This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 327 Volume 4 Shameless, the crowd is excited.

Chapter 327 Volume [-] is shameless, and the crowd is excited.

Li Chengqian tossed and tossed for so long, didn't he just want to see the hearts of the people?
No matter which dynasty or generation, people's hearts are the prerequisites for everything.

Since he wanted to fight Tuyuhun's idea, it was not enough to stabilize the people's hearts.

It was far from enough. Stabilizing the hearts of the people could only ensure the internal stability of Ming Dynasty, but it could not support a big war.

What is a big fight?
It's not just the soldiers who are fighting, but also the national strength, the civilian husbands, and the attitude of the common people!

These are essential for a great battle.

Ironically, if the common people live and work in peace and contentment for a long time, they will not want to fight.

This can be referred to the Southern Song Dynasty.

Why did the emperor and Qin Hui kill Yue Fei on trumped-up charges? In fact, their confidence was the hearts of the people.

Most people's reluctance to the Northern Expedition was the reason why Yue Fei was unsustainable. (The plot needs it, the words of the family.)
There is a poem by Lin Sheng that says:

Outside the mountain, the building outside the Qingshan building,
When will the West Lake singing and dancing stop?

The warm wind makes tourists drunk,
Straight to Hangzhou as Bianzhou.

From this poem, we can see that many people are whitewashing peace.

So what about the success of the Northern Expedition?Is it beneficial for them?
No, from a practical point of view, even if the Northern Expedition is successful, they will not benefit much. On the contrary, the imperial court will allocate manpower and material resources from the south to rebuild the north that has long been ruined by the Jin soldiers.

It is not impossible to even use this to increase the endowment.

You can say they are selfish, you can even say they are not patriotic, but the life that ordinary people want will always be like this.

This point cannot be changed.

And, how much do they want?
They just want a place to live and work in peace and contentment, to support their families, how much do they really want?
Not much, not much at all. It can be said that this is the most basic requirement for a person to live in this world. How can it be described as more?

If this cannot be guaranteed, then what is the meaning of life?
Could it be that the only reason to live in this world is to suffer?

This is not realistic.

What does it have to do with them?All they want is to live and work in peace!
Eat three meals a day to satisfy your hunger, and sleep three feet at night to settle down.

Not wandering for half of their lives, not famine for the rest of their lives, these are the fairy days they all dream of.

Therefore, Li Chengqian knew very well that if he really wanted to take action against Tuyuhun, his biggest resistance was not outside but inside.

The common people of Ming Dynasty look forward to the stars and the moon, and they look forward to today's good days. How can they be willing to return to the days of panic?
People are selfish, they have lived what they think is a good life now, so what they have to do is to defend this so-called good life, that's all.

This is why when they learned that Li Chengqian was injured, everyone was excited, because they knew that the person who could give them such a good life was Li Chengqian.

So they are angry, defending Li Chengqian is defending their good days.

Whoever dares to destroy everything today is their enemy.

Not even Li Chengqian!

As for Tuyuhun, what does it have to do with them?
Now that the royal court of the Ming Dynasty allows them to eat every day and return home at night, they consider themselves the people of the Ming Dynasty.

That was the past tense, and it was an extremely unbearable past tense!

Is it good for them to take down Tuyuhun now?
No, their current situation is actually no different from that of ordinary people in the Southern Song Dynasty!
Really, it makes no difference!
They were even worried that if Li Chengqian killed Tuyuhun, more people would attach themselves to Li Chengqian's body to suck blood.

It's like a bowl of rice, one person can barely eat enough, two people can eat half full, but what about three people and four people?
And Li Chengqian is that bowl of rice...

As I said before, people are selfish, there are people who have the world in their hearts, and there really are!There are also selfless people, but in the thousands of years of Chinese civilization, how many selfless people have produced?
If you really want to count, count clearly!
Therefore, there are far fewer people in the world who are willing to share this bowl of rice in their hands with others than those who want to enjoy it to themselves.

Li Chengqian knew this, or he knew it better than anyone else.

Because he used to be a part of it!

This is also the reason why he wants to toss when he is injured, which is well known.

He doesn't want others to see how brave your king is, but to make enemies for them.

He is telling everyone that someone wants to break the bowl of rice in your hands!

This is his purpose.

Clearly, his purpose was successful.

When everyone learned that Li Chengqian was injured, everyone was filled with righteous indignation and anger, which fully proved this point.

This is the popular opinion, or in other words, this is the popular opinion that Li Chengqian wants.

On the afternoon of the third day, Li Chengqian finally arrived at Qutubu in his carriage.

He had to come, because if he didn't come again, the wound would have scabbed over and the blood would not be squeezed out.

Outside the carriage, Liu San said in disbelief: "Your Highness, there are too many people here, right?"

