This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 305 Volume 3 The gentry came and took their own humiliation.

Chapter 305 The third volume of the gentry is here, and they are humiliating themselves.

The next day.

When Li Chengqian learned from Wang Xuance that Mrs. Guzang reported to the Ministry of Rites yesterday that Xue Yantuo's envoy visited the General's Mansion and handed over all the rare treasures presented by Zhenzhu Khan, he showed his satisfaction. smile.

Immediately, Li Chengqian ordered Gao Chunxing to select a large number of jewels from Su Pi's previous transaction, and reward them to the General's Mansion.

As for the rare treasures sent by Tuyuhun, they were withheld by Li Chengqian.

After dealing with this matter, Li Chengqian received Tuyuhun's mission.

At first, he didn't intend to personally meet the Tuyuhun delegation, but since he told Qibi Heli yesterday, he had no choice but to do so.

"Foreign ministers, see His Highness King Ming." The envoy of Tuyuhun bowed his hands and saluted.

Li Chengqian nodded, knowingly asked: "Your envoy is going to Daming this time, what are you talking about?"

"His Royal Highness King Ming." The envoy said, "The Great Khan ordered us to go to Daming this time because of the marriage between Princess Wanqiu and Daming.

The peace between the two countries is considered a major event and needs to be discussed. "

"That's not bad." Li Chengqian said with a smile, "Before Da Ming and Datang got married, Datang sent a lot of dowry. I wonder what Tuyuhun is?"

He didn't even mention asking the matchmaker before the battle. Since you said that the two countries are making peace, then it is, but I don't know where your dowry is?
Of course, he was just trying to disgust Murong Fuyun.

Now that Tuyuhun himself is so poor, where can he find food for his dowry?

Besides, do you think he was happy with this kiss?

Li Chengqian's words stunned the members of the mission. Isn't this what they did before?

Not to mention, since the former Sui Dynasty, they have proposed marriage to the Central Plains Dynasty. The purpose is not to covet the dowry of the Central Plains Dynasty. Today it is actually reversed, which makes them a little uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian smiled and said, "What? Tuyuhun didn't intend to give a dowry? How does this king remember that in the former Sui Dynasty, Bu Sabo Khan married the former Sui princess, and the former Sui Dynasty also gave a generous dowry? Why, it's here! On our heads, you don't plan to give a dowry?"

Speaking of this, Li Chengqian wanted to laugh.

As far as he knows the history, as long as the Central Plains dynasty married a daughter, it was a loss-making business. It is not easy for me to have a chance to see the money back. Why, do you still want to renege on your debt?

Not to mention, if he came back from Tuyuhun to earn some dowry, it would be the first time that the Han family dynasty saw money back on marriage.

"Your Highness is serious." The envoy said, "The foreign ministers came here this time to discuss the matter of peace between the two countries. The specific details need to be finalized after the foreign ministers return."

He hadn't thought about this before he came, so Murong Fuyun didn't give him the authority in this regard, so he had no choice but to say so.

But Li Chengqian said with a smile: "The noble envoy is here to amuse the king? Come, send the noble envoy back to the embassy. When will you be able to make the decision, and then come to discuss with the king."

After he finished speaking, Yuchi Baolin brought someone in, that was really impolite, and immediately invited the mission out.

The envoys were also helpless, they were used to taking other people's habits, they really never thought that one day they would take it out of their own pockets, so they had to go back to the embassy first, and then send someone back to ask Murong Fuyun's opinion.

After they left, Li Chengqian went to the workshop that Zhang Erniu was in charge of.

Since he was bragging in front of Sun Simiao, he naturally had to find a way to get the microscope out.

However, this thing is not difficult. In the final analysis, it is grinding lenses. In the [-]th century, Leeuwenhoek was able to grind convex lenses with a factor of more than [-] times under pure hand conditions. Li Chengqian did not believe that he could not do it.

Of course, the difficulty is not whether he can do it, but whether the craftsmen in the workshop can do it.

It is impossible for him to grind the lenses by himself every day, which would take a lot of time.

