This prince, it doesn't matter if you don't do it!

Chapter 338 Volume 4 The dispute between father and son, only Li 2 understands.

Chapter 338 The battle between father and son in Juan [-], only Li Er understood.

In the early years of Zhenguan, there was no such thing as a salt and iron monopoly, but it didn’t mean that the court didn’t know about the huge profits. The reason for this situation was actually because the court needed to restore the commercial scale of the Tang Dynasty in a short period of time.

So now there are too many private salt dealers active in the Tang Dynasty. In the novels, Cheng Yaojin is not a private salt dealer. Of course, that is just a deduction. In the official history, Cheng Yaojin came from a famous family.

However, it is not that simple for Li Chengqian to prevent refined salt from entering the common people's market.

Although the current coarse salt is not as good as the refined salt produced by Li Chengqian, it is still no problem to eat. Apart from the taste, there is actually not much difference. Of course, if you want to ask if there is a difference, there must be.

There is no doubt about it.

To put it simply, the current coarse salt can't kill people, and this is the crux of the problem.

Li Chengqian has three purposes in preventing refined salt from entering the common people's market.

One is to leave a way for those salt merchants to survive.

If Li Chengqian's refined salt really destroyed the existing salt market, those salt merchants would have to jump into the river.

And what will the salt merchants do in the face of the impact of refined salt?
Price reduction!

Cutting prices is their only means.

Salt and iron are profiteering in the first place, even if the price is lowered, they actually still make money, the only difference is that they earn more and less.

The second is to benefit the people.

The price reduction of coarse salt is not a manifestation of benefiting the people.

In general, the ultimate goal is to use refined salt to promote the existing salt price.

If the price of refined salt and coarse salt is the same, why don't ordinary people spend the same price to buy refined salt with better quality?

They may not be able to tell which is better and which is worse, but doesn't refined salt look better?

Ordinary people are pragmatic after all.

Taste, health, etc., are no match for the word cheap.

Even if it is a penny of profit, the common people can enjoy it for several days.

The third and most important thing is to plot Tuyuhun.

After figuring out the twists and turns, Changsun said: "Tell Tang Yueming that I know about it, and let him relax to do it."

The eldest grandson is such a smart person, after he understood Li Chengqian's twists and turns, he immediately understood what this guy was thinking, and he knew it right away.

To be precise, she didn't take it seriously.

The little maid heard the words, and immediately trotted to inform Tang Yueming again.

Tang Yueming was a little dazed at first.

Just such a sentence?Is there anything else to say?

Should not be ah.

Logically speaking, how could such a big business be settled with just one sentence?
He was really confused.

Even after he left, he never thought about this question.

In the end, he could only let go of these messy thoughts in his mind, and then devote himself to business with all his heart.

The first thing Tang Yueming did after leaving the palace was to contact the famous salt merchants in Chang'an City, not to mention, there were quite a few of them.

After gathering these salt merchants in Changming Restaurant, he immediately poured the refined salt he brought back on the table: "Everyone can take a look, Tang is also planning to do the refined salt business this time."

There are prominent businessmen in Chang'an City, but no one knows who is standing behind Tang Yueming.

Hearing this, they were also surprised, but when they saw the fine grains of salt on the table, they all looked like hell.

Is there really such a salt?

"Shopkeeper Tang called me here just to show off the salt?" Someone asked curiously.

They are all people who have been fighting for countless years in the business field, so naturally they don't put everything on their faces.

While he was talking, some people dipped their hands into the salt, stuffed it into their mouths and started to suck it.

"Good salt." No matter what their position was, he said it with peace of mind.

Tang Yueming said: "Salt is naturally good salt. After all, you should have guessed where the salt came from."

"Is it really from the Ming court?" Tang Yueming was asked immediately after finishing his sentence.

They were all clear about Tang Yueming's visit to the Ming court.

They had the idea when they saw such fine grains of salt.