Li Chengqian knew that there must be a sea of ​​people outside without opening the curtain. After all, he heard the noisy voice from a long distance: "Go and tell everyone in person, this king will come out immediately after changing the medicine."

He knew that everyone wanted to see him.

This is normal. Ever since the news of Li Chengqian's injury came out, everyone was in a panic. After all, they didn't know how Li Chengqian was injured.

This is why they are angry.

When Liu San heard this, he also rode away immediately, and Li Chengqian's injury would be healed after a few days of delay.

On the carriage, Chunhua immediately got up to help Li Chengqian remove the gauze. Although Li Chengqian had a minor injury, even if Li Chengqian didn't mention it, Chao Zheng would not be careless. This time, Chao Zheng also followed him personally, in the carriage behind.

"Your Highness, do you want to notify Doctor Chao?" Chunhua asked while removing the gauze.

Li Chengqian shook his head, and said with a smile: "There is no need for Dr. Chao to come for such a trivial matter. It feels a bit overkill."

Chunhua didn't say much when she heard the words, and quickly removed the gauze. When she was about to apply the medicine, Li Chengqian said: "If you don't apply the medicine, first pick up the blood scab."

"Ah!" Chunhua was stunned.

Didn't you say change the medicine?

"Stop it." Li Chengqian said, "Hurry up, pick up all the scabs, and you don't need to apply medicine, just change the gauze."

Chunhua was still a little confused, but since Li Chengqian said so, she had no choice but to do so.

Soon, under Li Chengqian grinning, Chunhua pulled all the blood scabs off his scar, because the world didn't grow long, and the scabs were still connected to the flesh, the pain was really sour , Li Chengqian also endured and endured, but the result was very good, at least he saw a lot of blood.

Chunhua was wrapped in several layers of gauze, but the gauze was still dyed red.

At this moment, Li Chengqian said directly: "Cut off the gauze, take this piece off, and replace the gauze again."

Chunhua was puzzled, but she did it anyway. After changing a gauze, Li Chengqian asked Chunhua to wrap the previous gauze on it again.

In this way, seeing that half of Li Chengqian's arm was wrapped in several layers of gauze, it was still bright red, which made Li Chengqian nodded in satisfaction: "Get out of the car."

"Your Highness, it's windy outside, this cloak needs to be tied tighter." Chunhua said upon hearing this.

Li Chengqian waved his hand: "It doesn't matter."

After finishing speaking, Li Chengqian got up and got out of the carriage. Although he knew that there must be many people outside when he was in the carriage before, when he really got out of the carriage and took a look, he was surprised immediately.

Good guy, that person is too much!
I saw crowds of people not far away, densely packed, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a sea of ​​people.

To be honest, he had only seen so many people on TV at once, except during the Spring Festival travel season.

"Your Highness is out!"

"Your Highness is out!"

As soon as he came out, the crowd not far away was boiling.

The reason why they waited here was because they heard that Li Chengqian was coming, and now seeing Li Chengqian with their own eyes, the heart that had been raised in their throats during this time was relieved.

Seeing that they were still some distance away, Li Chengqian walked towards them quickly.

Yuchi Baolin was originally curious about why Li Chengqian's injury had worsened, but when he saw Li Chengqian walking towards that side, he immediately said: "Your Highness, there are too many people with miscellaneous eyes, so don't take risks."

There are at least 2 people in this area, so it's hard to say if there are some criminals mixed in here.

Li Chengqian nodded: "It's okay, this king knows how to measure."

With that said, Li Chengqian walked towards the crowd surrounded by the crowd.

The reason why these guys are still here is to see Li Chengqian's state with their own eyes. If you don't see this kind of thing with your own eyes, you will always have no idea.

"Your Highness is here." Someone said excitedly.

"It looks like it's not badly hurt."

When Liu San heard what they said, he was taken aback for a moment, thinking that he couldn't, His Highness's injury was almost healed, and he looked back curiously, his face was wonderful!
Good guy, what's the matter?

With this amount of bleeding, at least one more wound would be needed to fix it!

However, Li Chengqian coughed all the way, and walked over a little weakly, about ten steps away from the crowd, Li Chengqian said in a low voice: "I made everyone worry."

One sentence, five words, immediately made everyone feel warm in their hearts.

"Your Highness is fine." Someone said, "It's all Qu Tubu's evil intentions, don't worry, Your Highness, we will rush in and capture all the remnants of Qu Tubu's crimes alive, and let His Highness take care of them."

"Yes, as long as His Highness is fine, leave the remnants of the Qu Tu tribe to us," more people said.

Li Chengqian looked at the leader, and secretly smiled in his heart. He knew this guy, and he was under Wu An's command.

