This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 328 Volume 4 Tongue shining lotus, 5 horses torn corpse.

Chapter 328 Four tongues shining lotus, five horses torn corpses.

Resigning to fate is actually a very incompetent expression, but for many people, there is no way to change it.

The vast majority of people will not resist, and this has been the case since ancient times.

There are too few people who dare to resist, really too few, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as very few.

This is why there have been so many massacres in history.

This is the common people.

For them, they have become accustomed to submissiveness, or numb it.

Of course, when the common people start to rebel, it will be like a landslide and earth-shattering.

But this also requires conditions. Obviously, the conditions are not enough at the moment.

When Li Chengqian walked in surrounded by everyone, the people of the Qu Tu tribe were almost panicked.

Is death terrible?

Of course terrible.

But what is more terrifying than death is waiting to die...

"If you want to kill a thief, you won't be able to recover." Someone sighed and wailed.

From his tone, one knew that this person must be a fan of Murong Fuyun.

Li Chengqian remembered that Tan Sitong seemed to be the one who said this, but it's okay for him to say it now.

Everyone's position is different, the hero of the enemy, and the thief of us, I can understand.

However, understanding is all about understanding, but Li Chengqian still asked: "Are you the leader of the Qutu tribe?"

The person who spoke gave a cold snort of disdain, as if talking to Li Chengqian meant that he had lost a lot of people.

Li Chengqian was not angry, but said calmly: "To be honest, I can understand what you are doing, really, I can understand.

Possibly, this king is the only one in the Ming court who can understand you.

It's up to each other, that's normal.

What is incomprehensible about this? "

At this moment, Li Chengqian seemed to be really not angry at all.

Not to mention other people, even the clansmen of the Qutu tribe looked at Li Chengqian curiously, and said to themselves, could this be the king's heart?

Li Chengqian didn't care about these things, he laughed at himself, and said: "But I have a question that has been lingering in my heart, I wonder if you can explain it to me?"

"This old man is the leader of the Qutu Tribe. As for the humble name, it doesn't matter if you don't mention it. Since His Highness has doubts, you can speak up." At this time, the leader finally stood up.

He was also curious, what questions could Li Chengqian have?
Moreover, Li Chengqian's remarks just now can be regarded as reaching his heart.

Even now, he doesn't feel that he did anything wrong.

People go to high places, but water flows to low places. What's wrong?
Seeing him stand up, Li Chengqian nodded, and then asked with a puzzled look: "Since the Qu Tu tribe surrendered to the king, has the king treated your tribe differently? Have the officials of Ming Dynasty ever done this?"

"No." Shaking his head, the man said helplessly, "Although the position is different, it is also a fact. To be honest, the past six months may be the most stable period of my Qutu tribe in recent years. It's day."

He is also a bachelor. Although I want to deal with you, I will not deny what you have done.

Such a person is actually the scariest. He enjoys all the help you provide him with peace of mind, but he still wants to give you a couple of blows.

To describe it in one sentence, it is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

Even the people of the Qutu tribe felt extremely ashamed when they heard it.

As for the ordinary people who are in a rage, they are even more shameless.

Li Chengqian didn't say anything, as he said, he can understand, really understand.

In the words of later generations, it's not like scolding mother with a bowl, he has seen too many, and it's not like he hasn't never seen someone who is more shameless and shameless than this.

"Did the Qutu tribe fall into desperation due to various disasters during the half a year when they surrendered to the queen?" Li Chengqian continued to ask.

The headman continued to shake his head: "That's not true. Even when the heavy snow came before, His Highness really helped us out of the famine."

"Then tell me, where is this king not doing well enough? Let you wait to be so thoughtful? There must be a reason?" Li Chengqian said here, also full of grief and indignation, "In the past, each was his master, there is nothing to say , the king has never pursued it, has he?

But since we are a family now, why can't we work together to keep this big family running and make it stronger and richer?

You tell me, why is this?

Could it be that smashing Daming and going back to the days without food is what you want to see?

Haven't you had enough of the days when you lived in peace? "

Everyone was silent, all silent, no matter whether it was the clansmen of the Qutu tribe or others, no one spoke for a while.

Haven't they had enough of that kind of life without food?


As the saying goes, it is better to be a dog of peace than to be a person in troubled times.

The only ones who really yearn for troubled times are those ambitious!
Serious common people, who longs for troubled times?

