly, and said, "Does Murong Fuyun want this king to start a war with Murong Xiaojun right now? Regardless of him, as long as there are soldiers from the enemy country who enter the border of Daming without permission, they will be caught and killed!
This king wants to see how many people are not afraid of death. "

Li Chengqian wanted to provoke Murong Fuyun and Murong Xiaojun, but Murong Fuyun also thought the same carefully.

This is more interesting.

But it doesn't matter, the Eight Immortals will show their magical powers across the sea, and it depends on who can have the last laugh.

Thinking of Murong Wanqiu, Li Chengqian laughed again.

With Murong Wanqiu as the trump card, don't you two plan to start fighting each other?

"By the way, spread the news that this king has decided to marry Murong Wanqiu as his fourth concubine." Li Chengqian said with a smile, "Wang Xuance, prepare a gift list, and your Ministry of Rites will send someone to Water River County. Give it to Murong Xiaojun, propose marriage to him, even though Murong Wanqiu is asking a matchmaker before the battle, but this face should be given to him.

At the same time, the Ministry of Rites edited another letter and sent it to Dayanmang Jiebo, telling him that Murong Wanqiu will be my concubine of the Ming court from now on, so he should not worry about me.

If he is not convinced, then let him come to Riyue Mountain to snatch people by himself!
It's not like he hasn't been to Riyue Mountain before. "

They had already heard about this matter. After all, they were looking for a matchmaker before the battle. This was the first time for them to see each other. When they heard Li Chengqian's talk now, everyone laughed out loud.

Murong Xiaojun, who is dumb, will definitely suffer.

He has no right to refuse at all, unless he wants Murong Wanqiu to die, so he can indeed refuse.

As for Dayanmang Jiebo, he probably vomited blood in anger, because the woman he had been thinking about for so many years was just snatched away.

The point is that he can't grab it back!

Riyue Mountain, does he still dare to come?
How dare you!
"Don't worry, Your Highness, I will deal with this matter later." Wang Xuance stood up and said, after speaking, Wang Xuance looked at Li Chengqian again and said, "Your Highness, that, the Tubo envoy came again? Not long after His Highness came back, this In a while, he is probably waiting outside the palace gate."

"Here again?" This was not said by one person.

Wang Xuance nodded and said, "Yes, it's Lu Dongzan who came."

The name Lu Dongzan was always familiar to Li Chengqian, but he just couldn't remember it, and said with a smile: "It's okay, since you're here, let him have an audience.

What else can a little messenger do? "

Everyone laughed when they heard the words. There is nothing wrong with these words. In the final analysis, they are just small messengers.

"Foreign ministers see His Royal Highness King Ming." Not long after, Lu Dongzan reappeared in Li Chengqian's king's tent.

Li Chengqian really smiled and said: "Didn't your envoy go back?"

"The foreign ministers did go back." Lu Dong praised, "But after the foreign ministers went back, they found that the rebels in Tubo were intercepting and killing the foreign ministers with Ming's weapons. At that time, the foreign ministers thought that those rebels had broken the Ming Dynasty , I came to Riyue Mountain to ask for help for King Ming."

"Presumptuous!" Qibi Heli immediately stood up and shouted angrily.

Lu Dongzan didn't panic either, and asked, "If it wasn't for this, why would the military equipment of the Ming royal court fall into the hands of my Tubo rebels!"

"Hey." Li Chengqian sighed, and said, "It's embarrassing to say this, I thought I could whitewash the peace, but I didn't expect to be seen through by the envoy.

In the final analysis, those Tubo rebels are too cruel, and this king is invincible!
However, the soldiers of my royal court of the Ming Dynasty are also heroes of a hundred battles, even if they lose, they will never surrender.

However, those thieves are very rampant, threatening that if we don’t sell them armaments, after breaking the city, we will slaughter 30 people from the Daming Royal Court, but as long as we sell them armaments, they will retreat immediately, what should I do to the king? ? "

Speaking of this, Li Chengqian sighed again, "In the final analysis, the price they offered is too high, and this king is powerless to refuse."

Hearing his words, Chang Sun Chong and the others held back their laughter.

Li Chengqian glared at them, didn't he have any concentration?
"The King Ming is so unwise, even if he is desperate, he can't sell the sharp weapon of Ming Dynasty to those rebels!" Lu Dongzan lamented, "Those rebellious officials and thieves have their hearts to be punished, isn't King Ming afraid that they will fight back one day? ?”

"Didn't that day come yet?" Li Chengqian said, "Hey, the main reason is that the Ming court itself is short of food, and they don't really want to grab it, but they come to trade, and the price they offer is also generous. This king has no reason to refuse. .”

Grandma, what a leg, when you bewitched them to rob me of the Ming court, do you think it was a good strategy?Do you feel distressed now that I support them to rob you of Tubo?WTF.

Want me to die?I will desperately help you unify Tubo?
Your dream is well done!What pose?
"King Ming knows that they are fighting fiercely with me, Tubo with Ming's weapons, and I, Tubo, have been killed and injured by Daming's weapons, countless, shouldn't King Ming give me Tubo an explanation?" Lu Dongzan said indignantly.

Li Chengqian was stunned, and said: "What does it have to do with this king? Did this king kill him? Or my army from the Ming court? General, did the Ministry of War send troops to Tubo?"

"Not yet." Qibi Heli replied.

"You heard that." Li Chengqian said, "My Daming Royal Court's army didn't send troops to Tubo, so what does your Tubo death have to do with my Daming Royal Court?"

Lu Dongzan broke down and said: "But my Tubo warriors all died under the weapons of your Daming court! How can it have nothing to do with the Daming court!"

"Your envoy is being unreasonable. So many people in my royal court of the Ming Dynasty froze to death and frostbite in the past, so it must be attributed to your Tubo? After all, the snow came from your Tubo!" Li Chengqian said, "My king That is to say, it is because of your embassy's grief and state affairs, otherwise, regarding your envoy's remarks, this king will write a letter to ask you Tubo Zanpu, what is your intention!
I will sell the armaments of the Ming court to whoever I like. When will it be your turn, the Tubo envoy, to point fingers?
Do you want to interfere in my Ming Dynasty affairs? "

Lu Dong praised that speechless.

By now, he actually understood what was going on.

But the more he understood, the more desperate he became.

Because he was the one who came up with the strategy of attracting tigers and driving wolves away.

Now not only did it not have the effect of attracting tigers and driving wolves away, but it made them embarrassed, and the only one who was injured was Tubo.

But if you want to say whether his strategy of attracting tigers and driving wolves is feasible, of course it is feasible, but he didn't expect that Li Chengqian would not follow the routine at all.

Big brother, everyone else is on the sidelines!
You don't show your strength, you do business with people, you are fucking crazy about money!
This is the will of a country!
If he had known that Li Chengqian was such a person, he would never have proposed any strategy to lure tigers and drive wolves away.

But now, it's too late to say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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