"Your Highness." Seeing Li Chengqian approaching, Zhang Erniu immediately put down what he was doing, bowed and saluted.

For Li Chengqian, Zhang Erniu has always maintained absolute respect and obedience.

"How's the lens that you guys made before?" Li Chengqian asked casually.

Zhang Erniu picked up a lens casually and said, "It's still the same. It's not difficult, but it takes time, and the glass we fired is still too brittle, and it shatters with a little force."

"Come on, is the glass too brittle or your hands are too strong?" Li Chengqian smiled, "This time, I want a lens with a larger multiple, but don't worry, just take your time, grinding the lens is originally terrazzo The work is not waiting to be used in a hurry.

Show me some lenses. "

Hearing what Li Chengqian said, Zhang Erniu casually took out a few lenses and handed them to Li Chengqian. Li Chengqian looked at them carefully and nodded, they were much stronger than the previous lenses.

"Your Highness, although this lens is higher than the previous lens in terms of magnification, it is extremely fragile. With a little force, it can be broken into pieces." Zhang Erniu said, and took a lens to demonstrate After a while, he saw that the lens was indeed broken into several petals after a slight click with his two hands.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian laughed and scolded: "You prodigal son."

Although he said so on his mouth, his hands also moved.

After a while, one lens shattered.

Seeing this scene, when Li Chengqian was annoyed, he suddenly thought: "Then isn't such a lens the best material for a telescope? If we add a closed eyepiece to the lens barrel, we can ensure that the lens inside is still in our spare time." It is free from dust, provides protection, and prevents the telescope from falling into enemy hands."

"The villain didn't understand." Zhang Erniu scratched his head, a little confused.

Li Chengqian said: "We add a closed eyepiece on the lens barrel, add a small mechanism inside, and set a three-digit password.

The password can be changed by the user. Without the password, although the telescope can be twisted, it cannot be used.

If it is a little more ruthless, we can even add a self-destruct device, twist and close the eyepiece without a password, and the lens inside the lens barrel can be destroyed.

This can protect our advantage to the greatest extent. "

"If our people make a mistake, it will be a big loss." Zhang Erniu said.

Li Chengqian shook his head: "You can't measure this thing by profit. This king has never thought of selling the telescope to anyone. This is a strategic resource, and you know the cost of the telescope.

Even if we consume tens of thousands of telescopes every year, we can afford this price.

Not to mention that glass and mirrors themselves are creating value for us.

The advantage that the telescope can bring us on the battlefield alone is not measurable in money. "

For these, Li Chengqian is very open-minded.

Zhang Erniu thought about it carefully, and found that what Li Chengqian said made sense.

That's exactly what happened.

Nowadays, all kinds of mirrors are produced in the workshop, big and small, and they have become one of the most sought-after items in Changming's shop, and their prices have always remained high.

The profit from the mirror alone is already quite a lot.

This is Li Chengqian's intention to limit sales, otherwise, the profits will be even more terrifying.

"In this way, my lord will give you the blueprints of the telescope and microscope in the next few days, and you should hurry up and grind some more lenses, especially the lenses of the microscope. You can't delay this."

Li Chengqian left after finishing speaking.

This matter really cannot be delayed.

He needed Sun Simiao, and the biggest reason for keeping Sun Simiao was to cure Empress Changsun's illness.

If he remembered correctly, Empress Changsun will not have a good life for a few years.

And with the death of the eldest grandson empress, the real battle for succession kicked off.

Therefore, it is very important for Li Chengqian that the eldest grandson is alive.

As long as she is still alive, in Chang'an, she must be the Sea God Needle.

For half a month, Li Chengqian was tossing about this matter.

Fortunately, the imperial court of Ming Dynasty is still relatively stable, so there is no need for Li Chengqian to worry about everything.

While Li Chengqian was busy with these, Chang'an was on his way to Taoyuan.

The caravans of the Xungui family and the convoys of the gentry traveled almost simultaneously.

However, the caravan of Xungui's family went to make money.