Tang Yueming nodded, but didn't say much.

"Let's be honest, what does that guy mean?" Someone asked right away.

Tang Yueming smiled when he heard the words: "Your Highness, if you have any bad thoughts, let's make a fortune together.

His Highness said that this business of refined salt cannot be done by one person, no, the boy called all the reputable salt merchants in Chang'an as soon as he returned to Chang'an.

Isn't it for everyone not to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Although you are seniors, you still have to say something first. If you really want to do business, you still have to weigh it. "

Naturally, he couldn't do this refined salt business by himself.

It’s not that he can’t do this business by himself, the point is that he can’t open such a big stall by himself. If you don’t borrow the stalls of these salt merchants, if you want to start this refined salt business, you don’t even think about it for a year or so .

This is also impossible.

Saying these things at the moment is nothing more than knocking on one or two things.

When it comes to doing business, the person he admires the most is Li Chengqian, no one can beat him.

"Shopkeeper Tang, tell me in detail, what should I do with this business?" Someone came interested.

They are all businessmen, and they are chasing fame and fortune. As long as they can make money, why not do it?
Tang Yueming smiled, took out a piece of paper from the armband, opened it, spread it flat on the table, and finally said: "Everyone, look for yourself, almost all the rules and regulations are on it."

When everyone heard the words, they immediately gathered together and looked at it seriously.

Now that you have thought about it, you can't be careless.

Tang Yueming didn't care and just watched quietly.

Among the crowd, several people frowned suddenly.

Although they are all salt merchants, their sources of supply are different.

Obviously, the source of supply for these people is the green salt from Tuyuhun, and the price of green salt has been suppressed and suppressed under the rules and regulations listed by Li Chengqian.

Although there are still profits in refined salt, if they lose the market for green salt, it will still be a big blow to them.

"Shopkeeper Tang, if this price is really followed, then the sale of green salt will be impossible." Someone raised it immediately.

Seeing this, Tang Yueming smiled and said: "Naturally, I don't know if you have heard that the Khan from Tuyuhun sent someone to assassinate His Highness a few days ago, you should understand what it means.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if you insist on selling green salt, but since you choose green salt, the refined salt business has nothing to do with you, so you should think about it yourself. "

Hearing Tang Yueming's words, everyone was stunned for a moment, and someone immediately said: "Is this Murong Fuyun brave enough to eat a bear's heart and a leopard? Dare to assassinate His Highness?

That being the case, it would make sense not to sell him green salt. "

How can a businessman have any thoughts of family and country? The reason why he said this is just for profit.

Besides, what he sells is not the green salt from Tuyuhun, so what kind of impact will it have on him if he says a few beautiful words now?
And those merchants who sold green salt were also taken aback when they heard this.

Only now did they understand why Li Chengqian wanted to target Qingyan from Tuyuhun. The reason was that Murong Fuyun sent someone to assassinate Li Chengqian. Now they had no choice but to choose between the two.

The plan Li Chengqian made at the beginning was not just to hit their business.

If you really want to say it, Li Chengqian is actually targeting Tuyuhun.

What is the most exported Tuyuhun?Isn't it green salt?

It is no exaggeration to say that nearly half of Tuyuhun's income now comes from Qingyan.

In the past, they still exported cattle and sheep, but after years of snowstorms, they didn't have enough to eat, and there were farts of cattle and sheep that could be exported. Now the majority of exports are green salt.

If Li Chengqian cut off their green salt business in Datang, Murong Fuyun would probably be furious.

"That's the thing." Tang Yueming said, "You have also seen that this refined salt business must be profitable, and it is because of His Highness's kindness. If His Highness didn't consider that it is not easy for you, if you really didn't say hello, Just release the refined salt, can you still do business?"

"That's true." Someone said, "But isn't the price set by His Highness too low? If the refined salt is at this price, the price of coarse salt will probably have to be reduced by another [-]%, otherwise no one will want this coarse salt. "

"Is this price unprofitable?" Tang Yueming asked curiously, "Everyone, take a long-term view. This is salt, not anything else. They say seven things to open the door, daily necessities of life.

