This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 306 Volume 3 The turmoil is back, Chang'an is the laughingstock.

Chapter 306 Volume [-] turmoil resurgence, Chang'an laughing stock.

Zhenguan six years.

end of September.

The autumn wind mixed with a bit of coolness is coming unexpectedly, which also indicates that a new round of cold winter is coming in the near future.

No one knows what this winter will be like.

And no one knows whether this damn God is willing to let everyone go.

When the slightly chilly autumn wind blows, everyone can't help worrying.

Years of snow disasters have really made them suffer enough.

If it is still the same as in previous years, it is not a question of whether this winter can survive, but what about the next year?

Ordinary people, what they worry about is their livelihood.

Unlike them is Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian is not worried about how to survive the winter, or even how to deal with him in the coming year.

On the contrary, he also hopes that this year's snow will be bigger, the bigger the better!

In this way, it is impossible for Tuyuhun to recover in a short period of time, and even face greater losses.

Anyway, his Daming royal court was fully prepared.

What is he worried about?

Compared to Murong Fuyun, his pressure is much less.

Now the royal court of the Ming Dynasty has a population of about [-], and the cattle, sheep and livestock are almost extinct.

On the other hand, Murong Fuyun was under so much pressure!

To put it simply, Li Chengqian had only one thought, a dead fellow would not die a poor one.

If Murong Fuyun is to regain his vitality, he will definitely find a way to recover Chishuiyuan, this is inevitable.

And just a few days before Lidong, Li Chengqian found Yi Yuanxi.

"Yishangshu, how is the progress of each city?" Li Chengqian asked.

Ihara Suk raised his head and said, "Returning to Your Highness, the construction goals of each city have been achieved ahead of schedule.

After all, working on our construction site can support the family. Except for those men in their prime, even those women and children actively participated in it. Everyone is worried that this winter will be difficult, so no one wants to miss the opportunity to accumulate some food.

Even the clansmen of the Tiele Tribe were the same. On this point, the entire Ming Dynasty almost reached an unprecedented consensus.

Moreover, the soldiers of various armies have also contributed a lot in this large-scale construction.

It is estimated that before the first heavy snow comes, the basic outline of the Fifteen City of Ming Dynasty can be completely completed.

Of course, housing construction in the city may take some time. "

Speaking of this, Ihara Seok is a little proud.

Almost all of the Fifteen Cities of the Ming Dynasty were created by him. When the Fifteen Cities were completely completed, he would have achieved fame and was destined to be passed down through the ages.

Li Chengqian nodded, he was not surprised by such progress.

When hundreds of thousands of people are working hard in the same direction with one heart, the results must be remarkable.

Moreover, people these days are sincere, afraid that their work will not be worth the food he takes, and everyone is working hard.

Of course, you can't say that. The reason why they work honestly is that they don't want to miss such an opportunity after all.

After all, in today's grassland, Li Chengqian is the only one who is willing to give them a job to support their family. Who would dare not cherish it?

After chatting for a few words, Li Chengqian called Pusiruo over again.

"Pu Shangshu, how much food is left in the household department?" Li Chengqian asked.

Puxiruo heard the words and said with a smile: "Returning to Your Highness, recently, because of the trade with Western Turks and the tribes of Subi, Piaohe County, and Tuyuhun, the household department has at least 20 shi of grain in the Changming Grain Shop in each city. There are more than [-] shi of grain reserves in Riyue Mountain.

And with the continuation of trade, food reserves will only increase.

Even if the next spring begins, the entire Daming royal court will have no food worries. "

Li Chengqian nodded.

As long as there is no food crisis, the Ming court will not be in chaos.

There is no way, the common people's requirements are so low these days, they just need to eat enough.

As long as you let them eat their stomachs, then you, the monarch, must be regarded as a wise monarch.

At least in the hearts of the vast majority of ordinary people, that is the case.

"Do you think there will be snowstorms this winter?" Li Chengqian asked.

This is his biggest concern.

In fact, he was also a little tangled.

He really hoped that a snow disaster would completely destroy Tuyuhun's recovery, but it was a natural disaster after all, who could control it?

Speaking of this, both Ibara Suk and Pusiro shook their heads.

"Your Highness, it's hard to say." Ihara Seok said, "However, I feel that even if there is a snow disaster this year, it should not be as serious as in previous years."

He speaks from experience, but it is also true.

Historically, the successive years of snow disasters in Tuyuhun gradually improved this year.

Hearing what he said, Li Chengqian nodded and said: "No matter what the market is going to be this year, we must not relax our preparations.