The convoys of the gentry family were full of fighting spirit, ready to fight in the imperial court of Ming Dynasty.

However, there are some differences between them.

The caravan of Xungui's family brought enough food. Since Datang banned food from leaving the country, Daming required everyone who entered the country to bring their own dry food. When those Xungui heard this, they couldn't laugh or cry, so they immediately asked Li Er.

Li Er was also taken aback, but also nodded.

It is understandable. After all, there are a large number of caravans going straight to Riyue Mountain in Datang every day. If they don't bring their own dry food, it is estimated that the little food in the Ming court can be completely consumed.

But these, the gentry don't know.

Xungui didn't say anything, neither did the merchants.

This is all a moth made by you, who is to blame?
At this moment, they tacitly kept silent, thinking that it would be time to see what kind of fools these high school students made.

Of course, the clansmen of the gentry also saw that the merchants were disdainful of the grain on the car, and some even reprimanded: "You don't know that the imperial court has ordered that the export of grain is prohibited?"

Merchants laughed and said nothing, sometimes you will suffer.

This time, the generosity of the gentry was not insignificant. Aside from the Li family in Longyou, other gentry, large and small, sent hundreds of students.

Although these people belong to the kind of people who are not ranked in the family, they still have the confidence to face these merchants.

From their point of view, even if they are in the Ming court, they still have the capital to look down on the world.

"Brother Cui, from now on we need Brother Cui to take care of us a lot." Someone said, "Brother Cui's talent and learning are just mediocre."

"Brother Zheng is serious." The surname Cui said, "I heard that the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty is now in ruins, and it is time for me to show my ambitions. In the future, we will be officials in the same dynasty, and everyone should be united."

"That's it." Someone said immediately.

They never doubted whether they could become officials.

Are you kidding me?
Can your Ming court find someone more knowledgeable than us?
So what if people like Changsun Chong are here?

How old are they?How many people are there?

If all the officials of a country are arranged in place, only a few hundred of them will not be enough to fill them in.

So, they are not worried at all.

Li Chengqian is indeed very powerful, but what's the use of being powerful alone?

Make bricks without straw!

This is Li Chengqian's dilemma.

However, when they arrived at the border, the merchants looked at them like idiots.

Everyone was still a little puzzled, but when the border guards of the Ming court refused them entry and told them that anyone who entered the Tang Dynasty had to bring their own dry food, they understood why those merchants laughed at them.

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

"We are going to the Daming court to serve His Royal Highness the King of Ming." The surname Cui said, "Can you make it easier for us, and we may also be ministers in the same court in the future."

"Go and go." The border guard waved his hand and said, "His Highness Prince Ming has ordered that if you don't solve your own food problem, you are strictly forbidden to enter."

"You!" said the clansman surnamed Zheng, "We are all scholars from the Great Tang Dynasty, you are so disrespectful, how dare you be rude?"

The gentry asked them to come, it was really blind.

These guys have been used to being superior since they were young, and they still think that there is Datang everywhere.

But also understandable.

If they were really capable, the family would not let them come to Daming. Those who could come to Daming were actually a group of opportunists.

The border guard looked at these people, and immediately said viciously: "So what about the scholars of the Tang Dynasty? This is Daming, so you have to follow the rules of Daming! Retire! If you don't retreat within ten numbers, I will treat you as if you want to come." Break through the barrier and kill without mercy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers under his command immediately raised the crossbow in their hands.

Those scholars were stunned immediately.

"Master, don't be as knowledgeable as them." Seeing that the guard was angry, a merchant immediately stood up, "Masters, hurry up and raise food, this is the Ming Dynasty, not the Tang Dynasty!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the guard again and said with a smile, "Master, I have prepared food. This time I need to stay in Daming for about ten days. There is half a month's food here. Can you let me enter the country first?" ?”

The guard looked at his document, checked the grain again, and said, "Go in, but you should also know that no one in the Ming court will sell your grain now. After staying for a long time, there is no grain left. Don’t blame Ben for not reminding you.”

"That's natural, that's natural." The merchant smiled immediately, and after finishing speaking, he led the people away.