"Everyone has intentions." Li Chengqian said again, "Although the Qu Tu tribe assassinated me, I always believe that there are only a few people with such evil intentions, and more people are actually innocent.

They are all the people of my Daming, how many people are really willing to ruin Daming, ruin our good days when we just got better? "

What he said was very affectionate, and it was true in fact.

After all, there are only a few people in the Qu Tu Department who can really make decisions. If nothing else, what do those half-grown children know?
Of course, it does not mean that all children must be innocent, but more children must be innocent.

Hearing what Li Chengqian said, the big guy nodded in his heart.

Your Highness is still that Highness, as merciful as ever.

But seeing Li Chengqian wrapped in thick gauze already soaked in blood, everyone's anger that had just been extinguished was ignited again.

How much does this hurt!Only then can the thick gauze not stop the bleeding.

"Your Highness, don't be merciful. Since Qu Tubu dared to do such a rebellious act, someone should be awakened to death!" Someone shouted loudly.

His statement was quickly supported by more people.

If Li Chengqian's injuries were not serious, then their murderous intentions would not be too serious, but now seeing Li Chengqian's weak appearance and the blood-soaked gauze, they were really afraid.

If something happened to Li Chengqian, how would they live?
Therefore, even if it is to kill a few people, this Qu Tu tribe should be wiped out!

However, Li Chengqian shook his head: "That's what you said, but you can't do it this way. The reason why they assassinated this king was instigated by someone behind the scenes. This matter should be handled by this king.

Since you are willing to regard me as your king, then I will say a few words from the bottom of my heart.

You guys shouldn't be involved in this turmoil, you know?
In the future, if something unexpected happens to me, you have multiple choices.

Everyone wants to live a peaceful life, but when will this world be peaceful?

It is said that the world is too wide, let's say that the grassland, when will it be peaceful?

You are all the best people in the world. In the most difficult time, you are still willing to trust this king, so this king is not willing to drag you into the mud.

This time, listen to me, just be a bystander, everything started because of this king, and will end because of this king. "

Li Chengqian said this very loudly, and everyone listened quietly to Li Chengqian's words. After Li Chengqian finished speaking, those who were far away and couldn't hear clearly asked the people in front.

Soon, Li Chengqian's words reached almost everyone's ears.

For a moment, everyone was silent.

After so many years, finally there is a king who is thinking for them.

Don't they know that there must be someone behind Qu Tubu?

What they know, they are just simple, not stupid!
Just a Qu Tubu, why do you want to overthrow Daming?

With your thousands of people?

In the past few days, they even thought about who the person who ordered Qu Tubu would be.

The answer is actually very clear, either Murong Shun or Murong Fuyun plus at most Dayan Mangjiebo, that's all.

Moreover, in their view, Murong Fuyun is the most likely.

That's why they surrounded the Qutu tribe and only intercepted and killed the escaped Qutu tribe at the edge, but they didn't really kill them.

They are also afraid, or in other words, they are also leaving a way out for themselves.

But when such words came out of Li Chengqian's mouth with sincerity, everyone felt their faces were burning!
Your Highness has done this step for them all, how can we still have the face to leave a way out?
Such a king does not follow, what kind of follow?
Murong Shun or Murong Fuyun?

Hehe, are you waiting to be abandoned by them again?
Not cheap!

"Your Highness, don't talk about it, I'll meet a wise master like His Highness, and I've accumulated virtue in my previous life!" Someone stood up and said, "What kind of Tuyuhun, what kind of Murong Fuyun, they are all fucking bullshit! I don't know, I am a member of Daming in my whole life, and I am a ghost of Daming in death!
No matter who dares to harbor evil intentions towards Daming, I will fight him!I'm stupid! "

"That's right, who the hell is making trouble behind, fight them!" Another person said.

Soon, there were more and more voices like this, and the big guys became more and more excited.

What Li Chengqian said just now slapped them too much.

Really, at that moment they even wanted to dig a hole in the ground and go down.

What are they still hesitating to meet such a king who thinks of them everywhere?

Isn't it just Murong Fuyun?

They are cowardly?

Damn, is it important that Murong Fuyun has their Highness?

There is a ball!
Straight mother thief, fuck the mother is right!
How did they know that this was Li Chengqian's sinister intentions.

To deal with these guys, do you want to persecute them?
A gentleman can deceive him.

The villain can lure it for profit.

The common people are the simplest, as long as they are sincerely doing their best.

Really, as long as you do this, people's hearts will be stable.

Because everyone needs a face.

Shameless people like Li Chengqian are still in the minority.

And the ones who are really shameless, hehe, have all fucking sneaked into the court.

Li Chengqian had expected such a reaction.

Not to mention that in this environment, everyone actually doesn't have more time to think, even if there is, what do you think the people who are mixed with Ma Ye and Wu An are doing?

Isn't it just for rhythm.