Li Chengqian sighed, and said with a slightly self-deprecating tone: "It's ridiculous that I go to bed three times a day and wake up five times a day. I'm afraid you won't survive this cold winter. Who knows, the person who almost didn't survive this winter is actually this king." Myself...cough cough..."

As he spoke, Li Chengqian coughed twice, but his words made some members of the Qutu tribe present feel ashamed.

"Your Highness, how about..." Seeing Li Chengqian coughing, Yuchi Baolin quickly came over and said, but Li Chengqian shook his head, "It's okay, this king can't die yet."

Yuchi Baolin stopped talking when he heard the words, of course he knew that Li Chengqian would not die, isn't this to cooperate with Li Chengqian's acting?

Just this time, he has really learned a lot, and he admires him so much, it's no wonder he is king with his acting skills!
After Li Chengqian pretended to cough a few times, he raised his head and continued: "A long time ago, someone reminded this king that some people are as good as you are to him, but when he should draw his sword, Still won't hesitate.

At that time, the king was still refuting him, and the king said at the time, as long as we treat them wholeheartedly and do our best for them, they are like a stone, so we should warm them up, right?
But looking at it now, does this king look like a joke?
Well, tell me, does this king look like a joke? "

Speaking of this, Li Chengqian himself laughed unscrupulously, but this smile was full of self-mockery.

None of the people who heard his laughter could laugh.

How is Li Chengqian?
No matter what purpose Li Chengqian has, but to them, Li Chengqian is really a qualified king!

It is undeniable that he really sees them as human beings, and is also the first person who wants to lead them out of the darkness when they encounter famines and difficulties.

No one can deny it!

"This king actually knows, really, this king knows everything, but this king believes, even today, this king still believes!" Li Chengqian raised his voice and said loudly, "As long as I can lead everyone out of the darkness and welcome the light, we Really going to be a family.

This king is doing it!
This king is working hard to lead everyone out of the darkness, but why can't you wait any longer!

Could it be that Murong Fuyun must have done better than this king! "

Li Chengqian almost roared out the last sentence!
And after laying the groundwork for so long, he was actually trying to bring Murong Fuyun to the bright side.

Although everyone had doubts before, there was no real hammer after all. Now, Li Chengqian gave a real hammer with one word!
"Sure enough, it's Murong Fuyun, an old man!" When everyone heard Li Chengqian's words, they all talked about it. Even fools knew that the assassination that Li Chengqian encountered this time was instigated by Murong Fuyun.

But the leader of Qu Tu's department was surprised, he didn't think about how Li Chengqian knew, but was curious, what Li Chengqian was going to do?

It stands to reason that this kind of thing will not be known to everyone, which will leave no room for maneuver between the two countries.

But at this moment, it's really hard for him to explain anything, the shit pot was originally intended to be placed on Murong Shun's head, if he insisted on it now, it would be too blunt.

But at this moment, a member of the Qu Tu tribe stood up, the guy who just wailed, wanted to kill the thief, but was powerless: "Your Highness is of noble birth, and you were born as the prince of the Tang Dynasty. How can you understand me? Helpless?
If His Highness wants to ask why, the Han people have already given the answer.

Prince and general, would you rather have a kind?
We were all born between this world, why are you destined to be superior and have nothing to worry about since you were born?But we are going to struggle in this world and have no food or clothing?

Since your Highness wants to ask why, let me tell you!
Because we want to be the ones calling the shots too!

They are both with two shoulders and one head, and they are all upright men. Why are you leading us out of the darkness to welcome the light?Can't we be the ones who lead you out of the darkness?
A man stands upright, how many people are really willing to be the one who is given alms?How many people don't want to be the one who gives charity to others?
Since His Highness keeps asking why?Then should I ask why?
Why should I be inferior to others as soon as I was born?
Could it be that I can't even have pursuit!

Or is it that I really don't deserve to wait, and I really deserve to be inferior to others from generation to generation?
I can not be reconciled!

Not reconciled! "

After speaking, the guy raised his head and closed his eyes slightly.

This is also a talent, as can be heard from his words, this guy is probably a rare scholar in the Qu Tu Department, even now, he wants to arouse everyone's desire.

Because his question is too tricky!

We know that we are inferior, and we admit that we are inferior, but if Li Chengqian really wants to say that you are inferior in front of so many people, it will definitely make those who originally supported him feel resentful.

This is like my hometown, where I can scold myself as much as I want, but I can't listen to others scolding.

Right now, everyone was waiting to hear Li Chengqian's answer.

Even Yuchi Baolin and the others were sweating for Li Chengqian. If this was not a careless move, today's encounter would be for nothing.