Pu Shangshu, go back and count the number of cold-proof materials we currently have, including return air stoves, gloves, cloaks, etc., and how much we produce every day.

Yi Shangshu, you also have to go and count how much coal we have mined and how much we can mine every day.

For these details, we must be aware of them.

Even if we encounter a more serious snow disaster than in previous years, we must be absolutely sure to lead the people of the Ming Dynasty to survive, understand? "

"Wei Chen understands." The two immediately stood up and said.

Li Chengqian said: "Go and get busy."


When Li Chengqian was preparing for the winter, he spit out Yuhun and Fucheng.

On the other hand, Murong Fuyun said indignantly: "This Li Chengqian is really shameless! He still has the face to ask Ben Khan for a dowry!"

In the king's tent, everyone shook their heads and were speechless.

Are you kidding, isn't this what we used to do?
Is this going our way and leaving us nowhere?

"If you want me to say, if you go straight to the south, even a little Li Chengqian dares to humiliate his father, it's a heinous crime!" Dayan Mang said with a look of indignation.

He really hated Li Chengqian.

Firstly, Li Chengqian gave him an unspeakable humiliation.

Secondly, Li Chengqian robbed his woman.

With regard to these two items, he and Li Chengqian had no room for relaxation.

Murong Fuyun naturally knew what his son was thinking, since Murong Wanqiu fell into Li Chengqian's hands, he seemed to have lost his soul.

If you can fight, what do you need him to say?
"Khan, what about us now?" someone asked.

Murong Fuyun smiled and said: "Since he wants it, he will give it. There is no food, but some flashy things, can't Ben Khan make some for him?"

How to say that Tuyuhun has a history of hundreds of years, and its profound heritage is really not built.

"Give it to me." The new prime minister, Xihai Wang Tuobazhao said, "The former Sui Dynasty gave it to us because we respected the former Sui Dynasty as the king of the heaven, and now it is given to Daming, hehe..."

After he finished speaking, everyone burst into laughter.

This is true.

Giving and receiving are different identities.

After what he said, everyone felt better immediately.

Only Dayan Mang had a gloomy expression on his face.

As the crowd dispersed, Murong Fuyun asked, "How profitable is the trade between Water River County and Daming this time?"

"The profit is quite high, but the exact amount is not clear for the time being." After he finished speaking, someone behind him whispered.

Murong Fuyun smiled and said: "Should I say it or not, those things that Li Chengqian tossed out are quite fresh. I heard that they are selling well among the noble class in Tuyuhun."

Speaking of this, Murong Fuyun's face suddenly changed, "But because of this, I also lost a lot of food in Tuyuhun. Those nobles actually gave the food to Li Chengqian for the sake of profit. Don't they know that this is helping the enemy?" What!"

As long as he thought of this, Murong Fuyun was furious.

But he has no better way.

In the final analysis, Tuyuhun is still a tribal system, and he really has no control over how the heads of each ministry handle the food of each ministry.

After all, all ministries were dedicated to him according to a certain proportion.

The rest is his private property, what can he do?
If he dared to take the idea of ​​those grains, then he wouldn't need Li Chengqian or Datang to deal with him, and all the ministries under him would make him unable to eat.

this is the truth.

In other words, this is the inevitable result of growing interest groups.

But when he thought of the continuous flow of food into the Daming royal court every day, his heart was bleeding.

"Khan, why don't we..." said the man behind him, and even wiped his neck.

Murong Fuyun shook his head, and said: "It's not suitable for the time being, I really want to push these guys into a hurry, they don't have the awareness of Tianzhu King.

King Tianzhu, although he has various problems, but one thing to say, he really has a heart for Tuyuhun, and as far as Tuyuhun is concerned, he has no selfish intentions. "

At this moment, Murong Fuyun remembered that King Tianzhu was coming.

Whether it should be said or not, King Tianzhu really gave everything for Tuyuhun, including his life.

Compared with King Tianzhu, King Xihai is not even a star behind.

If it wasn't for guarding against Murong Xiaojun, Murong Xiaojun would be much stronger than Xihai King.

"Then we'll just watch the food flow to the Daming court?" asked the confidant behind him.

Murong Fuyun sneered: "Don't be so troublesome, since the wedding with the Daming royal court is unavoidable, then simply send another big gift to King Gaochang.

It was ordered that from now on, Pourhe County would be specially designated as the trade venue between Tuyuhun and the Daming royal court, and King Gaochang would be the trade envoy of Tuyuhun.

By the way, let us in Chishuiyuan keep a low profile now. "

After finishing speaking, Murong Fuyun closed his eyes.

It was inappropriate for Ben Khan to offend so many people.