Of course, Li Chengqian still had a look of regret on his face, and said: "No, really not, what they want to deal with is just this king, you guys...why bother."

To say insidious and shameless, Li Chengqian is becoming more and more proficient now.

If the big guy really climbed along the pole at this moment, he would have to regret it to death.

"Your Highness, don't talk too much!" Wu Anna said, "Da Ming didn't treat us badly, and His Highness didn't treat us badly, and His Highness also said that everyone just wants a peaceful life. We believe that only Your Highness can give us that. Bring this peace.

How many years has it been, how many years has the god damned snowstorm fallen, but who cares about our life and death.

On this day last year, how many of our relatives died in this snow disaster. Don't we know that no matter whether it is Murong Shun or Murong Fuyun, they actually have food, but have they managed our lives? "As he spoke, he asked loudly, "Did you manage it?" "

"No!" Someone shouted at the moment, "This group of straight girls and thieves only care about their own food and drink, when did they care about our lives?"

"That's right, I've been fucking displeased with them for a long time, and dared to order Qu Tubu to assassinate His Highness, old Murong deserves to die! Kill him when I turn around!"

"Destroy him!" After a few words, the crowd became more and more angry.

Immediately someone shouted: "Chong, destroy the Qu Tu tribe first, damn it, I have endured it for several days, why? Just because they are the lackeys of the Murong family?
Grass, go in and kill them! "

As he said that, a lot of people were ready to go in. Seeing this, Li Chengqian immediately shouted: "Wait a minute, let me handle this matter. I understand your feelings, but you are really not suitable."

In fact, it is not appropriate or not, but he needs to buy people's hearts again by dealing with Qu Tubu.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, we don't care." Someone shouted.

Li Chengqian is speechless, you don't care, I care!

It can be seen that someone has rushed in, so Li Chengqian had no choice but to say: "Since you are determined to do this, then I have one request, don't kill anyone, just capture him alive, you don't have to lie down in muddy water."

Even though he has his own purpose, he still can't forget to add one more sentence.

But these words moved those people so much.

What is Mingzhu?

This is Mingzhu!
Even though he hates those traitors more than anyone else, he is still willing to wrong himself for the sake of the big guy's future.

Where can they find such an enlightened master?

Not long after, everyone rushed out.

This time, they had no other ideas.

It is bound to capture the life of Qu Tubu for Li Chengqian.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian smiled wryly and shook his head. Of course, this was for others to see.

After tens of thousands of people rushed in, Li Chengqian said to Liu San: "Send someone to bring the Qutu tribe from the six cities of the grassland."

Since it needs to be dealt with, one must not be missing.

When Liu San heard the words, he immediately took people there.

Long before they came, the Qutu tribe in the Six Cities of the Grassland had been brought under control, and they were probably sent over by now, probably on their way.

And when the clansmen of the Qutu tribe saw tens of thousands of people rushing in, they all looked desperate.

There is no way out.

No matter where it is placed, the assassination of the king will be exterminated.

This one, in this day and age, is really normal.

The leader of the Qutu tribe also quietly returned to the tribe before, and now he is calmly waiting for the arrival of death.

He wasn't going to fight back.

Because it doesn't make sense.

Now that the ending is already doomed, who wants to suffer before dying?

When everyone rushed in, almost all the people from the Qu Tu Department hid in their tents, afraid of death, normal, not ashamed.

It's just that those tribesmen who didn't know about it felt inexplicably wronged.

"I was going to slaughter your Qu Tu tribe on the spot, but His Highness ordered you to be captured alive. Come out by yourself. Don't ask me to kill you in the tent. At that time, I will show no mercy!" the leader shouted Said.

He is a member of Ma Ye, so he naturally strictly carried out Li Chengqian's orders.

And as he finished speaking, everyone followed suit.

All of a sudden, people from the Qu Tu Department came out of their tents one after another.

Some people are even eating. It's not that they are not afraid of death, but that they don't want to be a starving ghost.

When I was alive, I never had a full stomach in half my life, but now I seem to be able to eat a full stomach, but my life is about to die.

Others were sobbing softly.

They feel wronged.

They really don't know anything, but this is the case in this era, so what if they are wronged?

Sometimes it's not what you do, it's what your last name is.

Others were trembling, too scared to face the fear of death.

But the situation is stronger than people, there is no way.

Only a very small number of people rushed out brandishing weapons with angry faces, doing the final desperate struggle.

They want to die honorably.

There were also people who hid in tents or other places and dared not come out, whether they were afraid of death or trying to get away with it, but these people were finally found out.

And what greeted them was the weapons that shone with cold light.

In the end, there were some relatively indifferent guys left, as if they were indifferent to life and death.

But in fact, they just resigned to their fate.

(End of this chapter)

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