But who is Li Chengqian?
Play tricks with him?
So what if you are a scholar, you are still a little tender.

For your little trick, the netizens of later generations are better than you.

If you talk about it, the netizens of later generations will scold you until you can't hold the coffin.

At that moment, Li Chengqian said: "You think the king is so easy to be?
Yes, this king was born as a descendant of the Tang royal family, and later became the prince of the Tang Dynasty, but so what?

Even though I am the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, wouldn't I be forced to go west to Chang'an to make a living on this grassland?
Before leaving Chang'an, at the Tai Chi Palace, Lu Zhengqing, the censor of the Tang Dynasty, once said a word, which I didn't understand at the time, but now, I understand.

Really, this king understands.

That sentence is very simple, just eight words.

If you want to wear its crown, you must bear its weight!
Just these eight characters!
You ask why this king is superior to others?
Hmph, the first thing this king thinks about when he wakes up every morning is the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the hundreds of thousands of people in my Ming Dynasty.

For the food, clothing, housing and transportation of hundreds of thousands of people in my Ming Dynasty, this king even sold his own marriage at a price!

It is said that this king married five concubines at a young age, but who knows how much food these five concubines brought to my Ming Dynasty?How many people did they feed?

It's ironic to say that, as the king of Ming Dynasty, this king married five concubines, not because I was greedy for beauty, but because they could bring food to Daming to feed the people...

The majestic king sold his marriage for the price of food. It's not that this king has no integrity, but this king wants to stand up straight and tell them loudly, get out!
But they really give too much... too much!
Is this what you mean by superiority?

Or, in your opinion, one day when you are in power, you just need to enjoy yourself and don't care about the lives of ordinary people at all?

That's right, I guess that's what you mean by superiority.

But have you forgotten that when you pursue a better life, greater rights, and a higher class, more people will not even be able to maintain their current lives.

Why do you ask this king?Then, should I also ask you, why sacrifice the stable life of others to achieve you!

You are not reconciled?

Are they willing?
Don't talk about them, just look at your own clansmen in the Qutu tribe. Are all your clansmen willing to be stepping stones on your road to dominance?
Have you ever asked them if they want to continue their life today, or do they want to pursue greater rights with you?higher class?

Why do you decide for them?

Why? "

After Li Chengqian finished speaking, everyone nodded.

What Li Chengqian said was not profound, and everyone could understand it. Li Chengqian perfectly interpreted the eight words 'If you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight', and at the same time expressed their aspirations, why!
After all, there are only a minority of people who like to chase power and class. More people actually just want a stable life. It is really unreliable to think about those far-fetched things before they can't fill their stomachs.

When Zhu Yuanzhang was begging for a living with a broken bowl, as long as he can fill his stomach from now on, there is a high probability that there will be one less legend in this world.

Because the beggar Zhu Yuanzhang never thought that one day he would sit in that position, never even dreamed about it!

People, only when they are in different stages, have different goals.

Not far away, Yuchi Baolin and others wanted to say hello to Li Chengqian.

Such a tricky question really made them nervous.

As for the person who spoke just now, he stopped talking.

He found that comparing this with Li Chengqian was really not his strong point, and he reversed the situation almost casually.

"Don't talk about it, Your Highness." The head of the Qu Tu Department said, "It is meaningless to explain more, we have our own selfishness, and Your Highness has His Highness's difficulties, and the matter has come to this point. "

At this point, he really had nothing to struggle with.

The ending is doomed, so let's go decently.

Even now, he doesn't feel that he is wrong, chasing a better life, how can he be wrong?Why can it be wrong?

Li Chengqian shook his head helplessly: "Yeah, the matter has come to this point, everything is a little pale, since the leader also said, the winner is the king and the loser, then the winner is the king and the loser!"

When Li Chengqian's words fell, the people of Qu Tu's tribe lowered their heads.

This moment has finally come, and no one can change it.

Even those who didn't know it accepted the reality at this moment.

No wonder Li Chengqian, if you want to blame, you can only blame them for having the wrong birth, and they were cast in Qu Tubu.

Li Chengqian was right in saying that even if they were members of the Qu Tu tribe, they were actually not willing to pursue any rights and status, they just wanted to survive in this world.

But what can they say now that this is the case?

Forgive me, they can't pull that face off.

Li Chengqian really devoted his heart and soul to them, but their clansmen...

Can't say, really can't say.

For a while, the whole Qutu Department was in a gloomy state, and many children were even frightened and cried loudly.