This time, in addition to food, he also brought a lot of goods.

The children of the scholar family saw it, yes, let's go find food first.

As soon as the gentry disciples left, the guard quickly sent a letter to Riyue Mountain.

When Li Chengqian received the letter, he knew that the nobles from Tang Dynasty had arrived, so he sent Zhao Yan and Ma Ye to the border immediately.

Just them, still want to come to Daming royal court to be an official?Is it true that Li Chengqian has a good temper with everyone?

On the third day, the gentry's team came to the border again.

For them, it is not difficult to raise some food.

This time the guards carefully checked their food and documents.

After the inspection, he said jokingly, "I'm sorry, but you are still not allowed to enter the country."

"Why? You Qiu Ba, did you deliberately make things difficult for us?" The Zheng family immediately quit.

The merchants who were watching the excitement were also stunned. Could it be that the policy of the Ming court has changed again?

But at this moment, Zhao Yan and Ma Ye came on horseback, looked at the nobles, and said with a smile: "To make things difficult for you? In the past, outside Jingyang City, the Cui family used a bamboo forest to block the way of my highness.

On that day, my Highness laughed at himself and said, "The wind can enter, the rain can enter, but the prince cannot enter." '

Because it is the private property of your Cui family, my Highness chose to take a detour.

Today, the Daming Royal Court was built by my Royal Highness, and the entire Daming Royal Court belongs to my Royal Highness.

I'm sorry, but the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty can enter with the wind and rain, but not the gentry. Please go back, everyone!
Please also take a message back, I, the Ming court, do not welcome the gentry!
If you dare to sneak in secretly, you will be killed without mercy! "

After saying this, Zhao Yan, Ma Ye, the border guards, and a group of soldiers all looked at the nobles jokingly.

Especially Ma Ye smiled and said: "Wait for this day, but let me wait so much!
When I was outside Jingyang City in the past, I was thinking about when I could avenge that one arrow, but I didn't expect that I had to wait for a full year, everyone, get out! "

After finishing speaking, Ma Ye laughed out loud.

At the beginning, he was going to Jingyang to open the way, but he couldn't get it done, and he was also full of anger.

This time, the reason why Li Chengqian asked him and Zhao Yan to come was also to make them vent their anger.

And those children of the gentry were immediately dumbfounded.

No, you didn't even let us in because of such a trivial matter?
Fortunately, on the way here, we also planned how the Ming court should develop.

"Several military lords, we are not from the Cui family." The clansman surnamed Zheng said quickly. Of course, he didn't want to clear up the relationship, but at this moment, it's just one person who can go in. "Besides, we are Those who come to serve His Highness King Ming and assist His Highness King Ming to build unworldly merits."

"Just you?" Ma Ye said disdainfully, "Forget it! Everyone knows what your gentry is planning, so don't do it.

Please go back, I, the Ming court, don't need your gentry to intervene, and don't take yourself too seriously.

I heard that on the way you came here, you belittled the officials of the Ming court to nothing, hehe, I really don't know where you got such a big face. "

Li Chengqian would never let the gentry infiltrate.

There is no interest group in Ming Dynasty yet, if the gentry infiltrates, there will be the first interest group to form a group.

In order to compete with them for the right to speak in the court, other people will inevitably become the second interest group.

This is what Li Chengqian does not want to see.

Of course, it's not that he didn't think of the meaning of the bad breath at the beginning.

When the merchants on the side heard the words, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time gloated a little.

Daming royal court is planning to clean up the power of the nobles in Daming?
This is a good thing for them, which shows that the business of Daming is completely out of reach of the gentry.

And those fellows of the gentry were all stunned.


When they came, they were all talking about the way of governing the country of the Ming court, and they were all ready to be appointed as princes and ministers. As a result, they were expelled without even entering the border of the Ming Dynasty?

The key is to be deported in front of so many people.

At this moment, everyone just felt that their faces were burning.

Travel thousands of miles, bring shame on yourself!

On the side, there were also people who saw this scene in their eyes.

I am secretly glad in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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