If you sell refined salt all over the Tang Dynasty, how much profit will you make? Have you ever thought about it?

Stop staring at kosher salt all the time.

How big can you make coarse salt business?Besides you, how many salt merchants are there in the Tang Dynasty?
That is refined salt, for the time being just you guys, if you can seize the opportunity and sell it all over the Tang Dynasty, who is your opponent?

Think about it.

If you want, you can come to me before sunset tomorrow. "

After speaking, Tang Yueming got up and left.

He wants to give these people time to discuss.

After he left, several green salt dealers also got up and left.

They also need to go back and have a good discussion.

You must know that although they are salt merchants in Chang'an, it does not mean that they are Han Chinese.


On the other side, Li Shimin was discussing state affairs with Li Jing and others.

Ever since Li Er deliberately revealed that he was going to launch a military campaign against Goguryeo, many people have become more active recently.

Especially those military generals, all of them screamed.

For these people, war is not a bad thing.

As a general, what do you want if you don't want to be a marquis immediately?
Especially at the beginning of the founding of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin assembled a large number of people who were capable of recruiting and fighting.

These guys are not safe.

"Your Majesty, I heard that old Murong Fuyun actually sent someone to assassinate His Highness..." Yuchi Jingde said carelessly, "Is this old bastard getting impatient? Old Cheng really is, this old bastard dares to assassinate Your Highness, he didn't react at all, why don't we let Wei Chen and Lao Cheng switch?"

Hearing what he said, Li Eryi seemed to have just remembered this matter, and his face was not fluctuating, and he said casually: "Okay, don't make more trouble, it's not a big deal, if you get involved, You have to jump like a chicken and a dog."

Hearing Li Er's words, Yuchi Jingde understood in his heart, and immediately stopped talking.

He didn't really want to change positions with Cheng Yaojin, but wanted to hear Li Er's attitude. Obviously, Li Er's attitude made him realize something.

On the side, Xiao Yu said, "This minister has also heard about this matter. His Highness's handling is indeed beyond reproach, that is, he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and he did not let go of the chief culprit. It is already a wise king."

Hearing Xiao Yu's words, Li Er said with a smile: "Indeed, Gao Ming has grown up, and the things he does have become more and more blameless. Hey, after all, I will wait until I get old."

Li Er, who is in his 30s, feels old.

As a human being, Fang Xuanling immediately understood the deep meaning, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty is at its peak in spring and autumn, so why talk about old age? Besides, the Tang Dynasty is now in a state of prosperity, and His Majesty needs some advice day and night."

After speaking, he glared at Xiao Yu.

Xin said, is there a hole in your brain?

What did you say in front of your majesty that your majesty already has the style of a wise king?
That is to say, he knew Xiao Yu well. If Hou Junji were to say this, he would have doubted whether it was implying that Li Er learned from Li Yuan and created people in Tai'an Palace.

Royal family, even father and son, there are some things that cannot be touched.

This is the rule.

Wei Zheng stood up immediately, and said with a smile: "Mr. Fang's words are very good. Now the Tang Dynasty has come out of the quagmire of the former Sui Dynasty. The life of the common people is looking forward to it day by day. Seeing that the prosperous age is coming, it is gratifying. Congratulations."

They didn't care much about Li Chengqian's assassination.

Since Li Chengqian chose that path, he should have the awareness to face all this.

Has Li Shimin been assassinated?Or was Li Yuan never assassinated?

What is there to say.

On the contrary, as Li Er became more and more eager to send troops to Goguryeo, they all realized another problem.

That means Li Er's majesty is being challenged.

The point is, it was Li Chengqian who provoked Li Er's majesty, which made everyone a little helpless.

How should I say this?

It may not be appropriate to cover the master with high merit.