But no one sympathized with them.

This is their life.

Seeing this, Li Chengqian sighed and said: "Whether it is according to the rules of the grassland or the laws of the Ming Dynasty, if the Qu Tu tribe plots to do something wrong, we should destroy their clan and cut off their roots as a warning for future generations!

However, it is not easy for me to think about it. All children under the age of 12 can be exempted from death. This is the last thing I can do for you.Even though you have never regarded this king as your master, in the heart of this king, you are still my citizens of Daming after all. "

"Your Highness, don't cut grass..." Yuchi Baolin said immediately after hearing the words, but Li Chengqian interrupted him before he finished speaking, "Don't talk too much, the elders are not forgiving, so what's wrong with the young?

Even if they grow up in the future and want to avenge their relatives, the king will just wait! "

"Your Highness is merciful!" Upon hearing Li Chengqian's words, the members of the Qu Tu tribe immediately fell to their knees.

They are doomed, but if they can leave descendants, what else would they be dissatisfied with?
This is this age, when others are going to kill you, but before you die, you still have to be grateful to them...

Seeing Li Chengqian like this, the people of Ming Dynasty who came from all sides were even more convinced.

This is the king!

The words are domineering.

If you want revenge, just wait!

And at this moment, the Qutu tribe who had already moved to other cities were finally brought back by Liu San.

Just as Li Chengqian thought, every city has already sent people halfway.

When they arrived, they all knelt on the ground after hearing Li Chengqian's arrangement.

Looking at this scene, Li Chengqian shook his head and remained silent.

But in this day and age, he fell in love with it.

Even though this era has its pedantry and backwardness, there are many things in this era that even later generations cannot compare with.

At this moment, he actually somewhat understood the phrase in the Analects of Confucius, 'The people can be made to follow, but not to be made to know'.

Li Chengqian pondered for a while, and then said to the people of Qu Tu's tribe: "I know that there must be some of you who just want to live a peaceful life, and this time it was just because of some people's involvement.

But I'm sorry, this king has no way of distinguishing these things. For the sake of the royal court of Ming Dynasty, for the sake of more people of Ming Dynasty, or directly for the safety of this king, your lives have come to an end now.

This king also doesn't want to interrogate who among you is in collusion with Murong Fuyun, it's unnecessary, no matter who it is, the ending will be the same.

There is no need to pursue these further, and you don’t have to go through the last part of your life with resentment.

If there is an afterlife, this king hopes that you would rather be peace dogs than people in troubled times.

This life has been a bit bitter, if the next life is still like this, then don't suffer.

There is still a little time at the end to say goodbye to your children.

Don't worry, since the king has said that he will spare their lives, he will definitely spare their lives.

If they want to seek refuge with Murong Fuyun, I personally send someone to send them to Tuyuhun.

If they want to stay in the Daming Royal Court, there will definitely be a place for them when the Daming Academy starts.

Again, it won't hurt them.

As for what choices they make in the future, this king can accept it. "

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Everyone knelt down again, satisfied, they were really satisfied.

As long as they can keep their children, they have nothing to be dissatisfied with.

Soon, the scene was filled with exhortations.

Li Chengqian didn't bother them, but told Yuchi Baolin and Liu San to get ready, the next murder was going to happen.

Not long after, everyone sent their children to Li Chengqian, and Liu San immediately sent someone to watch over these children.

By this time, they were ready.

Li Chengqian didn't ask them how they arranged for the children, but said directly: "Qu Tubu, the crime of treason is unforgivable, according to the law, five horses will be divided into corpses!
Yuchi Baolin, Liu San listens to the order! "

"The end is here!" The two said in unison.

"The whole family of Qu Tu tribe, five horses torn corpses, corpses in the wilderness!" Li Chengqian announced the future of Qu Tu tribe with one sentence.

Yuchi Baolin and the two also replied immediately: "The last general takes orders."

It is the rule on the grassland to divide the corpse by five horses.

Everyone knows this.

For such a result, everyone in the Qu Tu Department was not surprised.

Looking at the people in Qu Tu's department, Li Chengqian shook his head and said, "Don't blame me, you are all to blame for this."

No one spoke, nor was he in the mood to speak.

At this moment, even the people who knew the result a long time ago were still a little terrified, and some even peed their pants.

No matter how meaningless they were before, how many people can be truly meaningless in the face of death?
There are not many people, and everyone understands this.

As for those who rushed here from all directions, they are also quieter than one at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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