Then let Murong Xiaojun offend him.

On the one hand, it can solve those guys secretly giving food to Li Chengqian, and on the other hand, it can also test how loyal Murong Xiaojun is to him.

For him, this is killing two birds with one stone.

Soon, the order spread to Water River County.

When Murong Xiaojun heard this order, he frowned slightly.

Although he doesn't like those guys who do these things secretly.

But Murong Fuyun's order had no good intentions.

No matter, a corpse can't get away with a vegetarian meal.

But if you let it go, you will offend many people.

The point is, everyone saw that he made money in Piaohe County, but you made money, big fish and big meat, and you don't even let us drink soup?

But Murong Xiaojun didn't struggle for too long.

That's the way he is. Since the Great Khan gave the order, he just obeyed the order.

Besides, he was a little bit contemptuous of those guys' actions. Although he made a lot of money in Piaohe County, he also paid a lot of business taxes to Tuyuhun.

Those guys came secretly and sneakily, and they still hurt Tuyuhun's interests.

On the same day, Piaohe County announced that from now on, under the order of the Great Khan, the trade smuggling between Tuyuhun and the Ming court will be strictly investigated!
As a result, the entire Watering River County began to become chaotic again.

And when the smuggling was being investigated with great fanfare in Water River County, those members of the gentry finally returned to Chang'an.

When they went there, everyone was arrogant and high-spirited, berating Fang Qiu, who is not the future pillar of the Ming court?
As a result, when they came back, they were all downcast and lost their souls. Who still had the charm of the past?
What really makes them like this is not that they don't have the ability to do something, but that they don't even have a chance to prove themselves!This is the most difficult for them to accept.

This is the same as those lowly people from the Tang Dynasty. Maybe some of them have talents in the world, but so what?A humble nationality limits his height.

Because of my low status, I didn't even have a chance.

And their treatment in the Ming court was like that of lowly people.

How can this make them not annoyed, how not angry?
But what if they are annoyed?What about anger?

You are not welcome in the royal court of Ming Dynasty!

This is the fact.

Do you really want to say that among the hundreds of them, there is not a single one who can be made?

Really not necessarily.

Even if there are no great talents among them, so what?
After all, their initial thought was correct, the Ming court was short of people.

really lack...

From the moment these gentry students stepped into Chang'an City, they were destined to become the joke of Chang'an City.

Many people know how difficult and humiliating these guys have been.

But not many people sympathized with them.

You do the first day of junior high school, and he does the fifteenth day. It's not that you don't report, the time has not yet come.

Li Chengqian made good use of his own advantages, and slapped the gentry's face fiercely.

When Li Er heard the news, he was so happy that he couldn't see his teeth. After so many years of uselessness by the gentry, he didn't expect his son to avenge him for this arrow. How could it be a cool word? !
If it weren't for the status of the emperor, Li Er would have wished to invite all the ministers to a banquet.

But even so, Li Er still held a rare family banquet in the harem.

Concubines with names and surnames, princes and daughters, including royal family members such as Li Daozong, will not be left behind.

He just wanted to tell everyone that today, he is happy!
At the banquet, Empress Changsun asked worriedly: "Your Majesty, why did the nobles let them go back to Chang'an? Isn't it obvious that coming back would be embarrassing?"

Speaking of this, Li Er snorted coldly and said, "His heart can be punished!"

He naturally knew the purpose of the gentry doing this, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that his heart could be punished.

In fact, the eldest grandson also guessed it, so he was worried. Hearing this, he also sighed.

Seeing this, Li Er said with a smile: "Don't worry about it, the gentry didn't take advantage this time, they just hurt the enemy by one thousand and self-damaged eight hundred.

Gao Ming, this kid, still knows it well.

And judging from his actions, he already knew where the shortcomings of Guochao came from, which is a good thing. "

Li Er was really not too worried about this issue.

"Your Majesty, Ke'er is not young anymore, shouldn't it be time to go?" At the banquet, Concubine Yang asked in a low voice.

As a mother, she shouldn't have asked this question, but she asked it anyway.

When Li Er heard this, he was about to speak, but Empress Changsun said: "Ke'er is only a little old, so don't rush to talk, at least wait until you get married."

If it was in the past, the eldest grandson would naturally wish that these children would come back as soon as possible, but it is different now.

Li Chengqian was not in Chang'an, but the crown prince was as secure as Mount Tai, so she hoped that these children would stay in front of her eyes.

If it's just after the show, she will be a little beyond her reach.

Moreover, although Li Chengqian's success is difficult to replicate in the eyes of everyone.

But don't be afraid of ten thousand just in case.