It should be said that Li Chengqian was in the limelight and stole the limelight that originally belonged to Li Er, which made Li Er feel a little frustrated.

Well, that's about it.

But they are also helpless, if Daming's master is not Li Chengqian, they can scold him to death, but it is precisely because Daming's master is Li Chengqian that they are a little bit wary.

Everyone including Li Chengqian believed that he was re-establishing a new country, but only they stubbornly believed that this was a new way or an attempt for Datang to find.

They are willing to look at it for a while, and continue to look at it.

Let's see if this method is more beneficial than harmful or harmful than beneficial to Datang.

From this point of view, these people really have no selfish intentions. Who dares to say that they are not exhausted enough?

Li Er naturally knew what these guys were thinking, but being compared to his own son made him a little embarrassed after all.

Still the same sentence, it is said that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and that is because the waves ahead are not you.

If Qianlang was you, who the hell would want to be pushed from behind?

"Okay, since Murong Fuyun has done such evil deeds, Datang should have an attitude." Li Er smiled and said, "Well, the Ministry of Rites, please ask him what Murong Fuyun is. Did you put me, Tang, in your eyes?"

Upon hearing what Li Er said, Li Xiaogong immediately stood up and responded.

However, Li Er's attitude is interesting.

Li Chengqian was assassinated, you just ask?
Is this a hint?
Murong Fuyun saw it, so he had no choice but to suspect that there was some conflict between the two of you, father and son, so now it's just a casual question.

"Your Majesty, isn't this a bit..." Xiao Yu was just about to speak, when Li Er waved his hand and said, "Okay, Gao Ming knows about this matter, I have to thank you, you don't understand, just follow me Just do what you say."

After saying this, Li Er waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's leave now."

He couldn't explain it clearly to these people, or rather, he couldn't explain it clearly either.

These guys had roughly the same idea as Murong Fuyun, they all felt that Li Chengqian was now accumulating chips for the throne, but only Li Er knew that Li Chengqian didn't think so.

He is not accumulating chips for the throne, he is really building his own empire.

Don't forget, the two of them are just one type of people.

When Li Er was building the Qin Palace, he was building today's court team.

But now, what Li Chengqian did was similar to what he did?

Only those who have the same plan for the world know that the so-called inherited throne is far less conquering than the empire created by themselves.

Back in the harem, Li Er saw the eldest grandson who rarely smiled, and his mood improved a lot. He asked, "What good happened to Guanyin maidservant today?"

"Gao Ming sent people back." Changsun smiled and introduced the general situation.

After listening to the specific situation introduced by the eldest grandson, Li Er nodded, and his guess became clearer in his heart.

However, he is destined to have no one to share these things, and he can only rot in his own stomach.

Who to tell?
Nobody can do it.

Because these are the emperor's thoughts.

I can only talk to Li Chengqian, but it's a pity that the heir of this empire is now working hard for his own empire.

Emperor, you are often alone.

That's true.

"With this refined salt business, the life of the nephew will be much easier." The eldest grandson said with a smile.

She doesn't really care if the business makes money or not, she just wants to tell Li Er in this way that even though your son is thousands of miles away, he still cares about us.

Li Er didn't understand her mind, but he couldn't tell her what kind of corpses and blood would be behind this refined salt business.

After hearing about this business, he almost saw the picture of Tuyuhun's blood flowing into a river.

It's just a small business deal, and what's hidden behind it is really frightening.

Of course, he didn't intend to remind Li Chengqian of anything.

Since you want to compete with your father, let's compete fairly.

You beat your Tuyuhun, and I beat my Goguryeo.

Thinking of this, he can't wait to inform the three armies now to send troops out of Goguryeo.

Things have developed to the present, and it is no longer just a battle between Tang and Goguryeo or Daming and Tuyuhun, it has developed into a contest between Li Er and Li Chengqian.

Of course, for the time being, maybe Li Er thinks so.

(End of this chapter)

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