That's fine now.

Moreover, Concubine Yang's intention in saying this was not to make Li Ke go away, and she was also reluctant.

It's nothing more than the attitude of two people.

Li Er heard the words, and smiled: "The queen is right, Ke'er is still young, so don't rush."

"Then just follow the arrangement of Your Majesty and the Empress." Concubine Yang said with a smile.


Outside the palace, Wei Zheng's home.

Kong Yingda has been waiting for Wei Zheng for half an hour.

When Wei Zheng finished working in the study, he slowly walked out.

"I said Wei Gong, how can you still walk around like this? The sky is going to be turned upside down outside." Kong Yingda said when he saw Wei Zheng.

Wei Zheng smiled, "You're looking for this old man in such a hurry, just because of something outside?"

"Why else?" Kong Yingda hurriedly said, "What on earth do the Cui family want to do? They have made such a fuss that scholars are almost a laughing stock!

Today in the Guozijian, there are some students who put forward the theory that reading is useless, and what is the use of reading thousands of books. In the end, it is not worth serving the country.

This Wang Dequan is a living example!
I heard that today, many people went to Changming Restaurant to look for Wang Dequan, wanting to work as a handyman in Changming Restaurant. "

At the end, Kong Yingda shook his head and was speechless.

But Wei Zheng said with a smile: "It's just the Cui family's counterattack, but I didn't expect them to come so hard?"

"What do you think they want? Isn't this rushing to embarrass yourself?" Kong Yingda was a little puzzled. He was the secretary of the Imperial College, and he was doing this job, so he was also having a headache at the moment.

If the students of Guozijian would rather go to Changming Restaurant as a handyman than go to school, then he, the Guozijian division, would probably be done.

"What do you want?" Wei Zheng said with a smile, "Okay, don't worry about it, what does fighting have to do with you, just worry about it.

Don't worry, Wang Dequan knows how to measure, and he won't embarrass you, let alone His Royal Highness, after all, it's just the Cui family who want to put a nail in King Ming's hands.

It's just that it's hard to say who this nail will eventually hit. "

Kong Yingda is an old pedant and doesn't know much about the twists and turns.

But Wei Zheng understood, and immediately comforted him a few words.

This matter really has nothing to do with him, Kong Yingda, it's just a battle between the gentry and Li Chengqian.

Of course, it wasn't just a fight with Li Chengqian. This time, the gentry also fired with full firepower, attacking almost indiscriminately.

Hearing what Wei Zheng said, Kong Yingda heaved a sigh of relief.

But in Fang Xuanling's mansion, Fang Xuanling sneered.

The gentry thought that this would hit their newly revitalized culture and education?
It's really an idiot's dream.

If you really have the ability, your gentry will not go to school from now on, then it may be able to hit the newly revitalized culture and education.

As a result, your mouth is full of greasy food, but you tell others, this meat is not delicious, or is it more comfortable to eat bran-swallowed vegetables?Who are you fooling?

All the smart people in the world are in your gentry?
Those who can be fooled are either fools, or those who can't get up in the mud.Those who really have brains, who don't know that eating meat is more delicious than eating bran and swallowing vegetables!
So, Fang Xuanling wasn't worried at all.

At the same time, it was still the Cui family.

The patriarchs of the gentry did not go back either.

This time, it was their decision that those clansmen returned directly to Chang'an.

Li Chengqian was on the first day of junior high school, and they were on the fifteenth day of junior high school. From their point of view, there was nothing wrong with it.

As for embarrassment, both left and right are already embarrassing, who cares about that?

Moreover, it is a good thing for them to lose enough in Chang'an at once, and it is better than being picked up from time to time in the future to make arrangements.

Let's let you see it loudly, my gentry is ashamed, but you, Li Chengqian, are not ashamed?

When people in the world are laughing at our gentry for taking their own humiliation, don't they think about it, are you, Li Chengqian, a little less tolerant?
In the end, it's really hard to say who will lose the most.

This is why they decided to let those clansmen go back to Chang'an directly.

A future emperor has no room for others. How many people will be discouraged or have hidden worries?
"If Wang Dequan can accept a student to work as a handyman in Changming Restaurant, then our gentry clan will be worth the embarrassment!" Zheng's patriarch laughed.

But as soon as he said this, the patriarch of the Wang family shook his head: "Impossible, Wang Dequan is not a fool, and our Highness is even more human, how could he do such a thing?
Not to mention students, as of now, the handymen in the entire Changming Restaurant are only selected from the Jingyang Wang family, the Yang family, and the Li family, and no one else can reach in. "

"Don't tell me, Changming Restaurant might be a good place to become an official." The patriarch of the Lu clan said, "As for the handymen in Changming Restaurant, who would dare to treat them as ordinary handymen?
If they encounter good opportunities in the future, it is not impossible for them to make it to the top.

Hey, I have pity that my generation, Han Chuang, studied hard for ten years, but in the end I can't do a group of handymen. "

At the end, the patriarch of the Lu clan shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Then can we start with these three families?" said the patriarch of the Boling Cui family, "Let the scholars of these three families enter Changming Restaurant to work as handymen?

If it is really going to happen, scholars in the world will have trouble, and Han Chuang can only work as a handyman after studying hard, so what's the point of revitalizing culture and education? "

The patriarch of the Qinghe Cui family shook his head when he heard this: "The three of them are all merchants, and people who can read and write can find two, but if you want to talk about serious scholars, do you think there are any?" ?”

"There is no main family, no collateral?" said the patriarch of the Cui family in Boling, "It doesn't have to be the main family, as long as we can stick to some connections, and then find Wang Dequan, isn't there a chance?"

"It's feasible." The patriarch of the Zheng clan said, "Who doesn't have a few distant relatives who are rich or poor? The question is, will Wang Dequan be fooled by this?"

"Why not?" said the patriarch of the Cui family in Boling, "Think about it, he is almost a typical example of a poor man becoming rich, and he was once looked down upon by scholars. Back then, even his distant relatives of the Wang family, as long as they were scholars, even if they were scholars, Can a poor man think highly of him as a merchant?
At this moment, the people who looked down on him in the past came to serve him, all kinds of flattery, even though he was not deceived by money or beauty, but he could bear all kinds of temptations from the people who looked down on him in the past Tout it?

Some people are greedy for money, some are greedy for sex, some are greedy for power, and some are greedy for fame.

To deal with such people, we only need to prescribe the right medicine! "

The patriarch of the Li Clan in Zhao County nodded, and said: "I think it's okay, Wang Dequan is really not greedy for money, after all, his daily profit is probably not a small amount.

But after all, this kind of person has come up from a small person to the sky, and if he flatters a little, it is really possible to be ecstatic. In addition, he is a distant relative of his family, so the old man thinks he can give it a try.

If it is really going to happen, it will be a big blow to the culture and education that the court has just begun to revitalize, and to our Highness. "

"That's fine, the old man will let someone investigate." Qinghe Cui's patriarch also nodded, "But the Guozijian side can't be idle, we still have to fan the flames among the scholars, no matter what the result is, Doing is better than not doing.

They have always thought that our gentry are easy to bully, but this old man wants to see if they can resist this long talk! "

They actually didn't care much about being the laughing stock of Chang'an.

These days, who hasn't become someone's gossip after dinner?

For their sake, it is necessary to have a face, but it is not absolutely necessary.

As long as the goal can be achieved, so what if the face is torn off?
If you want to do big things, who still lives by staring at your face every day?

If this is really the case, Li Er should stop doing it and give up his seat early.

Because the biggest scandal in the world is himself.

Killing his brother and forcing his father, he can withstand such a big scandal, not to mention them, the gentry who have gone through thousands of years.

Face, it was earned by myself!

Of course, I lost it myself.

While they were discussing this, the caravan going to and from Daming finally came back.

Because of the previous request from the Ming court, they were delayed a lot this time.

However, the time delay is worth it.

On the second day, when the shops opened for business, the dazzling array of goods produced by the Daming Royal Court shocked the entire Chang'an City.

Among them, the most popular among women is the vanity mirror.

A mirror the size of a cattail fan can be sold for nearly two bucks!Really black heart!

But even so, when vanity mirrors are on the market, they are still in short supply.

Chang'an has the most things, the most nobles!

Whoever is short of money, they will not be short of money!
All of a sudden, there was a crazy shopping frenzy in Chang'an.

In addition to the dressing mirror, there are also music boxes with a price of five, a dressing table with a starting price of three, and so on...

Seeing this, Wang Dequan immediately ordered the work in the shop.

Not long after, a joke spread in Chang'an City.

The things of Daming Royal Court are indeed expensive, but they are also deceitful, but Daming Royal Court never cheats the poor.

The word quickly spread throughout the streets and alleys of Chang'an.

Along with this sentence, there is another sentence, just eight characters.

Produced by Daming, it must be a high-quality product!
However, in the middle of these rumors and the hot market, notebooks for eighty elders were quietly sold to thousands of households.

Li Chengqian's first round of layout started quietly.

 Although there is only one chapter today, it is three chapters more than others!

(End of this chapter)

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